The Other Side // Z.M.

By AllCanChange

590 16 0

"How are you feeling today, Alexis ?" "Better." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 40

2 0 0
By AllCanChange

First day back at school. Damn, I hadn't been in a class for ages, it was stressing me out. I was stressed enough to be awake at five in the fucking morning, unable to fall back asleep. So I might as well just get ready. I took a long and hot shower in the basement's bathroom, but even after that, I had so much time left. So I did something I was almost never doing : my hair. Like, the whole package : Brushing, drying and even straightening. I struggled a bit with that part, it wasn't something I was used to do. After that, I went back into my room and went through my stuff to find something nice to wear. I ended up with some black skinny jeans and a plain white shirt. I would usually be good with only that, but I was bored, so I just... Tried something. My combat boots and a red scarf Louis gave me a few years ago. When I was done, I went back in the bathroom to see how it looked. Well, actually, it wasn't so bad. Not really me, but definitely nice.

New town, new style, new life, right ?

It was seven when I finally heard some footsteps over my head. That's only when I went upstairs, taking my bag and dropping it near the front door. Waliyha was the one in the kitchen and she still looked tired as she was putting some cereals in a bowl.

"Oh my, you're too awake for me." She told me and I simply laughed. No need to tell her that I had been wide awake for two hours already. She grabbed her bowl and went into the living room. Seconds later, I heard the sound of SpongeBob coming from the TV.

I was making myself some eggs when I felt a pair of arms wrapping themselves around my waist. I smiled and felt his lips on my cheek, then his nose softly sliding down my neck. I shivered as he gently kissed my skin once again. "Good morning..." Zayn whispered in my ear and I backed up a bit, just so my ass was at the very perfect spot. "Bad girl..." he giggled before leaving me alone.

We both ate standing in the kitchen, looking at each other with a teasing smile. When we were both done, we still had almost half an hour before needing to leave. And I just couldn't help myself. I grabbed his hand and dragged him toward the first floor bathroom, locking the door behind us. He knew exactly what I had in mind, as soon as we were locked in, he grabbed my thighs and lifted me on the counter. Our lips met, it was savage, burning passion. Our sensible areas were so close to each other's, exciting us. I didn't even undressed him, I just zipped down his jeans and slide my hand in his boxer. I had my fingers around his length, moving up and down in a teasing cadence. He moaned and I couldn't helped but smiled against his lips.

It didn't took long before I threw him over the edge and he was panting as he kissed me one last time. "I'm going to make this up to you, don't worry babe..."

"I surely hope so." I teased him and he laughed.

Few seconds later, we heard someone knocking on the bathroom's door. "Hurry up with your sex time, lover birds, or you're going to be late !"

Oh well.


Finally, we weren't late at all. Waliyha was just messing with us. We entered the school the same moment the buses threw their students out. It felt weird to actually 'be' in school, not just crashing it to see Louis. But Zayn was holding my hand and this felt great.

As we passed my cousin, he held me closer to him. I knew that somehow it was still hurting him. That their break-up was still in his mind. I tried not to don't care, but it was hard, sometimes.

My locker was right next to Zayn's, at the end of an abandoned alley. Which was quite great. We would be alone in our little world and that was enough to please me.

I put some things in my locker, keeping in my bag only what I would need for my first class. Which wouldn't be with Zayn, since my record was good enough so I would be with kids my age. I had no clue I was brilliant enough for that. Luckily for us, our rooms for first period were side to side. I wanted to have him next to me for as long as possible, he was easing my nerves. We stopped in front of my door and I looked up to his eyes.

"You're going to be alright ?" he asked me, grabbing my chin between two of his fingers.

"I'm going to be fucking alright, Zayn. Okay ? Stop worrying about me." I said in a soft tone and he agreed before quickly kissing my lips. Then I took a deep breath and stepped inside the room.

Students were looking at me like I was... I don't know who, but someone famous. I was like, what the hell, you never saw a girl before ? The teacher smiled at me and I made my way up to the last row. The bell was just ringing that the guy in front of me – blond, blue eyes, probably used to have every girls attention – turned around and gave me a smile.

"Hey, I'm Cody." He told me, with a thick accent coming from somewhere far away – I don't know where, but it sounded exotic.

"Alexis." And with that, he started to ask me tones of questions, until the teacher told him that she was a girl too and that she wanted some attention. The way she said it was quite funny and she was young so the joke went pretty well. People laughed and I found myself being one of them.


My first morning hadn't been so bad. People actually were nice to me. Maybe I was right. Maybe I could start a new life her. People had no clue how I was, or what I've done. I didn't knew where to buy shit and had no clue how was throwing the wildest parties. I could start over. Like, for real this time.

Lunch time began great. I dragged Zayn toward the cafeteria, and I was nice to tease him while waiting to pay for our food – don't ask me what it was exactly, it looked like lasagna but I'm not so sure. Zayn went with a safer choice, sandwich.We sat at an empty table, side to side. We were in our own bubble and I was feeling great. Almost confortable around here. So weird.

"Told ya, this school sucks" Zayn told me after I took the first bit of my plate. Well, it tasted weird, almost like plastic. Not sure it was lasagna at all. I laughed, because it was the idea I had for 'sucking'. "What ?"

"It doesn't suck." I told him. Not as much as I assumed it would. "People are actually nice to me. Which is... Pretty weird." Once again, I found myself laughing. Maybe it was all the stress coming out. Maybe. Zayn was about to say something else, but stopped himself when he saw something. I followed his glance, to see Elizabrat and Mark. He looked pissed as fuck and I wished he would slap her. The bitch would have deserved it.

"Stop it Elizabeth !" He shouted. God, if this guy was making a scene, it was probably something huge. The way I knew him, he was so nice and kind of shy.

"Why should I ?" She, on the other hand, never looked like one who would mind having all the eyes on her. She was doing great with screaming the way she was. I looked over to Zayn, who followed the argument with interest. Great. I looked down to my plate, playing with the sauce, trying not to hear what the two were saying. Which wasn't easy, since they were screaming and everyone stopped talking to not lose a single word.

"Because it won't change anything ! It won't change who I am !"

"I know who you are. And that's not you. If this is you, why are you scared ?"

After that, I heard none of their voice again and Zayn turned back to me. But he wasn't totally there anymore. He was lost in his thoughts. So I ate my plate in silence, throwing it away once I was done. Zayn leaded me to my next class, gently kissed my cheek and left me. Something was bothering him. I looked at him walking away, promising myself that, if he wasn't back at himself in a few days, I would ask him what all of this was about.


It was late at night and Zayn had been back to normal as soon as we left school. Maybe he just needed some time to process. His best friend had just made a scene in the middle of the cafeteria and seemed like nothing was going right for him. It was just normal that it had bothered him.

My phone buzzed in my hand, it was Louis. It was good to talk to him, it seemed so long since the last time we did. It was only random texts, mostly me trying to tell him good night and him trying to convince me to talk to him a bit more, but still. It felt great. I felt great.

"Okay, I'm letting you go to bed, miss Dubois. Have a good night darling xxx"


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