6463 l.h

By Pocahontasmind

567K 18K 15.1K

"So you're the lucky girl who landed on the 6463 locker" Michael says with a naughty smile "That's the most d... More

z e r o
o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
t e n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
f i f t e e n
s i x t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
n i n e t e e n
t w e n t y
t w e n t y - o n e
t w e n t y - t w o
t w e n t y - t h r e e
t w e n t y - f o u r
t w e n t y - f i v e
t w e n t y - s i x
t w e n t y - s e v e n
t w e n t y - e i g h t
t w e n t y - n i n e
Don't fall in love with me
t h i r t y
Please write my obituary
t h i r t y - o n e
t h i r t y - t w o
t h i r t y - t h r e e
Q & A
q&a ~answers~
t h i r t y - f o u r

n i n e

16.2K 530 306
By Pocahontasmind

"Hey, meet me at the library on lunch okay?" Luke stops by my locker very quickly before continuing his way to class. I just nod and walk to Math class.

It has been a week since we slept together. Things couldn't be better, honestly. We keep teasing each other but we're hanging out more. I'm starting to understanding how he's playing: crawling under my skin. So far my tactics have been working, I'm controlling my nerves to be less annoying and he has been spending his afternoons with me, every day.

I know its working on him because every now and then I catch him staring me, or resting his hand on my thigh without even noticing when we're driving around town. Yesterday he came over and I told him it was bad timing because I was going out to pick up Zoe from ballet class and he said we could go together, she smiled to hard when she saw him next to me by the door. She hugged I'm tightly and kissed his cheek saying he's the best boyfriend I have gotten ever, I coughed changing the subject by offering to get ice cream.

He's very clever, I know that by now. He's working his way into my heart by being nice to my family thats the most obvious thing to do since I'm new in town and have no friends that can help him out when it comes to me. We both know that Gammy would serve me to him in a silver platter and Zoe is down for anything that this fuckboy says, I mean who wouldn't. With those bright baby blue eyes, his perfect mouth and the most bright smile I've ever seen, his raspy voice and even his glimpses of awkwardness.

I spend the entire class listening to Michael nagging about how mad he is because I forgot to make our homework but I manage to zone out to think about Luke. I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve whenever I'm around him, sometimes I swear to God he's being for real. Sometimes when we kiss I can feel him touching me softly like I'm too precious, most of times when we're lying down he just rubs my skin to make me feel cozy, whenever he comes over he has this glow in his eyes when I open the door like he's happy to see me.

But I know it's all an act. I know he's doing it on purpose. It's like Kira said, he'd do everything to win. Because thats his nature, being a player.

The class ends soon and I meet Luke just like he wanted me to. I get into the library and see him leaning against the wall scrolling through his phone.

"Hey" I smile, poking his cheek

He looks up and gives me an honest smile, bringing me closer to him and pecking my lips. His lanky fingers trail to my shoulder where he lowers my shirt and take a view of my bruised skin

"Good to see you're still marked" he smirks "Let'em see you're taken"

"Am I?" I bat my lashes knowing it drives him crazy

"According to Zozo I'm your best boyfriend" he smiles "Ever" he twitches his face emphasizing his meaning

"Do you know what she told me this morning?" I rest my hands on his chest as he keeps me closer, nodding "She said you should come more often dressed in a hot dog suit because she loves hot dogs and you're cute" I smile silly remembering how happy Zoe was this morning, like the whole ballet drama from last weekend never happened.

That's why I love her so much. She can never hold a grudge on you, even if you fucked up real bad. In a week or days later she's all good, loving you the same way like anything happened. Maybe if I was more like her I would have a better relationship with my parents.

"She is the best" he giggles, making the butterflies in my stomach flutter "Its almost time, lets go" he takes my hand and I frown my brows

"Where exactly?" I keep following him with our fingers tangled

"You'll see" he smiles and drags me to the auditorium

We hide behind a wall and wait until two tec guys leave the place, Luke rushes in before the door is closed and nods so I walk in

"What the heck?" I say

"Everyday they finish things and close the auditorium, no one comes here" Luke smiles turning some lights on and then off, deciding it's better a little bit darker "Come here" he waves his hand and I walk down the carpet uneven floor to where he was by the light switches

He takes my hand and we walk to the middle of the auditorium where he leans to reach something under one of the chairs, he smiles when he finds it and brings it up revealing a bottle of tequila

"There's a crack on the floor, Calum and I stash drinks and weed here" he smiles walking to the stage, sitting at the edge and I join him.

He opens the bottle and drinks straight from its neck then hands me and I do the same. He lazily puts his hand on my thigh

"This is my favorite place to think" he says "Its dark and silent" he smiles, rubbing circles on my leg "Sometimes I close my eyes and just breathe here, like I have room to do it and no one will judge my decisions"

"Why would they?" I ask, taking another sip of the tequila

"Mum wants me to study very hard to get into a great college but I just want to play music" he looks down his lap

"I didn't know you played any instrument"

"I play the guitar and a bit of piano" he smiles timidly "Mum thinks I'll waste my time with music, that it will lead me nowhere"

"But do you love it?" I ask, arching a brow

"Yes" he replies in a heartbeat "It just feels right, you know" he bites his lower lip

"Then don't overthink, just do it" I say simply, handing him the bottle "Don't forget about your dreams because others aren't dreaming the same" I stand up and walk around the big wooden stage

"She said the same thing" he says under his breath, probably thinking I couldn't hear. Is he talking about Ashley? I let it go and spin around with my eyes closed

"Just picture yourself performing in a stage like this, probably bigger" I say, taking his attention he stands up and stays next to me, with his shoulder against mine "The venue would be crowded" I wave my hand pointing to the sea of empty chairs "People screaming around in excitement eager to listen to your music" I wrap my arm around his waist "Anxious for you to pour your heart and soul over them, touching them with your art" I say looking to the dark ahead of us but I feel his eyes on me

He smiles and I glance to see him. His eyes are glowing. This is real.

"Girls screaming your name, throwing their bras onstage" I chuckle at the thought "but your heart is set on giving the best performance" I glance to him again

"I wouldn't mind the bras" he says smiling

"Why do you love it so much?" I ask, leaning my head against his shoulder as he wraps an arm around my waist

"I believe music heels" he says with a goofy smile "I believe music can touch people like talking or just loving can't, that's what I wanted to do since ever and forever" he brings myself closer, as to believe I was still there "I love it because whenever I'm listening to my favorite band the world is a better place, I'm not worrying or being hurt"

"Why would you be hurt?" I ask, afraid of the answer. We're heading to a deep conversation and I'm loving it. To get to know him, not only his cocky side

"Because no one sees whats behind my smirk" he looks down simply

We stay in silence just taking in the words that were said. He says we better head back and jumps off the wooden stage and helps me too. We walk arm on arm back to class but no words were exchanged.

I can't tell if he was being truthful about it or its just another tactic of our little game. It felt real. I could hear the pain in his voice, like not being noticed for who he really is instead of this mask he puts on everyday is really taking him down.

He pecks my lips before heading to his next class. I just watch him walk down the hallway. Maybe he's in pain like he said. Maybe the fuckboy is hurt.

I think I misread him.

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