Part 11

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I walk into the emergency room doors and over to the nurses station. “Excuse me, do you have a Jasey Rae Gaskarth and Sky Jones or Gaskarth?” I say leaning on the desk. The nurse looks up from her records and says, “Yes we do. How are you related?” I stand up straight and say, “Father and fiance.” She nods and says, “Right this way.” I follow her through a set of doors and down a long hallway. We reach the trauma part of the ER, and stop infront on a sliding door. The nurse knocks and I hear Sky say, “Come in.” The door slides open and the curtain is pulled. I walk in slowly and see Sky craddling Jasey in her arms, and Jay fast asleep. I thank the nurse and she leaves the room.

I take a seat on the edge of the bed and face Sky in the recliner. “How are you guys?” Sky looks down at Jasey and says, “Mentally scarred and hurt, but we are alive. That's all that matters.” I smile and say, “I was so worried. We left Warped early for you both. Kevin understood and even told me to kill the bastard- oops! I mean the guy.” I say correcting myself due to Jasey probably waking up at the sound of my voice. Sky laughs and says, “I always did love Kevin. Alex, I'm so glad you saved us. I was so scared!” I hear Jasey start to coo and I say, “I'm glad you both are safe. I don't know what I would do without you.”

Jasey rolls over and reaches her arms for me, eyes still shut. I pick her up and pull her into my chest. I feel her heartbeat as she falls asleep on my shoulder. I make sure she is out before I say, “What all did he do to you?” Sky looks down and says, “He beat on me, smacked Jay quite a few times, and them he-” She stops and stares into space. I see her look up and wiipe a tear. “Sky? What else?” She wipes her eyes and looks down at the floor. “He- He raped me.” I stare at her as she cries. I simply put my hand on her knee and say, “It's okay. We'll get through this together.” She looks up and smiles at me. “I was so scared...” I look down and say, “I know.”

Just then, I hear a knock on the door and Jack, Zack and Rian come in with 3 police officers. Jack looks at me and Jasey and shushes all of them. I set Jasey on the bed and walk over to them. “What's going on?” I ask putting my hands in my pockets. One officer speaks up and says, “We need to ask you a few questions about what happened.” I feel myself turn ghost white. I gulp and say, “Uh, O-Okay.” I follow the 2 officers out into the hallway and down the hall into another room. One officer stayed back to I guess ask Sky questions too.

“Take a seat sonny.” The older one says. I sit on the edge of the bed as the younger one pulls out a clipboard and pen. “So, tell me what happened. Start from the beginning.” I take a deep breathe and say, “I was on my tourbus when I got a call from Sky and Jasey. They told me that they were kidnapped and that they didn't know anything of their location besides a warehouse.” The younger guy jots down notes as I tell them about the phonecall and us having to get 5,000 out of the bank. “And when I got to the elevator, I was shocked to find a note that told me where they were. I went upstairs and searched until I found Sky. She was tied up around a pole...” I continued until I got the fight. “He came at me, knocking me down and punnched my jaw. He busted my lip, but I was able to get him distracted long enough for my daughter to run away. When he got up, I pulled the gun out and pointed it at him. He drew his gun and I pulled the trigger. That was that.” The younger guy finishes jotting down what I said and the older guy looks up at me. “Did you know that the guiy who had your family was a serial rapist and kidnapper?” My eyes grew big. “He was?” The older one nodded. “You took him out. He won't be able to hurt anyone else now...” Me and the officers talk about what was going to happen next.

“And when he pushed me down and started to take off his belt, I told Jasey to run to the corner and hide.” I say, trying to avoid tears as Jack wraps his arms around me. “Take a deep breath and tell me, what happened to Jasey?” “She stayed in the corner, covering her ears to sheild them from my screams. Then he got up and ran towards her. He smacked her and I hit him in the head with a shoe. He got up and stormed off.” I begin to cry, recalling the memory... “Then, when he tied me to the pole and took Jasey away, I couldn't even function. I didn't know what he was going to do to her. I heard someone come upstairs and then saw Alex. He told me to run when he said, 'NOW', and when he did, I took Jasey and ran to the elevator.” I cry into Jack's shoulder.

“Thank you. It will be okay sweety. He's not going to hurt anyone anymore.” The female officer says before turning to leave. I get up from Jack's lap and pull Jasey into my lap on the bed and hug her until I see Alex and the officers come in. Alex walks over to me and sits down, hugging both of us on the bed. “Well, we will put this all under file at the station, but you won't have to worry about any legal trouble, and we will block all stories from the press.” Alex lets out a sigh of relief as the officer says, “Sorry for the recent events, but we are glad you all are safe. Goodbye.” They all turn and leave the room, leaving the band and my family.

After the nurses take care of Sky and Jasey, they are set free to go home. I have the guys take them to the cafeteria to get themm some food, since it was 3 am, and they probably hadn't eaten. I stayed back to call Kevin and let him know what's up.

Kevin Lymann, Warped Tour.”

“Hey Kevin. It's Alex. They're safe, and the guys dead. Don't spread it around, but I thought I'd call and let you know that we are all safe.”

Thank god. I was praying my hardest that it would turn out good. Did you get charged?”

“Nope. Self-defence. Everyone went down to the cafeteria to get some food and I stayed back a bit to call you. Sorry for missing out on the last few show.”

It's fine. Thanks. Tell them that I'm glad they are okay.”

“Will do. I gotta go. Bye.”

Bye Alex.”

I hang up and walk to the cafeteria to find Jack and Jasey playing with dinosaur chicken nuggets. I glance at Rian and see him on the phone with Cassadee, and Zack and Sky sitting next to each other talking. I'm glad they are both safe. I sit down and let them finish eating.

After they eat, we all go back home. When we get inside, I carry Jasey up to her room and lay her down. Sky goes to our room and goes to bed. I climb into the bed next to her and fall asleep quickly. I'm so glad they are safe...

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