Part 3

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**4 Months Later**

“Jack, you stink. Go take a shower bro.” I say to Jack who was leaning over my shoulder. “Ugh! Why?” He whines into my ear. “Because, you smell like my gym locker senior year. Go shower!” I holler as he runs up the stairs to my room to get some of my clothes. Him and I are roughly the same size, so we practically wear each other's clothes. Jack comes back and goes to the bathroom to shower... finally. After he gets in, Sky comes to the living room and sits down. I'm starting to get used to the idea of me being a dad. She is 6 months along, and her appointment is next week. We get to determine the gender of the baby. She's starting to show. All the guys are getting suspicious, but the only one who knows right now is Rian. Zack and Jack came over, but Zack was downstairs in the basement working out on the benching set Sky got me for christmas.

“What are some names you want to call him or her?” She asks sitting down next to me. “Well, if it's a girl... How about Jasey?” I say looking over at her, pulling her legs onto mine. “Jasey... Rae?” She asks looking over at me. “Jasey Rae. I like it. What about you? You pick the boy name.” I say smiling. She looks at me and says, “How about Daniel Thomas. Middle name after your brother.” She says looking down at her hands. I actually really like that idea. “Yeah. Jasey Rae if it's a girl and Daniel Thomas if it's a boy.” We both smile and stare at each other. This is why I love her.

Jack gets out of the shower just as Zack comes upstairs. They both are staring at Sky and I really suspitiously. I look at her and whisper, “We need to tell them soon.” “New Years Party.” She says. I nod and get up.

The next day if the appointment to find out whether it's a little dude or dudette. The nurse comes in and helps get Sky prepped for her ultra sound. “Ready?” The nurse asks, holding the tube of tummy lube. Sky shakes her head and the nurse squirts some on her stomach. She sits down on the chair infront of the machine and I scoot close. She puts the remote on the mile of lube and moves it around. She looks over at me and says, “What are the names?” Sky smiles and says, “If it's a boy, Daniel.” I say, “And if it's a girl, Jasey.” The nurse smiles really wide and says, “Well, tell Jasey happy birthday when you have her.” Sky and I look at each other, then at the nurse. “It's a girl!?” I say very excited. The nurse nods. “Congrats you guys.” She wipes off Sky and turns off the monitor. We don't have an more appointments because the next time Sky would come in is when her water breaks. Let's hope it's not while we are on tour...

**New Years**

I stand up on the island and tap my glass with a fork. I help Sky up on it with me and put my arm around her. I clear my throat then say, “Everyone, Sky and I have a couple of announcements.” After we get everyones attention, Sky says, “Everyone, In March, you all will have a little girl running around in the All Time Low crew. I'm pregnant!” Everyone cheers and claps.

“One last thing.” I say before Sky has the chance to get down. “What is it now?” She says whispering into my ear. I speak up a little bit louder and take Sky's hand. I look at her and smile. “Sky, I love you more than you could ever know. I want to keep you forever with me. And with Jasey coming along, I want to stay with you forever.” I look over to Jack and he hands me a little box. I had planned it out to ask her onstage, but I figured that since we just got the baby news, and everyone was over at my place, I figured it would be the perfect. I get down on one knee, avoiding putting my knee in anything wet on the island. I take her hand, and she covers her mouth. Every coos. I open the box to reveal a black and silver ring. “Sky Marie Jones, will you marry me?” She stares at me and nods through her tears. I get up and slip the ring on her hand and hug her and kiss her while everyone cheers. She's finally all mine. We party until everyone goes home.

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