Part 9

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“New York!” I scream into the mic. “How y'all doing?” The whole crowd cheers as I extend my hands out to them. “Alright. Settle down. I want to play a song for you guys. It's a new one that I wrote the first week of tour, but I know you all will like it. This is called If These Sheets Were States.” I look at all the guys and count off, “1, 2, 3, 4!” I step to the mic and say, “I'm lost in empty pillowtalk again.” As we begin to play through the intro, the whole crowd started jumping up and down.

This beds an island made up feathered down and I'm stuck here alone with little else but memories of you on memory foam, visions of a brighter love, I'd kill for one more day to pool my thoughts and find the words to say. If these sheets were the States and you were miles away, I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to me. Because I don't sleep at all without you pressed up against me. I settle for long distance calls. I'm lost in empty pillowtalk again.”

I can feel the energy that everyone is putting out as we sing the song. As we end on the last note, I let the chord of the guitar ring out for as long as it can. I can feel tears beginning to well up, but I push them aside. Jack whistles for me to look over at him. I look and he mouthes, 'You okay?' I nod and take the mic off the stand. “Okay. So, I usually don't do this, but I want to tell you all what that song is about. You all know about my daughter, Jasey. Well, her mom and her left at the Baltimore stop to go back home. I miss them so much, and I hope that you all will bear with me through the rest of the set. Thank you all so much. This next one is one you all should know.” We begin playing Coffeeshop Soundtrack, and I can see moshpits forming. We play through the set, and at the last song, I go out and crowd surf for a bit. I get back onstage and thank the crowd and run backstage.

You never know how much of an impact you have made on someone until they show it. I hear from the crowd, “JASEY RAE! JASEY RAE! JASEY RAE!” I smile and look to Kenny who was our stage manager. “We got time for one more?” He nods and says, “They're begging for you.” I smile and all 3 of the guys and I run back out playing the song that I got Jay's name from. “Lights out! I still hear the rain. These images that fill my head now keep my fingers from making mistakes. Tell my voice what it takes to speak up, speak up and keep my concience clean when I wake.” I hear them all sing along to the song. This is too good to be true.

We finish and run off stage and to the bus. I sit in the front lounge while the rest of the crew run to their bunks or the back. Everyone is getting the alcohol, but I just sit there with my water. I pick up my phone and walk to my bunk. I crawl in and call Sky.


“Hey babe. You'll never guess what just happened.”

What? Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I'm fine. It was amazing. When we ran offstage after our set, the whole crowd was chanting 'JASEY RAE! JASEY RAE!' It was absolutely amazing Sky.”

That's awesome! I'm so proud of all you guys.”

“Thanks. Can I talk to Jay?”

I right here daddy.”

“Hi baby! I miss you.”

I miss you too. Mommy says you played my song for the nice people.”

“Yes I did. They all love you.”

I love them too. Heres mommy. Love you daddy!”

“Love you too Jasey.”

Hey. I've got to go. Jay's got a play date. I'll Skype you later, okay?”

“Okay. I love you.”

Don't Make This Easyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن