Don't Make This Easy

By cassinglass

1.7K 32 4

Alex Gaskarth has the ideal life. He has a band, has the perfect girlfriend, and has been with her for a whil... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

Part 7

87 1 0
By cassinglass

I wake up the next morning around 6 am. I crawl out of the bunk and get up to stretch. I go to the bathroom and walk to the front lounge. I take an apple and sit down. I lean over and grab the schedule for the day.


8:30 am: Wake-up Call

9:00 am: Meeting at HQ (TM ONLY)

11:00 am: Doors open

12:00 pm: Lunch

1:30-3:00: Signings for all bands in Group B

3:00 pm: Main Stage

5:00 pm: Dinnertime

9:00 pm: Wrap up and bus call

Damn we're busy today! I get up and walk down the hallway to Sky. I shake her awake and say, “We have a meeting at 9. It's 7 am now. Time to start getting up and awake.” She nods and gets up. I turn towards Jasey's bunk and find her wide awake. “I didn't want to wake you and mama. I stay here.” I smile and scoop her out of her bunk. I rest her on my hip and say, “That's perfectly fine. How did you sleep?” I ask walking to the back lounge and setting her down in her pin. “Happy. I miss puppy.” I was actually proud of how good she could talk at 2. “I miss him too. Auntie Lisa has them. They're fine.” She smiles and plays with her toys.

Over the next half hour, the rest of the crew gets up and going. We all get food and get dressed for the day. The tour managers had a meeting at 9 while bands had the chance to walk around and see who all was here. I got Jasey dressed and rubbed her down with sunscreen. I got dressed and walked off the bus. I see Tay Jardine from We Are The In Crowd across the way. She waves at me and I wave back. I pull out Jasey's stroller and set it up under the Glamour Kills tent beside our bus. I walk in, Grab Jasey, and take her out. I put her in her stroller and push her around the little parking lot area.

I push her around until I see Vic Fuentes of Pierce The Veil. I push her over to him and say, “Hey Vic! How ya been?” He turns around and looks down at Jay and smiles at me. “So this is your little one? She looks so much like you!” We hug and I say, “Yup. This is her. I decided to take her on tour so she can get a mini feel of it. Ya know, until she gets older.” Vic laughs and says, “Can I pick her up?” I nod and he unbuckles her. Jasey shy's away at first, but I lean down and say, “Uncle Vic won't hurt you.” Vic picks her up and rests her on his side.

Her and him play for a bit while I walk back to our bus. I tell Sky that the guys and I will have Jay. Jack, Zack, Rian and I walk to HQ, Jack pushing Jasey like a lunatic. When we get to the doors of the HQ tent, Kevin Lymann greets us. “Well who is this cutie?” He says looking down at Jasey. I smile and say, “This is Ms. Jasey Rae Gaskarth. My beloved daughter.” He looks up at me and says, “She's yours?” I nod and say, “2 years old in March. She's my everything.” He looks at me suspiciously and says, “Do you really thing Warped Tour is a place for a 2 year old Alex?” I look down and say, “I know it isn't , but I couldn't leave her at home. I brought her and Sky along, so it's all good.” He just pats my back and nods. We all walk around the HQ tent, Jasey playing with Shep, Kevin's dog, as we all talk about the day and how the staging is going to go. I hope it turns out good.

**On Stage**

“It sure does feel good to be back on Warped Tour!” I say extending my arms to the crowd. They all cheer. “You guys want to know something? I was sketchy about bringing my daughter, thinking it would be a bad idea, but now, I'm actually glad that I brought her.” Jack leans onto his mic and says, “Yeah, but we can't party hard every night because of it.” Everyone laughs. “You know what? Enough talking, why don't we bring her out. What do you beautiful fuckers think?” The crowd cheers. I smile and look back at Sky and Jasey. I wave my hand for Jay to come on stage. She slowly creeps out as the crowd coos. She runs to me and I pick her up into my arms. “Everyone, this is Jasey Rae.” Everyone cheers. “Say hi baby.” Jasey puts her hand on the mic and says, “I Jasey Way.” I take the mic back and say, “She's a natural!” I set her down and walk her back to Sky. We play our set, and for the last song, I bring Jasey out to sing it with me. Whenever we finish, I toss my remaining guitar picks to the crowd and head backstage. Jasey jumps to Sky's arms and we all walk back to the bus, Sky's hand entertwined with mine. That went rather well.

We all chill out on the bus for the rest of the day. It was pretty hot on the first day, surprisignly. Jasey was tired form walking around hang hanging with the other bands. Zack carried her from PTV's bus to ours.”Can I lay her down in my bunk?” He asks looking at me sitting with Sky. “Uh, yeah. Just be careful.” I say cautiously. “I know.” He says then turns to put Jasey into his bunk. He climbs in, carefully holding her, and pulls her to his chest. I walked back to check on them an hour later and found Zack with one arm around her and Jasey snuggling into Zack's bicep. How cute! I snapped a picture and posted it to Twitter.

Uncle @ZackAllTimeLow's first naptime with little miss Jasey... So precious. Http://

I put up my phone and sit in the front lounge and flip through the channels until I settle on Fuse. They were showing Warped Tour, so I figured that I'd watch it. They said something about me, so I turned it up.

“And Alex Gaskarth of the band All Time Low has his little daughter on tour with him. How sweet is that?” I smile and listen to them. “He is a great dad. I mean, his daughter is so amazing. She's sweet.” I hear Vic Fuentes say. “Well, thanks for talking to us Vic. David, back to you.” I smile and turn down the TV. Wow. Jasey is getting a lot of attention.

The day flows by pretty fast. I get a phone call to set up an interview for tomorrow's show. After I get it sat up, the guys and I head over to PTV's bus to party. We havn't partied in a while so we figured that we earned it. Sky let us go, so that's good. Lets hope that the interview goes good tomorrow.

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