Back to the academy

By that-hamster-wheel

12.6K 250 35

*Completed* Set during S3E11. After Jamie shot that man he was sent back to the academy for a few months to h... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Jamie and Eddie's library adventure (5.2)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
War and baking (8.2)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Is it me or? (15.2)
Phone call to Mom (15.3)
Graduation jitters (Graduation prequel)

Chapter 1

2.1K 26 1
By that-hamster-wheel

Disclaimer: I do not own Blue Bloods or any of the characters

A/N: So I watched this episode on marathon on ION Television and it was so good that it inspired me. So I decided to make a story with Jamie's punishment being him sent back to the academy. Thanks to my beta MellyHorror-Salvatore-Northman for the edits. Without further ado I present my story. Please read, enjoy, and review.

After Jamie shot that guy everyone wanted to make him pay. Since he was a Reagan they wanted the punishment to be severe so they could be sure he wasn't shown any favoritism. They decided to send him back to the police academy to help train officers to be.

Jamie wasn't pleased with this choice of punishment. He hadn't been back to the academy since he'd graduated. Part of him never wanted to go back. His drive to the academy was very quiet and boring. He was to stay at the academy for 5 months until the trainees graduated. He was still trying to brace himself for the months that were to come. So many familiar halls and classrooms, not to mention meals in the dining hall.

After he wandered around some and did a bit of asking, he found his sleeping quarters. He unpacked and got his room all set. He then went to find out which area he would be helping train and instruct in. He found out a while later after being bounced around from area to area that he was going to be a fitness instructor and teach boxing.

His first class was tomorrow and today he was just observing the students in the class. He was in the class currently when he noticed a pretty blond with a long wavy ponytail. He thought she was very beautiful and she was working really hard. She had a light sheen of sweat on her skin but he thought that made her even more attractive.

He kept his eyes on her as she was training in the class. When the class was over she turned and saw him watching her. She smiled and waved and then walked over. "Hey, I saw you watching me during training." The girl said. "What's your name?" She asked.

"My name is Jamie Reagan. As of tomorrow I will be your boxing instructor." Jamie said.

"My name is Edit Janko. But you can call me Eddie. I prefer it to Edit." Eddie said.

Jamie and Eddie went their separate ways and Jamie went to his room to crash. The next day would prove to be very difficult for Jamie. He took out his photos of his family and set them up on the dresser. He made sure to place his photo of Joe on his night stand. He liked that photo best. He then said his prayers and he prayed that he would be okay teaching and that he would get to know the pretty girl, Eddie, better. After his prayers he turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Jamie woke up and looked over at his photo of Joe. He suddenly felt a sadness overcome him. He was remembering a tale from Joe about his time in the academy. "Good morning Joe. I hope you are well in heaven. I miss you." Jamie said.

Jamie wiped away the tears that were forming in his eyes and got up. He got dressed and made his way to breakfast.

In the dining hall he spotted Eddie. She was in line for breakfast and there was no one behind her. Jamie took this opportunity to stand behind her. When she grabbed a tray and started filling it he bumped her hip. Eddie jumped in surprise but turned to see who it was.

When she saw it was Jamie she said "Hey Jamie, good morning."

Jamie smiled at Eddie and said "Hey yourself. And good morning to you too."

Eddie smiled and plunked an apple next to her bowl of oatmeal. Jamie grabbed an apple and did the same.

They sat down at the table across from each other. They both looked down and laughed when they realized they had the exact same breakfast. "Okay this is freaky." Eddie said.

"Yeah. What are the chances we pick the exact same breakfast as the other?" Jamie replied.

"I don't know but I am going to eat my oatmeal before it gets cold. " Eddie said.

"Sounds good." Jamie replied.

Jamie brought his hands together and prayed for his food.

When he was done Eddie looked at him and said "What are you doing?"

"I'm praying. I'm Irish catholic. We pray before meals." Jamie replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

Jamie and Eddie tucked into their oatmeal and had a bit more chatter during breakfast. When they finished breakfast they brought their trays back to the food line, before they made their way to the training room and got ready for the day.

When they arrived it was said they would start with a short session of yoga to get them flexible for the other exercises. Jamie and Eddie both grabbed a mat. Even though Jamie was the boxing instructor and would not teach until later in the day he was allowed to join in the yoga and other training if it would help him teach.

When the yoga was done Jamie had a big stretch and said "That was my first time trying yoga but it was so relaxing. I already love it." Jamie said.

"Yeah I have been loving yoga every morning." Eddie said.

"Well I got to go to my next lesson. See you at lunch Jamie" Eddie replied.

"Yeah. I'll be waiting and then we can eat together." Jamie said.

Eddie left to her next class and Jamie went to go observe some other teachers training.

When lunch time rolled around Eddie strolled into the dining hall with a messy wavy ponytail and a purple bruise on her wrist. She grabbed her lunch and sat across from Jamie at the same table they shared at breakfast.

"Hey Jamie. How was your morning?" Eddie asked.

Jamie eyed Eddie's wrist and replied "It was good but from the looks of your wrist I would venture to say yours wasn't."

"Well you would be right. Another one of the students injured me during some physical combat. He flipped me and yanked me by my wrist, bruising it." Eddie said hesitantly.

Jamie gently took Eddie's bruised wrist in his hand and examined it. He said "That's got to hurt." He then released her wrist.

"Remind me to keep an eye out for the rougher guys in my class so you don't get too hurt." Jamie replied tenderly with a smile.

Eddie's heart skipped a beat at his comment and she smiled back. Jamie prayed for his lunch and then they tucked into their salads and sandwiches. When they finished lunch they still had a half hour of free time before he had to teach.

"Ahh that hit the spot. And that dressing was so creamy on the Cesar salad." Jamie said.

"Oh don't I know it. I could have eaten seconds of that salad if they would have let me." Eddie replied.

Jamie laughed at her reply and realized that Eddie could give him a run for his money in the eating department.

"What's so funny?" Eddie asked suddenly feeling self-conscious.

"You are. And I bet you could give me a run for my money in the eating department. I like a girl with a big appetite." Jamie replied with a smile.

Eddie blushed a little and flirtatiously said "Well I'll remember that for later."

One of the other instructors announced that lunch time was over and classes would resume.

"I guess that means me as well. I'm teaching the rest of the afternoon." Jamie said.

"Well then I guess I'll follow you to your class." Eddie replied.

"Oh? Are you walking me to class?" Jamie asked.

"No you dork. I'm in your class. You are teaching me how to box." Eddie replied sassily.

"Well then come on we can't be late." Jamie said.

Jamie and Eddie walked quickly to the training gym he would be teaching in. When they got there, there were a lot of students in the gym already.

Jamie whispered to Eddie "You ready?"

Eddie whispered back "I was born ready."

Jamie went to the front of the class and said "Okay students today we are going to learn how to box."

Many of the students started getting excited and rowdy.

"Settle down class." Jamie said in a loud voice.

"I will teach you the basics for a few weeks then I will get into the more advanced techniques later." Jamie said.

"Okay class partner up." Jamie said.

Everyone partnered up and Eddie was left without a partner.

"Everyone have a partner?" Jamie asked the class.

"I don't have a partner Jam... err Officer Reagan." Eddie said.

Jamie walked over to Eddie and said "You will be my partner then and we can demonstrate for the class."

"Everyone grab a pair of gloves and a helmet. And remember to be careful class." Jamie said.

Everyone in the class said a combined yes and then grabbed gloves and a helmet. When everyone was suited up including Jamie and Eddie, Jamie started teaching the class. He showed them a few defensive moves first. He wanted them to know how to defend against rough punches.

He then showed them some attack moves. So they could punch back if they had to. The police were supposed to be defensive first and only use force back if it was necessary. He told them this and said for this reason they would focus more on defense maneuvers.

Eddie loved being Jamie's partner. Everyone was watching them demonstrate the moves and they were chatting and whispering about how in sync they were. People were also commenting on how attractive Jamie was.

Eddie just smiled then used one of Jamie's moves against him and he stopped and said "Class this is how to properly execute this move".

He then clapped and smiled at Eddie. The rest of the class clapped for Eddie. She blushed and smiled and said thank you to everyone.

Jamie whispered to her "I'm proud of you for your first day."

Eddie blushed hard and whispered back "Thanks I aim to impress."

Jamie thought 'Well you certainly impressed me'.

After a while more of practicing Jamie dismissed the class to go freshen up before dinner.

One of the other girls said to Eddie "Wow that was amazing. I can't believe you got to be Officer Reagan's partner for the class. You are so lucky".

"Actually I just didn't have a partner and he needed one to demonstrate."

"Hey Janko can I talk to you for a second?" Jamie asked.

"Oops looks like I am already in trouble. Better go see what he wants." Eddie said.

She walked over to Jamie and said "What am I in trouble already?".

"No I just wondered if you wanted to get dinner together after freshening up." Jamie replied.

"Oh okay. Yeah that sounds great Jamie. I'll meet you in the dining hall." Eddie said.

Jamie and Eddie went to separate areas to change and freshen up. When they were all good and clean they went to the dining hall and got in line for dinner. While they were in line Jamie noticed they had two options for dinner. They had chicken parmigiana with pasta and for a lighter meal they had chicken soup with some nice warm bread with butter.

Jamie turned to Eddie and said "What are you going to choose for dinner?".

"I think the chicken parmigiana and pasta. What are you having?" Eddie replied.

"I think the soup is nice but I am craving pasta. So I think I will go with the chicken parmigiana too." Jamie said.

After Jamie and Eddie grabbed their dinners and little piece of dessert they went and sat at their same table. Jamie prayed for his meal again and then they started eating. By the third meal Eddie had grown to respect Jamie's prayer over his meal and waited for him to finish before eating herself.

"You know you don't have to wait for me to finish praying to eat." Jamie said.

"I know but I want to. I respect your praying." Eddie replied.

"I really appreciate that. When I was working on beat most of my partners didn't get it and didn't understand." Jamie said.

"Well I try to be respectful to everyone and their traditions or their beliefs. I don't want to ever discriminate against someone." Eddie replied.

They finished eating their dinners and found they had quite a bit of free time before everyone was to be in bed. They decided to go to the lounge. They couldn't decide what to do so they chose cards.

"Want to play crazy eights?" Eddie asked in an excited voice.

"Oh man I love that game. I play with Nicky all the time on Sundays after church." Jamie replied.

"Who's Nicky?" Eddie asked.

"Nicky is my niece. She is my sister Erin's daughter. We have big family dinners every Sunday. We first go to church as a family in the morning then have evening supper." Jamie replied.

"Sounds nice. I'm not so lucky. My dad is in jail and my mom and I don't speak to each other. She hates me for leaving after my dad went to jail." Eddie said, her voice cracking a little."I became a cop to put people like my dad away and because I want to protect the city I love." Eddie finished.

"Those are all good reasons to become a cop. I'm sorry about your family. When you graduate I will have you meet my family." Jamie replied.

"I would love that. I would be honored." Eddie said.

Jamie and Eddie played many rounds of cards before getting tired.

"Ha! I beat you again." Eddie said triumphantly. She was so excited.

"Boy your good. I bet you could even beat Nicky and she is the best at this game." Jamie replied.

"Thanks Jamie. I am actually getting tired and I was hoping to turn in soon. It's almost curfew anyways." Eddie said.

Jamie looked at his watch and said "Wow the time just flew away. Sleep sounds good. Want me to walk you to your room?".

Eddie blushed a little at the idea Jamie proposed and said "Sure if you want to."

Jamie walked Eddie all the way to her room and when they got to her door Jamie said "Goodnight Eddie. Sleep well."

"Good night Jamie and I hope you sleep well too." Eddie replied.

"See you in the morning at breakfast?" Jamie asked.

"You bet. We can even have the same breakfast as each other again." Eddie replied laughing.

Jamie did something unexpected next. He reached out and tucked a stray strand of hair behind Eddie's ear and then leaned forward and placed a quick gentle kiss on her forehead. Eddie was rather surprised but enjoyed the feeling.

Jamie then turned and left in the direction of his room. When he got there he changed into pjs and said goodnight to Joe.

"I had the best day Joe." Jamie said. "I thought I was going to hate it here but I love teaching." He continued. "Thanks for always watching over me and for always helping protect me on beat. I know I wish you were here with me and our family but I am glad you are with God." Jamie finished with tears in his eyes. He wiped away his tears, said his prayers and went to bed sad but still smiling.

A/N: Well I hope you liked chapter one of this sure to be thrilling story. See you soon.

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