My Best Friends Promise

By myfallingstars

64.5K 1.6K 567

An Alex Morgan and Tobin Heath friendship fanfic. More

Chapter One| The New Girl
Chapter Two| A Friendship is Born
Chapter Three| It's My Fight
Chapter Four| You're Not Fine
Chapter Five | You're Safe Now
Chapter Six| Come Home
Chapter Seven| It's Been So Long
Chapter Eight| Into The Future
Chapter Ten| Missing You
Chapter Eleven| Broken Promises
Chapter Twelve | I Won't Let Go
Chapter Thirteen | Reuniting
Chapter Fourteen | When Can I See Her
Chapter Fifteen | Recovering
Chapter Sixteen | New Promises
Chapter Seventeen | Together Again
Chapter Eighteen | You Can't Go
Chapter Nineteen | Jersey Girls
Chapter Twenty | Not Without You
Chapter Twenty One | USWNT
Chapter Twenty Two | First Game
Chapter Twenty Three | Alex Morgan
Chapter Twenty Four | Love Never Dies
Chapter Twenty Five | Sickness and In Health
Chapter Twenty Six | PART II Sickness and In Health
Chapter Twenty Seven | Stay With Me
Chapter Twenty Eight | Sacrifice
Chapter Twenty Nine | Don't Ever Forget Me
Chapter Thirty | Remembering You

Chapter Nine| Not A Goodbye

1.9K 49 20
By myfallingstars

Time skip after summer


I set my phone down, after scrolling through my Twitter. I rub the sleep from my eyes and I look at Alex who is still sound asleep next to me. I look down at the floor and I find Lauren and Amy stretched out on the floor, and I can't help but laugh at the sight of my friends. I shake my head as I chuckle to myself as I quietly climb out of bed and walk into the bathroom.

I take a nice, long shower. Making sure that I look presentable. Right now, I'm trying not to think about what the next couple hours will look like. But I already know that they will be the hardest couple hours in my life. I am leaving for North Carolina to fulfill my dreams. I just don't want to leave, not now. And to be honest, I don't ever want to leave New Jersey. But I know I have too, it's my future and these are my dreams that I choose to follow. I want to make it to the National Team with my best friends, and if this is the first couple steps to accomplish that goal. Then there's no way I'm turning this down.

I put on my favorite Nike sweatpants, that are super comfortable, and I grab one of Alex's high school warm up jackets and I put it on. The flight from New Jersey to North Carolina is about three to four hours, so I decided to wear comfy clothes.

As I finally look at myself in the mirror one last time, I walk out and head back into my room, I find Lauren still asleep but Amy and Alex are up on their phones. I walk across my room until I hear someone yell "Ow."

"Tobin what the hell?" Lauren says as she sits up from where she was laying and rubs her eyes.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"You literally just stepped on me." Lauren mumbles. "What, did you forget your glasses?"

"Sorry Cheney it happens and I forgot to put my contacts in." I say with a smirk as she slaps me on the shoulder and I pretend to wince in pain. She rolls her eyes at me as she gets up and heads to the bathroom. I finally join Amy and Alex who are sitting on my bed, on their phones. "Well good morning to you too." I say as I roll my eyes towards them.

Alex looks at me and gives me a slight smile. "Do you have to go Toby?" Alex asks as she lays her head against my shoulder.

"You know I have too, it's been my dream and you know that." I say as I run my hand through my hair. "Besides, you have your own dreams to fulfill."

"I know, I'm just really going to miss you." Alex says back, as she begins to braid my hair.

"I'm going to miss you too." Amy says as she throws a pillow at me.

A few minutes later, Lauren comes into my room all showered and dress. Then, Alex uses the bathroom and finally Amy. We all go downstairs into my kitchen where my mom already has breakfast on the table. The four of us take our seats and begin to eat. This has been a daily routine for this whole week. We spent our last week, together and the more time we spend together, the more I'm really going to miss them. Lauren, Amy and I are already going to our colleges, and we have to leave Alex behind because her college starts in two weeks.

After breakfast, which was filled with plenty of conversation. For the last time we all go up to the hill that is technically claimed by the four of us. We sit on the top, our backs against the grass and our eyes just wander the sky. "This has been the best summer I could have ever asked for." I say as I break the silence.

"Correction, best year." Lauren says back.

"What am I going to do when you're all in college and I'm here alone?" Alex asks.

"I mean, you'll be in college in two weeks, so it shouldn't be to bad. We just get a head start." I say, as I close my eyes. "Besides, we'll call each other and maybe even Skype."

"And we'll visit each other when we're all on break." Amy says as she sits up, and we all follow.

"Well, it's time." I say as we all make our way down the hill and back to my house. Lauren, Amy, and I go up to my room and bring all of our luggages down and place them inside my dads car.

"Did we forget anything?" Lauren asks, as she looks into the trunk.

"I think we're good." I say with a smile. We all hop inside my dads car and he drives us to the airport. The car ride was silent, dead silent. We all dreaded the next couple hours of saying good bye.

We finally arrive at the airport, and we grab our tickets, go through security, and sit in the waiting area. Only small conversation was created, because there isn't much to say when you're saying good bye.

"Next flight to California is ready for boarding." A voice says through the intercom. Tears form in my eyes as I watch as Lauren and Amy gather their things. I get up and walk over to Amy and I give her a hug. "I didn't think this would be so hard." I say into Amy's shoulder.

"You better stay strong kid. I know you'll be fine." Amy says as she squeezes me tighter.

"I'll see you soon Arod." I say, as I finally pull away and I already regret that. Then I walk over to Lauren and she pulls me in such a tight hug.

"Tobin..." Lauren says as she rubs circles across my back. "I'm going to miss you so much."

Tears fall down my cheeks, as I couldn't hold it in any longer. "I just wanted to say, thank you for everything you've ever done for me... I -"

"Stop. This isn't the last time we'll see each other and I can promise you that. And whatever you're going to say, I have absolutely no regrets when it comes to our friendship. I made the decision to become your friend, and to stand by you and that was the best decision I've ever made in my life." Lauren says as she pulls away and looks me directly in the eyes.

"I love you Lauren." I say as I pull her in for one last hug.

"Love you Tobs, see you soon okay?" Lauren says as she squeezes me even tighter then before.



I pull Amy into a hug, knowing how much I'm going to miss her and her random side comments. Amy is the type of friend everyone would be so lucky to have. And I was very fortunate to have met her. "Just be yourself out there, because anyone would be lucky to have you." I say to Amy as she lets out a laugh.

"Being myself is really the only option, Alex." Amy says with a laugh.

"I'm going to miss you Amy. I know you'll do great things in college." I say, as I finally pull away from our hug.

"You'll do great things yourself." Amy says, as she pushes away the hair from my face.

"Now go before I start crying. You have a flight to catch." I say with a slight smile.

"I'll see you soon Alex." Amy says.

Then I finally turn to Lauren and she pulls me in for a hug. We stay silent for a few minuets until she finally pulls away. Tears fill my eyes and I try fighting them back, but they just let go. "I'll see you soon right?" I ask.

"Definitely, I want you to take care of yourself. Okay Alex?" The older girl says, and I just nod my head yes. Finally the four of us pull each other into one last group hug. Tears filling all of our eyes. Then Lauren and Amy begin to walk away to board their flight. As they go up the escalator Tobin and I give them both one last wave of goodbye. Lauren and Amy wave back as they both smile at us, until we can no longer see them. Then it's just Tobin and her family, and me.

The silence in the air was really uneasy. Saying goodbye to Tobin will be just as hard as saying goodbye to Lauren and Amy. We didn't say a word to each other, only because we were saving for whatever we have to say to each other. Every couple minutes I would make eye contact with her, and she would just smile back at me. Her, wide and goofy grin. God I'll miss so much.

"Next flight to North Carolina is ready for boarding." The intercom says and I already feel myself get weak. The words that I dreaded to hear, fill my ears. I slowly turn my head towards Tobin and I already find her looking at me. We both get up and I jump into her arms, wrapping my legs around her waist. We both silently cry, and I can feel her hands start to shake. Finally she lets go of me and I grab her hands in mine and I squeeze them, so they'll stop shaking.

"Lex." Tobin says as she finally looks me in the eyes were her dark chocolate ones. "You are the best friend I've always wanted, the friend I've always dreamed of. You're amazing, you treated me better then I deserved and I can't ever thank you for what you've done for me, for the past seven months we've known each other." Tobin says.

"Tobin, I didn't mind getting to know you. In fact, I'm forever grateful that I was given the opportunity to get to know and meet such an amazing girl. You're so incredibly strong Tobin and I guess that's one of the reason why I love you. You're my best friend Tobin and that will always be the beginning and end to everything. And I don't want that to change, not now not ever." I say back, as a tear rolls down Tobin's cheek but I quickly wipe them away. "I don't ever want to say goodbye to you Toby."

"Alex, this isn't a goodbye it's more of a see you later kind of thing." Tobin says back with a slight smile.

"Well, see you laters are just as hard as goodbyes." I say with a slight smile. "You have a flight to catch Tobs."

"Thanks for reminding me." Tobin says with a small laugh. I gently grab her head with my hands and kiss the top of her forehead and I feel her arms wrap around me.

"You're actually really small Toby." I say with a laugh. Tobin just shakes her head and laughs along with me.

"I guess this is a see you later." Tobin says as she grabs her luggage and pulls them in front of her.

"I'll miss you so much." I say, as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"I'll miss you to Lex." Tobin says as she pulls me in for one last final hug. She goes over to her parents and she says her goodbyes. Her parents both have tears in their eyes, but I just smile at them. Finally Tobin turns to walk away and before she steps on the escalator she looks at me. I wave at her and give her a smile. Then as she disappears tears stream down my cheeks.

"Let's bring you home." Tobin's mom says as she pulls me in for a hug and we slowly walk over to the exit. Then I realized something. I stop walking. "What's wrong?" Tobin's mom asks me.

"I... I'll be right back." I say as I run back into the airport. I run faster then I did the night before Tobin almost killed herself. I run up the stairs, and I run through the many crowds of people. I bump into them, quickly muttering sorry. I run to gate three, the gate where Tobin is suppose to go. I look around searching for her. But I can't find her. A new set of tears form in my eyes as I turn around in circles looking for Tobin. Finally I spot her, handing her ticket to one of the workers. "Tobin!"



As I hand my ticket to the lady, I hear the familiar raspy voice that only belongs to one person. I mean who else has such a raspy voice, other than Alex Morgan. I turn around and I finder her staring at me and she runs over to me and jumps on top of me, basically almost making me fall. "Alex, what's wrong!" I say as I let her go.

"I... I wanted you to have this." Alex says as she begins to take off her jacket. Her favorite jacket that she always wore. It had her name embroidered on the top left corner in the front. She hands it to me, but I don't take it.

"Why? It's yours." I say as I stare into her blue ocean eyes. "I know how much you love this jacket. You almost started crying when you thought you lost it." I smile at the memory.

"Well, I want you to have it." Alex says back with a slight laugh.

"So you ran all the way here, just to give this to me?" I say with a small laugh.

"Yeah..." Alex says back. "And I wanted you to know that you are my best friend and that I love you."

I feel tears form in my eyes but I don't let them fall. I grab the jacket from her hands and I pull her in for one last hug. "I love you too." I say. Finally I pull away, even though I didn't want to. "I'll see you soon." I say with a smile as I finally turn to board the plane. I take one last look at Alex and her eyes are filled with tears but she smiles back at me. And it's right now that I realized how dedicated she is. It's right now that I realized how much I love having her as my best friend, how much I love having her by my side.

I find my seat on the plane, and thank god I have a window seat. I immediately pull out my headphones and I put on some music and I close my eyes. Then I hear my phone buzz.

A: Call me when you land!

I smile at the text message, and I put my phone on airplane mode and I close my eyes.



I slowly walk back to the exit, where I left Tobin's parents. I quickly spot them sitting at one of the benches. They both get up when they see me, and they just smile at me. I follow them to their car and the car ride was just so awkward. It was different without Lauren, Amy and Tobin. But I knew this would happen eventually but I didn't know that it would be so hard. I know it's not a goodbye, because I know that we'll see each other soon.

When we finally return back to our neighborhood. I go inside their house and grab my things from Tobin's room. I look around and tears form in my eyes. Just a few hours ago we were all here in this room, now it's just me. But I smile at the memories we all made here. I grab my bag and walk down stairs. I say bye to Tobin's parents and both of them give me a hug.

I walk back home, alone in silence. There's not much to look forward too now that everyone went to college. I'll be in college in a couple weeks though, but as of right now. I'm going to have to keep myself busy. Find something to do, but then I realized what is there to do? I basically spent almost everyday with Lauren, Amy and Tobin.

I throw my bags inside my house and I close the door and hop into my car. I drive to downtown and I remember when Tobin first took me here. We almost got killed by Melissa. I shake my head at the memory and for some odd reason I smile. Even the most dangerous and scariest events, there's always going to be something about it that we have to hold on to.

I go to the ice cream shop we always go to, and I buy myself one. I sit at a table in the back alone, and I silently eat my ice cream, already missing my friends.

"Excuse me? Is this seat taken?" I hear a deep voice say. I look up, not realizing that I was zoned out. I stare at this guy who stands in front of me. One of the most handsome guys I've ever seen stands before me and I am just so lost for words.

"Um, no." I stutter out as I smile at him.

"Cool." The guy says as he takes the seat across from me. "Are you new here? I've never seen you before." The guy says.

"No, I'm not really new here anymore." I answer back shyly.

"Oh. What school did you go to?" He asks me.

"Basking ridge." I answer back. "I moved here towards the beginning of the school year."

"That's probably why I've never seen you before. My apologies, I'm Servando. You can call me Serv." The guy says as he extends his hand out for me to shake. I kindly take it and he has such a nice solid grip that for some reason makes me smile.

"I'm Alexandra Morgan, but you can call me Alex." I say with a smile.

"So, Alex. Are you a graduate?" He asks me.

"Uh, yes I am." I answer back.

"Going to college?" Sev asks.

"Yes, I am." I answer back.

"May I ask what college?" Serv says.

"University of California Berkeley." I say with a smile. His eyes widen and a smile forms on his face.

"Me too." Serv says with a smirk.

"You're kidding!" I say, very much surprised.

"Yep, leaving in two weeks I think?" Serv says. And I smirk at him.

"Sounds about right." I say with a laugh.

"May I take you out on a date tomorrow?" Serv asks me.

I don't hesitate to answer his question. "You may." I say.

"Here's my number." He says, as he writes his number on a napkin and hands it to me.

"I'll text you." I say and I blush as he winks at me.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Serv says as he gets up and leaves.

I sit in my chair absolutely star struck. Once Serv leaves, I run to my car and drive home. I take a quick shower and crash onto my bed, immediately taking out my phone to text Serv.

A: So what do you have planned for tomorrow?
S: That's a surprise you'll have to find out ;)
A: Look whose already trying to be so romantic ;)
S: Anything for a beautiful girl like you.
I blush as I read this and I feel myself smiling like an idiot.
A: You're not bad yourself ;)
S: Tomorrow at 12 how does that sound?
A: Sounds like a lot of fun :D
S: Sleep beautifully and I'll see you tomorrow ;)

I smile at myself as I put my phone away. I lay in bed, dreaming of his gorgeous face. Not once did Tobin and anyone else cross my mind.



Sorry it took so long to update. My school starts tomorrow, so it might take a while for me to write a chapter so bear with me!

Thanks for reading, and the next chapter will be out soon!

Dont forget to vote and comments are greatly appreciated :)

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