Pronouns ; Joshler + Multishi...

By kickthetrash

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It was people like Josh Dun that confused boys like Tyler Joseph. ©All rights reserved to Kickthetrash. More

One ; Garden Gnomes, Except It's In A Bathroom And The Gnome Is Pete Wentz
Two ; Tyler Discovers The Gays
Three ; Dale Wentz Is A Feminist And Ryan Ross Kills Church Boy's Innocence
Four ; Puff Daddy And PlayBoy Magazine
Five ; Cafeteria Milky Goodness
Seven ; Gabe Saporta Is A Cannibal
Eight ; Charlie's Angels Crash Josh's Date
Nine ; Tyler Comes Out Of The Closet (This Isn't Clickbait, It Finally Happens)
Ten ; Sleepovers And Star Wars Pyjamas
Not As Important (A/N)
Eleven ; Brendon Thinks Smoking Will Make Him An Edgy Tumblr Girl
Twelve ; Tyler Has A Mild Concusion And Nuggets
Thirteen ; Pete Has A Flipphone Feat. Some Gay Contact
Fourteen ; Kelly Hates Punk-Rock And Brendon Hates Commitment
Fifteen ; Pete Plans The Joshler Wedding And Ashley Gets 12% Gayer
Sixteen ; Pete's Racoon And Boys Dating
Seventeen ; Gabe Saporta Makes An Appearance And Patrick Scolds His Children
Opinions On Lemonade (A/N)
Eighteen ; Mikey Way Is A Tumblr Celebrity
Nineteen ; Brendon Is Smooth And Tyler Is An Unintentional Furry
Twenty ; Brendon Babysits And Gets The Babes
Twenty-One ; Eating Old Chinese Take-Out On A Basement Date With Your Bro
This AU Josh Has Become A Reality (A/N)
Twenty-Two ; Mikey Has A Spaghetti Wedding Hat And Kelly Can Meet These Fists
Twenty-Three ; Pete Gets A Boyfriend, Sort Of, Not Really
Twenty-Four ; A Re-Enactment Of Chaos In Seven Seconds™ (Creds To AmazingPhil)
Twenty-Five ; Puff Daddy Is A Part-Time Therapist
Happy First Birthday (A/N)
Twenty-Six ; Brendon Has A New Squad And Josh Finds Use For The Cork Board
Twenty-Seven ; Spencer Is A Cool Guy And Pete Is A Weenie
Twenty-Eight ; Nuclear Energy Is An Unreliable Power Source And So Is Josh Dun
Twenty-Nine ; You're Toxic, I'm Tyler Joseph, Hey How You Doing ?
Thirty ; Brendon Is A Vegetarian Icon Feat. Angsty Tyler
!!! Melanie Martinez Is Trash !!!

Six ; Everyone Loses Their Shit And It's All Pete's Fault

6.5K 456 2.5K
By kickthetrash

Tyler and Josh sat in the back of their philosophy class, Josh actually doing their work, contributing to open class discussion and Tyler making a list of reasons why Josh and Dallon would look good together.

"He's tall, that means he has big feet-" Tyler whispered observingly, leaning back a bit to glance at Dallons shoes, "You know what they say about guys with big feet." he added, smiling contently at his findings.

"Tyler!" Josh half-screamed half-whispered.

"I know right, 75% more likely to be committed to relationships, pretty spooky stuff if you ask me."

"That's not a real statistic." Josh laughed, nudging Tyler softly.

"I heard he's coming to Petes party thing for Patrick." Tyler said facing Josh "you guys can talk and kiss for the whole entire party time."

"Are you coming?" Josh asked, eyebrows raised.

"Patrick's my friend, of course."

"Is your mom going to let you go though?"

"Dang it." Tyler hissed, slamming his fists on the table, startling Linda; the girl who always sat in front of them. "I completely forgot to ask."

"Just get Brendon to ask her again, Kelly loves him."

"Brendon loves her too, they have nicknames for each other."

"Seriously?" Josh laughed, they doubted this highly.

"Yeah she calls him, Tyler's friend or Brad and he calls her a milk or a molf or something like that."

"Can you guys shut up." Linda scoffed, turning around before resting her head in her book.

"I think you mean milf." Josh laughed, leaning back on their chair.


There were more people than Pete intended to be at the party, Brendon knew almost everyone so letting him decide on the guest list probably wasn't a good idea.

Pete put in his best effort, making sure that the basement was just right for Patrick. It seemed perfect: dimly lit with strings of fairy lights and a song by The 1975 softly echoing through the basement.

Tyler was jumping around near the bottom the stairs waiting for Patrick and Josh to arrive and Brendon was nowhere to be found.

"I'm really excited, just you, me, Pete, Brendon and Tyler, eating pizza, watching Netflix." Patrick smiled, him and Josh walking into Petes neighbourhood, hands in pockets.

"What if there was a little more involved with your birthday celebration." Josh said, trying to play it off casually.

"Like a massive party, with alcohol and strangers? Pete wouldn't do that, he's my best friend he'd never go behind my back and do something he knows I don't like."

"Yeah, good ol' Pete" Josh hesitantly opened the front door for Patrick and led him into the basement.

"1, 2, 3 surprise!" Tyler yelled, arms in the air, grinning like a child "or is it 3, 2, 1" he mumbled dropping his arms slowly, staring at the floor, facial expressions sinking.

"Pete, what the heck!" Patrick screamed his voice cracking.

"I know it's great isn't it." Pete smiled, bouncing on his toes.

"No no, Pete I said I didn't want a party, several times actually." Patrick mumbled, glaring around the room. Teenagers drunkingly stumbling around spilling their overfilled red solo cups.

"I'll leave you two alone, c'mon Tyler lets go to talk to Lauren" Josh said grabbing Tyler by the wrist and whisking him away to a corner.

"I'm sorry Patr-"

"I don't want to hear it Pete."

"I didn't know you didn't want this."

"It's because you never listen!"

"Never listen? I know your favourite colours, favourite foods, the countries you want to visit, the Twitter accounts you have on push notifications and even the names of all your dead goldfish. Patrick, we're basically best friend goals!"

"If all of that's more important than my feelings then I want a new best friend."

"You don't mean that."

"I do! I'm going home!" Patrick snapped, turning on his heel and up the stairs.

The only right thing for Pete do at this point was to stop the party, follow his best friend up the stairs and have a calm and proper conversation and apologise. Instead Pete changed the playlist and invited more people.


"Lauren, Ashley!" Josh called out, Tyler trudging behind, he didn't like how many people there were.

"Hey!" Ashley smiled spinning around, only to spill her drink all over Tyler "Oh shit." she groaned, filing through her purse for a tissue.

"Ashy, language." Tyler whispered as she nodded her head quickly in response.

"It's okay, we'll just go upstairs and blow dry his jeans or something." Lauren smiled "are you okay here by yourself Joshie?"

"I mean I'd prefer if you or Ash stayed bu-"

"Oh there's Dallon!" Ashley smirked nudging Josh.

"Okay we're going to go now havefunkissingdallonbye!" Lauren laughed pulling Ashley and Tyler upstairs.

"Hey Josh." Dallon smiled leaning against the wall, "I really like your skirt."

"Thanks, I guess."

"I know we don't talk that much but Tyler told me that you liked me and I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me sometime."

"Oh, funny story about the whole me liking you thi-"

"I knew he was joking." Dallon sighed crossing his arms over his chest "no one ever likes Dallon, the freakishly tall and ugly basketball player everyone seems to forget".

"Oh Dallon, I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it happens all the time. I'll leave you alone then."



"On Tuesday I have cheer practice, we could get pizza or something afterwards?" Josh said raising their eyebrows.

Going out with Dallon wasn't really what they expected when they told Tyler they liked Dallon, but if Tyler wasn't going to go out with Josh, then Dallon might as well take the opportunity.

"Like a date?"

"Exactly like a date."


Lauren, Ashley and Tyler sat in front of the bathroom door waiting for whoever was in there to hurry up.

"Open up, it's an emergency" Ashley groaned banging her fists on the door.

"In a minute!"

"Hey that sounds like Brendon!" Tyler said "please I've got juice on my pants!"

"Fine." Brendon swung open the door, shirt unbuttoned, hair messy.

"Brendon you look terrible." Lauren gasped, Ashley nodding in agreement, arms crossed over her chest.

"Yeah yeah whatever, Ryan we can go to Petes room and finish" Brendon grinned, pulling Ryan off the sink and helping him pull his pants up.

"I can't believe you're friends with him, he's such a tool." Ashley sneered, eyeing Brendon as him and Ryan eagerly ran to Petes room.

"Brendon's a nice guy if you get to know him." Tyler said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Tyler I'm so sorry about the spill and all." Ashley frowned, going through Petes bathroom drawers for a hairdryer

"It's fine, it's just a little apple juice." Tyler grinned.

"Yeah, apple juice." Lauren nervously giggled, clapping her hands together "Okay found it, uh do we just blow dry with your jeans still on o-"

"You might crisp my ween!" Tyler yelled, clinging onto the wall.

"I have a skirt in my backpack." Lauren said, shrugging it off her back, "I can't trust my jeans, just wear it for now."

"Yeah, we won't have to leave the bathroom, no one will find out." Ashley smiled patting Tyler on the back.

"Fine, but you have to turn around." Tyler groaned, shimmying his jeans down his legs, tossing them into the bath tub.

"Skirt." Lauren said, a perfectly manicured hand over her eyes as she handed Tyler the skirt.

The thin material in Tyler's grasp, as he traced his fingers along the frilly parts.

This shouldn't be too bad.

"I feel so pretty" Tyler smiled running his hands along his waist "like a beautiful princess."

"You look just as beautiful as one" Ashley awed blow drying his jeans.

"Silly question but could I try on your shoes too?" Tyler mumbled.

"Of course, baby!" Lauren smiled, sitting on the edge of the bathtub struggling to take her high heels off.


Pete was tired, ten minutes seemed like a reasonable amount of time to have a nap. He would be energised for the rest of the party and would have time to breathe and relax. He made his way up the stairs and into his bedroom

He opened the door and immediately regretted it "Brendon! Oh my gosh, did you have sex? My blanket is black! I'll be able to tell!" Pete frowned.

"Pete get out!" Ryan screamed sitting up, pulling the blanket over his chest.

"No, this is my room." Pete sternly said, throwing clothes at Ryan and Brendon. "Dressed. Now."

"Turn around."

"Get dressed in front of me, doing the dirty on my bed isn't very different to that."

"Dude, no!"

"Oh and why not!"

"Because you'll see my dick!"

"Everyone's seen your dick, Brendon." Pete sneered, slumping into a beanbag.

"People joke about that and how I'm a sex addict or whatever but literally everyone's seen your dick Pete, any new nudes? Your MySpace seems a little empty these days, a cock pic or two might roll those likes in."


"Bigger dick."

"I know." Pete smiled, Brendon scoffed as him and Ryan awkwardly pulled their clothes back on.

"Pete!" Josh smiled running into the room "also half-naked Ryan and Brendon."

"Yeah what's up?"

"Guess who I'm going on a date with on Tuesday." they announced, hands on their hips.

"Tyler!" Brendon yelled, smiling like a kid on Christmas.

"N-no, uh Dallon." they mumbled watching Brendon become disappointed.

"Still happy for you and proud of you!" Pete smiled, getting up and hugging Josh.

"But everyone wants Tyler and you together." Ryan pouted, Brendon grinning again, his eyes becoming wide.

"Oh." Josh said, dropping their hands by their sides " I need sometime to think."

"C'mon babe, let's give Josh their space." Ryan said reaching for Brendon's hand.

"Babe? Ryan, don't be dumb, we're a one night stand" Brendon laughed, Ryan's eyes becoming glassy.

"You said this wouldn't be like all the other times." Ryan said, his voice small and croaky.

"Ryan, don't cry." Pete sympathetically smiled, helping him down the stairs.

"Let him, he's just a baby." Brendon laughed again.

"Brendon, I will beat your ass." Pete interjected, patting Ryan on the back like a fragile puppy.

"I hate you Brendon!" Ryan snapped.

"Baby is having another tantrum." Brendon groaned following him.

Time had passed and after a while Brendon and Ryan were yelling at each other in Petes basement, everyone watching and waiting for a punch to be thrown.

"You know what Ryan, all you're actually good at is getting fucked and even then you're not that good at it!"

And then Brendon got slapped.

"What the hecking frick is going on" Tyler yelled, standing at the top of the stairs, Lauren was standing behind him, holding his jeans.

"Tyler, your pants." she whispered, poking him in the side.

"Nice skirt, Joseph" Gabe Saporta - some irrelevant dude who couldn't make it on the basketball team -cheered, not actually being positive, simply going with the intention of humiliating Tyler.

Everyone's focus was off of Ryan crying and Brendon getting slapped but now on the cross-dressing church freak who only moved a few weeks or so ago.

"Where'd you get your heels? Mommy's closet?"

"N-no, Lauren lent them to me." he pouted, tears brimming his eyes.

And then Ashley came down the stairs.

Two of her most favourite people in the world were crying, she was going to do something about it.


"Hey Brendon." Tyler muttered, sitting next to him on the side of the street, wiping his tear stained face.

"It's been a pretty bad night for all of us, hasn't it bud." Brendon sighed, tracing his index finger along his busted lip.

"Did Ryan hit you hard?"

"Ashley hit harder." he mumbled.

"Did it hurt?"

"Obviously, I kind of deserved it. I am an ass."


"Sorry-" Brendon smiled, stifling a laugh "I did deserve it."

"You should tell him that."

"That I deserved it? I'm pretty sure he knows I deserved it."

"No say sorry, Brendon."

"We should probably get you home, it's almost 12, Kelly is going to lose it." Brendon said slowly getting up, wincing at the pain.

"Good idea."

"None of us seems to have many of those anymore."

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