Patient Love - z.m.

By meykemalik

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*COMPLETED* Maura Isles isn't the typical girly-girl. She doesn't really care about boys, she isn't into boy... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thrty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forthy
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forthy-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight

Chapter One

897 27 7
By meykemalik

10/08/14: AN: okay so I thought why not give this story and edit, cause I actually don't like it and I think it's horrible. So the chapters that have written numbers (like this one) are edited, and the other aren't. I won't change the whole story, I just want to make it better :)

Chapter One

Maura’s pov

"And they say, she’s in the class A team” I sing loudly while I walk over to Nando's, where my lovely friend works.

Meet Marcus, a diehard Directioner or something like that, a man loving YouTuber, and my best friend.

Unlike him, I am not into those boy band kind of things. I’m more into the cubby ginger music, such as Ed Sheeran, and… well that’s it, I only like his music. He may look like a cubby, unattractive ginger, which he actually is, but his songs are just from heaven. And when you hear his amazing voice, sing those songs, you forget how amazing, cough cough, he looks.

"Hello my lady" Marcus says with a weird accent, when I take a seat.

"Hello, my other lady" I say back at him.

"Welcome to Nando's, I'm Marcus Butler, may please take your order?"

"Yeah sure, if you turn it into food that would be pretty awesome"

"Ok, well, I already know what you want, so I’ll be right back" Marcus says with a smile before walking away happily back to the counter to give my order.

After a couple minutes he's back and sits down with me, "So, how was your day"

"Just... Normal, I guess"

"Oh, well, I heard One Direction’s in town; I think my beautiful boy wants to have some Nando’s today, so maybe thei-"

"Marcus, slow your ass down"

"Sorry, well. Other subject; there was a freaking hot gut today; he was way better that Alex"

"Well, after Alex, I decided to be a lesbian, because guys are annoying and too much  ... Guys. Accept Finn”

"Thank you very much"

"Well, you're gay, so that makes you... different”

"Woaw, you are so nice"

"Thank you" I say when someone brings the food.

Gosh I love food. I will never love a person more than I love food; we're the perfect combination. We would be Faura or Mood.

Wait, NO Maura. You're not supposed to ship food with yourself.

After Marcus told me all the latest gossip about every single person at HMA. We walk up to the counter and pay the food. Personally, I personally think it’s she most horrible thing to do, pay for your food, probably because I like money, but I don't like to spend it.

But luckily it’s going so fast, NOT. The guy three places in front of me has already been ordering for like ten minutes. It’s like he is Patrick from Spongebob, who also didn’t know what to order. Haha, I love SpongeBob.

"Woaw, he's finished finally" Marcus says happy, getting me out of my thoughts.

Then out of the blue my phone starts ringing. Every time my phone's rings I almost shit my pants. Well, I’d better pick up, after I finally found it…

"Hello, with Maura?” I say taking my glasses off. 

“Maura, hi, Blanda here” I hear my lovely colleague say.

"Who is it?" Marcus asks me.


"Hung up, she's a dork"

"Yeah, true, true"

"So you think I'm fat?" Blanda screams in my ear.

"I don’t know what you are talking about, but yeah, I have to go, bye" I say and hung up.

"I'm so proud of you" Marcus says while he hugs me.

"Thank you, master" I fouled my hand together and make a bow.

“Wooh, only one person left"

"Jesus this is so exiting"

"Excuse me" a lad says while tapping on my shoulder as I turn around.

He is a bit longer than me, has black hair, and a couple of tattoos on his arm. His cute smile also isn’t really a bad thing.

"You dropped this" he says giving me a paper, “Thought it might be something you wanted to keep”

"Thank you" I say with a smile as I take the paper and turn back to Marcus; who was talking to himself, or me, I don’t really know.

Bummer I didn’t put my glasses back on, so I got to see if he was cute or not. I put the paper back at my backpack and when it's, finally, my turn and pay for the food. As Marcus and I walk out of the store. I sneaky try to look at the boy. The guy is talking with his friends, so I can't really see how he looked, but gosh his friends are cute. One of his friends had brown curls, one is blonde, and the other two have brown hair.

"Right?" Marcus suddenly says poking my arm.

"Huh? Yeah, sure" I say, taking my penny board out of my backpack.

"Great, now friend, I'm going back to work. Have a wonderful day"

"Bye, have fun" I grab my beats and put some music on.

Just when I am about to leave, Marcus comes running back to me, looking like he just saw a ghost.

"Holy shit Marcus, what’s going on?”

"One… Direction… inside… oh god " Marcus say while jumping up and down, like a child.

“Marcus, keep calm and..." I start.









"Haha, fine”

"I know, now get your pretty face in there and just walk up to them”


"Don’t forget to breath!” I yell at him, but I guess he didn’t hear.

Marcus is so dramatic, I’d never to the same if Ed Sheeran was in Nando’s… haha no I probably would.


"HI MUM" I yell as I through my stuff next to the couch.

"Hey honey, how was your day?" My mum asks from the kitchen.

"Good, where's Casper?"

"In his room"


So for everyone who is curious, Casper is my brother, twin to be exact. I also have an older sister named Diana and a little brother named Nick. My mum and dad were busy people back then.

"Knock knock, who's there, it's me, and I’m coming in" I say walking into Casper's room.

"Hi" Casper says.

"How is my brother doing?"

I sit down next to him, on his bed as he plays with his PlayStation.

"Good” he starts off, “I saw Alex and got a bit mad, but I managed to keep myself in”

"I still think it’s weird that you hate him, I mean he is my ex, not yours”

"Well, he hurt my other half so…"

"Au, stop before I get emotional" I say as I wipe away my fake tears.

Yes Casper is strange, tell me something new.

"Do we have home work for art?" Casper asks changing the subject.3

"Yeah, I’ll make it for you if you make my math homework"

"Deal” Casper says as we shake hands.

"Oke, I’ll get my book for you” I say getting up.

I walk over back to my room, and after I finally found it I bring it to my brother.


"You’re welcome!”

I grab a paper and pencil and start drawing. That it’s not my own drawing doesn’t mean I’m not trying to make it look as good as I can. Casper makes my homework seriously, so I make his seriously.


"Hi, psst, Maura, Nelson is coming over so you might want to hide" Casper tells me standing at my door.

"Dude, why did you invite him?”

“He kind of forced me to…”

“Then why didn’t you just hang up?”

“I couldn’t”

“Well keep him away from me”

“Yes miss!”

Nelson is one of Casper’s ‘friends’, they were friends when they were little and now he kind of claims Casper as a friend. I personly don’t like him, because he has this thing for me. Why? I don't know.  Why would someone fancy a weird blond girl with nerd glasses, who talks to a camera every ones in a while? I mean, there are much nicer, cute, funny etcetera, people out there. But no, Nelson likes me. And I hate him for liking me, because he's gross.

"Hey, beautiful" I hear him say.

"Get out, or I will throw a brick at your face"

"Oh, you’re so sexy when you threaten me"

“Nelson, just shut up and go away”

"Hm… let me think about it”


"Nelson, come, she doesn't like you, and she never will" Casper says pulling Nelson with him.

Thank you very much, Casper, thank you.

"MAURA" my mum screams from down stairs.

Just before I leave to answer my mums, I check if Nelson is really gone, and when I found out he is I leave the room.

"You know the couch isn't a dump place for you jacket, backpack and certainly not for a skateboard" Mum tells me.

"Mum, it's a penny board"

"Get it off the couch"

I follow my mums orders, and clean up my stuff so she will be happy again. Suddenly my phone starts to ring and just like before, I let out a shriek.


"Yo burrito" I hear Mazz say.

"Hi Mazz" I say walking back to my room.

"How are you doing?"

"Very good. And you, my friend?"

"Very black”

"Oh, good, good"

"Well, you want to come over? Jack, Finn, Sam and Sawyer are here..."

"Yeah sure, I'm on my way"

When I hang up, I put my beats on, take my jacket and walk down stairs. "Maura, the coupon of your glasses was lying on the ground" my mum says giving it to me.

"Thanks mummy" I take the coupon, look at it to see if it’s important and see that there's something written at the back.

"Hii, call me" with some number.

Haha, funny, this never happened to me before, I put the coupon back into my backpack and say my goodbyes to mum before I leave.


“Hello, come in" Mazz says giving me a peck on my cheek.

I lay my jacket and board in the hallway and walk over to the living room where everybody else is. Sawyer is playing with the cat, Sam is filming it while Jack and Finn get up and walk over to me.

"Hi Maura" they both say and hug me.

"I missed you so much" Finn says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Missed you too"

I sit down with Jack and Finn while Mazz gets all of us something to eat. 

"Maura how's your love life?" Jack asks.

"Well, Finn and I are still married, and we have lovely invisible babies"

We are actually not, but we just once made jokes about it and that turned out to this. We are now ‘married’ and have two children named Noodles and Nutella.

"That's right" Finn says, while he takes my hand and swings it back and forth.

"Well, today I decided to become a lesbian cause guys are way too complicated”

"Aha well thanks, and we love you too”

"No, I love you guys”

“You better do love us” Mazz tells me.

Yes I have some weird friends, thank you very much.


"Well I gotta go, school tomorrow" I say, getting up.

"Why do you have to be so school-ish?" Finn asks.


"Yeah, you're the only one that still goes to school"

"Well, you're going to UNI that’s also school"

"Maura goes to school because she's smart" Mazz says.

"Thanks Mazz" I say, “well, I’m off, see you guys later"




"oh god, she is so hot " Nelson says about my sister.

Gosh this guy just really doesn't get the 'Maura doesn’t like you’ stuff Maura and the rest of the world tells him. He is so stupid to even think that Maura would ever like him. The thought of it makes me want to vomit.

"And her smell-" Nelson begins.

“Can you just stop talking about my sister?”

"What are you talking about then?"

"Shut up about Maura. Don't talk about her like that. Not to her brother"

“Well sorry, I didn’t knew you were going to get mad” Nelson says getting up, “I’ll go then if you’re going to act like this…”

Thank you very much.



"Gosh, Maura, Nelson was so annoying. He couldn't stop talking about you. He really knows everything about you. He's a stalker" Casper says when I got back home.

"Gross” I say and pack my back for tomorrow’s school day, "So how’s everything with Paula?"

"Bad, she is kind of dating Domenic, I think, cause they kissed”

"Ah that sucks, I’m sorry”

"Well, I guess I’m gonna dump her, not that we're dating or something like that"

Casper likes this girl in his class, called Paula. He always jokes about the day they will be dating, but I think all of us know that’s never going to happen.

"Auw, my little brother is sad?"

"She doesn't even notice me. She doesn’t even know that there's such a thing as Casper Rodrigo Isles"

"Casper, she's not worth it. There are a lot of other fishes in the sea. And there are also a lot of cute, funny, lovely fishes out there" I say placing myself next to my brother.

"I know, but not like her"

"Casper, she kissed another guy. Common"


"Come here" I say grabbing my brother and hugging him.

"Gosh, Maura, you're such a girl" Casper says getting out of my arms.

"What? I'm a girl? NO! My whole life has been a lie!"

"Sorry sis. Well I’m going to my bed"

"Guys, calm down a bit, your brother is asleep" my mum says after she opened the door.

"Good night my lovely brother" I tell Casper as he walks out of my room.

"Bye weirdo"

"Night mum" we both say at the same time.

"Night" my mum says leaving the hallway.

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