Old friends, new people

By ly_xMxx

3.4K 153 18

Ashley had known the winchesters for years, No matter how much they moved around they would always come back... More

The party
A well needed hug
Mr obvious
Um... Excuse me
A little longer
Rise and sh...No
Feel the burn
moment of truth
Alone time
All i need.
that's not good.
Long time no see.
New guest, be nice.
Happy Birthday !
Having a bad day?...Good.
Yet another loss.
some lies with a dash of insanity
All down hill
Ghostfacers !
Guns and kisses.
Bright light ahead.
Wanted dead or alive.
Shes so gone
Roller coaster ride
Stupid little boy
Never can say goodbye.
NEWS !!!

Let me go...

50 2 0
By ly_xMxx

Sam's p.o.v

I woke up in an all white room with a table beside me and one window.

Just as i woke up the doctor walked in the room and closed the door.

"Hi Sam, How are we doing ?" He asks standing beside me with a smile on his face.

"Ugh, fine i guess" i said groggily.

"That's great, now everything is okay other than you having a few broken ribs and just some cuts and bruises" He said looking at his clipboard.

"Nothing i cant handle" i chuckled.

"Great" He said walking out of the door.

"Um Doc, what about the people i came here with ?" As i said he quickly turned back round.

"Oh yes! Dean is fine, just the same as you just some broken ribs"

"And Ashley ?" As the sentence escaped my mouth the doctors smile dropped from his face.

"Ugh um, She is your girlfriend am i right ?" he asks as i start to get nervous.

"Yes ?"

"The safety bar on the kart dug very far into her stomach and she hit her head very badly" he explained to me.

"Can i see her ?" i asked worryingly.

"She hasn't woken up yet..." Just as he finished the sentence Dean showed up at the door.

"I'll leave you two alone" The doctor said then walked out .

"Hiya Sammy" Dean said then sat in the chair next to me.

"Hi Dean" i sulked.

"What's up, did the doctor not give u his number ?" Dean smiled then noticed the tears streaming down my face as his smile dropped.

"Ashley isn't awake" i said simply.


*3 Day time skip*

It's been three days since i woke up and Dean and i haven't left Ashley since. I've always sat by her side holding her hand, Watching her chest move up and down expecting her to wake up any minuet and say something, just anything.

As i looked at her for the millionth time it kept hurting me. Looking at the mask on her face to help her breath and the tube coming out of her arm and other wires that hooked her up to a machine.

Dean normally either sat at the other side of her or stood in the corner of the room with his arms folded.

"Hey Sammy, do u want some coffee ?" Dean asked putting his leather jacket on.

"yeah sure but not from the machine"

"Wouldn't dream of it" He smiled then walked out of the room.

About five minuets after Dean left i held Ash's hand with two of mine they where double the size of two of hers. I held her hand close to my face as i began to sob and just repeating sorry.

After around another five minuets i felt her hand squeeze back.

I looked up quickly as her eyes fluttered open and let go of her hand to let her remove her mask.

" Hiya Sammy" she spoke soft and quiet and gave me a weak smile.

"Nur-" i was cut off.

"Sammy don't" she whispered.

"Look Sammy i know i'm dying" she said as a tear ran down her face.

"You cant know that for sure" i said with slight anger in my tone .

"Yes i can if my reaper chased me" she spoke again her voice slightly stronger.

"Ash, p-please don't do this. I-i love you so much don't leave me" i sobbed.

"Hey Sammy. If i had the choice i wouldn't i would never ever leave you again, but If i don't go ill be alive but only on this machine" she said softly.

"No Ash i can't lose you, i'm sorry okay it's my fault you got hurt i should never have taken you to that theme park okay i'm sorry" i cried more.

"Sam i love you so much and you have been the best boyfriend and friend and everything else in the entire world. None of this is your fault, you didn't break the ride. Let me go Sammy"

"No- No Ashley no!" i yelled.

"I love you Sammy, I always will " she said right before her eyes closed and the machine made a dragging on high pitch sound.

As all of the nurses came running in so did Dean.

"Sir i have to ask u to leave !" The nurse commanded.

"No !" i exclaimed as Dean pinned both arms behind my back and dragged me out.

"Come on Sammy !" Dean yelled as he dragged me out and sat me down.

I didn't want to cry in front of my brother but i couldn't help it.

I began to sob as Dean pulled me in by my shirt into a hug.

"She's gone !" i said in between sobs.

"I know, i know Sammy" Dean said as he clutched on to the back of my shirt.

It wasn't hard to tell Dean was crying.

We told the hospital we had made arrangements so that they would give us the body.

We got back to the bunker and lay her on the bed in a spare room.

Her body lifeless, cold and pale as it just lay there still.

I just took a bottle of whisky to my room and closed the door.

I sat on the bed that Ash and i shared, everything in the room reminded me of her. It hurt to look at it but i wanted it here as i reminder of the fact that i had her and she was mine and i was her last love. As much as i wish she was here for way much longer that was what she wanted. She let me know how she felt and i'm honored to have that amazing, Beautiful, Smart, Sexy and kind girl as my girlfriend and i honestly don't know how to find anyone who i can even compare to her.

Dean's p.o.v

I sat in the living room with another beer in my hand watching some piece of crap TV show.

I turned it off and began walking to my bedroom while passing the kitchen and debating weather to get pie, i didn't.

As i walked through the study i glanced at the table noticing nothing but old books and Ashley's laptop.

I began to feel tears in my eyes as i walked closer and threw my glass beer bottle at the wall.

I began shoving everything off of the table leaving them to crash to the ground, thinking to myself 'Why Ashley she was sweet and the nicest person i know. Why not me i'm an asshole!'

I Kicked three chairs over then sat in my own mess i made just sobbing into my hands asking myself why.

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