More Than The Image (BoyxBoy)

By Mochaaa_

108K 4.7K 383

Love can change the way we view a person. Read this short story to see how these two different guys find love... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 14

4.9K 209 19
By Mochaaa_

Marley woke up to an empty bed. There was no sign of Terrell and Marley figured he had left. He didn't even remember himself going to sleep. After having sex with Terrell every other thought had left his brain. Marley blushed thinking about what had taken place a couple hours ago. When he had came home, Terrell was the last person he thought he would see. He also found that it was hard saying no to Terrell and he gave himself a mental punch for having sex again with the guy. But, even though he didn't tell Terrell to leave like he was suppose to he realized that he didn't feel any guilt. There was so much emotions in Terrell's eyes and the sex was even more passionate than before. It didn't feel as if they were just fucking, it felt like making love and Marley smiled just thinking about it. He could see himself making love with Terrell time and time again and he started to believe for once that Terrell might be feeling the same way about him.

Marley loved Terrell, that was a guarantee now but he still needed to set some things right. For one, Terrell might share his feelings but where would it go from there. He didn't wan't to be Terrell's secret. He deserved so much better than that but at the same time he knew how hard this must be for Terrell so he was scared to push the subject. His thoughts were just about to consume him when he heard his phone beeping signalling that a notification came in. He smiled as soon as he saw what was on the screen. Terrell had texted him a few hours ago and now he had texted him a second time.

'~Terrell~: Babe, you fell asleep as soon as we were done but I didn't want to wake you up plus I didn't wan't any of your parents to burst in and find two naked dudes all cuddled up so I decided to leave lol. Call me when you get up thou. I miss you already.

~Terrell~: Damn, somebody's been sleeping forever. Text me when you get up.

Marley read the messages a couple times before he finally decided to take Terrell out of his misery. He called and on the first ring Terrell picked up.

"Hey babe," Terrell's deep voice came through the phone and it was still surreal just hearing Terrell call him babe. It made him feel so good just hearing it.

"Hi, what you doing?" Marley asked breathlessly.

"I'm just chilling, I was waiting for you to call me. Did you sleep well?" Terrell replied.

"Yea, it was great."

"Considering how long you were sleeping I hope it was. Somebody must have been really tired," Terrell said and Marley could hear the smirk in his voice. He found that he liked how playful Terrell was being about everything that happened and he decided to play along.

"Yea, I was really tired, a lot of moving around you know."

"What exactly were you doing that had you moving around?" Terrell asked, his voice was starting to sound a little husky and it made Marley grin mischievously.

"I was riding, best ride of my life but it made me really tired though."

"Yea, what were you riding? You need to be more specific," Terrell growled.

"Oh, It was this long dark stick thingy, ever heard of it?" Marley asked. He could hear Terrell's breathing picking up and he was getting aroused all over again just from hearing it.

"I think so, was it good. Did you enjoy yourself on it?"

"Yea I did, it was the best," Marley replied with a small laugh.

Terrell laughed too before replying. The conversation was filled with joking around and compliments. They talked for hours about almost every topic and for the first time Marley felt like he could never run out of sentences. Normally when he had conversation with guys it was normally boring subjects that were repeated over and over again but with Terrell he felt like they could talk about anything and it would be interesting.

"Can I ask you something?" Marley asked, he was very nervous about Terrell's reply but he needed to know before they could continue.

"Yea babe, go ahead?" Terrell said, and Marley could hear shuffling in the background which meant that Terrell was sitting up. Good. At least he was as serious about this as Marley.

"So, I noticed that you started calling me babe and I just want to know , what exactly are we, what do you feel for me?"

Terrell gave a sigh on the other end before answering, " I think you know how I feel about you Marley. I can't stop thinking about you and to be honest I don't want to. It's only been a week but I think I'm starting to love you and I can't stop thinking about us becoming something more."

"I feel the same way too Terrell but what happen's when we wake up tomorrow and we have to go back to school. I love you but I'm not setting myself up for being your secret boyfriend. I know that you have a lot to loose with dating a guy an all and I'm not saying that I wan't you to tell everyone about us but I'm not going to be hiding just so I can be with you," Marley said before he could change his mind. He loved Terrell but there was so much his heart could take and being a secret was not one of them because it would make him feel cheap and dirty, something that he knew he was far from.

"I know, I know but please. I just need to figure this out okay. Give me sometime and I promise everything will work itself out. Just believe in me. alright," Terrell said.

"Okay, I'm hungry now so I'll talk to you tomorrow," Marley replied.

"Alright, see you tomorrow and come to my practice after school. I might not be in class but I wan't to see you."

Marley gave a silent scream of joy before replying, "Okay I'll come watch, bye now. I'm starving."

Terrell laughed, "You're forgetting to tell me something,."

Marley was a little confused before he figured out what Terrell was asking for. He acted as if he didn't know just so he could hear Terrell say it first. "What's that, tell me?" he said with a small chuckle.

"Come on, don't act like you don't know. I love you though and you better say it back before I beat you up," Terrell said with a fake growl which made Marley laugh even louder.

"I love you too baby," he said and hung up. Time to find something to eat and then pick out something for school the next day. He normally didn't care for his appearance at school but he figured that since he had somebody to impress now he was going to put his dressing skills to use.


It was almost the end of the day and Terrell was grinning from ear to ear. He had caught glimpses of Marley throughout the hallways and every time he saw the boy he wanted to ravish him on spot but that was out of the question. After the conversation that they had on the phone though Terrell knew that he would have to make some sacrifices if he wanted to keep Marley by his side. Normally he would never put someone's feelings before his but love could really make a person do such things. He had never really loved anyone before or knew how it worked but he did know that he was willing to be the best he could for Marley. There was something about the boy that made him know that no matter how much he tried he would still succumb to his feelings and he figured that he wasn't going fight his emotions like he normally would.

"What's got you smiling?" Some girl that he couldn't put a name to asked. She was eyeing him the whole class period and he could tell that she wanted him but he could care less.

"Just thinking about something," he replied.

"Seems like it was really good, why don't you share it with me," she said sitting next to him. Everyone in class was turning towards them now, the boys were all laughing while a couple girls were giving them, or the girl that was next to him leers. He really didn't have time for this, he thought to himself. She was obviously trying to flirt but he wasn't doing that. The teacher had left the classroom and normally he would love this part, being that he was able to walk around and flirt with a couple girls but now he wished the teacher had never left.

"It's about someone, but I'm not allowed to share it with anyone," he replied while turning away and fake typing on his phone. He was trying to act busy on purpose so that she would leave but she didn't move a muscle. In fact she looked as if she came a little closer.

"Okay, so when's your next game? I wanna come and cheer for you," she said while sliding her hand down his arm while looking directly at him. He was about to reply and tell her that he didn't need her cheering for him but the teacher saved him from answering and possibly hurting her feelings. She quickly backed away and went back to her seat but not before winking at him.

"Man, shawty bad," one of his friends Brian whispered to him. He acted as if he didn't hear just so he didn't have to reply. After a couple minutes of listening to the teacher remind then about their upcoming project the bell finally rang signalling that it was the end of the school day. Terrell hurriedly left the classroom before a girl decided to come up to him again.

It was finally time for basketball practice and Terrell found himself becoming excited all over again. He wanted to impress Marley and he figured basketball was the best thing. He was going to get on that court and play ball as if he was in the leagues. It was just practice but he didn't care, as long as Marley was watching he was going to bust ass to make his boyfriend see how good he was.

He was on the court playing for a while before he heard the doors being opened again and he didn't have to look to know that it was Marley. He focused on the game for a while before he finally decided to look and he shared a look with Marley who was looking right back at him. Marley was at a distance but he still saw the blush on his face and that made Terrell grin because only he could make Marley blush like that and he felt like a man who could conquer anything because of it.


Marley was walking to the gym with Amoy and Damion who he had begged to come with him. They were excited when he told them about what happened and it made him feel so stupid for not being honest with everyone from the beginning. These were his best friends and he didn't know how he could manage without them. He looked at Damion who always had this huge smile on his face and Marley was so glad he was back. They entered the gym now and were making their way to the bleachers when Marley finally saw Terrell. He had on some baggy shorts only and Marley could see his package swinging around and it still managed to look huge even though he was sure the guy wasn't hard. Terrell had a focused look on his face and it made him look even more handsome.

"I can't believe you got him !" Amoy said giving Marley a fake bump. This had Marley laughing because after seeing how Amoy acted around bleacher guy who Marley later found out name was Joseph, he knew she could care less about Terrell.

"I'm mad too," Damion said with a laugh. "But damn these boys are fine, I'm coming to watch practice everyday, do they need a water boy or towel boy, whatever you want to call it?"

"Oh my god, please stop," Marley said while laughing. He was finally getting his laughter under control when Terrell finally looked at him and it had his face on fire. Terrell looked away but not before he saw the smile which made Marley fall in love with him even more. Could that happen ? Or was his heart playing tricks on him.

The practice went on for almost two hours and when Marley wasn't cracking up from the jokes that he shared with Damion and Amoy about the girls on the other side of the bleachers he was watching Terrell play and he was really good. He kept kicking ass out there and it made Marley so glad to be with such a talented person.

"You know half of those girls came to watch him right?" Amoy asked.

"I figured,"Marley sighed but he felt a sadistic glee knowing that those girls didn't have a chance because Terrell was all his.

Practice was finally over and Marley made his way outside with Damion and Amoy where they decided to wait for Terrell. He came out a couple minutes afterwards in some jeans that were low on his hips and a t-shirt with some J's looking as if he wasn't playing ball just a couple minutes ago. A couple girls were talking to him but when they saw him making his way towards them they quickly went the other direction. One of Terrell's friends stopped him, his name was Mack, Marley figured and both of them came over.

"Hey ya'll," Terrell said walking over but while he said the greeting he was looking directly at Marley. He then gave Amoy a hug and while his head was on her shoulder Terrell made a kissy face at him. Everyone was talking for a while until Damion said that he was leaving. Mack left a couple minutes afterwards which left Marley, Terrell and Amoy standing in the almost empty parking lot.

"Well, I guess this is my cue to leave," Amoy said. She gave Marley a hug and a kiss on the cheek before looking at Terrell. "Take care of him."

Terrell nodded before turning back to Marley. He looked down at him for a while and Marley looked right back. Terrell grinned before licking his lips and bending down to give Marley a quick kiss.

"You look good," Terrell whispered before taking his hand and leading him over to his car but he didn't let Marley get in. Instead he used his hands to block him in like he did when they had their first kiss.

"Thank you, you look good too," Marley replied.

"Always so polite," Terrell said with a grin before leaning down and kissing him again. He bit on Marley's bottom lip and sucked on it which had Marley whimpering. They started to kiss and Marley opened up to let Terrell in and after much tongue play they finally broke apart with Terrell stealing his strawberry melon flavored gum.

"Let me take you home before I start something and we don't end up leaving here," Terrell said while opening the door for Marley before making his way back to the other side. The ride was filled with them singing to what was on the radio or with Marley dying with laughter while Terrell sang to him but Terrell actually had a great voice. They finally pulled up to Marley's home and Terrell put the car in park before turning to Marley.

"I don't know a lot about basketball but you played better than all those other guys that were on the court today," Marley said with a small smile.

"Thanks babe," Terrell said giving him a kiss. It started to become something else when Marley felt Terrell's hand moving up his legs but he quickly broke away.

"Nope, we're not doing this. Especially not in front of my house," Marley said with a laugh while smacking Terrell's hand away from his thigh.

Terrell laughed before kissing Marley one more time and smacking him on the side of his ass. "Out with you then before I change my mind."

"Thanks for inviting me to your practice and I love you," Marley said while looking directly at Terrell.

"I love you too babe and you're invited to come anytime you want.

With that Marley opened the door and  walked up his driveway, he looked back and waved at Terrell before opening the door and making his way inside. He could hear Terrell's car leaving and Marley smiled. He had never been this happy in his entire life.

*Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Anyways I just wanted to give you guys a heads up that this story is almost at an end. It's time to wrap it up. I really hope you enjoyed this story so far though and I'll make the last chapters very good for you guys. Thank you for the support and also keep on voting and commenting. I love hearing your thoughts.

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