Crossbow Down [Stiles Stilins...

By littlejess96

12.4K 439 57

All Emily Argent wanted was a normal life. A life without all the bad memories her past held. A life without... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI

Chapter VI

835 39 9
By littlejess96

Chapter six

The next day after school, Lydia came home with the two Argent girls, so she could help Allison pick out the perfect outfit for their double date.

The older girl was standing in front of her closest going through all her stuff before grabbing a black shirt showing it to her friends.

"Pass." Lydia simply stated.

Allison turned back around grabbing another shirt, this time it was some weird orange-green batik shirt.

"Pass." The two girls said in unison.

"Let me see." Lydia said, getting up from Allison's bed walking over to the closet.

"Pass. Pass. Pass on all of it." The strawberry-blonde muttered while going through her friend's clothes.

"God, Allison, respect for your taste is dwindling by the second." Lydia told the girl next to her. "I hope Emily's taste is still at its peak. But considering the people she surrounds herself with on a daily basis, I start to doubt that."

Emily sighed and got up from her seat on the armchair in the corner of the room. She was getting more and more annoyed with the redheaded girl, not only was she tormenting Scott and Allison's date, no now she also started to insult Allison's taste in clothes.

"Come on, it can't be that hard to find an outfit for tonight." She said grabbing the first best thing in the closet.

"Hmm. This could work." Lydia confirmed, grabbing the brown shirt and handing it to Allison.

The girl stood in front of her mirror looking if her friend and her cousin were right, as Chris walked into the room without knocking.

"Dad, hello." Allison said, but what she meant to say was, why the hell he was barging in like that.

"Right. Sorry. I completely forgot to knock." Chris apologized, while putting on his jacket.

"Hi, Mr. Argent." Lydia greeted. Lying back on Allison's bed and twirling her hair, like she was trying to flirt with the man. Emily grimaced at the thought of that.

"Dad, do you need something?" Allison asked.

"I wanted to be telling you that the two of you will be staying in tonight." Chris explained.

"What? I'm going out with my friends tonight." His daughter complained while Emily was just nodding her head in confirmation.

"Not when some animal out there is attacking people." Chris said.

"Dad, dad..." Allison started to argue but her father stopped her.

"It's out of my hands. There's a curfew. No one's allowed out past 9:30 p.m." He told her and Allison threw the shirt onto her bed, being annoyed with it all.

"Hey, no more arguing." Chris said and left the room again.

"Someone's daddy's little girl." Lydia said.

"Sometimes. But not tonight." Allison said grabbed her beanie from her desk and walked over to her window.

"You're covering for me?" She asked Emily.

"Yeah, what else should I be doing tonight?" The girl asked sarcastically.

Allison smiled at her and turned around, opening the window and climbing out side onto the roof.

"What is she doing?" Lydia asked Emily shocked, looking out of the window.

"Wait and see." Was all the girl replied.

Once Allison got to the edge of the roof she jumped down, making a backflip while doing so and landing on her two feet on the grass.

"Eight years gymnastic." Allison explained to her friend looking up to her room's window. "Are you coming?"

"I'll take the stairs." Lydia simply said before leaving the room and walking down the stairs.

Emily followed her to the front door saying goodbye to the two girls.

She closed the door before walking into the living room to grab some movies for her planned evening activities.

"What are you girls doing now?" Chris asked her as Emily searched for her favorite DVDs.

"Uhm...Allison locked herself into her bedroom, probably wishing death or some deadly disease on you. So, I would be careful the next few days, if I were you. And I'm just gonna watch some movies. You know, normal night activities." The girl told her guardian.

"Okay, good. She's gonna be fine, isn't she?" Chris wondered.

"Yeah, probably. But first she's going to hate you for destroying her chance to finally have her first boyfriend." Emily explained.

"Well, then I'm gonna need to live with this burden."

"You won't have another choice, Uncle Chris." She stated, grabbing the last of her four movies and turning around ready to leave the room.

"Night, Chris." Emily said, while leaving the living room.

"Good night, Emily."

Emily wandered up the steps, stopping at Allison's bedroom door locking it to make sure the lie she told Chris was believable. She just hoped that her uncle would take the silence later when he wished his daughter good night as the typical teenage silent treatment.

Emily grabbed one of her handbags, once she had entered her own room, and threw the movies alongside some cookies, she had lying around everywhere in her room, her wallet, Allison's bedroom key, her own keys and her phone.

Emily was really happy that Chris wasn't of her has he was of Allison and that he trusted her enough to believe she was actually staying in her room all night long. No control visits meant she could leave trough her window without getting detected for leaving and she didn't need anyone to lie for her.

So she grabbed her favorite leather jacket, put it on and jumped out of her own window just like Allison did earlier. She hopped onto her bike to drive to a pizza place before heading towards her final destination, the home of the Stilinski family.


Emily was standing in front of the front door of the Stilinski house waiting for someone to open the door. As the door swung open a very confused looking Stiles appeared in the doorway.

"What are you doing here, Em?" He asked the brunette girl standing on his porch.

"Well, Allison got her 'date' with Scott and the bad people who sabotaged probably a perfect night. And I got bored at home alone without my best girlfriend, so I thought I just grab some awesome movies, jump out of my first story window, get down to the local pizza place to buy a pepperoni pizza, I hope you like pepperoni, and then ride all the way down here just to keep you company." Emily explained in one breath. After that she just stood there smiling akwardly at the boy.

Stiles just stood there, his mouth hanging open, wondering how the hell he ended up with this wonderful girl as one of her friends.

"Oh, okay." He said, still not moving from his place by the door.

"Are you going to let me in or do I have to go back home and die out of boredom?" Emily asked, raising her eyebrows in question.

"Yeah, come on in." The boy said, stepping aside mentioning with his arms for her to step into his home.

"Okay, so brought The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, The X-Men and The Amazing Spiderman. I'm pretty sure you got them all too, but I wanted to prove that I am indeed a superhero-girl." Emily said showing him the DVDs she grabbed earlier.

Stiles still stood there in the middle of his living room, still trying to grasp the fact that this girl was real and right here with him.

"Stiles? You're still with me?" Emily asked waving her hands in front of the boy's face.

"Yeah, sorry. What?" He asked confused.

"I asked you, which movie you want to watch first." Emily repeated.

"Uh...Let's start with The Avengers." Stiles decided, snatching the DVD out of Emily's hand, heading towards the TV. He put the disc into the player and pressed the play button on the remote, before turning around again.

In the meantime Emily made herself comfortable on the couch. She was sitting there cross-legged with a piece of the hot pizza already in one of her hands. Stiles couldn't help but think that this girl belonged right there, on his couch, in his family's home.

Emily petted the spot next to her mentioning him to sit down. Stiles shook his head, trying to get rid of his thoughts before he went over to the sofa plopping down next to his friend He grabbed a piece of pizza and sighed in contentment.


"Hey you got some popcorn?" Emily asked, turning her head towards the boy next to her.

"You just ate half of the pizza and at least ten cookies and you're still not satisfied?" Stiles asked back.

"Hey, I'm a growing girl. I need food to grow big and strong, you know? So, where's the popcorn? Or do I have to torture the answer out of you?" Emily said, trying to sound offended at first before trying to sound like a villain in movies.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it." Stiles said, getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen, shaking his head and laughing.

"Don't laugh, Stilinski. I can assure you I'm pretty good at torturing people. Just ask Allison, if you don't believe me." The girl yelled back, into the kitchen, were Stiles was now standing, waiting for the popcorn to get ready.

"Oh, I don't doubt that, Mrs. Argent. I'm just amused that you can eat like a starved animal." Stiles joked.

"Thank you." Emily replied.

"That wasn't supposed to be a compliment." Stiles explained.

"I know." The girl simply said.

"I swear, you're something else, Mrs. Argent." The boy told her, as he came back into the living room, carrying a bowl full of fresh made microwave-popcorn.

"I know, Mr. Stilinski. I know." Emily said, plopping popcorn into her mouth.


"So, do you think Allison and Scott have fun on their disaster date?" Emily asked the boy, the second movie playing on the TV long forgotten.

The two of them spent the last hour talking, participating in a popcorn-war but most importantly they've spent the last 60 minutes laughing so hard, they knew their muscles were going to hurt tomorrow.

"Allison is probably going to laugh about Scott's non-existent bowling skills." Stiles told her.

"Oh god. Is he really that bad?" Emily asked.

"Bad doesn't even begin to describe it. He couldn't even bowl to save his own life."

"And Ally's almost a pro. I remember that Chris used to take her bowling almost every weekend for a few years." The girl said.

"Well, let's just hope that his newfound werewolf-ism is going to help him. At least it did when it comes to his lacrosse skills." Stiles told her.

"So I was right, back on the first day, when I thought that he sucked at lacrosse the years beforehand?" Emily wondered.

"Yeah, totally. Now it's just me who's sitting on the bench, constantly...every single game." Stiles answered, sounding a little sad.

"Don't be sad, Stiles. Being the star-player isn't everything. And that's coming from a girl who's dated enough of them and learned her lessons by now. The nerds are always cooler and I believe to 100% the better boyfriends." Emily tried to cheer him up.

"You really believe that?" Stiles asked skeptically.

"No, I know so. I mean look at Lydia and Jackson. Lydia seems like a really smart girl, and when I say smart I mean on top of her classes smart, but she pretends to be one of those typical, dumb, blonde bimbos, who always die first in a horror movie. And for what? Just to be liked by the jackass she calls her boyfriend."

Stiles snorted by her last statement.

"No, seriously. Every time I see Jackson's face I just want to grab on of my crossbows and shoot him straight into his face, whipping that arrogant expression right out of it." She exclaimed.

"Whoa, calm down there tiger." Stiles said as she almost hit him in the face with the wild hand gestures she was making.

"Sorry." She apologized. "What I mean to say is that Lydia would totally deserve someone better, you know? Someone like you, for example. I mean you're smart, you're funny and kind. You would appreciate her, the real her. She wouldn't have to hide her true self, anymore. And you're also not that bad looking, either. But most importantly you seem to be the guy who would love his girl no matter what happens. Through bad and good, you would stay with her till the end of time. Am I right?" Emily explained what was going on in her head.

"You're right about that." Stiles whispered.

Emily felt his breath on her face. Throughout her little speech the two teenagers got closer to each other, their faces only inches apart. If one of them moved even a little bit, they would be kissing. They stayed like this for what seemed like forever, before Stiles started to move closer. As their lips were about to touch, a throat cleared behind them.

The pair jumped apart like they were caught doing something forbidden, and looked up.

The one and only Sheriff Stilinski was standing in the doorway arms crossed over his chest.

"D-Dad. What are you doing here?" Stiles stammered.

"I was just coming by to tell you that I'm going to be at the station all night." Mr. Stilinski explained.

"Why? What happened?" His son asked.

"Mr. Meyers succumbed to his wounds, so now it's officially a murder case." He explained and walked back into the hallway.

"Great, so now Derek's going to once again get away with murder." Stiles said.

"Yeah, I probably should head home. It's getting late and all. We'll talk tomorrow." Emily said.

Stiles tried to reply something, but the girl just ignored him Emily grabbed her jacket and hurried out of the house. She hopped on her bike and peddled away towards her home. While she was going home, she tried to understand what just happened a few minutes ago between Stiles and her, before the Sheriff interrupted them. Was she really about to kiss Stiles, the boy she only knew for a few week and the boy who's in love with one of her friends.


Even as she arrived at her house 15 minutes later she still hadn't figured it out yet, so she decided it was time to forget that it ever happened, hoping that the boy would do the same.

Emily was about to sneak back into her home when she heard two people approaching the front door. She hurried of the porch hiding behind some bushes.

"So do you think we can hang out again soon?" The voice of Scott asked and Emily let out a breath, happy about the fact that it was just Scott and Allison instead of her uncle and aunt.

"Definitely. But I have to admit something. I'm not big on group dates." Allison replied. "So next time, just the two of us."

"I could totally handle more of that." Scott said.

"Great." Allison told him and pecked the boy's lips before walking towards the front door.

"Allison." The teen wolf said, grabbing the girl's arm, pulling her back into his arms kissing her.

"And I could handle more of that." Allison repeated his words before turning around entering the house.

Scott stood there for a few seconds, a big smile on his face before walking of the porch, probably heading home.

Emily got up from her hiding-place behind the bushes and went towards the door, oblivious to the fact that Chris was peeking out from the living room window.

The girl entered the house and went up the stairs where Allison was standing in front of her locked door.

"Why's my door locked?" The brunette girl asked her cousin.

"Well, I had to come up with a cover story." Emily simply replied, before unlocking the bedroom door.

"And guessing what I've just seen one the porch, your group-date-thing went well."

"You saw that?" Allison asked.

"Yes, I did. I was hiding behind the bushes." The younger Argent answered.

"Why where you hiding behind the bushes? What were you doing tonight anyway?" Her cousin questioned.

"I was just watching some movies with Stiles. Nothing dramatic." Emily told her leaving out the fact that the two of them almost kissed and that maybe she started to wonder if she would've liked it or not.


And that just happened. I didn't plan for this to happen it just did. I'm finally done writing this chapter, taking me again a month, thanks for being patient with me. But finally the weather here in Germany is getting a little colder again, these past few weeks were totally too hot. I mean, I love summer, don't get me wrong, but when even just breathing is too exhausting then it's really way too hot.

Thanks for all the votes, comments, and for you adding this story to one of your reading lists and for hitting over 2k and almost 100 votes, you guys rock.

see you next time

Jess (the girl who finally started watching The 100, and loves it)

PS. I have a tumblr-account now, so if you want to you can check it out. My username is xxsparksofdreamsxx.

PPS. This chapter is not edited, as allways.

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