Storm Potter (James potters T...

By WaywardBoothe

107K 2.4K 834

(People have asked me to keep these stories up so im going to rewrite them somewhere else and post em when th... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Diagon Ally
9 3/4?
Is This My Fate
Quick Random Note

Chapter Five

5.2K 152 52
By WaywardBoothe

(They're going to to their 6th year at Hogwarts and I'm gonna explain what's happened so far!)
In first year all my friends and I, except Snape, were in Gryfindor and Tom seemed a bit sad but he was fine with it. Dumbledore knew who I was and welcomed some with a warm smile and still have me extra lessons.
In second year Lily and I were still friends with Snape till he called Lily a mudblood and lost her forever. I was still friends with him but no one knew we were still friends. We also found out Remus was a werewolf and we wanted to help him but he said no.
In third year James kept asking Lily out everyone he saw her and I could see she wanted to say yes but she didn't because of how he acted. It was pretty fun to watch. We also became illial animagi! James was an elk so we called him prong. Sirius was a wolf so we called him padfoot. Peter was a rat so we called him worm tail. Remus was a werewolf so we called him Moony. I was a lion so they called me liger. (Eyyyyyy it'sa Napoleon Dynamite)
In fourth year Remus finally asked me out on a date and it went perfect...well not really. Let's just say I tripped a lot and might have spilt hot coffee on Remus. Well at least he's finally my boyfriend.
Fifth year was boring. It was the same as last year but we had owls which sucked. I got to see Tom a lot more because I slept in a lot of classes and I learned how to control what I do in the present time when I'm in the past so I don't scream and flail anymore!
Now its sixth year and were getting ready to leave. Oh I forgot to add that Sirius moved in with us because his family disowned him.

Sirius came marching down the stairs with his curly hair falling in his face with his hand son his hips all sassy like.
"Excuse me sista but I gotta do my hur so all the men's will fall for me." He said in a terrible girl voice. "Sirius...we all know your gay...there's no need to tell us again." I said with one hand on his shoulder and the other on his hand.
(I have nothing against gay people of you think I do but I don't because they're awesome!)
James started laughing and Sirius have me the evils. I smirked and ran to the kitchen to eat food before we left. Let's just say I love food now and it's fine because I have a high metabolism.

We were on the train I was fidgeting in my seat waiting for Remus because I haven't seen him in three weeks! It may not seem like a long time but it feels like forever!
When the door slid open I immodestly stood up and looked at the door. I saw it was Peter and me being me I tried to play it off by moving to the seat next to the door.
"Storm...we know you thought it was Remus." James and Sirius snickered while I glared at them.
"I have no idea what you're talking about James I simply wanted a new seat." I said looking at the door.
They just sniggered and started talking about girls...well James talked about Lily and Sirius talked about girls.
The door opened again and this time I saw my bushy haired bo...sorry man.
I jumped up and hugged him making him laugh and hug me back.
"I missed you so much Remmy." I mumbled into his shoulder.
"I missed you too Stormy." He mumbled back into mine.
I heard fake gagging noises coming from James and Sirius so I used my wand less magic too turn their precious hair purple and spiky. It may have been greasy it might not have but you'll never know.

It was winter and we were going on our Hogsnead trip that we all go on every year but I'm going with Remus and Lily is surprisingly going with James. Sirius is going with some hooker from Hufflepuff and Peter is going to wander around.
James,Lily,Remus and I are sharing a carriage to Hogsmead while Sirius, the skank and Peter and sharing a carriage.
Lily and James were surprisingly holding hands and whispering to each other and me and Remus were  holding hands and snuggling.
When we got to Hogsmead we went our separate ways and started walking around. We were walking around until suddenly we couldn't move. I looked up and saw mistletoe and smiled at Remus. He smiled back at me and kissed me on the lips. It was so loving and caring and I just wanted to kiss him forever but we stopped when we heard a cough behind us and a giggle. We turned around and saw my mum and dad holding hands and smiling at us. Well dad was trying not to smile and look serious but that wasn't working.
"Mum dad what are you guys doing here?" I asked hugging them.
"Well we came to see you guys but we also had some business with Dumbledore so we decided to walk around Hogsmead a bit since we knew you guys were coming today." Mum said while smiling at me and Remus.
When mum and dad left Remus and I continued to walk back to Hogwarts and sit by the black lake.
While we were sitting at the Black Lake we heard laughter and foot steps. (I forgot to mention her eyes are purple because she can go into the past and all that wonderful stuff!)
We turned around and saw Lucius Moufoy with his pose (do people still say that? No...oh well)
And he was with Narcissa Black.
"Oh look guys...its ickle Potter and ickle Lupin." Lucius sneered.
"Awe you guys are so cute together...wait did I say that out loud..,oops." I said looking back at the lake.
"How about instead of fighting in front of your love you spend more time with her on your day off from school." I said still looking at the lake.
I heard muttering from the others and then Lucius said, "well Potter makes sense...for once...let's go love." He said as he walked away with the others.
I smiled and put my head back on Remus's shoulder and stared at the lake. It was so calm and quiet I fell asleep on his shoulder.

(To a time which you will
Find out in a second)

I woke up and thought I'd see Tom but instead I found myself in front of  a mini James...but with Lilys eyes?
Am I in the futur?
"Umm excuse me but who are you guys?" I asked mini James.
"I'm Harry Potter. This is Ron weasly and Hermione granger. Who are you? You look familiar."
Harry said.
"My names Storm potter. Sorry some times I go to a different time when I fall asleep." I said looking around.
"W-wait you're my a-aunt Storm?" Harry asked with tears in his eyes.
"I believe so kiddo. Why're you crying sweetie?" I asked hugging him. When I hugged him he hugged back the hardest he could making it hard to breath but I let him.
"D-dad h-he died Stormy." Harry cried. I stood there shocked at what he just said.
"W-when did he...die? Did Lily...die too?" I asked my voice shaking.
"They died trying to protect me when Voldomort came to our house. He was trying to recruit them but they refused so he killed them. You tried to protect them and me as well  but you disappeared and no one knew where you were." Harry cried harder.
"Don't worry Harry I'll make sure they don't die. I'll know what to do now and I'll make sure they live ok kiddo? Is Remus and Sirius still alive?" I asked hugging him still.
"Sirius is in Azkaban and Remus is here." Harry sniffed.
"Oh man...Sirius would get himself locked up wouldn't he? Is it ok if you take me to see Remus?" I said letting him go.
He nodded and grabbed my hand pulling me towards Remus.
He lead me to a class room and stood outside the doors.
"I'm not sure if there's a class but I'm sure he'd love to see you no matter what." Harry said smiling at me. I smiled and nodded.
(People can see her in the future)
I pushed open the doors and every little hear turned towards me.
"Ah I thought one day you'd be a teacher Remus." I said smiling at him. He looked around 36 but he was very pale and looked sick.
He shot his head toward and and stared at me wide eyed.
The kids did the same thing and looked a bit sad but happy.
"What have you guys never seen a girl from the last in the future?" I asked looking around.
As I turned back to Remus I felt arms wrap around me and I could smell chocolate. I knew it was Remus because it would be weird for one of these kids to hug me and also because Remus always smelled of chocolate.
"I missed you so much Storm! I thought you died or they took you!" Remus mumbled into my shoulder crying a bit. I hugged him harder and smiled.
"I'm not sure what happened to me but remember that day in sixth year when we were by the black lake after our Hogsmead trip and we say my parents and I fell asleep? That's here I am in the present time." I said mumbling back into his shoulder. I felt myself fading so I hugged him the tightest I could.
"I'll see you soon Remus tell Harry I said I love him and I love you." I said as I faded away.
I opened my eyes to find myself still in the future but in the shrieking shack. There I saw a black wolf that was very messy. I smiled and started to pet him.
"Sirius I knew you'd get yourself Locke up one day but not for anything Sirius." I started laughing at my own joke. After a few second I heard someone laughing wit me so I looked up and saw a messy looking Sirius.
"Man Sirius what'd prison do to you?" I asked hugging him after we finished laughing.
"Well you see the night James and Lily died I went to see if everyone was ok but when I got to Peter he want there and nothing was messed up so I thought it was him so I flew to their house to see if they were ok but when I got there they were dead and Hagrid had to take Harry somewhere safe so I have Hagrid my bike and went to find Peter to confront him. When I found him he shouted why'd I kill James and Lily where'd I put you. Then he blew up the street and cut off his own stubby little finger and ran away as a rat. They sent me to Azkaban because they thought I was the secret keeper but we changed last second because we thought they wouldn't suspect Peter but he was a traitor." Sirius said with tears running down his cheeks.
"It's ok Sirius I promise I'll try to change everything and keep everyone alive. I'll confront Peter when I get back and I'll make sure he doesn't do anything like that. I promise. Love you brother." I sniffed and went back to my time. I swear I'm not gonna let James and Lily die because Voldomort wants them dead.

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