Serendipity Next Door (SND Se...

By x_LavenderHoney_x

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The apartment next door to Brooke Walters' was empty for the last 4 years since she moved in. She would stand... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
New Series: Serendipity Next Door
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 12

5.6K 214 32
By x_LavenderHoney_x

Just got off the plane :) -Brooke

I hit send and put my phone back in my purse. I sit my luggage beside me and look around the airport parking lot. It's crowded as usual. I won't be able to see her car.

I just got off the plane and I am now waiting for my mom to come pick me up. I just sent her a text message to let her know that I am waiting for her and where I am. She replied with an okay and told me she wasn't far.

My phone buzzes on my lap. I pull it out and look at the text message.

That's good. Call me when you get settled. Bet you're tired ;) -Kevin

I roll my eyes in adoration at the winky face. I'm about to text him back, but a car horn honks. I look up and see my mom hanging her head at the window, calling my name.

I smile at her and hurry over. She pops the trunk open and I put my luggage inside. I close it and get in the passenger seat.

"Oh my gosh! Sweetie, I've missed you so much!" My mom exclaims.

Before I can put my seat belt on, she pulls me into a tight hug. I hug her back even tighter. The feeling of her warmth brings tears to my eyes. Happy tears, of course.

"I missed you too mom. How is everyone?" I ask as we pull away.

I put my seat belt on and push the seat back a little. The space in the plane was so cramped that I couldn't recline my chair so now my back is hurting.

My mom hums a response. "They're doing good. For the past month everything has been hectic. With the wedding and everything, but now we're okay."

I nod and look out the window. Cars are wrapped around the whole airport. This traffic reminds me of New York. With all the cars and everybody trying to get out at the same time. It's crazy.

Thirty minutes later we finally make it out of the parking lot and are on our way to my parent's house. I can't wait to see everybody. Four years has been too long.

We sit in silence as the radio plays softly. The beat to 'Bad Blood' is starting to play. I hum along to the song.

"Brooke, how is New York?" My mom breaks the silence.

I look over and see that her eyes are still on the road. I relax my shoulders and lay my head on the window.

"It's good. It's still busy New York, but I enjoy it." I reply.

"That's nice." My mom responds.

I'm trying to keep my eyes open, but I'm so tired. I didn't get a chance to get some sleep on the plane because I had screaming babies in front of me and behind me.

I start to doze off until my mom starts talking.

"What's this that I've been hearing about you going out with a male model? What's his name, Kelvin, Calvin.."

That wakes me up. My eyes fly open and I can feel myself tense up. How did she know about Kevin and I? My mom is not the type to look up on social media or anything. She will read magazines here and there but not the gossip ones. Unless someone told her, but who?

My mom is still trying to figure out Kevin's name when I reply, "His name is Kevin. Kevin Anderson."

"Oh! That's his name! I knew it was similar to Kelvin." She exclaims. She gets off the exit and stops at a red light. Out of the corner of my eye, she turns to me. I don't look at her though. Instead I continue staring out of the window.

"Isn't he that famous music producer and famous fashion designer's son?" She aks.

I want to tell her so bad that that isn't true. That all of that was a cover up story from the truth. I won't do that to Kevin, though. That would be an invasion of his privacy and I'm not type of person.

"Yeah." I reply.

"Oh okay, what were their names again?" She says. The light turns green and she starts driving again. "I forgot."

"Karen Ricks and Robert Anderson."

"That's it! I've been having a short memory lately." She laughs.

"How did you know about us?"

My mom doesn't reply. Instead she hums and continues driving. Silence. That's all I get from her. I just want to know where did she get this information from.

We pull up in front of the house. My mom is about to get out of the car, but I lock doors. She looks at me with shock all over her face. I resist the urge to unlock the door. I need to know how she found out about Kevin and I.

She sighs and turns to me. "Brooklyn, I'm glad that you're back, but that doesn't mean that I can't give you a good fussing. Now unlock this door."

I cringe at her using my full name, and her threat. But I stand my ground. "Not until you answer my question." My mom raises her eyebrows at my tone. "Please." I add.

"Stubborn as always." She rolls her eyes. I wait for her patiently. When she realizes that I'm not going to unlock the door, she sighs again. "My students were talking about it in class."

I should've known. Middle schoolers will gossip about anything. Especially if it deals with famous people.

I give her one of my innocent smiles and unlock the door. She rolls her eyes again and gets out. I collect my purse and get out also.

I open the trunk to get my stuff. My mom is already at the front door waiting for me. I close the lid and hurry over. She gives me a grin. I can't help but grin back. I can't wait to see how everyone will react when they see me.

When my mom opens the door, the sound of party poppers greet me. I jump in surprise and clutch my chest. My heart is beating faster than normal. Jesus, that nearly gave me a heart attack.

"WELCOME HOME, BROOKE!" Everyone shouts.

I cover my mouth as I look at my family's smiling faces. Just seeing everyone here is making me a little emotional. I can feel my eyes getting wet as I look at them all.

I feel someone touch my shoulder. I look up and see my dad staring down at me. His soft blue eyes gaze down at me. I can't help it anymore. The tears start trailing down my cheeks as I pull him in a hug. I can hear everyone around us awing.

"Hey, baby girl. I missed you." He murmurs into my hair.

"I missed you too." I sob against his chest.

We stay like that until someone clears their throat. I look up from my dad's chest and see Ashton, my brother, in front of us. I pull away from my dad and turn to him. He smirks at me as he opens his arms. I roll my eyes and run into them.

"Hey Brooke." Ashton greets.

I can't even reply to him. I'm such a mess right now that I can't form coherent sentences. All I do is hug him tighter.

"Okay, okay, now that we got those emotional greets out of the way, how about we party!" Someone yells.

I giggle and nod my head. Everyone cheers as they start chatting excitedly.

It feels good to be home.


I close my old bedroom door and plop down on the bed. I am so exhausted. First it was the plane ride, and now it's my family's welcome party.

I was surprised that they threw it the day before the wedding. I would have expected them to try to get everything ready and get rested. Boy, was I wrong.

I lazily change out of my dress and put on my pajamas. I brush my hair and put it up in a ponytail. I can't wait to get under the covers and just fall asleep.

I am about to get under the covers, but my phone buzzes with a text message. I reach over and pick it up. I unlock it and look at the text.

Do you have skype? -Kevin

Yeah, why? -Brooke

Wanna skype each other? -Kevin

Of course. -Brooke

Thanks. I'll call in a minute. xx -Kevin

I jump off the bed and hurry over to my suitcase. I take my laptop out of it and hurry back over. I type in my password and open up the app.

Soon enough, Kevin calls. Just in time. Good timing Brooke. I congratulate myself as I accept the call.

Kevin's face pops up on the screen. His dark brown hair is hanging out of a gray beanie and he's shirtless. I can feel my eyes widening at the gorgeous sight. I thought his back was sexy, but his chest is mouthwatering.

"You're staring." Kevin points out.

I can feel my face heating. It's going to take me a while to get used to seeing his naked body. Right now it's hard because it's so irresistible.

"How was the reunion?" Kevin asks.

"It was good. I have never missed my family so much before." I reply.

Kevin grins at me. He starts talking about how he spent his day lounging on the couch and watching Netflix. I can't help but smile as he continues talking.

I can't believe that this cold-hearted man is talking to me in long sentences, and not in short ones. When we first met, Kevin didn't want to have anything to do with me. Now he's talking to me like he's known me for forever. It's a good feeling knowing that he's comfortable around me.

Kevin and I talk for awhile until the exhaustion from earlier hits me. I want to go to sleep, but I also want to continue talking to Kevin.

"You're falling asleep on me. I'll talk to you later." Kevin teases me.

I'm about to protest but Kevin ends the call with a curt bye. I let out a long yawn as I close my laptop. Instead of putting my laptop back in the suitcase, I put it on the nightstand. I'm too lazy and tired to get up.

I get under the covers and place my head on the pillow. It doesn't take me long until I'm passed out.


Oh my god! My hair's a mess!"

"Darla, honey, it's just one strand."

"One strand is a mess!"

I listen to my cousin, Darla, and my aunt fuss over her hair. We have five minutes to get Darla downstairs to her father so she can go down the aisle and get married.

The hair stylist and makeup artist left not too long ago, and the bridesmaids went to go get in line. I decided to stay here so I can make sure she's alright. I'm glad I did because she is having a fit.

I watch Darla carefully and see her eyes are starting to water. Oh no. I don't want her to ruin her make up. That will make her want cry even more.

I get up from the couch and hurry over. I glance over at my aunt. She is looking at me with a pleading look. I nod my head and watch her sigh with relief. She gives my shoulder a squeeze and sneaks out the room.

I place my hands on Darla's shoulders and start rubbing them. I can feel her relax as I continue giving her a mini massage.

"Darla, it's okay. It's only one strand. It can easily be fixed." I comfort her.

"I-I know, it's just that I'm so nervous, y'know?" She says in a shaky voice.

I hum in agreement. I take my hands off her shoulders and to her hair. I gently brush back the loose strand. I pat it down a little and pat her back.

"There it's fixed. Come on now. We have less than three minutes to get downstairs." I tell her.

She takes a deep breath and nods her head. I smile and lead her out the door.

When we get downstairs the first pair of bridesmaids and groomsmen are walking the down the aisle. Darla walks over to her father. He smiles and hands her a bouquet of white roses.

I go to stand next to Ashton. He looks over at me and smirks.

"You calmed bridezilla down?" He asks.

I roll my eyes and, discreetly, kick the back of his knee. He groans and turns to glare at me. I give him an innocent grin as I pat his back. Ashton just rolls his eyes and interlocks our arms.

After the third pair walks down, it's our turn. I'm so nervous. What if I trip over my own two feet? The heels that I'm wearing are five inches, so I can trip on them easily.

Ashton must sense my nervousness because he gives my arm a squeeze. I give him a tight smile and let him lead us down the aisle.

Luckily, I didn't trip and made it through. I let go of my brother, and stand next to one of Darla's friends.

I clutch the flowers, that I'm holding against my chest, in anticipation. I can't wait to see my favorite cousin walk down the aisle. It feels like it was just yesterday when we were eating our barbie dolls' hair. I cringe when I think that. Ah, memories.

I feel a little emotional when Darla walks down the aisle with her dad. She looks so much mature than she was a few minutes ago. I wipe my eyes to make sure I have no tears in my eyes. When I pull my hand back, it feels wet. I'm so glad the makeup I'm wearing is waterproof.

After Darla and her groom say their vows, they say their 'I dos', and share their first kiss as a married couple. Clapping and cheering sounds through the church. I clap as best as I can with the flowers I'm holding.

The newlyweds walk back down the aisle with smiles on their faces. That was so beautiful. I'm so glad that my cousin is happy.

Everyone is getting up and heading to the reception hall. I walk over to my mom and dad, who are waiting for me.

When I reach them, my mom hands me my purse. I thank her and put the strap on my shoulder. I'm about to walk away, but she stops me. I watch her in confusion as she licks her thumb and rubs the corner of my eye. What is she doing?

"Seems like you've been crying. Your makeup smeared a little." My mom announces.

I feel my face heat up. I probably look a mess right now. I pull my little mirror out of my purse and look at myself. Yep, I was right. My eyeliner is smeared and my eyes look a little puffy. I sigh and turn to my parents.

"You guys can go ahead, I'm going to the bathroom so I can redo my eyes." I tell them.

They both nod and head towards the reception hall.

After wandering for ten minutes or so, I finally find the bathroom. I fix my make up and I'm about to leave, but my phone buzzes with a text message. I take it out and see that it's from Kevin. I smile and tap on the message.

It's a picture of him holding a pomeranian. Under the picture, it says:

We just got this little guy. His name is Charlie. He reminds me of you because he likes to stare at things and he's clumsy. -Kevin

I smile and type a reply.

He's so cute! I wish I can have him. Also, what do you mean clumsy?! -Brooke

;) -Kevin

The smile on my face gets even bigger at the winky face. I look back at the picture and I can't help but stare at it longingly. Kevin looks cute when he's by himself, but the pomeranian is making him look cuter.

A warm feeling spreads through my chest as I stare at Kevin. The feeling feels like what I felt when I started liking Kevin. Except it feels stronger. Like my liking for Kevin is becoming something more.

The sound of Uptown Funk shakes me out of my daze. I put my phone back in my purse, and zip it up. I look at the mirror again and fix my hair a little.

When I look presentable, I walk out and head towards the reception hall.


A/N: Here is chapter 12! Sorry for the long wait. I've been feeling horrible for the last couple days, but I'm alright now! Hope u enjoy and I'll see u guys soon :))

-Lisa ♥

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