Change Is Yesterday.

By horriblekid143

31.2K 279 101

There's a long history between Connie and Alex. They met when Alex lived in Essex before he 'took a fated tri... More

Chapter 1: Not Again
Chapter 2 (Part A): Run Baby Run, Don't Ever Look Back.
Chapter 3: Past Becomes Future.
Chapter 4: No Escape.
Chapter 5: The Secret Life.
Chapter 6: Hopes.
Chapter 7: Trapped In-between.
Chapter 8: No Idea.
Chapter 9: Irony's A Bitch.
Chapter 10: Where Do You Go When You've Reached Your Limit?
Chapter 11: Stay Close Don't Go.
Chapter 12: Never Stood A Chance Out There.
Chapter 13: Why Don't You Say So?
Chapter 14: Girls Make Boys Cry.
Chapter 15: Please Take Me Anywhere But Here.
Chapter 16: You've Made Your Bed, Sleep Tight My Love.
Chapter 17: She's So Close But She's So Far Away.
Chapter 18: Tearing At the Seams.
Chapter 19: Eat Your Heart Out.
Chapter 20: You're Worth Fighting For.
Chapter 21: We Could Run Away From Here.
Chapter 22: Catch My Breath.
Chapter 23: We Should Know Better, But We Won't Let Go.
Chapter 24: Love Is Just A Chemical Creation.
Chapter 25: Who Could Deny These Butterflies?
Chapter 26: If You're Afraid I'm Just A Kiss Away.
Chapter 27: He's Determined To Call Her Bluff.
Chapter 28: But Where's Your Heart?
Chapter 29 (Part One): Ready For Forever.
Chapter 29 (Part Two). THE END.

Chapter 2 (Part B)

1.1K 18 3
By horriblekid143



I just stared at the place she had been standing. I was stuck to the floor. I wanted to run after her, yet I wanted her to be happy and I knew I wasn't the right guy to do that... The little rat she'd been dragging round with her all night just stood there, looking at me with a bemused expression on his face.

"You can run along now, child." I walked away from him, I wasn't going to explain what had just happened to some kid. Especially when I didn't know myself...

As I was walking to the door, I noticed a bunch of people coming towards me, I couldn't see their faces properly, so I walked over to meet them.

"Erm, hi?" They just stared at me and then at each other. I'd never seen these girls before, what did they want? If they were fans, I really didn't have time, I had busy schedule, my pillow was waiting for me to cry into it. As much as I loved my fans, they had awful timing right now.

But before I could say anything, the smallest girl of the five stepped forward, "Hey Lex. Can I just say, what exactly are you playing at? Why do you keep breaking her heart Alex?" 

It was Cassadee, Rian's girlfriend. I could see her properly now.

"How do you know... What? Cass what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on tour right now?"

"We're scheduled a break, plus Connie called me, so I here I am." Connie called her? Why? I knew they'd been pretty good friends for a while now but, it still didn't make sense that Cass would come over to the UK, all the way from America just to see Connie..

She guessed by the confusion blatantly plastered across my face that I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Oh my God. It's worse than I thought. I just assumed Con was over-exaggerating, but she was right, you have absolutely no idea." She turned to whisper to her blond friend and she tutted at me. Wait, what? Who was this chick and what gave her the right to judge me so fast? 

I decided to play along, "no idea about what?" Cassadee's head snapped back up with a torn expression on her face. 

"She didn't want me to tell you this but... Well... She still loves you Lex. You're just too much of a blithering idiot to realise it." 

I just stared wide-eyed at her. I must have been frozen in shock for a while because my jaw started to ache. She loved me? I thought she was over me...

"I know what you're thinking Lexi. She never got over you. How could she when she never wanted to split in the first place? You split because of your own selfish reasons Alex, you know that."

Flashbacks of  times she'd told me to leave her alone and get out of her life, when all she'd ever wanted me to do was to tell her I loved her too. I had got this completely wrong. How could have screwed things up so badly? The argument we'd had before, just about crushed me, without even realising how she felt. How could I be so blind? 

I'd split up with her for reasons I thought were valid. I wanted her to have a life, I wanted her to meet new people, have new experiences. It felt like she was always tied to me and I was holding her back. I thought I was setting her free. But all I'd done was broken her heart and taken the life she wanted away from her. I had to fix this.

At that thought I turned abruptly on my heel and rushed for the exit, my phone already to my ear. Straight to answerphone. Of course it did. Now I couldn't even talk to her and apologise or...

Then my phone lit up and buzzed in my hand, my heart skipped several beats.

But I wasn't her, it was Josh. Was she at home? I picked it up before I let my thoughts carry me away again.

"Josh? Is she with you? Is she there? Where is-

"Dude, chill out! I was going to ask you the same thing. What have you done this time?"

I couldn't speak. Where was she? In this state. I had to find her. I started planning places to look in my head...

"Alex! I asked you a question. What the fuck have you done to her this time?!"

I'd forgotten I was still on the phone. Obviously Josh was getting mad at me, I don't blame him one bit either. I'd want to protect a beautiful and lovely girl from a selfish monster like me.

"Josh, erm... I don't know what to say... I'll come round." I might as well. I didn't know what else to do, and Josh might have clues as to where she might have gone..

I would find her and I would make this right. She meant too much to just let go. I now realised that she had been trying to get that through to me all this time. She hadn't stopped caring about me, I knew that now; and that's what urged me on. She gave me my strength. She always had done.

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