Part 6

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**2 Years Later**

“Alexander!” I hear from down the hall in the bedroom. I had left out my boxers to pack, even though Sky hates when I leave my underwear out. I just smile and holler back to her, “Pack them for me! I'm sorry! I have our daughter to tend to!” I was helping her get changed and finishing packing a few of her things. Sky and Jasey were going on tour until we hit Baltimore 1/2 of the way through. Jasey was toddling around her room, chasing Peyton, my new rescue pup, and laughing everytime she caught him. She would say, “Dadda! I caught Pey Pey!” I look down at her and smile. I finish packing her stuff then say, “Jasey, you stay put. Daddy will be right back.” She smiles and plays with Peyton.

The band went on a hiatus for a while until Jasey got a bit older and until I got a grip of the dad situation. I've gotten a pretty good grip on it. I've been able to take care of the family and deal with all the father responsibilities. It's been pretty fun. We got word on going on Vans Warped Tour 2009. It was our first time back on the stage for a tour besides little shows here and there to satisfy the press. I take all of our bags downstairs and set them by the door.

I run back upstairs and finish packing my stuff and help Sky with hers. When we get all packed, Sky gets Jasey and gets her buckled into the boosterseat of the van. All the guys help pack ourstuff in the van and we drive to the airport to fly to our first stop of Warped Tour. When we get to the airport, Sky has me carry Jasey around and video-tapes her and I. It was Jay's first time flying, and Sky just had to document it, just like the words, and the haircut, and the walking...

We hear our flight number being called over the intercom. We all grab our carry-ons and walk down the corridor to the plane. Sky gets it all on video. Jasey was walking to the plane holding my hand llike she was going to die. When we got to the plane door, she tapped the side of the plane and said, “I fly airplane!” I pick her up and say, “Yeah! Maybe we can get you some wings too!” I wink at the pilot who was greeting everyone. He pats my back, waves at Jasey, and I walk back to our seats. Jasey sat between Jack and I. We got her buckled in and settled down with a coloring book and crayons until we could turn on the electronics.

When we get up in the air, I pull out the iPad, and hand it to Jasey. She loved playing games on it and watching videos of Sky and I onstage. I made sure the videos were the appropriate ones, you know, no dick jokes or cussing. While she was doing her stuff, I watched her. I looked over at Sky who was trying to get Jack to take a video of Jay.

We continue our flight until we start out descend. I tell Jasey we have to turn off the iPad, and I put it in the bag. We were landing in Chicago, our midway, then will go back off around 10 pm to get to Washington for the first stop. We are one of the first bands to arrive. We get off the plane and go wait at our gate. As I'm laying down on the ground on my bakcpack, Jasey crawls up onto my chest and lays down. I hold her and let her fall asleep. I look up and see a few fans wanting to take pictures, and Sky was trying to make them leave. I smile and say quietly, “Go ahead and take some pics. Just be quiet please.” They giggle and take the pictures. I sign some stuff them they go off. Our lay over was around 8 hours. We got some food and Jasey ate while I rested. I was up all night making sure we had the playpin and toys and stuff for the baby. I was tired.

It came time for us to board our plane. We got on and got to our seats. When we got in the air, I took Jasey into my lap and let her fall asleep on my chest. When we land, I carry her off the plane, careful of not waking her. We get in a van that takes us to the bus yard where the busses for tour are held. We get bus 46. I take Jasey in, claim a bunk for her, and a bunk for Sky and I. Ours are on the bottom so Jasey won't get hurt or get scared when we are traveling. I pull in alll of the stuff and set up Jay's boosterseat in the captain seat. Sky and I decide to hit the hay, so we check on Jasey, and then go to bed. Everyone was pretty wiped, and we had to get up at 7 am, so everyone went to bed and let jet lag get to them.

What a fun flight. I had my fiancee, my daughter, and my best buds on Warped Tour 2009. Finally.

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