The Stølen Girl

By WickedPromises

303K 14.6K 4K

Keith Chambers gets everything he wants, without question. So when he longs for a friend, it comes as no surp... More

Chapter Øne
Chapter Twø
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty Five

5.2K 334 41
By WickedPromises

Keith didn't know how long he'd been in the basement. He didn't know how long he'd been bleeding on the concrete floor, wondering if his life was over. He didn't know if it was death or reality.

When his mother finally opened the basement door, he realized that he was still alive.

"My word, what's going on here?" She demanded, rushing down the stairs. Seeing her son covered in blood wasn't something she liked seeing. And it confused her, making her wonder how long he'd been down there.

"Dad happened." Keith rasped, getting to his feet. The loss of blood made him dizzy, and he nearly collapsed onto the ground again.

"I'm bringing you to the hospital, Keith. You have a huge gash on your head! Come on, I'll call an ambulance even. Why are you limping like that?"

Keith was limping. His ankle felt so painful it brought tears to his eyes when he stepped on it. Despite this, he continued to push himself up the stairs, wondering how much time had passed. He wondered if he was too late.

He picked up the house phone.

"What are you doing? We need to get you to the hospital, Keith. Come on!" His mother urged, but he held up a hand.

"I need to phone the police, okay? Dad's gone and done something really bad, mom. Like, really bad. I have the worst feeling."

And like that, his mother turned on him. "You're calling the police on your father? Are you crazy? Are you looking to get us all put away?"

The police picked up as she said this.

"Yes, hi," Keith responded to the dispatcher. "I'm here to report a kidnapping."

It was something he should have done years ago. It was something he should have done the moment Joshua had taken her, or better yet, the moment he realized he loved her. He should have done it, but his fear always overcame him. But, this was right.

He knew his father would go searching for Mary, and Keith had no clue about the time frame of when he was locked in the basement to now. He didn't know if an hour had past or a week.

He needed to protect Mary. He needed to get his father arrested for what he had done, and preferably before he hurt Mary this time around.

His mother felt differently.

"Keith, hang up the fucking phone right now!" She yelled, lunging at him, but Keith could fight off his mother better than he could his father. He elbowed her away from him, feeding the dispatcher information.

Once he gave his father's name, he began to give information. "He just got out of jail, and I'm worried he's going after her again now that she's free. I'm worried he's going to kill her."

"What are you doing!" His mother screeched. "You're ruining everything, Keith!"

Keith felt bad for his mother. She, like himself, was a prisoner to his father's decisions. She would be dragged done just as much as he would. And it wasn't fair, but life was never fair.

"Thank you for this anonymous tip. We will be using this information to catch him."

And that was it. And after the phone was hung up and Keith felt numb, he moved to the doorway. "I'm driving myself to the hospital, mother. I suggest you think about the choices you've made in the past and how it affects today."

Keith knew this was the right thing to do. And he knew that, even if Mary never gave him credit for turning himself and his dangerous father in, he was doing her justice. He knew Theodore won over her heart, and while that killed him on the inside, there was absolutely nothing he could do.

He ruined it. Ruined every single thing about their messed up relationship.

Keith wasn't a good person. He was messed up, and he was the first to admit this. But, he wanted to deserve Mary. He wanted her so badly he turned himself in.

He wanted one person to look at him and see him for the person he wanted to be, not the screw up he was. He wanted a do-over, a second chance.

It wasn't his decision to kidnap Mary. But, it had been his decision to abuse her the way he did. And even now, as he realized how horrible he'd been, he couldn't take it back. Couldn't realize the error of his ways before he acted on them.

He was human. Human's made mistakes. And it was clear he would suffer the repercussions of it for his entire life.

But, all he could picture was her face. When her first met her. When he played with her in the cold basement. Before things turned abusive. Before things became complicated.

He loved her more than anything. More than his freedom. More than staying out of jail.

He loved her more than he thought he would love anyone. And now it was all over. He'd lost. Theodore had won. And the chips had fallen.

He knew he had lost, but he knew he could protect her like this. Sending his dad back to jail. Sending himself to jail and staying out of her sights for good, like she wanted.

The only downside was Theodore. He could be going down as well, and that terrified him. Because Keith was saving her from his dangerous father, but he might also be taking Theodore away from her.

It was a double edged sword, and Keith hoped it was worth it.

But, what Keith didn't realize was that his father already was in action. He didn't realize his father had already killed Mary's father. And he certainly didn't realize his father was already at her house, waiting to bring her to the same fate.

* * *

A/N: Hey guys!

Trying to finish up this story ASAP so im releasing chapters like im on fire or somethin haha

Story is ALMOST to an end! WHICH IS SAD AND UPSETTING UGH. but, when it does end, get ready fo the next installment, which is The Devil Child!! 

Super excited to start that one as well.

Love you all! XOXO

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