the secrets we keep [camren]

By kcxbello

976K 24.5K 28.6K

Lauren Jauregui; Captain of the softball team. Most popular girl in school. Every girls hero and every guys d... More

Sequel is up!


45.9K 1.3K 3K
By kcxbello

While Lauren and Camila were having their risqué swim, Harper was getting to know her aunts. She sat in between the two girls as they talked to her, however she couldn't stop staring up at Dinah.

Putting her backpack down on the floor, Dinah glanced at the three-year-old and smiled. "What?"

Harper stood on her two tiny feet and grabbed Dinah's face, examining it. "You got something on your face."

Dinah's eyes widened as Harper squeezed her face, she quickly removed her hands and turned back to her backpack and opened it before turning it upside down, causing a heap of gifts to fall out to the ground and Harper to gasp in excitement and jump off the couch to sort through them.

Dinah snatched a mirror from the stack and examined her face, groaning in dismay at the large red zit growing on her nose. "Awh man."

Ally watched her niece closely when she saw a shiny object in the heap of presents. Her eyes widened and she reached in and grabbed it before Harper had the chance to. "An army knife?" She exclaimed, looking at the two girls on the couch.

Dinah looked up at her and frowned, "Laur loves em! So her daughter should have one"

Ally stared at her in disbelief. "She's three! Do you know--"

"Three and a half!" Harper yelled from her position on the floor.

"Three and a half." Ally corrected herself, trying not to laugh before looking back at Dinah and Normani who were staring at her. "Do you have any idea what Camila would do to you if she knew you gave this to her?"

"Dare her to cut Lauren's dick off?" Normani snickered, punching Dinah's shoulder, causing her to laugh along.

Ally glared at them intensely, shoving the knife in her pocket. "Language!" She took a deep breath and lifted her hands to rub at her temples, attempting to soothe her impending headache. "How about we just watch a movie, yeah?"

"YEAH!" Harper squealed, jumping up in excitement then running to the big entertainment unit they had in the living room. She pulled out one of her favorite movies then ran back to Ally, holding it up for her to see. "Can we watch Beauty and the Beast?"

Ally smiled at her and took the movie. "Of course baby girl. Go get comfortable. I'll get the movie ready." She watched as Harper grinned and ran to the best seat in the living room, in her opinion. The exact middle of the couch.

She climbed on and pulled the blanket that was hanging off the back of the couch to her lap and snuggled into it before pouting. "I need mommy to cuddle with."

After putting the movie in, Ally walked to her seat on the recliner then looked at Harper. "I know baby. But she'll be home soon."

Harper sighed dramatically and nodded. "Okay..."

Dinah ruffled the little girl's hair then got up. "I'll get some snacks. What's a movie without popcorn?"

"Bring me back a soda." Normani told her, pulling her shoes off and tucking her feet under her.

Dinah rolled her eyes then went into the kitchen to do her bidding with an angry grumble about being bossed around.

She came back a minute later and threw the can of Diet Coke at Normani then threw herself down on the couch, watching the movie.

"Where's the popcorn?" Normani asked as she opened the can and glanced at the younger girl.

Dinah opened her own can and threw another to Ally then handed a Capri-Sun to Harper before answering her. "Microwave."

Normani nodded and they all started watching. It was fifteen minutes later when they heard the doorbell ring and they all groaned in annoyance.

"I'll get it." Ally sighed and stood up, keeping her eyes on the screen as she went to the front door. When she opened it, she was immediately pushed aside by a very unhappy, and angry Kendall Jenner.

"Where is she?" She demanded, looking around the foyer for her girlfriend.

Ally stared at her bewildered, shutting the door. "Where's who?"

"Lauren, you imbecile." Kendall snapped, putting her hands on her hips. She was wearing another ridiculous outfit. A very short mini skirt and a crop top that barely covered her breasts, with six inch heels.

Hearing her voice, Dinah and Normani looked at each other in shock and worry, quickly getting off the couch and going into the foyer, leaving Harper alone, although she didn't seem to notice as she was too invested in the movie.

Hearing footsteps, Kendall turned around and glared at the two girls. "There you two are! Where the fuck is Lauren? I went to her house and she wasn't there, or both your houses, and she isn't answering her phone."

Dinah looked at Normani, trying to figure out what to tell her, then back at Kendall, thinking of something.

"She's out planning you a surprise." She grinned in triumph at her idea, not noticing the angry look on Ally and Normani's faces directed at her.

Kendall stared at her in speculation, crossing her arms. "A surprise? What kind of surprise?"

Normani quickly jumped in before the younger girl could do anymore damage. "Well if we told you it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"

Kendall let a little smile curl onto her face, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I guess not." She cleared her throat and straightened her back, her face taking on a cold stare again. "Well then. Tell Lauren I'm extremely angry at her and for her to call me." With that, she left the house with a loud slam of the front door.

The three girls stayed silent as they stared at one another before Ally's eyes narrowed and she frowned. "Do you.. do you guys smell something burning?"

Dinah and Normani sniffed the air before Dinah's eyes widened in realization and she ran into the kitchen.

"Fuck! My popcorn!"


"I had an amazing time tonight Lo." Camila smiled at her date as she walked her home later that night since they hadn't taken the older girl's car.

Lauren smiled back and looked down shyly at the asphalt. "Yeah, me too. We should do it again sometime."

"I'd like that." Camila's smile got even bigger.

Lauren looked at her and grinned, reaching out and taking her hand in hers, squeezing it. Not being able to help herself, she stopped Camila from walking and leaned in to give her a kiss on the lips.

Camila smiled and she closed her eyes as their lips met, sighing contently against Lauren. They pulled away after a while and continued their walk with huge smiles.

However, Camila's smile dropped when they arrived and she saw a fire truck and police cars surrounding her house. Gasping in horror, she dropped Lauren's hand and ran the last block while she ran after her. "What happened!" She screeched at Ally when she reached them. She was speaking to one of the officers when she came over and started to hit her arm.

"Hey, whoa, relax Mila!" Ally quickly grabbed her hands and looked up into her worried eyes. "Everything's fine. Dinah forgot about her popcorn in the microwave and it started a small fire."

"Where's Harper?"

"Hey, don't worry." Normani interjected from beside Ally. "She's fine. We put her to bed a little while ago."

Lauren ran up to them, holding both hers and Camila's heels and looked at her two friends in confusion as Camila ran into the house to check on her daughter. "What are you two doing here?" she asked breathlessly.

Dinah smiled at her. "We came to see Harper. By the way, your girlfriend stopped by."

Lauren's face fell, glancing at the front door to see if Camila heard the word "girlfriend". "Why? What happened?"

Normani shook her head as the officers walked away and Ally went after her sister. "She came looking for you. Dinah told her you were planning a surprise for her." She threw a glare at the former who just smiled in response.

"What?" Lauren said in exasperation. "I'm breaking up with her!"

"Well. That'll be a surprise, now, won't it?"


Camila slowly opened her daughters bedroom door, smiling at the sight she found. Harper was curled up in bed, hugging her little Stitch stuffed doll to herself as she slept. Her blanket had been kicked off a bit in her sleep and Camila giggled quietly, walking over after taking her heels off and tucking her back in, kissing her forehead gently and then going back to the door.


Already out of the room, Camila peeked her head back in when she heard her daughters voice. "Yeah baby? You're awake?"

Harper sat up in her bed and nodded, rubbing her eyes. "I can't sleep without you or momma tucking me in."

Camila couldn't help but smile and she walked in, closing the door behind her. She flicked on a small lamp that was on Harper's dresser and walked over to her, sitting on the edge of her bed. "Do you want me to sing to you?"

Harper smiled brightly and excitedly nodded, her hair an adorable mess of curls. "Yeah!"

Camila smiled and moved up to lay beside her daughter at her pillow. She wrapped her arms around her and kissed her head as the young girl snugged into her and paused when she felt something on her head. She took her hand and gently touched where she kissed and felt a bump.

Camila's eyes widened as she flattened Harper's curls and saw it. "Oh my God. Is that a bump?"

"Uh huh. I got it when Aunt Dinah picked me up and hit my head on the wall." Harper quipped, already forgetting the deal she made with her three aunts.

"She did what?! How?" Camila gasped in worry, examining him for any more injuries.

"When the fire started." Harper began to giggle at the memory. "She pickeded me up and held me high so I wouldn't get hurt but my head hit that." She pointed to the doorway and cuddled into her mother again. "Sing Mommy. Please."

Camila quietly seethed, making a mental note to give Dinah a bump on her head once she put Harper to sleep. "Sure baby.." She rubbed her back gently and softly began singing a song she had written when she and Lauren were coming to an end.

Monday you sent me flowers

Tuesday made me feel stupid

Wednesday the world was ours

Thursday you didn't prove it

Friday fell back in love

Saturday we didn't talk

Sunday you said you needed space

Do you miss me? Am I crazy?

Am I losing hold of your love baby?

Either you want me or you don't

I need to know, I need to know

Who are you today?

Will you be the sun

Or the pouring rain?

Who are you tomorrow?

Will you make me smile

Or just bring me sorrow?

Who are you gonna be

When I'm lost and I'm scared?

Who are you gonna be

When there's nobody there?

Who are you today?

'Cause I am still the same

Looking down, Camila saw that the toddler was completely asleep. With a smile, she slowly got up from Harper's grasp and quickly replaced herself with Nala, as she had done with Lauren.

With one last kiss on Harper's forehead, Camila began to walk to the door when it slowly creaked open and Lauren's head peeked in. Camila smiled at her and quietly slipped out, shutting the door behind her.

Lauren took a step back and shyly shuffled her feet together, rubbing her arm. "Is she asleep? I was hoping to tuck her in."

"Yeah, she is. You can go in and give her a kiss though, if you want." Camila replied quietly so she wouldn't wake the toddler up. "Dinah gave him a bump on the head, by the way."

Lauren winced at the image of her daughter getting hurt because of her friend. "Sorry." She mumbled quietly. "You have my authorization to punish her anyway you see fit." That earned her a smile of appreciation and a nod of approval from Camila as she quietly opened the door then paused to look at her once more, whispering.

"By the way, that was an amazing song." Lauren quickly slipped into the room and shut the door silently, barely missing the blush that appeared on Camila's cheeks.

Standing still for a moment as she gathered her thoughts and willed the blush to go away, Camila cleared her throat and made her way downstairs to see what to do to Dinah.

"Dinah Jane Milika Ilaisaane Hansen Amasio!"

Dinah looked up, startled at the use of her full name. She was holding the front door in her hand as she was the last of the three to walk back into the house after seeing the firemen and officers off. Seeing Camila coming down the stairs in anger, she contemplated escaping the house but something told her Camila would just chase her until she caught her, despite her hate of physical activity and that she had the coordination of a squirrel. So she decided against it. No use in tiring herself out.

"Uh, hey Mila." Dinah chuckled anxiously, shutting the front door slowly, knowing exactly why Camila was so mad and also knowing she was either about to die or about to be severely injured. "What's up?" She gave her an uneasy smile, shoving her hands into her back pockets.

"You dented my baby!" Camila hissed, smacking her chest.

Dinah winced and took a step back, not wanting more physical abuse from the tiny girl. "Well not exactly. I mean, it's just a little bump.. She didn't even cry! Here, let me just explain what happened."

Taking a deep calming breath, Camila closed her eyes and counted to ten before opening them again to look at Dinah calmly. "Go ahead."

Before Dinah could run into the kitchen to save the popcorn, the fire alarm went off thus alerting the police and firefighters. Being faster then Dinah, Normani pulled her back and ran into the kitchen herself. Dinah and Ally looked at each other in worry then ran into the living room to get Harper.

Dinah got to the scared three year old first and grabbed her, holding her up high as she ran from the living room, resulting in Harper hitting her head on the doorway.

Ally gasped loudly as she witnessed the accident, her hands slapping to cover her mouth. The alarm stopped and it became dead silent as they imagined what Camila would do to them if she found out. She took Harper from Dinah and looked at the child, relieved that she wasn't crying and didn't seem to be affected at all.

"You're okay angel. Yeah, she's fine. She's completely fine. Let me just put her down." Ally mumbled, setting her down on the bench by the stairs before angrily turning to Dinah and hitting her arm. "How could you do that to her!! Mila trusted me, what is she going to say?!"

Dinah rolled her eyes as Normani came back in after opening the windows in the kitchen to let the smoke out. "She's not going to say anything because we're not going to tell her!"

"We're not?"

"No, we're not!"

"Alright I like that." Ally breathed in relief as she turned around to look at her niece, who had been unusually quiet as she watched her aunts argue, amused by it all. She didn't even feel any pain.

"So we're okay, we're okay, we're okay, aren't we?" Ally smiled, kneeling down and pushing Harper's hair from her face and when she felt a bump on the toddlers head, her eyes widened and she panicked again, "No, we're not okay, we're not okay, there's a bump, there's a bump."

Now, Dinah started to panic. Her eyes widened in worry and she hovered over the short Ally to see it. "Oh my God. Well, push it in, push it in!"

Ally stood up and looked up at her in anger. "I cannot push it in!"

Normani stood in the kitchen doorway in confusion, looking at Harper, who was giggling in her seat.

"And that's what happened." Dinah finished, staring at Camila, who was sitting in the same spot her daughter was in earlier.

Camila stared back at her, arms crossed and a skeptical look on her face. Before she could respond to the story, Lauren came downstairs talking to Dinah.

"Hey, DJ, did you notice anything weird about Harper today?" She asked, standing beside the bench Camila was on.

Dinah looked at her and frowned slowly. "No.. Why?"

Lauren shrugged, leaning against the staircase. "Well she had woken up so I played with her a bit to tire her out and yknow, we were doing the alphabet song, which she used to be good at considering she showed me tons of times.. But suddenly she's leaving out 'E' and 'F'." Lauren looked at him, looking confused. "It's like they fell out of her head."

Dinah looked extremely nervous and fidgety as she cleared her throat. "Really?"

"Yeah.." Lauren trailed off, then her eyes widened a little, moving off the staircase and going closer to her friend. "Oh, and also she's walking.. Kind of funny. I mean it's like her left leg is moving a lot faster then her right leg. Yeah, she's up there like.. yknow.." Lauren started walking in a fast circle as Camila and Normani slowly covered their mouths so they wouldn't lose it while Ally simply shook her head at Lauren's deviance.

Dinah's eyes widened in worry and she bolted up the stairs, yelling at them. "Oh my God I wrecked your kid!"

Camila looked up at Lauren with a stunned smile. "Is she actually awake?"

"Nah." Lauren laughed. "I just wanted to mess with Dinah."

Camila laughed hard and stood up, high-fiving her which resulted in Lauren pulling her in for a hug.


Lauren took a deep breath as she knocked on Kendall's door on the next day. She ran her hand through her hair nervously, flipping it to the other side as she closed her eyes. She opened them instantly when she heard the door open and saw her girlfriend on the other side.

"Lauren!" She smiled brightly but then scowled. "You ignored my calls last night."

"Uh, yeah.. about that--"

Kendall shook her head, the smile returning to her face. "It's fine. Do you have my surprise?" She asked, peeking behind her as if she were hiding it.

Lauren frowned, looking behind her in confusion. "No.." She said slowly, looking back at the brunette. "Listen. We need to talk. I don't think this is working." She cleared his throat. "I think we need to break up."


"Uh.. Surprise?"


I hope you guys liked this chapter!😊 the bump part was inspired by FRIENDS haha. Kudos to you if you figured out the flashback scene was an actual scene I took from the show! Comment and vote!

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