My Best Friends Promise

Da myfallingstars

64.6K 1.6K 567

An Alex Morgan and Tobin Heath friendship fanfic. Altro

Chapter One| The New Girl
Chapter Three| It's My Fight
Chapter Four| You're Not Fine
Chapter Five | You're Safe Now
Chapter Six| Come Home
Chapter Seven| It's Been So Long
Chapter Eight| Into The Future
Chapter Nine| Not A Goodbye
Chapter Ten| Missing You
Chapter Eleven| Broken Promises
Chapter Twelve | I Won't Let Go
Chapter Thirteen | Reuniting
Chapter Fourteen | When Can I See Her
Chapter Fifteen | Recovering
Chapter Sixteen | New Promises
Chapter Seventeen | Together Again
Chapter Eighteen | You Can't Go
Chapter Nineteen | Jersey Girls
Chapter Twenty | Not Without You
Chapter Twenty One | USWNT
Chapter Twenty Two | First Game
Chapter Twenty Three | Alex Morgan
Chapter Twenty Four | Love Never Dies
Chapter Twenty Five | Sickness and In Health
Chapter Twenty Six | PART II Sickness and In Health
Chapter Twenty Seven | Stay With Me
Chapter Twenty Eight | Sacrifice
Chapter Twenty Nine | Don't Ever Forget Me
Chapter Thirty | Remembering You

Chapter Two| A Friendship is Born

3.6K 73 17
Da myfallingstars


After school today, I drove home, silence filling the air. I'm not sure how to explain the mood of today. I met someone who actually wanted to be friends me, like really wanted too. I've never had that before, know ever wants to be my friend, in fact I never had friends except for Lauren and Amy. But, Alex is different she just came out of the blue and I just never saw it coming. How could a girl like her be friends with a girl like me? I just don't get it. It's confusing in my eyes, I'm not sure how I'm suppose to cope with that. It's a whole different feeling, knowing someone chose you out of a million different people. Thank God it's Friday, I need all the time and space to think things through, I need time to think about what Alex has told me. First, I don't know a thing about her, except for the fact that her name is Alex Morgan. I have know idea where she came from and it's stuff that I actually want to know. I want to get to know her, but am I willing to tell her things that I usually don't tell people? Am I going to trust her with my life the way I trust Lauren and Amy? Are we going to make promises that we won't ever break?

Now that all of these thoughts are going through my brain, I am actually excited for what the future will hold. She might as well be the best friend I've been looking for my whole life. I mean, I love Lauren and Amy, they're the closet friends I ever had, but maybe Alex is someone different. I know I'm thinking way ahead, because I obviously have to get to know her before I can trust her. And for me, it takes a while for me to open up so we'll see how that goes. I wonder how long our friendship will last. One week? Three months? One year? Who knows, it might not even be called a friendship because she'll bail on me.

I park my car in the garage and I open my front door. My mom works at the hospital so she has a night shift tonight, my dad is on a business trip so I'm home alone for the most part. Jeffery is here, but he spends his time in the basement, who knows what he does down there. I go up to my room and I set my bag down. I go to the bathroom and take a shower and dress into comfy clothes. Even though I wear sweatpants every single day at school. Finally, I collapse onto my bed and just go on my phone, then I get a text from an unknown number.

A: Hey Tobin, it's Alex. I got your number from Lauren if that's okay.

I have know idea what to think at this point, first she wanted to be my friend and now she got my number just so she can talk to me? I just don't get this.

T: yeah that's fine.

I text back, not knowing what else to say.

T: Why did you want my number in the first place?
A: Don't you get it already? I just want to be friends with you. Unless you don't want to be friends with me, then I understand.
T: No it's not that, it's just that know one has ever wanted to be my friend anymore.
A: Oh, well then I get it now. But I want to be your friend.
T: if you really want too, then yeah sure.
A: good, so Tobin I want to get to know you. What sports do you play if you play any.
T: only soccer
A: really? Me too!
T: how long have you been playing?
A: I'm not sure, since I was four or five?
T: me too
A: after college, I'm looking to join the U.S. National Team
T: are you serious? Me too!
A: you're kidding!
T: nope, I'm not! It's been my dream to ever since I was little.
A: me too

I text Alex for hours, not even realizing what time it was.

T: it's late, I think I should be going to bed.
A: yeah, that's probably a good idea, but hey we should hang out tomorrow
T: that sounds good
A: i just moved here so I don't know much of the area
T: oh right, I'll pick you up
A: 12 sound good?
T: yeah, where do you live?
A: 802 Crystal Drive
T: only a block away from my house.
A: really?
T: yeah
A: that's pretty cool, well I'll see you tomorrow Tobin.
T: right, see you

Then I put my phone down and just stare at the ceiling. Was Alex popular back where she used to live? If so, I wouldn't be surprised. She's so nice to me, and I only just met her a few hours ago. Perhaps she's different from the other people I met.



I smile at myself as I put my phone down and shut off the lights. Im not sure how she's feeling right now, and I'm pretty sure she's confused but I don't blame her. From what I know, she's struggled in life. It makes me feel so bad, knowing that she goes through so much in only twenty four hours.

When I saw Tobin get slammed into the lockers by Melissa, I was so afraid. But why was Melissa so nice to me? Right away I didn't want to be Melissa's friend, I don't care if she was popular or not. I don't care about any of that, all I cared about was the way she treated Tobin and how much pain she caused. When I saw Tobin on the floor, I knew I had to help her out because know one else would. She was crying and I could see her tears running down her face, and never in my life have I ever felt so bad for someone.

And why would they do that to her especially? Tobin is such a sweet girl with an already fragile heart. She's pretty and seems like a great friend overall. And I'm planning on being friends with her for such a long time. I want her to become so much stronger than she already is and I want to be the one helping her out. She will be my first friend here in New Jersey, and I am totally fine with that. In California I guess I was considered to be popular. Everyone always said hi to me in the halls, everyone was always so nice to me even the teachers. I got asked to prom and homecoming like six times by different boys, and I knew I had to say yes to only one. Being popular isn't all that fun, in fact it's tiring. Your social media gets blown up and everyone wants to be your friend, and they always bother you with text messages. That's what being popular is like. I guess I was kind of happy when I found out we were moving to New Jersey. Only because I wouldn't have to deal with all the fame in my school. Here in New Jersey, I have all these boys staring at me and I knew it would be the same as in California. But boys don't bother me as much so I guess I can deal with it. It's the friends that I'm more concerned about, especially Tobin.

I finally fall asleep, looking forward to tomorrow. Knowing that I can make a difference in Tobin's life.

The Next Day

I wake up to my mom vacuuming my room, just like every morning. I throw a pillow on top of my head, and try to fall back asleep. Then my mom opens all my windows, causing all the light from the outside to blind my eyes. "Fine mom, you win." I mumble as I lazily sit up in bed and rub the sleepiness from my eyes. I take the covers off my legs and I swing my legs over my bed. I walk out my room and I trip on the vacuum cord, but I'm able to save myself. I roll my eyes as I lock myself in my bathroom. I brush my teeth, take a shower and a throw on a new set of clothes. I go downstairs into the kitchen and I find my mom pouring milk into my cereal, God I hate cereal. I quickly eat it, brush my teeth once again and I collapse on my couch, waiting for the hour to go by.

I'm hanging out with Tobin today, and I am more than excited even though I don't show it. I'm not sure why I'm so excited, I guess it's because in some way I'm making a difference in her world. I could possibly be the source of happiness in her life, even though I know she has Lauren and the other girl Amy. I decide to call Tobin, just so she won't bail on me. Because I know she might not be as comfortable around me. Tobin picks up, on the second ring.

T: Hello?
A: Hi Tobin! It's me Alex.
T: Oh, hi.
A: are we still on for today?
T: uh yeah, can I get you like right now?

When Tobin says that, I can hear the shakiness in her voice that starts to get me worried.

A: Yeah, sure I'll be outside my house.

Then Tobin hangs up. I know there's something wrong, and if she needs to get out of her house as soon as possible, I'll definitely let her. I walk outside and I already see Tobin's car sitting on my driveway. I get in the passenger seat next to her and I look her in the eyes. "Are you okay?" I ask, a little nervous for her answer. "I'm fine." She mumbles and she pulls out of the driveway and for the most part, the drive to wherever we are going was silent.

"Okay, I'm not going to let you keep driving unless you tell me what's wrong." I say as we stop at a red light. I watch as Tobin's body tenses up, she looks uncomfortable, so I just let her keep driving until we reach a park. Tobin parks the car and we get out. "Look, Tobin I barely even know you except for the fact that you play soccer and I already know that there's something bothering you." I say, breaking the silence.

"God Alex why do you always have to care about everything in my life!" Tobin snaps back at me, leaving me quite shocked but I try to keep my cool.

"Well maybe I'm trying to be a good friend!" I say back, and I feel really bad for snapping back at her.

"Well maybe you shouldn't be friends with me, I'm better off alone." Tobin says back as she starts walking toward a bench, so I follow along.

"I'm being friends with you whether you like it or not, so just tell me what's bothering you because maybe I can help you out." I say as I sit next to Tobin on the bench.

"I'm done being called a bitch and a whore and worthless. That's it I'm just so done with everything. Are you happy now Alex?" Tobin says to me, and I just don't have anything to say back. I try to talk but nothing comes out, I can't even imagine what she has to go through every single day. And hearing her get angry and upset makes me feel even worse in the inside.

"Tobin I... I don't know what to say." I tell her, but she doesn't look at me, in fact. It looks like she's trying to ignore me.

"Go, Alex. I don't need you. I don't want you to be my friend. Just go." Tobin says as she turns away from me. I'm shocked at this point, she really does struggle in life and at this point, I feel helpless. For some reason, I feel like I failed her. For some reason, I feel like it's my fault. But I keep telling myself it isn't my fault, I mean I only just met her. I slowly get up from the bench we were sitting on. "I'm not giving up yet." I say, just above a whisper.

I look at Tobin one last time, and tears fill her eyes. I just want to pull her into a hug and tell her it'll be okay, but she doesn't want me in her life. But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying, I want to be her friend so badly, I don't know why but I do. I'll figure out a way, no matter how long it takes.

Slowly, I walk away from Tobin not knowing where to go. I don't have my car so I guess I'll walk home. But I don't want too. I can't leave Tobin like this, especially with what she's going through, who knows what she's going to do. I walk away, far enough so she won't see me. But close enough where I can walk back to her, just to check on her. I sit along a tree and sit here for such a long time. I just think about what Tobin said, how she doesn't want to see me, how she doesn't want to be my friend.

After a good two hours of being on my phone, and sitting against a tree, I get up and walk back to where Tobin is. She probably thinks I actually walked home, but I didn't. Because what kind of friend leaves someone like that. When I walk to the bench, I notice she isn't there anymore, but her car is still parked where it was before. I look at the playground, to see if she's there but she isn't. Panic starts to take over as I keep searching for her.

Finally, when I walk up a hill I see her at the top. Sitting there all alone. So, I decide to approach her, hopefully she's calmed down. "Tobin?" I say. I watch as she jumps, startled by the sound of my voice. "Alex? What are you still doing here?" She asks as she wipes her eyes.

"I wouldn't leave you." I answer back as I sit next to her.

"Why are you doing this? Why won't you just leave me?" Tobin asks me, as she looks me in the eyes.

"Because I don't want to leave you like everyone else did. I want to stay with you like know one else did." I answer back, hoping she'll give me a chance.

"Why would you want to stay with me? Can't you see, I'm broken." Tobin says as she looks back into the horizon. Her brown hair almost shines from the sun.

"Yeah, I can see that. But that's why I chose to stay, only to show you that you're worth it. You're worth it Tobin. You are." I say, and a small smile forms across her face, but soon wears off.

"Am I?" Tobin asks.

"Definitely." I say, then Tobin finally turns to look at me, small tears form in her eyes.

"I can go, I can stay whatever you want." I tell Tobin, as I use my thumb and wipe her tears away before they fall. She doesn't answer me, she looses eye contact with me and just stares back at the horizon. I slowly stand up, taking the silence as a no, telling me to go.

"Alex, wait." I hear Tobin say. I turn around and look at her, and I watch as she stands up and runs over to my side. "I want you to stay."

A smile forms across my face and out of the blue, I pull her into such a tight embrace. It seems to surprise Tobin but she responds back with a squeeze. I stroked her long brown hair, and I try to pull back from the embrace. But Tobin just pulls me back in. "No, I've never felt this safe before." Tobin whispers in my ear. We stand here and hug, neither of us not wanting to let go.

Tobin and I sit on this hill for the rest of the day. We talk, and I get to know her so much better. I'm pretty sure I can write a full biography of her. We tell each other stories, we share jokes and laughs. We talk about soccer and our dreams of joining the National Team.

"Tobin, have you ever made a promise to someone?" I ask her, and she shakes her head no. "History will be made in your books." I say as I take out my pinky finger.

"I promise, to be your very best friend until the very end, no matter where life takes us." I say. Tobin looks at me and smiles, and we cross our pinkies together.

"It's funny because I just met you yesterday." Tobin says and lets out a small laugh.

"Yeah I know. Time goes by fast." I say and we both laugh.

"It's only been about forty eight hours." Tobin says as she looks at me.

"Yeah, and it took you like nineteen hours for you to finally agree to be friends with me." I say with a laugh.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that, and I'm sorry about the way I acted earlier. It wasn't right, because you were just trying to help me out." Tobin says to me.

"It's okay, really. I totally understand, you're not used to this kind of approach and I don't blame you. I blame the people who treat you so wrong." I tell Tobin.

"They're going to treat you wrong too, now that they know you're hanging out with me." Tobin says, as her voice turns low. "I already make Lauren and Amy suffer, now you."

"I wouldn't mind, I'll be there to stick up for you no matter what." I say back, feeling so bad for her.

"Don't feel bad for me." Tobin says, I'm guessing she can read the expression on my face.

"Well I have too, so you better get used to it." I say with a small laugh that causes her to smile. "Tobin, how long have you been bullied?" I ask. Then there's silence in between us, a silence that seems to scare me.

"Ten years." She answers back, and the way she said it killed me.

"I'm going to try my absolute best, to help you relive those ten years, and make them the best ten years you'll ever have." I say with a smile.

"You'll really do that? For me?" Tobin side as she looks up at me.

"Of course I will." I say as we both look at the horizon line.

As it starts to get a little dark, Tobin drives me back home and the car ride was filled with conversation. Mostly about the songs that were playing on the radio. We finally pull up at my house. I look at Tobin. "Thanks Tobin." I say as I smile at her, and she just smiles back. "Is there any nicknames that I could possibly call you?" I ask Tobin with a laugh.

"I mean, my teammates always call me Tobs." Tobin says as she shrugs.

"Tobs..." I say out loud. "I think I like Toby better." I say with a smile. I look at Tobin and a disappointed look forms across her face.

"I hate that name more than anything else." Tobin says flatly.

"Well Toby get used to it because that's what I'm calling you." I say back with a smile.

"Fine, fine. Under one condition." Tobin says.

"What?" I say, anxious for whatever she has to say.

"I'm going to have to call you Lex." She says and my mouth drops open, and all I hear is Tobin laughing.

"Only family calls me that." I say as I cross my arms and hold back my laugh, but I can't because Tobin's laugh is rather contagious. "Alright, deal." I say as I open the car door and get out. "I had fun today Toby, maybe tomorrow again?" I say.

"Sure thing." Tobin says.

"Alright, have a goodnight Tobs." I say as I close the car door and I watch as she pulls out of my driveway and drives away.

Perhaps I have made an impact in her life. After all, she told me that is the first time she has actually laughed in ten years.


Thanks for reading chapter two, I hope you liked it!

Talex has now begun! Keep in mind they are just staying friends, nothing more. It's a friendship fanfic (:

I'll update as soon as I can, so stay tuned!

Don't forget to vote, and comments are greatly appreciated!

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