Deep // Phan AU

By endlesss-

195K 10.6K 17.3K

"I'm sorry..." (trigger warning) More



11.1K 590 819
By endlesss-

Just as Phil was about to give up and let his eyes close, the car stopped with a jolt.

Matt and Amanda got out of the car and Phil glanced out the window to see a small two story house. It looked like it was in good shape and was already better looking then their old house.

With a big sigh, he grabbed his bag and got out of the car.

"Here, take the keys and go choose a room." Matt said and threw the keys at Phil who didn't have very fast reflexes.

He heard Amanda scoff as he bent down to pick up the keys and walked into his new house.

It's furnished. It's clean. It's amazing.

He knew his parents' friend must have done all this and Phil was grateful.

He walked up stairs and to the room at the end of the hall. The biggest room that also had a key to it.

They won't mind... Phil thought to himself and went inside. The room was also already furnished; there was a bed, a wardrobe, a little drawer the side the bed and a small lamp... and the keys to the bedroom were on the bed.

Taking the keys to his new room, Phil tossed his bag aside and pulled out his phone to text Skye but remembered she was gone and he felt sad again. He was just so used to talking to her and telling her everything, he didn't understand how he was going to survive.


School. Phil had completely forgotten that he still had to go to school. Best part? It was only Monday.

"PHILIP WAKE THE FUCK UP, YOU HAVE SCHOOL!" Matt shouted and no matter how thick the walls were, Matt's voice was always going to get to Phil.

He scurried out of bed and emptied his bag, all his things falling out. His clothes, his other pair of shoes, his blades, his one and only note book with a pencil, his tooth brush and tooth paste.

Phil groaned and put his blades away in a drawer, put on clean clothes and put on shoes.

Books. Pencils. He needed those. He needed to brush his teeth. Where the hell was the bathroom?

Phil found the bathroom and brushed his teeth then grabbed his bag, his phone and Skye's note before locking the door and putting his keys safely in his pocket.

"You know what you're getting on your birthday? An alarm clock." Amanda snapped at Phil who couldn't care less.

"Where is the school?" Phil asked, running his fingers though his hair in attempt to make it look more neat.

"I don't know, it's five minutes away. Turn to the left and just keep walking." Amanda shrugged.

Phil left, doing as Amanda told because he didn't know where else to go.

Phil shoved his hands in his pockets and continued to walk and soon found the school.

He spent a few minutes looking for the main office and when he found it he felt his anxiety kick in. Talking to people that weren't Skye or Matt and Amanda were things he didn't like doing and couldn't bring himself to do.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" The secretary asked Phil.

He knew his hands were shaking and he felt embarrassed but his voice just wasn't helping him.

"I'm a new student." Phil told the secretary quietly who nodded. "My name's Philip Lester."

In less than a few minutes, he was given his papers and everything he needed.

"Have a good day." The lady said cheerfully and Phil forced a smile back.

He would try to have a good day which wasn't going to happen.

So his first class was biology. Phil sighed and went to search for his first class.

The day went on slowly but surprisingly well; there was no yelling at him, no one pushing him, no one picking at him, nothing.

But then break came and Phil was trying his best to get through everyone so he could be alone. He did run into quite a few people but the last person he bumped into was the one that caused him trouble.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

Phil looked up a little and saw that the boy he bumped into wasn't the one that had spoken; the boy beside him had.

"Joey, it's okay." the boy Phil had ran into said and Phil couldn't stop himself from looking at him.

He had a face to kill for, the face of an accidental model, pretty eyes, a cute nose, perfect lips, how did Phil bump into a model?

"No, it's not." the boy, Joey scolded and Phil let his gaze fall onto the floor, feeling awful. "I'm gonna make him say sorry and mean it."

"Joey, Dan said it was okay. Leave the boy alone." a female voice said but Phil didn't want to see, he didn't want to look at anyone. He just wanted to leave.

The Joey boy huffed. "Alright. Come on."

They continued walking and the Joey boy shoved Phil slightly.

Phil let out a low sigh before moving again, wondering what he had done to the universe to deserve this life.

Knowing his parents couldn't care less about his grades, Phil ditched his next few classes and walked out of the school.


Phil felt his heart stop as he turned around but when he saw it was the boy he had bumped into he began to apologize.

"Don't apologize, it was okay. Joey, he's really protective." The boy shrugged. "I'm Dan."

Phil could feel his face go red and he knew it would be obvious because of his paleness. "I'm Phil."

He scratched the back of his neck and looked at anything but Dan.

"Where're you going?" Dan asked and Phil shrugged this time.

"I dunno. Anywhere but here."

"Well, I don't plan on going to class so do you want to go for a walk?"

What? Phil had only just met this boy who looked like an angel and he was already asking Phil to go for a walk? Phil was astounded at the simple question but nodded and Dan walked towards Phil.

Not wanting to look at his face, Phil let his gaze fall and saw Dan's long sleeves and how he had pulled his sleeves over his hands as well.

"C'mon." Dan said and started walking.

Phil took a deep breath and followed Dan, hoping this wasn't some sort of trap or anything they do in movies.


Oops I forgot to post this iM SORRY!

ok things are going a bit slowly but yes we're getting there! Yay! I'm really excited for this and thank you to those who have read this and the first part and have voted/commented! It means a lot to me!

So that's all for today folks, see ya next time!

byyeeee cx

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