Anybody's Anthem (interracial...

By IAmKyana

44.9K 1K 139

When Colson(MGK) goes on tour, all he wants is someone to come home to and cuddle with. During his time off... More

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It's Finally out!!!
Editing This Story!!!
Deleted Chapter!!!?

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1K 25 3
By IAmKyana


I sat there on my bed just looking at her. Looking at and studying her beauty, taking it in. I softly caressed her skin so she wouldn't wake up from her sleep. She moved a little and groaned a bit. She was the cutest thing to watch sleep. It almost looked as if it wasn't reality. I mean being with her, marrying her, and probably having a baby with her didn't seem like reality. All I could do at this point in my life was not mess it up for either of us.

"Colson," she said rubbing her eyes and giving me a morning smile. "Did you watch me sleep?"

"Yes Mrs. Baker I did and I tried to look away, but you captivate me." I told her. She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I like the sound of Mrs. Baker," she said stretching and climbing out of the bed. I watched her walk to the bathroom and it was the best sight.

I soon followed her into the bathroom and since there was his and her sinks I took the left one and she took the right one. She was brushing and putting her hair up at the same time, which was interesting to me. I could never be able to multitask like she was.

I admired her and she smiled at me. With a mouth full of toothpaste suds, she was still beautiful. I winked at her and she laughed almost spilling the foam in her mouth on the floor. What was funny about a wink? She spit into the sink and washed her mouth out with some water and still continued to laugh. I spit out also and washed my mouth out with some water and asked her what was so funny.

It took her a while to respond, but when she did it was the sappiest answer ever. "I can't stay serious around you." She said wrapping her arms around my waist looking into my eyes. I wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her closer to me.

I kissed her forehead. "You are.." I trailed on kissing her lips. "So fucking corny." I told her. She hit my chest and told me to fuck off.

"Why fuck off, when I can fuck you?" I asked her. It took her a while to register what the joke was and when she did she rolled her eyes at me pushing away from her. I chased after her wrapping my arms around her waist, stalking down to her height. Man she was short.

I checked the time on my phone and it was time to get dressed because I had a day planned with her and the boys, that I may have forgot to tell her about. It was ok though, because my baby loves surprises.

I told her to shower so we could go out and she insisted that we shower together to go green. I never turned down the opportunity to shower with her. That would be the worst mistake ever. Who wouldn't want to take a shower with a beautiful woman next to them?

We took off our clothes and hopped in the shower together. She told me we weren't gonna have sex and I was slightly ok with the idea, except the only reason I shower with a woman is to have sex. It's in the shower with your partner handbook. Showering with your partner is not really showering until the deed is done. But I guess, I was gonna skip on that rule in the imaginary handbook I made.

We showered- ugh, I hate the sound of that if sex isn't involved- and dried ourselves. I just had to get another kiss today. While she was doing something to her hair, I snuck up behind her and turned her around giving her a big ole' sloppy kiss on the lips, while holding my breath. It was nice.

"I've been waiting for that all day." I told her breathing a little heavier. She smiled and grabbed my neck pressing her pretty plump lips against mines.

I grabbed her thigh and lifted her on the counter between the two sinks and rested my hands on her waist. She said we weren't gonna have sex, so I wasn't going to roam her body and trigger myself. So all we did was kiss. Basically a dry version of what happened in the bath tub last night.

While we were getting into it, I heard a knock on the door. She pulled away from me and told me to answer it. I told her that if the person wanted me or her that they would knock again. She said ok and we went back to kissing for a moment until I heard a knock at the door again. She laughed and told me to go get it.

I kissed her another time and wrapped the towel tightly against my waist.  I pulled open the door and saw Slim and Rook with an irritating look on their faces. I didn't want to let them in just yet, because I had a half naked fiancé in the bathroom waiting for me. I told them to wait for a second and they said ok. I sped walked to the bathroom and told Kyilee to throw on a robe and change in the walk in closet so the guys didn't see her naked.

I went back to the door and they came in and walked around. I grabbed a pair of boxers from my drawer and put them on under my towel. While I sat down on the bed waiting for Kyilee to finish the boys finished walking around our suite.

"You could live here, man. I mean, I'm sure Ky would love it." Slim said sitting on a chair that was next to our bed.

"She already told me she wanted to live here," I told them, "I'm thinking about it." I finished just as soon as Kyilee walked out of the walk in overalls that were slightly ripped and that hugged every curve, an oversized long-sleeved shirt and a pair of Timberlands. She sure was suited for the occasion she didn't know about.

When Slim saw her he jumped up out of his seat and walked over to her giving her a hug and turning her around so he faced me. He moved his hand and made it look like he was jerking off. He pressed closer to her and she tried to pull away laughing, but he wouldn't let her go. Didn't he know that fiancés were off limits?

"ok," I said stepping in between them. Slim laughed and kissed her hand. She laughed and went over to Rook to say hi and he did the same thing. I gave him a look that said 'don't make me tell summer' and he laughed and did the same thing Slim did.

Kyilee came back over to me and whispered in my ear that she loved the boys and how sweet the were. Only if she knew what they were doing behind her back. She sat on another seat in the room and put on some lotion and some socks, while I went in the closet and got something to wear. I decided that I was going to wear a regular plain black v-neck with a camouflaged bomber jacket, blue jeans, and some black air forces.

I had to admit, I was extremely turned on by the look that Kyilee was sporting here. She slicked her hair in a tight pony tail that sat on her back reaching the middle of her back. She looked cute everyday, but I felt that she was going for something more comfortable.

"So today, as Slim and Rook already know, we are going to a meet and greet and then a night on the town," I told them, mostly Kyilee. She smiled and sprayed some perfume on herself. "We are gonna chill with some fans for about 4 hours and then leave right after. Bring some water, it might be a long day." I explained to them.

They all said ok and Kyilee grabbed her phone and we all left. I made sure to put the room key in the back of my case while we left so I didn't leave it. I wouldn't want to be locked out of this beautiful place. Kyilee looked over at me and I looked down at her grabbing her hand. Slim said that Léon was waiting downstairs for us and that he had been there for a while.

He was such a nice man, I would hate to keep him waiting. We took the elevator and there he was with a smile on his face ready to come to us. He shook our hands and kissed both of Kyilee's cheeks and called her something, which I think meant beautiful or pretty. He walked out with us and my body guards were outside also waiting for me. I would tell them to smile more, but I know how hard their jobs were. I know I would hate to put my life on the line to save someone else's. They were such brave people.

We had to rush into the car, because fans were beginning to rush over to us. I looked outside and saw my body guards protecting the car, without a single emotion on their face. Fans knocked on the window and I waved at them and I swear at one point this one female passed out. I was telling them to watch their feet because Léon wanted to pull off. We were now 10 minutes late to my meet and greet and I was ok with it as long as it didn't take any more time.

It took about 15 minutes for us to arrive at the venue and to see all those people wait outside for me, melted my heart. I was so grateful that I had such a nice fan base to support things that I did. With out them I wouldn't have any meet and greets.

We got in through the back of the building and I sat at a table with pictures of me and bottles of water. Something that I was going to need to survive this. Even though, I already bought a water, one was never enough. Anybody traveling on the road knew this. They let all the fans in and my body guards stood in front of me creating a line. They screamed my name and people even cried for me. I saw so many posters that I wanted to take with me today. It would be nice to hang them up in my graffiti room and stare at them every once in a while.

One by one I took pictures with fans and hugged them and embraced them while they cried for me. I obtained most of the posters that they had for me and it sucked that I couldn't take all of them with me. I autographed boobs (with Kyilee's authorization of course), signed t-shirts and the pictures that they had laid out for me.

I didn't ever get into full on conversations with my fans, but this one kid caught my eye. So when the meet and greet was over I asked him to stay behind with me. He had a painting in his hand of Kyilee and I on her Instagram page, with my hands wrapped around her and her laughing. I had to say it was the best picture we ever took. I just had to have it somehow. This kid was extremely talented and I couldn't let his talent go unnoticed.

"What's your name?" I asked him trying to look for his eyes.

"It's E-Evan," he stuttered. "Evan S-Sommerhold." He said in a thick French accent. It was a nice name if I did say so myself.

I laughed at him when I realized that he wasn't going to take his shades off. "Why are you wearing shades, Evan? It's quite shady out." I told him. He laughed with me and shook his head.

"I'm actually blind," he laughed as if it was a joke or unreal to him. "I've been blind for about my whole life." He said chuckling. I liked how he laughed at his situation. He seemed to me like he was a good kid.

"I'm sorry I didn't-" I tried to say before he interrupted.

"It's ok, you didn't know." He smiled. I liked this kid already.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you draw this picture so perfectly? If ya know..." I trailed on waiting for an answer.

"This might sound weird, but I could feel my paintings. Every stroke I make is like taking a breath. When you are in the situation I'm in, you kind of learn to adapt to new things. Painting was just another way of me saying I can really see, but not with my eyes. With my soul instead." He chuckled. He was like a poet. Every word that he articulated sounded like it belonged in a book.

"That's cool, man. I'm glad you are following your dreams. How old are you and how much can I buy this painting for?" I told him.

"I'm 18 and this was a gift, so you can have it." He told me, handing it to me. I took it from him and then placed about 1500 dollars of US money in his hand. He felt the paper and then searched for my hands trying to hand it back.

"You have to take back," he said smiling. "I don't deserve this." He said looking down. I would have gave him more if I didn't need that money.

"You deserve all the money in the world for your work. You are truly talented, don't ever doubt yourself," I told him. That's when I got a light bulb moment. "How about you come to my show tomorrow tonight and have some fun. I'll have you in the V.I.P section with my wife and my staff will treat you to whatever you want." I told him. He looked down and made a sound that sounded like a cry.

I walked over to him and gave him a hug. He hugged me back and thanked me over and over and over again. I told him it was no problem, and that I would even come and get him on the way to the show. He told me that it was ok and that he would ask his girlfriend to drive him. It's great to know that he has a girlfriend, who probably loves him to pieces.

"You know what, tell your girlfriend she can come too. I'll break some rules for you guys." I told him. He thanked me and kissed both of my cheeks and said something in French. Even though I didn't understand, I kind of understood what he was implying at the moment.

"Thank you. You have no ideas how much this means to me." He told me. I said that it wasn't a problem again and he kissed my cheeks again.

"Here," I said grabbing the phone that was in his hand. "If you ever need a friend to talk to, or negotiate paintings, call me." I told him. He smiled and gave me another hug thanking me once again.

Once he walked away, he went straight for a black Rolls Royce. A beautiful, tall, black haired woman appeared from the car, helping him into the car and giving him a kiss in the process. I waved to his car and she waved back at me. I'm guessing that she was the girl friend. I really loved this place now.

Kyilee held the painting in her hand with care and carried it all the way to the car. She carefully set it down in the back of the car and made sure nothing was near it. Now, it was time to go on a night on the town. This was the part where we had friends time together and caught up on things that we felt we haven't told each other yet.

Slim was the best at telling stories at this time. He always had stories about what Aaliyah would do to him and since she was a little crazy, everything would make sense to us.

She nots crazy in the way that she talks to herself or objects, she's crazy in a way that she really cares for Slim and everything he does. He could be laughing at a screen and she's snap because she doesn't want their relationship to be ruined. She was sweet most of the time to us anyways. So I stayed out of their relationship and problems unless Slim told me them.

Léon drove us to a place where he said he takes his wife. We had to enter through the back of the restaurant because we couldn't risk any ambushes. We sat in a secluded place, that was lightly lit with candles on every table. I insisted that Léon stay and eat with us, but he told me that he didn't want to ruin our time together.

I asked him many times and he said he was sure and that he'd just talk to his wife to pass time. When he left a man came and brought us all water on a tray and took our orders. Kyilee ordered chicken Parmesan pasta, I ordered spaghetti, Slim ordered rice and beans and Rook ordered the same as Kyilee.

To pass by time, we talked about anything we could get out. I mean that is why we were here anyways.

"So, I texted Aaliyah today and she seemed pretty sad that I was gone," Slim said with a slight chuckle. "I told her the advice that Clyde gave me and told her we didn't need to go on that stupid couples retreat, and instead of arguing with me, she agreed with me. When I tell you I was surprised, I was surprised." He ended. We all laughed with him and then we went on about how their life was and how he'd wanted to take things more serious with her.

We all knew that Rook's stories were sappy because his fiancé was Summer. The cutest, more sweetest person you could ever meet. She was always texting him how much she loved him and that she missed him and wanted to kiss him. Everything sweet you could imagine, Summer has said it.

"Summer said her stomach has grown an inch since I've been gone. Which isn't much, but it means so much to me that we could finally start a family." He told us.. Kyilee rubbed his arm and said that he was going to make the best dad. He smiled at her and thanked her.

When I was going to get into the story of how I proposed to Kyilee, the waiters came with our food and set them on the table in front of us. We thanked them and I tipped the waiter $50. I've spent a lot here. It was worth it though.

I took a bite of my spaghetti. "So you guys know I proposed to this beautiful girl right here. All I have to say is that, I was nervous as fuck. I was doubting myself and telling myself that she wasn't going to say yes, but she did." I told him. Slim smiled and whooped, while Rook applauded. All that wasn't necessary. But I like it.

"How many karats?" Slim asked. I still hadn't told Kyilee how many Karats it was. She looked at me while taking a bite of her pasta. Obviously, also looking for an answer.

"It's a 24k custom made ring, but it wasn't even expensive," I told them, "the only expensive thing was the words I got engraved in the ring." I told them.

She looked at me like it was impossible. "What does it say?" She asked. I told her to see for herself and she took off her ring holding it against the light to see the words.

It read: No matter where we are, we will never be apart.

She reached over and kissed me. At that moment it didn't matter if Slim or Rook were watching. It seemed that it was only her and I in the room. Subconsciously, I pulled her closer to me. Making the kiss deeper. Eventually, she pulled away and whispered in my ear that the boys were watching. When we turned back to them, they had looks of disgust on their faces. Like they haven't kissed a girl before.

We ate and talked and laughed and it seemed like we've only been here for five minutes. Unfortunately, it was closing time and we could no longer be here. The time spent was great though and I enjoyed myself and enjoyed hearing all the stories that everyone had to offer.

Like always, Léon had our doors open and ready for us to climb in. We headed back to the hotel and we were all tired from the ride. Kyilee half way fell asleep from the ride and Slim did fall asleep. Not a word was said throughout the entire ride. It was calming.

When we headed back to the hotel, we all hugged and said our goodbyes. Kyilee was so tired she looked like she'd been drinking the whole night. E legs would wobble and she'd look like she was about to fall, so she clung against the walls for support.

I laughed at her and she laughed with me. I took a video of what she was doing and posted it on Instagram. Instantly, I got comments saying: is that a ring on her finger?, are you guys getting married?, when are you guys going to have another baby? And etc.

It was nearly impossible to even see the ring from the video, but whoever that comment belonged to must have been a paparazzi page. They always make pages as normal people, but end ruining celebrities sometimes in the process.

It's not like I didn't want the world to know we were gonna get married, it was that I wanted her to be safe. If she goes to the store without me one day, they are gonna ambush her and ask her every question about me known to man, and even through in lies. Sure, I have bodyguards, but they can't protect her from the harsh words she might hear about me or about her or Casie.

My manager told me that when I was ready I could tell the world that we were engaged to be married. I was ready now. We'd been engaged for 2 days and it felt like I was keeping secrets. I didn't want to hide our announcement any longer. I decided that I was going to tell the world in the morning that we got engaged. They wouldn't be expecting it at all. I just hoped that I didn't end up on theshaderoom, to be criticized.

We arrived to our door-finally- and as soon as we stepped in, Kyilee and I took off all our clothes and jumped into bed. She still left her bra and panties on and I left my boxers. It was comfortable how cold the bed was because we haven't been there in a while. She cuddled into me and rubbed my arm. Instead of her turning around and kissing me like always, I decided to switch it up and kiss her. She looked surprised.

"Love you, baby." I told her kissing her cheek and laying my head down on my pillow.

"I love you too." She said kissing my hand.

What a wonder-filled day. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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