Part 12

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**Two Years Later**

I run up to my room and wake up Sky. I had to go back on tour, and my family had to stay home. It hurt on the inside, knowing that they will be alone, but I've tooken all the precautions of keeping them safe from what happened 2 years ago. I couldn't live if it happened again...

“Sky, honey, I've got to get to the bus. Need to be there by noon.” I say shaking her awake. She sits up and rubs her eyes. “What time is it?” She says climbing out of the bed. “10:30.” She nods and walks to Jasey's room and wakes her up. I walk downstairs and get the cereal out for Jasey and for Sky. She comes down with Jasey in her hand, and sits at the table. I pour them each a bowl of fruit loops and while they eat, I watch them, and gather up pictures to put in the bunk. I grab the family picture we took last year at the photo studio, the picture of me proposing to Sky, and the picture of Jasey and I at the hospital. I grab the scrap book and tape and my bag and stuff them inside.

After they finish, Jasey comes over to me and says, “MORNING DADDY!!!” I pick her up and bounce her on my hip and say, “Morning baby. Sleep good?” She smiles and hugs me. “Yes I did. I dream about you!” I smile and hug her back. I set her down as Sky gathers up some things so she can drive me to the warehouse to get on the bus.

Jasey gets her coat on and Sky grabs her jacket and back. I grab my backpack and take Jasey's hand. We all walk out to the car, and get in. I tuck Jasey into her carseat and get in the passenger side seat. Sky turns on the radio and pulls off by 11:45.

“Daddy?” I hear my little girl say from her booster seat in the back of the car. My heart sunk when I heard the worry and sadness in her voice. I turn around and look at my 4 year old daughter. “Yes sweety?” I say reaching to take a hold of her hand. “Do you have to go? Why can't you stay here with me and mommy?” Why do I have to answer this? This is what I signed up for when I signed the dad papers. “Daddy has to. It's my job. I'm sorry baby.” I see tears welling up in her eyes. I grip her hand tighter. “I know you don't want me to go. Trust me baby, I don't want to go either, but I have to. I'll be back in a few weeks, then you and mommy can come with me. I promise.” I say looking into my little girls' eyes. I wipe a tear from her cheek as she looks up at me and says, “Okay.” I smile and turn back around. I rest my head on the head rest of the car. Why is goodbye always so hard?

We pull up infront of the bus. Sky, my fiance, stopped the car. I let out a big sigh and get out of the car. I open the door and take Jasey out of her car seat. I carry her to the bus while Sky grabs my bag. Jasey grips onto my chest with her life. After Sky puts my bag under the bus, she comes over to me and takes Jasey from me. “I don't want you to go daddy. Please stay!” Jasey cries out from Sky's shoulder. Shit. I try to fight back tears as I take her hand and say, “I don't want to go either honey. I'll be back soon. I'll call every night. I promise buggie.” I kiss her cheek. She smiles, but she's still mad. I look at Sky and say, “Take care of her. Call me when you get home.” She smiles and says, “You know I will.” I kiss her cheek and watch them walk to the car. I watch as my little girl gets put in the backseat, and watch as Sky drives away. I walk in the bus and brush past everyone and go lay in my bunk. I begin to cry. There goes my heart...

I plug in my headphones to the music player in the bunk and turn it up. Pierce The Veil is the pleasure that I get to listen to. I can't bellieve that I have to go on tour again without them. As I listen to the songs, I remember what happened the last time I left them. If I keep this bottled up, I'll shut down. I've gotta go tell the guys.

I shut off the music, and walk to the front lounge, wiping my puffy eyes, and sit down next to Jack. He puts an arm around me and says, “You alright man? Are you and Sky alright?” I nod and say, “Yeah, I just don't want the same thing to happen to them again, that's all.” He pulls me closer and says, “It'll be okay. It will be.” All the sudden, I hear Sky's ringtone go off.

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