Evil Dead

By incrediblefantasies

23.5K 319 68

Five friends are staying in a remote cabin where they discover a Book of the Dead and unwittingly summon up d... More

Chapter 1 - The Begininng
Chapter 2 - Promise Me
Chapter 3 - Bye Bye Drugs
Chapter 4 - The Cabin
Chapter 5 - Photo Albums
Chapter 6 - Baby, Little Baby
Chapter 7 - The Talk
Chapter 8 - Discovering The Cellar
Chapter 9 - You Shouldn't Have Touched Anything
Chapter 10 - Don't Say It
Chapter 11 - Not Over Yet
Chapter 12 - Where Are You?
Chapter 13 - There Was Something In The Woods
Chapter 14 - Mia?
Chapter 15 - Impossibilities
Chapter 17 - She Tried To Kill Me
Chapter 18 - Unleashed
Chapter 19 - Come Down Here
Chapter 19 - Hell
Chapter 20 - Blackout
Chapter 21 - Ruined
Chapter 22 - The Devil's Bitch

Chapter 16 - Losing It

707 9 0
By incrediblefantasies


Night has fallen on the forest; rain barrels down.

Olivia emerges from the hallway. Her confidence in her nursing skills has finally begun to waver.

"I injected her with a high dose of, um, Thorazine, so she's going to be out for a couple of hours. But her burns are serious. Like, second, third degree. And I only did one rotation in a burn unit and it was a long time ago, Okay?"

Eric, is frozen and standing against the wall.

David walks in circles. "This is all my fault."

Natalie fights with her cell phone. No signal.

"Nobody could have known that she would do something so fucked up." She says, trying to make David feel better.

Natalie finally loses her cool. "YOU should have known! You're the only who claimed to know everything. We've been listening to you this entire time and look what's happened!"

Olivia looks down, she's out of explanations.

David raises his hand. "Please! Let's not lose our heads here. If we're lucky, it'll stop raining soon and we can cross the creek in the morning and take her to a real hospital full of judgemental strangers." He faces Olivia. "Who actually know what they're doing. Everything going to be okay."

"What the hell?!" Eric shouts.

David turns to him angrily. Eric points to the hallway, terrified.

"Oh my god!" Natalie covers her mouth.

They all look towards the hallway. Someone is watching them.


She's standing still in the dark, almost totally naked. Her body is covered in repulsive blisters and burns.

The SHOTGUN is in her right hand.

"Mia?" Natalie waits for a response.

David spins around. Mia slowly raises the gun.

David slowly raises his hand. "Put that gun down."

She aims the barrel right at her brother's chest.

"Put that fucking gun down!"


It grazes David's arm and destroys the window right behind him. Mia drops the gun. It crashes to the floor.

That's when the inexplicable occurs--

Mia emits a LONG, HORRIBLE SHOUT as all of the windows in the room burst open, letting in the brutal force of the wind.

Mia tenses her entire body up, her fingers twisting and contorting into painful positions. As she writhes, blister on her arm pop.

Her eyes suddenly fill with blood. She screams with all her might, practically shredding her vocal chords in the process.


The strange words appear to impact Eric more than anything else. As she finishes saying them, Mia falls to the floor, totally lifeless.

The wind SUDDENLY STOPS. Everyone clusters in the middle of the room, terrifying silent.

David applies pressure to his bleeding arm. "Olivia, quick, the gun!"

Shaken, she reaches for it. She nearly has it when Mia's hand reaches out and GRABS HER WRIST. Olivia looks up to find Mia's unnatural bloodshot eyes and twisted smile.

She jumps on top of Olivia, pushing her to the ground.

Mia immediately VOMITS a mixture of food, blood, and bile in her face, Olivia choking on it desperately.

Terrified, she rolls over, which causes Mia to fall off of her and tumble down the ladder to the cellar. 

"NAAAAA!!" Mia screams on the way down.

Eric stumbles over and gets close to the trapdoor, his ear bleeding, his eardrum destroyed.

Mia crawls up the stairs as quickly as she can. Her eyes are COMPLETELY BLACK.



Mia pounds on the door, furious.

Olivia is curled up in a corner of the room, bathed in vomit, slowly shaking her head back and forth. "She's totally psychotic.."

Natalie's shaking. "For God's sake, what happened to her eyes?"

The pounding is so strong that Eric, even with all his weight over the trap door, can barely hold it closed.

Suddenly, the pounding stops. All of them wait in unsettled silence until...

BMMM! BMMM! BMMM! A new kind of sound emerges. Mia seems to be violently pounding something else down in the basement.

"What is she doing?" Natalie looks at David.

"She's flinging herself against something." Olivia speaks to everyone in the room.

The pounding sound continues.

"This is impossible." Eric whispers loudly to himself.

Olivia desperately shakes her head. "I just gave her enough Thorazine to put a horse to sleep!"

"So give her another shot!" David suggested.

"Another dose could send her into a coma!"

BMM! BMM! BMM! The sound gets louder and louder.


Olivia is paralyzed with fear.

"Go get a shot." David demanded.

She doesn't move.

"GET THE SHOT!" David demanded louder.

"Fuck!" She gets up and runs toward the hallway.

Eric quickly locker the trapdoor with a rusted bolt.

Natalie inspects David's arm. The gunshot that grazed it left an enormous wound in its path.

"I have to get the shrapnel out of here." David says, checking his arm out.

"I have tweezers in my purse. I'll be right back." Natalie runs for her purse. The pounding down in the basement continues.

Eric's still down on his kneews on top of the trapdoor. "David. Listen to me. I don't think a tranquilizer's gonna do shit.. 'Cause I don't think we're dealing with a FREAKING panic attack here! I know this is gonna sound pretty damn crazy, okay? But I'm scared that what's happening to Mia may have something to do with that fucking witchcraft in the basement.."

David looks at him as he squeezes his injured arm. "Eric, come on, man. You're losing it."

"Oh man.. I really hope you're right." He murmurs.

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