Venom and Love in Many Forms...

By MysticFrost

113K 3.1K 188

WARNING CHAPTER 4 has been changed Full Summary- Five years after Edward leaves Bella he never returned. Bell... More

Venom and Love in Many Forms A Twilight Fan-fiction.
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Two

11.7K 288 27
By MysticFrost

Disclaimer. Nothing owned by me.

                                          Chapter two

   Everyone's eyes landed on me as I came down. Everyone was there including Edward. Esme stepped up.

   "Did you take these pictures?" She gestured around the room, I nodded. "They're amazing Bella."

   "Thank you." She smiled. "What are you guys doing on my property?" Her smile fell.

   "We just wanted to see-"

   "If you wanted to see me or check up on me you would have done so five years ago. I don't think you have a right." I said curtly, she looked like she was going to sob. Rosalie stepped up.

   "You listen here you little brat! You’re lucky we came to visit you, and you’re the one who got knocked up out of high-school." My eyes narrowed in anger.

   "Don't you bring Lilith into this." She laughed.

   "Oh Lilith? Pretty name. Who's the father? One of the mutts?" I brought my hand back and smacked her. I felt my hand shatter in certain places but I didn't pay attention to it.

   "Her mother's name is Lily Robertson and her father is Christopher Robertson. Christopher died in a car accident four months before she was born and her mother died giving birth from losing to much blood. I adopted her two weeks out of high-school because I saw her while I was working part time at the foster-care. I managed to juggle being a mom, and going to collage three to four days a week. I got a part time modeling job and a scholar-ship for photography. I was hired as an official photographer, and model. I have all three degrees, collage, photography, and high-school. And the Pack are not mutts. They're the one who encouraged me and pushed me to do all this, and watch Lilith while I was at collage. And news flash! I can't have kids. Ever! My womb isn't stable enough! I've known that since I was fourteen, my pap smear(sorry) told me. Do not bring my daughter into this. Never. I'm right, none of you have any right to be in my house, in my property, or in my sight." My hand throbbed, I looked down, and it was twice its size. I went to the kitchen wrapping ice in a rag around it.

   "I...I" Rosalie stuttered. I glared at her. Esme was dry-sobbing. Alice was staring at the floor.

   "Any other comments about my daughter?" I looked around. "No? Good."

   "Bella? May one of us look at your hand?" Carlisle asked his eyes filled with sadness. I thought about this for a moment, if I let them I didn't have to leave Lilith here alone. I sighed. 

   "Fine." But surprisingly Jasper stepped up, it was hard not to let my breath hitch.

   "May I do it Bella? I have my medical degree." I nodded slowly, he smiled and removed my hand from the rag. I took this opportunity to look at him. I never noticed him before because Edward always had us separated. He had dirty blond locks that fell into his face, sharp angular features, his eyes were perfect almond shaped golden eyes, they seemed to glitter, and long blond lashes framed them. High cheek-bone, sharp jaw, plump lips... I hurriedly moved myself from that thought. His shoulders were broad, and his body shape was lengthy and long, yet muscular. I could see the muscles of his torso and stomach shift as he moved, through the white cotton shirt. He was also wearing naturally bleached jeans, and a pair of black cowboy boots. Dang.  "It seems to be broken in the knuckles, and a few finger bones. I'll wrap it up tonight then tomorrow we'll get some kind of brace for it." I nodded.

     His long cool fingers, were very soothing as he checked my hand. So when he went to get something to wrap it up in, I almost whimpered. He was quickly back, and wrapped it up. I looked at the others, then the time. It was eleven.

   "I've got to to bed. I have to take Lilith to school in the morning." I sighed. "If you insist on talking, it will have to be after I drop her off." They all stood up taking this as their dismissal. None of them hugged me noting that I wasn't ready yet.

   "Goodnight Bella." Carlisle whispered smiling softly at me. I nodded.

   "Bella. I love you even if you don't forgive us. We don’t deserve for you to." Esme whispered and followed her Mate. Rosalie stopped before she went out the door.

   "I apologize for what I said earlier I had no right bringing your daughter into it." Then she was gone. Emmet smiled sadly at me.

   "I've missed you Bells." I had to give him a small smile. Edward, Alice, and Jasper were left. Edward didn't say anything then just walked out. Alice came up slowly.

   "I'm so sorry for what we did to you. Everything. Please forgive us." And she was gone, something  was behind the words but I couldn't place it. I looked at Jasper.

   "Thank you for wrapping up my hand." He smiled.

   "With pleasure Bella." He frowned for a moment. "Bella I'm sorry for that night and I'm sorry for everything we've done to cause you pain. Also I'm sorry for the pain you'll feel in the future." Before I could say anything I felt something cold press against my fore-head and they were all gone.


    "Ah hello Lilith and Ms. Swan! I'm Ms. Rogers." I smiled at her, she was about my height, with short blond hair and hazel eyes.

   "Nice to meet you." I shook her hand. Lilith shook it too and Ms. Rogers laughed.

   "My she has beautiful manners." Lilith blushed, and I beamed proudly.

   "Thank you." We both said. I looked at the clock.

   "I've got to go sweetie." I bent so I was her height. "Have a good day. I love you." I kissed her nose and she giggled.

   "Love you too mommy."


   All the cars were in my drive-way again. I took a deep breath and went inside, the others following me. I sat down in the chair, while they sat on the couches. We sat in silence for a moment, then I spoke up.

   "What exactly needs to be discussed?"

   "Your caree-"



   "How you've been-" I opened my mouth to stop the suggestions. But Jasper beat me to it.

   "I think we need to discuss what happened with us and what happened with you after we left." He spoke like a leader, he acted like the leader. I looked at Carlisle, he was beaming at Jasper.

   "I agree. I guess I'll go first. After Edward left me in the woods, I tried to look for him, yes I know stupied. I fell and was found by Sam. For months I was just there, I verily ate, I couldn't sleep because of night-mares I didn't exist. The Pack became my family, they held me together and helped bring out me. Not the old me but me, who I was. I even dated for a little bit. During the last month of high school I got a job in Seattle to work at the foster house. After two weeks of working there Lilith came in, I fell in love with her. And everyone else said she fell in love with me too, she only behaved for me, she cried when I wasn't there, just everything. I finally got the dang guts to adopt her. Charlie and the Pack fell in love with her as well. She was very spoilt, in every way. Then I got an all paid ride for a photography collage in Seattle. I had signed an application while working. The Pack took turns babysitting Lilith, I went straight to collage after and in between my work hours three hours a day, about three days a week. The other days I took care of Lilith. I got my collage and photography degree in the same year. How I became a proficonal was a miracle. I was taking pictures of Lilith when she turned three and Ricky saw us. I didn't know who he was until I got to know him better. He got me my job. I started out for a year taking pictures around Washington and when I went to Phoenix to visit mom. I started with land-scraped then I started taking pictures of models. One day while I was taking a picture of a few models, Jace the owner of the photography buisness came in. We'd never met in person, we sent emails and had over the phone conversations. He insisted I started getting photo-shots myself. I did, I limited it to a few every season. One day Charlie was called as back-up for a robbery. He was killed. I started to go into depression again. Still taking pictures but declining  the pictures being took of me. The Pack helped me again. After coming out of my state again, I got back. I started talking to Ricky and his partner Lucus about moving. They sent me a picture of this house and now here I am." Silence filled the room.

   "I'm so proud of you daughter-"

   "I'm so sorry we-"

   "You've done amazing-"

   "We were idiots-" Jasper cut them off again.

   "It's our turn. Who would like to tell the story?" Carlisle stood.

   "I will son." He looked at me. "We left the day after your birthday, Edward insisting it was best and you didn't want us in your life anymore. We went thoughtlessly. The family was different for a few months, darker, in more depression. You don’t understand how much light you brought into our lives. Then one day Jasper, Alice and Edward came in yelling. Something about you. We stopped them, to find out what happened." His face turned to stone. "Jasper started telling what happened, Alice and Edward insisting he was wrong through the whole thing, but my instincts told me to believe him and I did. He was telling the truth." His eyes turned un-certain.

   "Carlisle please tell me what they were arguing about." He hesitated, and Jasper stepped up.

   "I've got it." Carlisle nodded and sat back down, Esme rubbed his shoulders. Jasper turned to me. "I'm sorry." He pushed waves of comfort, and love to me. "A month after we moved here we met a nomad, he stayed with us for a little while. He had a gift, he could see anything he desired to, future, past, present. Anything. I told him the full story of what happened one day. He said something didn't fit right so he asked my permission to look back. I accepted, curious of what he was thinking. He went all the way to when we first saw you. Then he went even further when Alice and I joined the Cullens. He finally looked at me, his eyes so sad. I demanded he told me what he saw. He did every detail. Would you like to hear it?" I nodded. "He said Alice was never my Mate. She had lied to me from the beginning. She lied to the Cullens as well all except her actual Mate, Edward. They had an affair the whole time. Alice was happy being able to claim the title of being the Majors Mate, and being with her actual Mate at the same time. Then you came in, they made a plan to use you. You were the cover up of them being together. Edward used you to keep the secret safe, as did Alice. She saw everything when she first saw you. Finally they got tired of the little game and needed an excuse to leave you. Your birthday party was perfect. I was feeling everyone's bloodlust and was over-whelmed. I attacked." He looked sadly into mine. "None of us knew what to do after that so Edward suggested we leave. But Edward had a secret power no one knew about, he could make you do anything he wants. But only for so long. We didn't agree to leave at first so he made us decide to. And that's when he left you. After I heard the story I ran to look for Alice and Edward to find them in a situation that only confirmed they were in an affair. I fought Edward, my Major took over and he lost some limbs. I finally got control and ran back to the house to tell the rest of the family. Edward and Alice had caught up and were arguing with me. I told the family, and a huge fight broke out between us younger ones. After the fight Alice and Edward were sent on their own for three years, cut off from all the bank accounts and such. During that time Esme got her interior and house designing license. Rosalie got a wedding designer license. Carlisle was still a doctor. I got my medical degree, as a surgeon and such. We've lived in a very small town up in the mountain for the past five years. After the three year period was up they were allowed back in the family but they have their own small house about twenty miles away from the main house. That's about all that's happened." Emmet snorted.

   "You forgot the part where you became leader Jaz." I looked shocked at Jasper, he looked sort of embarrassed.

   "Congratulations." He smiled. I looked at Edward and Alice. "Out." They looked shocked then angry.

   "They're here we have just as much right-" I cut Alice off.

   "Out or I call the police and ruin your perfect record with harassment." They stormed out, but Alice purposely ran into my newly brace hand, I gasped at the sudden pain. There was a thunder like sound from outside. Jasper had Alice by the hair while Emmet held back Edward.

   "Apologize." He hissed.

   "No! She-" She cried out again as he yanked.

    "Now!" He roared!

   "I'm sorry Bella!" She cried he let go of her hair. The two drove off like a bat from heck. I looked at Jasper.

   "I'm so sorry for what she did to you Jasper you don't deserve it." He looked shocked.

   "Bella you were used by a man who made you think he loved you but he was Mates with your best friend. Aren’t you upset?" Emmet asked.

   "Yes I'm upset but I didn't live with a women lying to me for decades and sleeping with my brother behind my back."

"Still so selfless. I'm so proud of you Bella." Esme gushed. I looked at the remaining Cullens. I wanted them to be my family again but it would take time.

   "I'd like to become a family again someday. But I have to take it slow. Like human slow." They nodded their faces lit up like Christmas lights. My stomach growled I looked at my watch it had been two hours already. "Now I must go eat some late breakfast, you may come in."

   "Bella can we cook? It's been so long." Esme asks hopefully I smiled.

   "Ok." She beamed and was gone, Carlisle followed his Mate at a human pace. Emmet looked at me.

   "Can I look around?" I nodded, he grinned and went to other bedrooms Rosalie followed him. I sat in my chair sighing. Jasper sat on the couch next to me.

   "Are you ok Bella?" He drawled.

   "Ya. Just a little wore out. Lots of information to take in." He nodded solemnly taking my good hand in his and squeezing. Something washed over me, belonging, love, longing, happiness, I couldn't tell if they were mine or his. I frowned in confusion. What was this? Then Esme came in, oh bless her. Chocolate chip pancakes stacked, at least four, a glass of coffee, and  a small bowl of strawberries with chocolate on the side. "Wow Esme! Thank you. “She beamed.

   "I hope it isn’t too much!" Carlisle chuckled.

   "You better put her on a limit Bella or she'll be cooking you gourmet meals as snacks." Esme playful smacked his arm. I watched them with a soft smile on my face. Emmet came back in and looked at the food curiously.

   "Is that good Bella?" I smiled and nodded.

   "Very." He perched his lip. Jasper grinned.

   "I dare you to eat something." Emmet looked at him shocked.

   "You’re acting very childish for a leader but I will never back down from a challenge!"

   "Eat a piece of the pancake." Emmet nodded grinning. I laughed and used my fork to cut off a piece, and Emmet bent his mouth opened. I laughed again and set the food into his mouth. His eyes went wide, and he looked as if he was going to spit it out.

   "Come on Emmet just chew it a couple times then swallow." I encourage, he growled and did as I said. After he swallowed he started to mock gag, and pointed a finger at me.

  "You lied! You said it was very good!"

   "It is to humans." I said taking a bit, and smiled. He stuck out his tongue, then looked at Jasper.

   "You should take a bite too oh mighty leader!" Jasper thought about it for a moment.

   "Ok Emmet. What should I eat?" Emmet looked at my food then pointed at a strawberry.

   "The red fruit and the chocolate."

   "Strawberry." He rolled his eyes.

   "It's red. Now just eat it." Jasper lent over to grab one when Emmet slapped his hand away.

   "She fed me, she has to feed you." I blinked in surprise, Jasper just shook his head, but I thought I saw a small smile. "It's only fair right Rosie?" Rosalie laughed and nodded. "See!"

   "Ok Emmet, I'll feed Jasper a red fruit with chocolate on it." He beamed, Jasper looked at me with an eyebrow raised. I grabbed a medium sized strawberry, I cut off the leaves.

   "Hey!" Emmet said.

   "Emmet even humans don’t eat that part." He nodded after thinking about it. I dipped it into the chocolate, the very tips of my fingers getting a little. Jasper opened his mouth, I swallowed and brought it to his mouth. His lips closed around it, brushing my fingertips as they did. I hurriedly brought my hand away, he locked his eyes with mine the whole time he chewed and swallowed.

   "It’s not bad." He commented, looking at Emmet. Emmet scoffed.

   "Whatever! You know it's horrible but won’t admit it because your all leader and such." Jasper shrugged.

   "I liked it." Emmet frowned, then looked at my strawberry bowl.

   "Can I eat one?" I nodded.

   "Go ahead." He picked out the largest one, and pulled off the leaves, then dipped it in the chocolate. He stared at it for a moment, then popped it into his mouth. He chewed it thoughtfully.

   "It's better that the pancakes. Tangy and sweet." I shook my head at him, and took a sip of my coffee. Emmet looked at it and I handed it to him before he could ask. He drunk it and his eyes got wide, he took another drink.

   "Hey!" I said laughing. “Don’t drink it all! “He smiled sheepishly.

   "I'll get you some more Bella." Esme said rolling her eyes at her son.

   "Can I have some too mom?" He asked. She laughed shaking her head.

  "Only one cup. Coffee can be bad for you." He pouted but nodded. I started to eat my food, after I finished half of the stack of pancakes I grabbed a strawberry, and munched on it, licking the excess chocolate off my fingers. Jasper watched me, the others had gone outside chasing Emmet who took off with the whole pot of coffee, and got a major caffeine rush. He grabbed a small strawberry and dipped it in the chocolate.

   "Should I return the favor?" He held it up. I started to object but something in his eyes stopped me, and I opened my mouth slightly. He held it to my lips so it was touching them. I opened my mouth wider to eat it. Accidently brushing his middle finger tip. I blushed.

   "Sorry." I murmured hiding my face behind my hair as I chewed. He smiled.

   "Nothing to be sorry for." I smiled hesintly and went on eating my meal. The others came back about thirty minutes after I was done.

   "Emmet should never, ever have coffee again." Rosalie huffed. I looked at my coffee cup, and laughed it was empty. The others laughed too, Emmet just grinned like a maniac. I went to go put my dishes in the sink, after I was done convincing Esme I should do it since she cooked it. I looked at the clock an hour until school was dismissed.

   "I'm going to go pick up Lilith. Are you guys going to meet her?" They looked shocked.

   "Do you want us too?" Esme whispered. I smiled at her as I slipped my coat on.

   "We'll she'll at least have to know your names so she knows who you are when you over all the time. “Esme ran up and hugged me.

   "Thank you Bella." She whispered into my ear, I hugged her back.

   "You’re welcome." I was hugged by them all then headed out.


                                                                                 Jasper's Pov

   We watched as Bella drove off to get her daughter, a soft sigh escaping me as she disappeared from sight. Carlisle studied me for a moment.

   "You should tell her son." I looked at him shocked, he couldn't possibly know.

   "Tell her what?" I tried to sound casual.

   "She is your Mate." I didn't answer. "She will have to know sooner or later son. And I advise sooner so it's less complicated." I sighed.

   "She had a new life Carlisle. What if she doesn’t want me interfering?" Esme and Rosalie wrapped an arm around me.

   "She's giving us all a chance Jasper. We're not asking you to pull out a ring but to try to become her Mate." Esme cooed.

   "I think she’s feeling some of the effects." Rosalie said thoughtfully. Emmet grinned.

   "You guys have total chemistry! The strawberry thing I should be thanked for." He said his arms crossed over his chest. I chuckled.

   "Thank you Emmet."

   "You’re welcome."

   "And I will tell her. When I think is the right time." Carlisle put a hand on my shoulder.

   "That's all were asking."


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