Venom and Love in Many Forms...

By MysticFrost

113K 3.1K 188

WARNING CHAPTER 4 has been changed Full Summary- Five years after Edward leaves Bella he never returned. Bell... More

Venom and Love in Many Forms A Twilight Fan-fiction.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter One

14K 345 26
By MysticFrost

Venom And Love in Many Forms.A Twilight fan fic

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing except the plot. I make absolutely no money off of this at all. It's actually kind of sad.

Rating- Teen or T

Length- unknown

Updating- At least once every few days but when I update I put at least two chapters down.

Pairing-Bella/Jasper non-canon

Full Summary- Five years after Edward leaves Bella he never returned. Bella is now twenty three. She is a photographer. She has a five year old adopted daughter named Lilith. (Lilith's father died in an accident before she was born and her mother died giving birth to her from losing to much blood. Bella adopted her when she was two weeks old) She got her before she started collage she went three days a week, the Pack helped take care of her when Bella was gone. They move to Colorado Springs. She runs into the people she never thought she'd see again and they’re different than they used to be. She learns the things she never thought were possible and she rethinks her old choices.

                                                Chapter one

   "Thank you guys so much for helping us move in." I said to Sam and three members of the pack, Jacob, Embry, and Quil. He rolled his eyes but smiled slightly.

   "You've said thank you about a hundred times, so you’re welcome a hundred times." A blush so light you could verily see it against my pale skin tainted my cheeks. I learned to control it most of the time. 

   "Ya and it doesn’t mean you’re off the hook for moving half way across the country." Jacob said crossing his arms over his broad chest. I sighed. "I know Bells we'll just miss you a lot." He pulled me into his signature hug, the one that made me three feet off the ground and squeezed the breath out of me.

   "Can't-breath!" I gasped; he chuckled and set me down.

   "Sorry Bells." I sighed some things just never change. I looked at my new house being a photographer and a part time modeling job gave me quite a bit of money. I got my degree for photography on a scholar-ship and collage degree on the money I got from the job. When I modeled I refused to be naked or half naked. I have a lot more self-respect than most models. I usually just modeled for book covers, sometimes magazines, and a few advertisements. I usually took pictures of the models. 

   It was a perfect mix of old and new. It was two stories the bed-rooms on top, the den, kitchen and my photo room. Lilith's bedroom was the perfect size for her even as she turns into a teenager. It wasn't as big as the master bedroom. It was more medium size; the walls were jade and had small a heart design on the wall with her name in it. The walk in closet we use as her dress up room. She wasn't the usual five year old obsessed with pink, frilly, and Barbie. She was calm, her favorite color was jade (she saw it on a dress and I told her what the name of the color was) she loved to draw and loved helping me with my photos. Her room was in the front of the house, she had the perfect view of the neighbor-hood, through the arch like window. We had separate bathrooms but she still likes using mine.

   My room was the master bedroom. It had a walk in closet also, a small section of it was specifically modeling cloths, and the other huge half was regular cloths. My room was in the back of the house, it had a huge window that covered most of the south wall. I could see the forest and stream through it. It had a black plush carpet, in it and the pack that was here was currently helping me with putting the stuff inside. We were almost done.

   The house was a cream white; there were three windows in total out front. Lilith’s, the kitchen window, and the den's huge wall window. The door was old; it had elegant designs carved into it. A willow tree was in the back yard, its arms swaying against the ground.

   "All done!" Quil shouted coming out. His voice echoing, I was glad we didn't have neighbors.  I smiled at him; Lilith looked up from her sketch book on the first step of the porch. She jumped down.

   "Can we see the rooms yet mommy?" I smiled, I could never resist her. She had black curls that fell down her back, and green eyes so light they were almost a translucent color. Her curls, light skin, and a light dash of freckles, and personality were like mine so many didn't ask if she wasn't adopted or not. They just thought she got the hair and eye color from her dad.

   "Sure." I turned to the guys. "You guys leaving?" Sam nodded a sad look in his eyes.

   "Our flight's in an hour." Quil stepped up.

   "You better call, text, write, email, I don’t care which but keep in touch." He hugged me hard, and then licked my cheek. I whipped it off, making a grossed-out face but chuckling.

   "Ok." Embery was next. He hugged me gently, placing a light kiss on my forehead like the brother he was.

   "Be safe Bells and remember your always welcome back home." I kissed his cheek. Jacob gave me another breath taking hug.

   "I know you know what you’re doing but it doesn’t stop the fact were going to worry about you. Be safe." His eyes were slightly glossy, I only left Forks for collage but I was always there on breaks. It would be harder now. "That means no friends with other freaks, fairies, mermaids, other shifters, talking garden gnome..." I slapped his shoulder lightly.

   "I promise not to talk to creepy garden gnomes. Or swim with mermaids, or ask a fairy if they could make me fly, or be friends with more shifters."

   "If you do meet a mermaid or a fairy calls me they're supposed to be super-hot." Quil said grinning. I nodded laughing, even Sam was smirking. He looked at his watch.

   "Time to go." The pack gave me one last hug, piled into the huge car and left. I felt something tug at my heart, but I need this. I turned to Lilith.

   "Ready to look at the house?" She nodded excited. I almost gasped as we walked in, everything was perfect. Down the halls and up the stairs were pictures I've took that were blown up, and special effected somehow. They went great with the white walls, and dark hard-wood flooring. Then den had my new black leather and red velvet furniture, silver plush carpet, a fire place in the corner, and more pictures. The wall sized window had red drapes over them, that were trimmed in sparkly black fabric. Lights were on the wall in elegant forms, and the glass table in the middle fit right in.

   The kitchen was a dream, a large stone bar with glass tops, a small dark wood table, and the kitchen window had jade curtains, the walls were a dark ivory color, and it was full of cabinets. 

   The stairs had a black beautiful railing, and you could admire the pictures as we went up. When we reached the next floor Lilith ran to her room and screamed with joy. I smiled as I took it in; the pack had truly spoilt her. A large four poster black painted wood bed with jade curtains and drapes, her walls were jade with a black heart design and her name done by Embery, a shelf that had her favorite small books, pictures and small nick-knacks, the carpet was gray, and she had silver shimmery curtains that covered her closet/toy entrance. The dresser in the corner held all her small necklaces, rings, clip-on earrings, and light shades of nail polish which she only used when she was in the mood for it. It was truly her.

   "Oh mommy I love it!" She cried wrapping her arms around me.

   "You uncles helped. We'll call them later so you can say thanks." She nodded eagerly, and plopped on the bed that had her favorite stuffed animals on it. Her bathroom was left alone since she didn't use it.  "I'm going to look at my room ok?" She nodded.

    Tears fell down my face as I looked around my room. The walls were dark purple with small golden designs starting from the corners and spreading on the walls. The four poster bed was the same as Lilith’s only the draped were purple and gold multi-tone. The black carpet tempted me to push my toes into it so I took off my sandals and did. The window/wall had topaz curtains. A huge book shelf that took up the other end of the wall was filled with books, some I hadn't seen before.

   The pictures they choose took my breath away. Above my head board was a black and white picture that showed only the red things, of Lilith and Charlie before he was killed on duty. Lilith had worn a white sundress, and blue flip-flops, she was smiling shyly as Charlie put a red rose into her black curls, and Charlie wore a pair of blue jeans and a grey button up shirt. The back ground was a small rose garden-ish place we found in the forest while hiking. It was taken last year. Charlie was killed two weeks later.

   Another picture was another black and white picture but this one showed purple. Lilith was looking at a purple and white flower. She was turned toward me but she was looking down, examining the flower, stroking a petal. The back-ground was simple, it was a tree trunk. It was taken two weeks ago.

   The last picture was taken the last day I was in Forks. It was above the wall/book shelf. It had the whole pack, Billy, the elders, and the Imprints and their kids sitting at the bomb-fire, no one noticed I took the picture until they saw the flash. Tears fell down my face as I looked at the pictures.

   "Mommy? Why are you crying?" Lilith asked as she wrapped her arms around my hips, I was twenty three and was five' four. I was never going to grow. I played with her curls.

   "The rooms so pretty." I whispered. She nodded looking around.  It was now six o'clock. "Come on lets go make something to eat." She smiled brightly and nodded.


    I watched T.V as Lilith was asleep, the house felt un-familiar but we still loved it. She was acting as if she had lived here her whole life instead of three hours. I sighed shutting the T.V off and went to bed.

   "Mommy?" I blinked at Lilith who had Tina the penguin in her arms.

   "Yes sweetie?" I said sitting up.

   "Can I sleep with you tonight?" I smiled and lifted up the covers, she snuggled in happily.

   "Love you." I whispered kissing her hair.

   "Love you too mommy." She yawned and was asleep.


   "Can we go to the library mom?" Lilith asked as she swallowed her chocolate chip pancakes. We had lived here for two weeks and we already have a membership to the library. I looked at the calendar it was story time Tuesday.

   "Ok but hurry and finish your breakfast so we can go." She nodded.

   I helped her slip on her cloths, a black poofy skirt, white leggings, her favorite jade flip-flops with little fake diamonds on them, and a white Hello Kitty shirt.

   "Do you want to put your hair up?" I asked her holding up a pony tail, she shook her head and handed me a sparkly blue flower clippie. I twisted up her thick curls and clipped them together. She smiled at me.

   "What are you going to wear mom?" I thought about this for a moment, after the library I needed to head to the store to get her school supplies for her first day of kindergarten next week. I smiled at her.

    "Why don't I put something on and you tell me if it's good or not?" She nodded and ran to my room. I looked through the closet. For fun I picked out a bright blue shirt with a light green skirt from my modeling cloths.

    "No mommy! You look like a gummy worm!" She squealed and we giggled together.

   "Ok. Ok!" I went back into the closet choosing a pair of dark blue boot cut jeans, a red sweater and ankle length boots.

   "Much better Mommy!" She said smiling. I laughed; I brushed out my hair put on some eyeliner and mascara. I grabbed my plain black purse that held my camera and such in it.

   "Grab a snack for the road." I told her opening the front door. She came back with a pack of gummy snacks. I locked the door and we went to my Maxima 2.5 (i think this is right) It was a dark blue color. I buckled her into her booster seat thing. I buckled in and started the car.

   "Music mommy!" I smiled at her through the rear-view mirror, and turned on the radio.

   We pulled in front of the library five minutes before story time started. I opened her door and shook her slightly.

   "Come on sweetie wake up." Her eyes fluttered open.

   "Are we here?" She looked around smiling.

   "Yep. Come on before you’re late." I grabbed her small bag for her books then I grabbed mine, she grabbed my other hand, and we walked to the entrance.

   I looked through the rows of books stopping every now and then to grab one. The librarian smiled at me, from the desk. I waved slightly. After finding my books I sat in a green chair and started one. A bell ringing told me the section was over. I stood waiting patiently among the other parents, some smiled some scowled. I know what they saw, a girl who got knocked up right out of high-school. But I was the exact opposite. Lilith ran toward me circling her arms around me.

   "Look what I made you mommy!" She held out a bracelet, purple, red, green, and blue beads were placed in a random order, a small dragonfly charm in the middle. I smiled at her, and put it on, kissing her cheek.

   "It's beautiful honey. Come on let’s get you a couple books and then get your school stuff." She skipped to the children’s section. She settled on Straw-Berry Short Cake, Clifford, and Blue's Clues books. The librarian smiled as she checked them out, and gave her a choice of a coloring page.

   "May I have the butterfly?" Lilith asked her eyes trained on a butterfly on a flower.

   "Yes you may and for you wonderful manners you can have this butterfly one too." She handed Lilith a picture of two butterflies flying around a small vase of flowers. Lilith clutched the pages to her chest beaming.

   "Thank you!" The older woman smiled at me.

   "You taught her well." I smiled.

   "Thank you." I stroked Lilith’s curls. "Come on Lilith lets go get your school supplies." Lilith skipped to the car.


    "What about this one?" I asked holding up a purple camouflage back-pack. She shook her head. I sighed.

   "Mommy this one!" She held up a black and white coloring back-pack. A pack of fabric markers were with it so she could color the designs and such. I smiled. We had everything now, pencils, crayons, markers, paper, crayon box, colored pencils, a back-pack... but what am I missing? I thought for a moment. Oh! A matt for nap time. I grabbed the matt and we walked up to the cashier. I felt someone's eyes on me. As the cashier was scanning the items Lilith tugged on my sleeve.

   "Yes baby girl?" She looked at the M&Ms and I smiled, grabbing a pack for her and a peanut M&M pack for me. She clapped. I paid for the stuff and stopped when I felt a familiar feeling run up my spine. No. I turned and saw them, the Cullens. They were watching me shocked, my expression turned from shocked to cold. I grabbed Lilith’s hand. "Come on baby girl, it's time to go home." She tilted her head at me.

   "We're not going to play the claw game today?" Her expression broke my heart.

   "Not today but next time we come we'll play it twice ok?" She smiled at this and nodded. I walked quickly toward the exit. I quickly glanced over my shoulder; they were trying to get through the group of humans without hurting them. I quickened my pace, Lilith didn't comment but giggled thinking it was a game. I pushed the unlock button on my keys to unlock the car. I hurriedly put the food in and was buckling Lilith when they came out.

   "Bella!" I turned and saw Ricky. A photographer for some of the most famous models. He wore a pair of skinny jeans, a blue sweater, black boots, and a silver cashmere scarf. His hair was carefully styled and dark, sparkly, eyeliner covered his eyes. He strutted over, causing me to smile. The Cullens stopped. 

   "Hello Ricky."  He kissed both of my cheeks, smiling.

   "And hello Lilith!" She giggled blushing shyly. He bent down low and leant back up putting a little flower into her hair. I laughed shoving him gently.

   "You’re spoiling her." He smiled.

   "Jealous?" He laughed as I shoved him again. He wrapped his arms around me, placing another kiss on my cheek. "It's ok all beautiful women deserve to be spoilt." I rolled my eyes at this. Ricky has been my friend since I started photographer. He was the one who helped me get a job as an actual photographer.

   "What about the men?" I said raising an eyebrow. He grinned.

   "They deserve to be served as well." I smirked.

   "Jace wants to know if you can come in tomorrow. He needs some of the newer models done, and begs for at least three pictures of you this season." I sighed.

   "Why can't he just use the newer models?" I frowned.

   "Because the newer models don't look like you!" He said in a duh tone.

   "What about Lilith?" He rolled his eyes.

   "What does she always do when you’re working?"

   "Play with Josh." Josh was Mark's and Lucas's adopted son.

   "Precisely.” I sighed giving in.

   "Ok. What time?"

   "Five o'clock. He wants evening and night pictures."

   "Ok." He kissed our cheeks again.

   "Bye!" He danced back to his car. I hurriedly got in the car.

   "Bella!" I heard someone shout before I drove off.


   "Ok! I want you to lean against the tree, sideways. Put your left hand on the tree and your head on your arm. That's it, lean against it, and now look at me from the corners of your eyes. Vulnerable and seductive." I snapped the shot of Tina. She was a short red head with bright green eyes, pale skin, about five' six. She was nice and didn't have a stuck up attitude like most models did. She wore a black skirt that went a couple inches from her knees, black leather heeled boots, a white tank top, and a long black trench coat that fell to her knees. The coat was open, her hair kind of ruffled, she was wearing multi-tone green and silver eyeshadow for a new brand.

   "Now go over there by the stones and river. Sit on the big flat one, yes that one. Tuck in your legs, Let one hand brushes the water while you lean on the other." I looked at her for a moment. "Right hand in the water, and the left arm across and lean on it. Look at me, eyes half hooded, open your mouth just the slightest bit... there." I snapped the picture. "Thanks Tina." She beamed.

   "No problem Bella." She went to get changed out of her modeling cloths. She was my last one for the day, but I still had my pictures. I went to the changing rooms to see what they wanted me to wear. Ricky bounced over.

   "They want you to wear number two, it's a fallen angel shot." I nodded; the picture if liked by the author was going to be the cover of a book. I looked at the dress. It was navy blue; the corset had black designs, the skirt Victorian like, and had little designs on it also. I slipped it on and Ricky laced it up.

   I sat in the chair as Ricky started to do my hair and make-up. My curls were straitened so my hair brushed my butt. I wetted my lips so he could color my lips a very light pale pink color; he took some light ivory foundation and covered my freckles complete. He put on a coat of mascara and eyeliner and stood back.

   "Done." I nodded he took me to the scene; it was a waterfall at night. I mumbled when I saw my photographer, Criss. He was an amazing photographer but was a perfectionist. If it wasn’t perfect it didn’t go into the shot. He smiled at us.

   "Hurry! Hurry." He gestured me to get on my knees on the bay of the waterfall, my dress pooled around me. Blending me almost perfectly into the background. "Now cover your face and bend over like you were crying." I did as he said and my hair fell over my shoulder. I heard the camera click. "Now go sit on the rock in the middle, and tilt your head back slightly. Right there, close your eyes." Snap. After three more pictures I was done."Ok you’re done." I sighed.

     I walked into Ricky's house as if it were my own. Lucus smiled at me as I came in.

   "Hello Bella, how are you this evening?" I sighed; Lucus was as loyal as the Pack. I wanted to pour out everything that happened five years ago, and that it was coming back. But I just settled for the very small part if my distress.

   "Wore out. Had Criss tonight." He grimaced in symphony.

   "Ah. Are you sure that’s all?" He set down his book and gestured me over, I sat between his legs and he played with my hair. "You can always talk to me."

   "The past is coming to get me." I just whispered, I could practically feel him frown, as he thought it over.

   "The Cullens?" I nodded; he ran a hand through my hair from scalp to tip causing me to sigh. "They lived more in the mountains in one of the smaller towns last I heard. What are they doing down here?" I looked at him.

   "You knew they were in Colorado?" His face looked sad, he nodded.

   "Last year after the car accident in June, Dr. Cullen was my doctor. I didn't talk to him much." I just sighed, I couldn't be angry with him. I told him what happened leaving out the super-natural. I felt the slightest gratitude for Carlisle. He saved Lucas’s life, but it still didn't change what they did. Mark came down Lilith in his arms fast asleep. He saw us and grinned.

   "Not after my man again are you Isabella?" Lucus grinned, lifted me up and sat me into his lap.

    "Maybe it is I after her?" We laughed softly, I got up and took Lilith from him and he opened the door.

   "You sure you don't want to stay for the night?" Mark asked. I smiled.

   "I'm sure thank you." Both of them kiss my cheek and I drove home.

    I groaned with anger and frustration. A familiar sliver Volvo, black Mercedes, red jeep, and yellow porche was in my drive-way. They all got out of their cars as I pulled in. I ignored them, and picked up Lilith.

   "Bella." Alice whispered, I ignored her. "Bella please." She said a little louder, I whirled on her.

   "If you wake up my daughter there will be consequences." I hissed, she blinked wide-eyed. I shifted Lilith into my arms thankful she only weighed almost forty pounds, and un-locked my door. I noticed they were still there and I sighed with annoyance. "Come into the den and make no noise." I walked up the stairs carefully to Lilith's bedroom.

   "Momma?" She said groggily.

   "Shh. Were back home."

   "Oh," she yawned. “Josh and I had so much fun." I smiled.

   "I know sweetie you can tell me in the morning."

   "Ok. Love you."

   "Love you." I kissed her cheek and walked back down the stairs, facing my past.

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