Teenage Trouble (on hold)

By AshtonIrwinWonders

3M 32.3K 6.5K

Katelyn known as the school slut likes to have fun with boys. Her ideal night of fun is going on a website po... More

Teenage Trouble (Sex with Styles)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Friendly note
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Please Read

Chapter Eight

110K 1K 174
By AshtonIrwinWonders

I walked back to practice to grab my bag, "Look who came back" Ashley said crossing her arms over chest. "I'm just grabbing my bag, practice is over early today" I said grabbing my bag and leaving.

"Did you guys know Kate Kissed Ryan for money" I turned around and saw all the girls giving me looks. I stormed out crying. I'm not perfect okay, and people are talking about me that's not even true.

I arrived at the cafe not even bothering to change, I just put my jacket over me and sunglasses on so no one would see my smudged makeup. "Kate!" Liam sat up from the table giving me a hug. "Hey Liam" I smiled at little. Liam pulled out my chair and I sat down. "Thanks" I said quietly. "So what changed your mind to talk?" Liam said taking a seat across from me.

"Um.. well.." "Here is your coffee's, anything else I can get you" The waitress said setting down a coffee in front of Liam and I. "No that's all for now thanks" Liam smiled and she walked away.

"Sorry, I hope you like coffee. I didn't really know what to order for you" Liam said taking a sip of his coffee. "No it's fine thanks Liam" "So you were saying?"

"Oh right.. Well Gabriella doesn't want to be my friend anymore... and I really have no one." I said trying to hold back the tears. "Why what happened!?" Liam seemed so curious. "I kissed Ryan.. Her boyfriend. But I didn't! He kissed me and told me to send pictures of myself.

When I turned around Gabriella was watching with Ashley so she must of thought I did it on purpose. I'm sorry I should of never called" I grabbed my bag and got up. "No! No sit and talk to me. I'm all ears" Liam stood up to stop me. "Okay" I smiled and sat back down.

"So you didn't want to kiss Ryan" Liam asked. "NO! Of course not I would never want to hurt Gabriella. I didn't even want to hurt Ashley..." I trailed off hoping he didn't hear so I wouldn't be asked a million questions.

"But you sleep with Jack. And Ashley liked Jack?" Liam asked confused. "I didn't sleep with Jack that was a rumor, along with the pictures that were sent out. That wasn't me" I confessed hoping Liam would believe me.

"Thank god! Cause those pictures were awful, I was expecting more" Liam joked making me laugh. " I like this side of you" Liam said smiling.

"What are you talking about" I asked taking another sip of my coffee. "Seeing you laugh. Your caring side. Why do you put on a act, because It doesn't seem like you"

"I'ts not me... I just want someone to love me. Lame I know.. I just have no one, not even my family" I confessed, but now Liam probably thinks I'm a loser. "That's not lame! But doing what your doing, isn't going to help you find anyone."

"I guess your right" I shrugged my shoulders. "Listen to me Kate, I'm willing to do anything to help you. First delete that account on SexyPhotoChat" Liam grabbed my hands gently.

I smiled looking into his eyes. "Look it here! Looks like the slut is trying to get laid again! Liam I'd be careful" Ashley said laughing walking into the cafe, linking arms with Gabriella. They both gave me dirty looks and sat down. I looked at my hands to avoid eye contact with Liam because of how embarrassed I was.

"Um I should get going" I got my bag and coffee, leaving the cafe. I started to walk away fast keeping my head down. I crashed into a body making the hot coffee spill all over me and whomever I bumped into.

"I'm soo soo sorry" I said picking up the coffee cup and looking up into his eyes. "It's alright.. wait Kate?" it was Louis, and I felt completely awkward because to the side of him was Harry giving me a look. "Come on Louis.

She probably meant it" Harry snarled pulling Louis. 'Sorry love' Louis mouthed to me. I nodded my head understanding his apologies.

When I got home I ran to my room to go cry myself to sleep because my life is completely spiralling down. "Young lady what is this?" My mom said sitting at my desk.

I shrugged my shoulders not knowing what she was talking about. She turned my laptop towards me, I saw that I was signed onto SexyPhotoChat. It was opened to a picture of me kissing Ryan...

@WildChild: Looks like the slut is with another paying customer. Way to go Kate, nice reputation you got going on. Be careful boys I hear she has aids. @KittyKatKate

My mouth dropped, how could Ashley tell everyone. It wasn't even true! Plus how could she start a rumor I have aids! "Mom... Its not what it looks like just let me explain myse-" I was cut off by mom mother.

"I've had enough of lies you seem to come up with. Having sex is one thing, but selling your body to multiple men is another thing!" She yelled at me.

Of course we get in arguments but I've never seen her this mad. "From now on I'm taking your laptop, and no more seeing your slutty friends. Go to school and straight home" My mom demanded, getting up.

"That shouldn't be hard, it's not like I have friends anyways" I said quietly taking a seat on my bed. "Oh and for school, I've made different arrangements" My mother said sternly. "What are you talking about?" I asked completely confused.

"Since you can no longer be responsible. I'm putting you to a private school, where they don't contain sluts. You being a slut, they are willing to change you because no one will want to sleep with you"

"Mom! I'm not a slut, and private school? Are you serious I like my school and I have cheer leading competition!" I was so angry, I didn't like the school but cheer leading meant the world to me.

"Yes I'm serious. You Will be leaving soon maybe a week or so. I already talked to the principle, he said exams are coming and you can't leave yet." I was happy I get to stay for cheer leading for the time being and I was also happy I'll be away from everyone ready to start fresh.

"What happened to my little girl.." My mother said in a harsh, mean tone. "She grew up.." I said in tears. "Not the way I wanted to" She slammed my door leaving me the night to cry.


I woke up sad realizing I have only a week before I leave this school. I've gone here forever and to know I was leaving it because of my own best friends broke my heart. I know I've messed up only but a million times but I'm a human with feelings just like anyone else. And for everyone to call me names and start rumors hurt deep inside it started to show on the outside.

I grabbed my phone to see if I had any messages. Probably not because everyone hates me. I was glad I had my phone because my laptop was gone. I guess my mom didn't realize my phone does pretty much the exact same thing as my phone.

'1 New Message'

I read and got excited, I was happy someone was willing to talk to me.. but then again it could be Gabriella or even Ashley.

Liam: Hey, I wish you would of stayed in the cafe longer. We should get another chance to talk, I enjoy what lasted. Anyways the boys are going out tonight and I wanted to stay home so I was wondering if you wanted to come over?

Me: Hey Liam :) Yeah same but I didn't feel right being around any of the boys or Ashley and Gabriella... I'd love to come over but sadly my mom isn't letting me go anywhere. I hope we can be friends though, cause I'm really in need for one.

Liam: Oh that's alright! Maybe another time and I thought we were already friends :D

Me: Well I was considering you my friend but I don't think anyone wanted to be my friend :(

Liam: I do! I love having friends! And your an amazing person how could I not be friend you :)

Me: Yay! :) Alright, sorry Liam but I have to get ready for school :( Talk to you later xx

Liam: Bye! Have a good day :)

I was full of joy having a conversation with him. Someone actually wanted to be my friend, and not just anyone Liam Payne. I wasn't going to treat him like a famous person though, because he was much more than that. He was the only one willing to get to know me.

I didn't really care what I looked like today, So I picked out the first thing I saw. Which happened to be shorts and a rolling stones T-shirt that showed my stomach a bit I have a feeling someone is going to judge me today, oh well. I took a photo and posted it on SexyPhotoChat

@KittyKatKate: Another boring day to look forward to.. Can't wait to be called a slut (picture on side)


I went to my locker like usual before first period. I looked over and saw Gabriella and Ashley in a circle laughing together then glanced at me. "What a slut" Gabriella said walking past me. I ignored, rolling my eyes and grab my books before shutting the locker.

"I want to talk to you" Someone whispered in my ear. I turned my head fast and saw Harry smiling. "I'm sorry but I'm busy" I slammed my locker and walked away but he gripped and pulled me back. "Please. Tonight?" Harry looked disappointed. "I'm seeing someone tonight" I smiled crossing my arms over my chest. he probably thought sleeping with a guy, but really I was seeing no one. I wanted him to think that to make him jealous.

"Harry!" Ashley yelled, we both looked and he walked away with his head down. "Bye Harry" I said quietly to myself. I thought Harry was really cute, and I wanted to get to know him more and him to actually get to know me. But I've learned with the past not to let boys ruin me, so a relationship was never good. All they wanted was sex anyways.

~CheerLeading Practice~

Today was just a quick cheer leading practice, kind of just a meeting. All the girls said it was mandatory and we needed to talk as a team. "Hey girls what's up!" I asked walking into the school gym. "Let's just get it out of the way girls" Gabriella told the team. I looked at all of them with confusion. "I will be taking your spot as head cheer leader! The team made a vote" Ashley said full of smiles.

"What! Why?" I asked, I felt so horrible. Why was this happening! Cheer leading was the one thing I like to do to get away from everything. "Your just not right for that position. Alright girls that's all we needed to say!" Ashley walked away with Gabriella laughing. The good news is I'm still on the team, I think...


I arrived home right after school like my mom is making me now. Today was awful everyone is saying I have aids even herpes, how the hell do I stop that rumor!

I was so mad with everything happening to me I decided to meet up with Liam. I knew my mom would be so mad and disappointed with me but I could care less at this point.

Me: Hey Liam! Want to meet up, my mom is letting me leave thank god! I was really hoping we could still hang out.

Liam: Hey Kate, yeah I'd love to! Meet me at my place.

Liam sent the address and I was so excited. I know my mom wouldn't actually let me but Liam doesn't need to know. Right now all I needed was a friend and Liam was that person.


"She took you position of head cheer leader!" Liam said in shocked. "Yeah, but whatever. I'm thinking of just quitting" I frowned, I was so disappointed what Ashley has done to me.

"No! Stay on the team, and show Ashley you're better than her!" Liam said getting up to go to the kitchen. "How though?" I raised my voice so Liam could hear me in the other room.

Liam stepped out of the room, "Shake your booty girl!" Liam said in a high pitched voice. I burst out laughing almost in tears.

Liam really knew how to make me laugh, he brought out a different side of me. "I don't know if I could shake my booty like you just did" I said still laughing. "Naw I think you could do better" Liam stood up and took my hand.

"What are you doing" Liam pulled me up. "We are going to dance!" Liam said doing a spin. Liam went to the cd player in the living room and started to play Try by Pink. He started to sway back and forth slowly making me laugh.

As the song started to pick up Liam was jumping around the room so I joined in, by the chorus we were yelling the lyrics at each other.

"Um.. hello?" I turned my head seeing Niall at the door smiling. "Hey Niall!" Liam said happily and turned off the music. "Was Liam showing you his sexy dance moves" Niall laughed shutting the door.

"Yeah he was" I laughed and looked at Liam. "And I'm pretty goo aren't I Kate?" Liam looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"I guess you could say that" I smiled taking a seat on the sofa "Sorry Kate but aren't you a slut? Why are you actually hanging out with someone?" Niall asked shoving chips into his mouth. "Niall!" Liam punched Niall in the arm.

"No it's okay... Um I'm not actually, and to be honest I haven't even slept with anyone" both of there mouths dropped so I tilted my head to the floor not to make eye contact with the boys. "Wait what?" Liam rushed over and sat beside me, and so did Niall bringing his chips.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Liam asked, he was so curious to know everything about me. "I don't know I guess I was afraid you might tell someone" I felt so ashamed. "Why would want people to think you're a slut" Liam pulled me into a hug.

"That's the only way I get attention. No one wants me, so if I act like a slut and say I have sex with anyone, I'll get attention" I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Kate don't do that to yourself, people would love you for who you are" Liam was so comforting."Kate you should stop saying you're a slut" Niall said.

"I can't everyone already hates me and no one wants to be my friend.." I turned my head away feeling embarrassed. "I'm your friend! and so is Liam" Niall said smiling.

But not Harry... "Why do you care about Harry? He's dating Ashley anyways, he's being a totally jerk" Liam spoke up, I didn't realize I said that out loud. "Wait he is dating Ashley? What about Zayn?" I was so curious, I had no idea what has been going on these past few days.

"Kate do you have feelings for Harry?" Niall asked...


Did you think Kate was a virgin and said she did stuff for attention?? :)

Since I posted a chapter yesterday that was crappy I thought I should update again but there will be another update this weekend.

Anyways I hope you liked this long chapter! Huge things are going to happen! I hope it wasn't long and boring

Votes and comments for next chapter x

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