The Pleasure House

By QtPie321

455K 8.4K 496

A long time ago, in 1869, a couple lived in a beautiful home in a deserted farmland where they couldn't be he... More

The Pleasure House
•Part 1• 1//Grey is that You?
2//Bye Felicia
4//Thinking Out Loud
5//The Deal
6//Veins and a Steamy Dream
7//No Exit
8//I Fucking Hate You... But I Love You
9//Who the Fuck Invited You?
10//Get the Fuck Out William!
11//Movie Day
Author's Note
12//I Ain't No Pushova!
13//Happy 169th Anniversary
14//An Unnerving Question and An Unbelieveable Answer
15//Urka---The Sex-Crazed Man
•Part 2• 16//Desperate
17//That's Not Real Love
18//Steamy with Mr. Dreamy
20//Surprise Muthafucka
21//Non-Tamable and Non-Forgettable
•Part 3• 22//Save Me!
23//Calling Mr. Stupidity
24//I Like Words Like "Fuck!"
25//Resisting Temptations
26//A Visit From the Demon
27//Too Late
28//24 Hours
Hip Deep in that Pepto
Sexual Healing


9.2K 199 32
By QtPie321

Chapter 29//

I know, I know, my crappy story ends right here pretty straightforward. But I just want to thank everyone--- and I mean everyone--- for making this book a big deal! All my commenters, voters, silent readers, and followers, I just want to thank the fuck out of you! I really hope my people will keep in touch with me and I hope you'll be reading my other stories I'm kind of working on right now!
Thanks again for the love!
Oh, and this is my first story. Tell me how I did and what I need to work on. I love the comments and feedback! Thanks!
And also, share this with your homies, your sisters, your brother, your mother and father (actually, that's a bad idea lol) your enemies, your ganstas, the good people, the bad people, strangers--- anybody you know or anybody you don't knowXD


There was something sinister lingering in this very air. Who knew just one room could hold so many secrets? The room smelt of something raw and foul, but somehow, in just one minute of being locked up here, I adjusted to the horrid stench.

My body grew uncomfortable as there was this eerie sound screaming in my ears. Lest, there was no sound. It was just silence. But it was loud enough to hear. I could hear the room almost crying to make noise as if it were trying to tell me something.

I gasped as lightning cracked and thunder boomed, shaking the house lightly. The lights that illuminated the filthy room suddenly went off and I mentally groaned. Great; just my luck. I'm stuck here in the dark while it is storming outside. I hear droplets patter softly on the roof above me before the droplets began to get heavier and pick up their pace.

I noticed I was still standing idle and hadn't moved once after I backed away from the banging door. But the only possible place to sit was the dirty floor or the unkempt bed. I was going for neither, because me just having my bare feet on this floor was already making me disgusted.

Bored out of my mind, I slowly walked towards the closed, wooden door and planted my ears onto it. Donovan was nowhere to be heard and I didn't know if I should be relieved or frightened.

I was almost itching to sneak out of this room. I couldn't stand to be here any longer. Unknowingly and not thinking of the possibilities of what could happen, my hand rested on the doorknob.

Before opening, I quietly unlocked the door and twisted the knob all the way to the right. I cringed once the door made a little 'creak'. I came to an abrupt stop to see if I heard any footsteps. Silence.

Praying that the door wouldn't make anymore surprises, I opened the door fully and I slightly jumped as the thunder vibrated against the house. Since the wooden door was right next to our room, I slowly peeked inside the bedroom. No living thing was inside.

Confused, I straightened up my crouching position and entered the empty room. I searched all over the room, even going into the bathroom to see that Donovan wasn't there. Where did he run off to?

Once again, I was tempted to call his name, but I was afraid he would still be upstairs in some room just waiting for me to screw up. Slowly walking down the dark hall, I glanced into rooms, opened doors and even in the closets to see if he was hiding in there. But it seemed like Donovan was nowhere to be found upstairs.

Seeing that the coast was clear, I shouted, "Donovan! I'm out of my room, where are you?!" I was surprised to get nothing back in return.

Knitting my eyebrows together in concern, I crept all the way to the staircase. Stepping carefully on each of the steps, I shouted another good, "Donovan!" but silence was still thick in the air.

I made my way to the front door and opened it. Wind and tiny water droplets slapped my face as I came outside and looked around. My stomach dropped.

"He's gone..." I whispered to myself as I realized his car was not there. Widening my eyes at the realization, I slammed the door closed.

Something snapped inside of me. Fiery, hot tears gushed out of my eyes and I shook my head pathetically.

How could I have been so stupid? I actually... I actually needed him...
I knew I shouldn't have been crying, but I couldn't control my emotions. Everything that's been happening to me was finally settling in and I had to let them out immediately.

Cupping my eyes with the palm of my hands, I let out a frustrated cry. This was all my fault. If I had just given into him this wouldn't be happening. Why must I ruin everything...
Sniffling, I decided the best thing to do was put on some clothes since I was still naked.

I grabbed a pair of warm undergarments from the drier and slipped on my warm t-shirt and jeans. I had to get out of this house...

I didn't want to hurt anyone anymore. I just needed to be alone.

Tears were still rolling down my cheeks as I went upstairs to slip on my shoes. I felt pathetic and weak. I felt disgusted and dirty. It was all because I didn't know how to properly tell Donovan that I actually like him.

I should've just let him love me instead of trying to stop him. I was the one who was being selfish. I was taking advantage of him. He was wasting his time with a jerk like me.

I slipped on my jacket and threw the hoodie over my head. I opened the door and clutched the warm jacket closer to my shivering body. It was raining cats and dogs outside, but that didn't stop me to where I was heading. I needed help.

I rung the doorbell and waited patiently until the door opened. The door abruptly opened to discover my mother's deep scowl on her face. Once she saw me, her face softened.

"Oh! What a lovely surprise! I've been waiting for this day to come! Come in, come in..."

My mother scooted away from the entrance to let me in. I stepped in to the warm house and I sighed happily. I never noticed how much I missed this place until now. Taking off my coat and hanging it up on the hanger, I followed my mom into the kitchen.

"It's great to see my own daughter here and deciding to get away from her hubby! I was starting to get worried. I wanted to call, but I didn't want to disturb you and your lover."

She got out a cup and poured me a cup of coffee. She handed me the cup and I took sips of the delicious liquid.

"Where's Myles?" I asked.

"He's at basketball practice. He's been talking nonstop about you. I can't believe you haven't been keeping contact with us! Do you not love us anymore?" She pouted.

I sighed. "Of course I still love you guys. It's just been... Hectic... these few weeks."

"Talk to me." My mother smiled, sitting across from me. Even though my mother could irritate me sometimes, I still talk to her about my problems most of the time. But this situation was nothing like it which made me slightly nervous.

"Uhm, you know... I'm just starting a new life and I'm sharing it with someone. It's a scary experience."

"Yeah, it can be. I remember when me and your dad were married. It's like having a roommate, but the roommate is like your best friend and goes everywhere with you. You could have freedom, but you better expect that it won't last long. Is that how it's like with you and Donovan?"

"A lot." I breathed out. "I get no privacy and I have to tell the guy where I am 24/7."

"Yeah. But marriage is just commitment. You have to be willing to sacrifice yourself for that person. You have to be willing to be honest, caring, and loving. You have to listen and trust them. If you can't do those things, they can't follow those things, either. Your lover is like another you. They are influenced by what you do. So, if you're mean, they'll turn mean. If you lie, they'll lie. Like I said, it's just all about commitment." (A/N: Lol, let me just inform you guys that I know NOTHING about marriage so don't take this as deep or some shit. This is just my observation about marriage, but sorry if I'm wrong!)

I sighed, feeling guilty. "Yeah, well, I'm just like that. I'm mean, and I'm nasty, and I'm just a plain waste of time to try and satisfy. I think I discovered that I actually like Donovan and it's in a way that actually scares the crap out of me. The thing is, I don't know how to properly tell him how I feel without yelling at the guy."

My mom gasped. "I knew it!"

I looked at my mom confused. "What do you mean?"

"I knew you liked him from the start! It was all so evident! The rude comments you gave him and the deadly glares you sent his way! That hateful attitude towards him was just masking your other feelings for him. You just don't like him, Caira, but you love him. Even if he's a bit over weight, you still liked him!" Fuck, how'd she know?!

"Damn you mother." I mumbled to myself.

She laughed happily and tears brimmed her eyes. "You are in love, Caira! Don't deny the feelings, embrace them and be proud of them."

"Mother..." I groaned, embarrassed. "You don't have to rub it in my face, I'm aware of that already." I hated to talk about it and I hated to talk about the feelings more in my head. Hence why I never talk about it in my thoughts.

My mother squealed and hugged me across the island.

"My baby is already growing up! Now you don't have to hide anymore, Caira! Run to your lover and tell him how much you love him!"

"That's the problem." I sighed. "I think I made him angry, because I was being hard-headed. Now, he ran off to somewhere."

"Well find him!" She growled, slapping my arm. "You know how much I want grandchildren."

"Mom!" I fumed, widening my eyes.

She laughed. "I'm sorry, but I'm hysteria right now! I can't believe my daughter got the hots from a certain someone!"

"What?!" I heard that all too familiar voice.

"Myles?!" I turned around in my seat to find my brother covered in sweat with his basketball gear on. "How long have you been standing there?"

"That's right, Myles! Caira's in love!"

"No way!" Myles smirked.

I was a blushing mess as my mother and my brother laughed at me. This can't be fucking happening...

"Congratulations honey! We have to bring over your hubby one day! I want to see him! How is he doing?" She smiled, resting her elbow on the counter.

"Uhm, fine..." Was all I said. I was being vague for a reason.

"No, give me the juicy stuff! What have you two been up to?"

I slightly widened my eyes at my mother's straightforwardness. Who the Hell is this lady?!

I blushed as a slow smirk rose to her face. "Oh, have you two been doing the dirty? Is that what that's all about?"

I tried to regain my breathing as I shakily said, "N-No! Donovan's been busy, that's all..."

"Hm... I sense bullshit!" Myles shouted.

"Watch your profanity boy, and I sense it too!" My mother said. "So what did you and him do? Did you---"

"Mom, we didn't do anything out of the ordinary." I blushed furiously. "We might have shared little kisses, b-but that's it!"

"Oh! Kisses! Of course! Was it the sweet, innocent kind or the one guy's like to do while kissing. Was he groping your butt while doing so, because I remember when your father d---"

"Oh my God." To say I was embarrassed was an understatement. This was not my mother. This was my fucking friend.

"Did he?" She smirked.

I gulped, nodding slowly.

She gasped, clapping her hands excitedly. "Oh my Lord, Caira actually doing the dirty?!"

"Please... Can we stop talking about this..." I said almost fainting.

"I guess. Myles, don't get any ideas!" My mom yelled as Myles went upstairs. We heard him laugh and say, "Whatever!"

As Myles went upstairs, my mom sighed. "I remember I was just like you. In love. But I didn't know how to express my feelings. So the best way to show him was being rude to him and calling him this and that. But afterwards he showed me how to love and how to care." She smiled, sadly.

"Why did dad leave?" I said in almost a whisper.

My mom looked down at her hands sadly. "He loved all of us, honey, but he had something to take care of. You know his business is all about moving from place to place and we couldn't keep up with him so we had to stay here."

"But he's been gone for almost four years now." I grumbled. "He's been gone ever since I was fourteen and he hasn't been keeping in touch with us since then."

"You can't blame him, honey. He's very famous for what he does. He can't even keep a phone if he tried."

I sighed sadly. "Yeah..."

My mom smiled. "I'm just happy you have a man that will take care of you. That's all I ever wanted was for you to be happy."

"Really?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah. I know sometimes I'm hard on you, but just remember that I always love you."

Me and my mother shared a hug that we haven't had in a long time. It was very comforting and it almost led me to tears.

"Thank you mom." I said, honestly.

"Anytime you feel like talking to me, give me a call, alright?"

I smiled, nodding. I felt kind of light on my feet, but there was still something holding me down, trying to put me in my place. I had to call Donovan and see where he was.


The door opened, revealing my brother. He gave me an odd look.

"Uhm, hello... Can I help you?"

"You don't even know what your own brother looks like?" I mocked hurt. "That's very upsetting."

My brother, Gerald, did a double-take before stuttering out, "D-Donovan?!"

I chuckled, smiling. "Now you remember?"

"Donovan?! What the Hell happened to you, man?" He asked happily, engulfing me into a hug. "How did you get so ripped?"

"Boot camp payed off. Where's mother and father?" I asked, stepping into my family's mansion.

"In the kitchen. Mom and dad, Donovan's home!"

"Donovan!" I heard that familiar, feminine voice ring. My mother came around the corner and gasped.

"Where did my baby go?!" She squeaked, looking me up and down.

"He's right here." I grinned, hugging my mother's small body. I gave her a pec on her cheek and she gazed up at me.

"Donald, get over here! Donovan is a changed man!" My mother yelled to my father.

"What is all this commotion about---" My father stopped dead in his tracks once he acknowledged me.

"Son... What happened to you?"

We laughed at my father's perplexed state and he shook his head.

"Now I've seen everything." He chuckled. "Wow... Congratulations..."

"Well, come in, Donovan! Even though you have another family, doesn't mean we aren't still yours!" My mother said, walking down the hall. Gerald and I followed her.

"I know Caira must be thrilled to have you." Gerald smirked. "Is she all up on you?"

"Nah, she's scared of me now. You know in the past she liked to be in control. But I got her in line."

Gerald patted my back. "I knew I taught my brother something."

We sat down at the dining table and my mother made me a plate of her famous omelet. Thanking her, I dug right in.

"Where's the fiery little demon? You should've brought her with you." My dad spoke in his booming voice.

"Ah, she didn't want to go. She was still asleep." I lied.

"Well, next time bring her! I wanted to have a little chat with her." My mom said firmly. My family knows Caira well. They've known she has always had a lot of anger problems in the past.

"Don't worry. She is much better." I answered honestly.

"How is the little lady anyway?" Gerald asked.

"She's been better. She's adjusting to me." I smirked inside my head.

"Well, that's great. She's a tough cookie, I'll tell you that. Someone just needs to break down her walls and I think you did just that, Donovan." My mother said, pointing a fork at me.

"Donovan." I looked up from my plate to see Gerald motioning for me to come with him.

"We'll be right back." I told my mother and father.

Gerald led me to his room and he closed the door behind us. "I'm sorry, but I'm just very curious--- have you two had sex yet?"

I chuckled at his straightforwardness. It all seemed to run in the family.

"Not yet. I'm making her enjoy her life as a virgin while it lasts. And then, we will."

"You better claim her ass. Who knows what will happen if you don't. She'll might get tired of you and attach herself to another man."

I smiled. "She won't be doing that, because I know her too well. Even though she has this fiery personality, she's actually just shy when it comes to relationships. She wouldn't dare speak to another guy since she hates them all. Well, except me." I said smugly.

"Hm, you are one lucky man. Any guy would feel honored to break down her walls. Even I would."

"Don't test me, Gerald." I joked.

"Oh yes, I forgot that you have feelings for her and she has feelings for you."

I sighed. "You really think so?"

"Of course. She might bombard you with negative words, but that only means she's trying to hide something from you."

Have I been blind this whole time? Sure, I remember when she confirmed her love towards me when we were at that restaurant, but I thought she was only stuck in the moment. Was it true? Did she truly love me like I loved her?

"Don't tell me you didn't notice, Donovan? It's pretty clear that she's in love with you. It might not look like it, but she is."

I gulped, clenching my jaw. "She couldn't... She hates my guts..."

Maybe I was the one abusing our relationship. How could I've been so stupid?


How could I've been so stupid? Now Donovan won't even call me!

Calling him one more time, I was still met by his voicemail. Hanging up, I pressed my finger to my temple. This has to end. Now.

Starting up the ignition, I backed out of my mom's driveway. I was no longer going to fight it. I was going to give into Donovan. All I wanted was him. Al I needed was him.

As I drove, my heart almost exploded as I heard the ringing of my phone. Answering without taking my eyes off the road, I answered, "Donovan? Is that you?"

"No honey." I heard Stacy's voice.

I sighed. "Oh, hey Stacy."

"I got news you won't believe!" She answered excitedly.

I stopped at a red light and shook my head. "Okay. What is it?"

"Well, it's really fucking crazy. I think I just solved you and Donovan's problems... And maybe even other couples..."

I gave a questioning look. "Uhm... What?"

She squealed. "Well... While you were gone to save your ass from Donovan, me and Urka were doing some next level shit."

I widened my eyes, choking on my saliva. "What?!"

"Oh my God, girl, let me just tell you I got fucked so good today!"

My mouth was opened up wide, but no words uttered out of my mouth.

"But girl, that's not the good part! While we were 'making love', that's what he said, he said some shit like, 'Thank you, Stacy. You made my heart happy and now I can rest in peace' and then this beaming light was in my motherfucking house and then this nigga was like flying towards it and shit and then he disappeared along with the light. I think--- I think I just saved y'all's asses!" She said in one breath.

A car honked at me and that's when I realized the light just turned green. I slowly rode off, causing another honk to set off but I didn't care. This was fucking huge.

"Hold up! So you meaning to tell me that this Urka guy was an angel at heart?! How?!" I yelled. "Wasn't he supposed to go to the pits of Hell if he was a demon?! I don't fucking understand, you can convert just like that?!"

"Bitch, I don't know, but I think since he's in Heaven, all the other victims have gone as well. That means the curse has been lifted! Say thank you."

"Oh my God, this is crazy! I have to call Donovan!"

I was already getting a headache, because of the sadness, anger, and excitement my body was receiving in just one whole hour.

After saying bye to Stacy and a ton of thank yous, I called Donovan. Why am I calling him anyway? He's already mad at me for---"

"Hello?" My stomach clenched as he spoke in his baritone voice.

"D-Donovan..." I breathed. "Hi."

I heard a breath. "Hi Caira."

I gulped as I noticed he was being unusually dry. "Hi. I just wanted to tell you that, uhm, Urka's gone."

"Okay." He said, nonchalant.

"Look, I know you're angry with me, I understand. But---"

"Angry? Why would you think I was angry with you?" He said, taken off guard.

I stayed quiet for a moment. "Well... I just figured---"

"No, Caira, I'm not angry with you." His voice hardened.

"O-Oh..." I said, slightly confused.

"I'm disappointed." He said, making me feel even worse.


"No Caira, you have nothing to be sorry about." He said, cutting me off.

"I-I don't?" I couldn't help but ask.

"No. I realized it's all my fault."

I stayed quiet for a moment so he could explain himself.

He sighed. "I should've realized sooner or later that I was the one ruining our relationship. I'm sorry, Caira." I didn't like where this was heading.

"What are you sorry for, you didn't do anything?" I questioned.

"You're right. I didn't do anything. That says it all, doesn't it?"

I realized now that I was parked in front of our house with the car running. How long have I been here?

"I-I'm still not understanding?"

I heard shuffling in the background before he kept on talking. "It wasn't just you who was running away from me. I was running away from you as well. I couldn't figure it out, but now, I did. I know what the problem is."

Confused, I asked, "You weren't the one running away.. I was..."

"I know. But in reality, I was. I was running away from the fact that you love me which was scary for me. I didn't want to believe it, but it was so fucking obvious that it was right in my face. It was right on my lips. The love and desire we have for each other is right in between us. I can't believe all this time I've been so blind..."

I was breathless as I clutched my phone more tightly in my hand. I didn't know what to say.

"Caira. If you're ready to stop, then I'm ready to stop. No more of this bullshit, please. I just want to get down to business."

My hands shook and I swallowed, hard, as I heard the rumble of a car.

"Are you home?" Donovan asked, huskily.

"Yes." I said in almost a whisper.

"I want you to start the shower. Make sure it's steaming hot in the bathroom."

My body was a trembling mess as I took the keys out of he ignition. As I got out, my knees were wobbly and I had to take deep breaths to calm my nerves.

My hands stayed holding the phone up to my ear as I unlocked the door. I stepped into the warm house and closed the door behind me. I walked up to the steps cautiously so I wouldn't trip over my own feet.

In the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom, I started up the shower and turned it all the way hot. I stepped away from the steaming hot water and closed the glass window. I watched silently as the steam stuck onto the glass.

"Caira?" I almost forgot that I was still on the phone with Donovan.

"H-Huh?" I asked, startled.

"Is the shower on?"

"Yes." I gulped.

"Great. Take off your clothes and undergarments."

I blushed, actually obeying.

I looked at the mirror to see a blur of me. Steam was sticking onto it.



"Hop in the shower, Caira, and I'll be there in a second."

Before I could say anything, he ended the call. Gulping, I set my phone down on the bathroom counter and stepped into the shower. Closing the glass door behind me, I hissed as the steamy water burned my arm. I quickly set it to a temperature I could handle and I sighed in relief.

Suddenly, my body started to come alive once images of images flew around my head. I bit my lip as my core throbbed in anticipation. What was Donovan going to do to me... ?
My stomach clenched as I imagined him kissing all over my body with those sinful lips. I almost cried in pleasure as my hot core loved the sound of that.

Calm down, bitch! The boy is not even here and you're already ready for him to do those things to you...

Trying to calm down my excited body, I went under the pouring water and sighed. I needed to get the dirty thoughts out of my head...

I dipped my head into the water as well, letting my hair get wet. Suddenly, all the dirty thoughts scrambled back into my head as I heard footsteps enter the bathroom. Fuck...

I could only make out a tall figure as I looked through the glass that was covered with steam. I gulped as I heard the shuffling of clothes being taken off. Oh my Lord!

I watched carefully as one last piece of clothing was taken off. The figure slowly walked over to the shower and I quickly turned my attention back to the water. My body jolted as the glass door opened up and I felt as if the shower gotten 10x hotter.

The door slowly closed back up and I prepared myself for what was coming next. His presence was right behind me, guarding me so I couldn't get out.

"Can I touch you, Caira?" He whispered seductively.

"Y-Yes... Please..." I breathed out.

My skin formed goosebumps as his hand caressed my wet back, down to my bum. I shivered as he squeezed my butt in his large hand. His hand came in between my legs and made its way to my moist clitoris. I moaned, shaking from the pressure that was building up inside me. I wanted to rest my hands on the tiled wall that was in front of me, but Donovan's other hand moved its way to my breasts. He grabbed on one of them, slamming me into his hard body.

His finger rubbed on my clit and I couldn't help but grind on them. My back arched as even more pressure builded up inside me.

"Do you like that?" His words took me off guard and my vagina decided to let go of the essence to his finger. I shivered as his finger slid off me and my body relaxed.

I felt something cold and gooey slide down my back and I felt Donovan's hands rub it on my back. He smeared the substance slowly and sensually on my back and I bit my lip as my vagina tingled in delight.

"Can I kiss you?" His voice suddenly whispered.

I gulped, nodding.

As his hand worked along my back, his other hand caressed my jaw and twisted it to the right. Warm, plump lips captured mine, making butterflies erupt in my stomach. I felt his hands make their way to my butt and squeezed lightly.

I moaned, giving him access to explore my mouth with his tongue. I felt his hands slide on my hips and I felt him turn me around. As his lips let go of mine, I gazed up at him, watching every droplet of water drip down his beautiful face.
I was very tempted to look down, but I didn't want to be rude.

He licked his lips. "It's my turn."

I gave him an odd look as he poured the liquid soap on his built body.

"Soap me down, Caira." He smirked.

My body took over control as my hands connected to his pecs. He bit his lips as I rubbed my hands all over them with the soap. I surprised him and me by getting up on my tippy toes and kissing him flush on the lips. He groaned which caused my lady parts to tingle.

My hands went down this his hard abs and then to his 'little friend.' I felt his body tense up and I smirked in between the kiss. I held his hard, thick member in my small hands and I slowly stroked him.

"Caira..." He groaned warningly.

"Hm..." I mumbled as I quickened my pace.

"Fuck!" I felt him throb in my hand and I felt him hastily pull my hand away from him.

"Enough!" His voice boomed, pushing me to the tiled wall that was behind me. I watched, smiling evilly, as he washed the suds off his body. Pulling me away from the wall, he made me do the same.

Before he could comprehend what was happening, I quickly connected my hand towards his member again and I gave a few hard pumps. A throaty groan escaped his throat, making my body shiver in delight at the wonderful sound.

He once again ripped my hand off of him and he huffed harshly. "Bed. Now."

He opened the glass door and stepped out of the shower. I smirked evilly, following him to the bedroom. I don't know where this boost of confidence came from, but damn, I'm glad I got it.

I plopped down on the bed and I watched as he eyed me dangerously. He looked so sexy with his hair wet and stuck onto his forehead. I glanced at a water droplet that was cascading down his abs to his hardening dick.

I was pushed down and I gasped as he came in between my legs. His member was poking me which made me kind of uncomfortable.

"Are you ready?" He smiled lovingly.

My heart melted. "I am now."

"Just keep your eyes on me and I promise it won't be so bad."

He gripped my outer thigh and he bent down to kiss me passionately on the lips. He straightened back up.

I gasped as I felt a hard object clogging up my hole. Pain was evident on my face and Donovan slowly took himself out. As he went out, a pleasurable cry escaped my lips.

So this is what love feels like...

Ayo, I worked hard on this chapter yall it's like 30 something pages!! That's the longest I ever wrote a chapter lol!


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