Luke Hemmings Imagines

By aesthetickaty

232K 3.8K 355

58 Luke imagines all written by me!! thank you for 166k reads! #13 in Luke Hemmings imagines More

01-The Storm
03-You get into a fight
04-You're insecure
05-You break up
06-Your boyfriend cheats on you
07-You hurt your ankle
08-You have a nightmare
09-You get jealous
10-He cheats
11-Another member flirts with you
12-You're a famous singer
13-You're daughter being cute
14-Sleep talking
15- How he treats you whe you're pregnant
16-Your first piercing
17-You Get Amnesia
18-Luke Saves Your Life
19-You Break With Him But You Still Love Him
20-You're a Youtuber
21-You're a Youtuber (Part 2)
22-You tell him you're pregnant
23-Your baby bump starts to show
25-You Meet His Family
26-You're Brought Up In An Interview
27-He's jealous of your guy best friend
30-You meet his girlfriend
31-Haunted House
32-He Helps You With Homework
33-Your in a band (Part One)
34-Your in a band (Part Two)
35-You're A Youtuber (Part 3)
37-How He Proposes
39-Silent Treatment
42-You Get Hate
44-Shopping Together
45-Jet Black Heart
46-Christmas Surprise
47-He Gets Cheated On
48-You're Best Friends And He Likes You
49-Argument (2)
50-Spin The Bottle
51-Zoo (for Melany)
52-High School(Part 1)-The tutor
53-High School(Part 2)-Football
54-you suffer from anxiety
55-High School (Part 3) Bullied
56-you meet his girlfriend (2)
57-you meet his girlfriend (3)
58-his bandmate likes you (Cal)

43- break up + make up

4K 68 8
By aesthetickaty

Your P.O.V:

I walk through the busy airport, hand in hand with my boyfriend Luke. I could hear light raindrops hit the roof of the crowded building. I stood quietly behind Luke as he grabbed his ticket for the flight. Luke and his bandmates were leaving Australia for the next few months due to tour. I always missed him when he left but, I am extremely supportive of his music and career. "Flight 18 is now ready for boarding," an anonymous voice speaks through the intercom. I stood face to face with Luke staring him straight in the eyes. I could tell something was on his mind since he completely avoided eye contact. " everything okay?" I ask, nervous for his answer. "Y/N I need to talk to you about something," he spoke. "Are you breaking up with me?" I blurt out with tears in my eyes. Luke looks at the ground and plays with a string hanging from his shirt. "W-why?" I stutter. "Because I think it would be better for the both of us." After hearing those words my heart drops and I feel tears roll down my cheeks.

I have so many emotions running through me right now. I am angry because this came out of nowhere, I am heartbroken that he didn't love me anymore and I am confused on why he ended our relationship. Suddenly Calum comes up to us with sad eyes and told Luke that it was time to go. Without saying goodbye I run out of the airport and sprint through the rain into my car. I slam my hands onto the stirring wheel and cry hard. With makeup running down my face, I start the car and drive back home.

Luke's P.O.V:

I walk with Calum back towards the other boys. "I-I just lost the best thing that has ever happened to me," I tell them, trying my best not to cry. "Why did you let her go?" Ashton questions, furrowing his brow. "Because...I felt like I was hurting her. She deserves better then me. She deserves someone who will spend every day with her, not someone who will leave her alone for months," I explain. Breaking up with her was without a doubt the hardest thing I have ever done.

(A Month Later)

Luke's P.O.V:

"Who is that?" I ask Michael as I stare at a picture of Y/N with another guy. "Stop stalking your ex Luke. It's weird," Calum replies. "I'm not stalking her, I'm simply seeing how she is doing," I say in a matter-of-fact tone. "Have you even spoken to her since the breakup?" Wonders Michael. "No, should I text her?" I ask as I scroll through her feed on Instagram. "I mean that may be good," Ashton shrugs. I grab my phone and text her a simply "hey". A few moments later she responds with "hi Luke. How are you?" I start to write a long message saying 'I'm not great at all Y/N. I've been missing you like crazy. You were my world, and you still are my world. I made a huge mistake by breaking up with you. You were the best thing that has ever happened to me.' After I wrote the message, my fingers did a little dance as I second guessed sending the text. I quickly deleted it and sent "I'm fine." Instead. I don't want to ruin her new relationship. I don't deserve her, I just need to get that in my head.

Your P.O.V:

He was obviously doing fine without me. I look up at my new boyfriend, Daniel who was shifting awkwardly in his seat. "Who was that?" He asks. "Luke," I answer quietly. He lets out a small laugh. "What did he want?" Daniel wonders. "I don't really know, it was kind of random I guess," I replied.

The next few days were going to be weird, since Luke and his bandmates were back in Australia. They were taking a short break before going back on tour. I hope that I won't run into them anywhere.

"Hey babe wanna go see a movie or something?" Daniel wonders. I could tell he was starting to get bored so I agreed and began to drive to the cinema. Daniel and I stood hand in hand waiting in line to get popcorn when I all of a sudden hear someone cough from behind me. I turned around and immediately lock eyes with my ex boyfriend, Luke. "Luke?" I ask with a shaky voice. "Uh hey..." He trails off awkwardly. "Um this is my boyfriend Daniel," I introduce them. "Can I speak with you...alone?" Luke asks. "Um I guess so..." I answer as I follow Luke to a more private area. "I'm really sorry," he pauses. "For everything. For breaking up with you that for breaking up with you in general. The only reason I did what I did was because I thought I was hurting you by leaving for months. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am such an idiot to let you go. I've been miserable for months...not knowing what to do with myself. You are my world and I don't know what to do without you. I still love you," he cries. "Luke I have found someone new," I reply. "But do you really love him Y/N?" Luke asks. I stand in silence. "Please give me another chance...I miss you so much," he tells me.

I look over at Daniel and realize I don't love him. Daniel is a great guy but, I was only dating him to get my mind off of the guy who I really love...and that guy is Luke. But I'm so hurt by Luke. I don't know if I can just forgive him and go back to the way things were. I still do love Luke...I really do but in a week or two he is going to leave me again like he always does and I'm going to go back to being alone and lonely. I don't know what to do. I'm torn...

Luke's P.O.V:

I look at Y/N with a hopeful smile. I have no idea what she is thinking about. I'm hoping she will forgive me even though I hurt her badly. She looks up at me with her gorgeous blue eyes and says "I will think about it...I just need some time. I mean in a week, you are going to leave me again," she explains. "Then come with me," I blurt out. "What?" Y/N asks. "Come on tour with me," I tell her. "I don't know Luke..." She trails off. "Come on it will be fun!" I say. "Okay but I'm not saying we are back together...let's just start over...lets go on tour as...friends," I guess being friends is better then hating each other right? I agreed to being just friends...for now;)

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