Urushihara x Reader One Shots

By Dj_VioletIceHeart

154K 5.7K 4.7K

Urushihara (Lucifer) x Reader One Shots More

1. When Your Gone
2. Wings
3. Say "I Love You"
4. Believe in Me
5. Monster, How Should I Feel?
6. To Love a Fallen Angel
7. Falling for you
8. Rematch
9. Blushing
10. Forever in My Mind
11. The Dark Angel
12. Lucifer's Angel
13. No Good in Goodbye
14. We Lost Her!
16. Know it or Not (Part 2)
17. Bad Girl
18. A Dark Heart (Part 1)
19. A Dark Heart (Part 2)
20. Secrets and Pain (Part 1)
21. Secrets and Pain (Part 2)
22. Faded Memories
23. Internet NEETS
24. Another World
25. When Hearts turn Black
26. Yandere (Part 1)
27. Yandere (Part 2)
28: Yandere (Part 3)
29. Yandere (Part 4)
30. Fragile
31. Death's Wishes (Part 1)
32. Death's Wishes (Part 2)
33. Death's Wishes (Part 3)
34. Death's Wishes (Part 4)
35. Wait What?
36. One of the Guys (Part 1)
37. One of the Guys (Part 2)
38. One of the Guys (Part 3)
39: One of the Guys (Part 4)
40. A Heart's Child
41. The NEET and The NEKO
42. One Day (Part 1)
43. One Day (Part 2)
44. One Day (Part 3)
45. One Day (Part 4)
46. One Day (Part 5)
47. One Day (Part 6)
48. One Day (Part 7)
49. Don't Forget Me (Part 1)

15. Know it or Not (Part 1)

3.4K 116 185
By Dj_VioletIceHeart

"Hey Lucifer, can you pass me a peace of bocky?" You asked, reaching your hand out as you searched the web.

"Sure." Lucifer passed you a piece while playing on his PASTA console.

You and Lucifer had been best friends since you were little. You had both been there for eachother. You both knew each other very well. You guys even became fallen angels together without knowing it. You both new each other's secrets and what each other's favorite things were. Now you were both human, living in a tiny apartment with Maou and Ashiya.

Just then, there was a knock, causing everyone to look towards the door. "I'll get it." Maou said, walking over to the door. Just as he opened it, he stood slightly frightened at what he saw. The land lady was here...

"Hello boys, and darling girl. I just came to say that there will be a dance at the park next month for ages 15-18, couples only. It's free and for one year you'll only have to pay half of your rent if you come. And I was wondering if that young couple over there would like to come." The land lady said, pointing to you and Lucifer.

You and Lucifer glanced at eachother and laughed. "You think we're a couple?!" You asked, laughing your ass off at how ridiculous it sounded.

"Well I'm sorry. You two just seemed so perfect for eachother. I hope that young man would like to go with someone else then, it would be quite nice. I'll see you then." The land lady said, walking off as Maou shut the door.

"She's not wrong you know. You two do look a lot like a couple." Maou said, smirking at the two of you. You two really didn't know how obvious it looked.

"Please. That would be so weird!" You laughed. I mean, he was your best friend. It's not like you could actually fall for him... right? That would just be too awkward.

Lucifer smirked. "Yeah right. Who needs a girlfriend when you got a computer?"

"Actually Urushihara, you're going." Ashiya said.


"Well duh. It's only ages 15-18 so we're too old to go." Maou said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And we'd get half off for our rent for a year if you go." Ashiya said. That was it. He had to go. There was no stopping Ashiya from getting half off of rent for a year.

"But I have no one to go with! It's couples only!" He yelled.

"Then y/n can go with you." Ashiya pointed out.

"WHAT?! I am NOT going to a dance." You said, crossing your arms. 1. You didn't know how to dance. 2. You were NOT going to awkwardly dance with Lucifer. 3. People will be there... and people annoy you.

"Well then, I guess we'll have to find Urushihara a girlfriend." Maou shrugged.

You snickered. "Perfect! I'll help him girl-hunting!" You squealed, happy you could find your best friend a girlfriend. This would be fun.

(Le Time Skip)

You all looked around, helping Lucifer find a girl. "Ooh! What about her!" You said, pointing to a girl with a nose peircing, lip peircing, and black lipstick.

Lucifer shook his head.

Your eyes glanced from girl to girl, trying to figure out which one seemed like Lucifer's type.

"What about that young lady?" Ashiya asked, pointing to someone with long blonde hair. As soon as they turned around tho... you laughed.

"Dude, that's a guy." Ashiya noticed this and blinked.

"Ooh ooh! Her! Her!" You yelled, pointing to someone with long teal hair put in pig tails. She wore a white shirt with a teal tie and a skirt with long boots.

"HOW DARE YOU NOT KNOW WHAT ANIME I'M FROM!" She yelled at someone. (AN: That's a reference x3) Ok, she seems violent...

Lucifer shook his head again.

"How about her?" You asked again, pointing to a girl with red hair streaked with black on the bottom.

Lucifer shook his head once again, not really feeling anything for any of the girls.

"What about that girl?" Maou asked, pointing to someone with light blonde hair and a few green streaks in it. She wore a long white shirt with black tights and converse. Lucifer stared at her, gaping. You looked at who he was looking at and smiled.

"I think we've found his match."

(Le Time Skip)

"Ok, you can do this! Just go and ask her out." You said simply.

Lucifer shivered nervously. "I'm not sure I can do this..."

"Come on! DUDE, be a man!" You said, pushing him towards her. He walked over and sat down next to her, talking a bit. You saw her laugh and he smiled at her. 'Good. This is going good.' You thought.

After a while, you saw him put his arm around her as he spoke. She squealed, hugging him. 'Well, I guess that wasn't so hard. Mission complete!'

He walked over to you, holding her hand. 'Aww, their so cute.' Ashiya and Maou then came from a table, joining you guys.

"Well... these are my friends Ashiya and Maou. And that's y/n, my best friend." He introduced you all to her. She smiled and nodded.

"Just friends." You pointed out. "We're not into each other so you don't need to worry about that." You smiled at her.

She nodded, "I'm Milly."

(AN: WOAH! put the pitchforks and torches down! I know your angry! Your time will come soon Reader-Chan. x3)

(Le Time Skip)

"Hey Lucifer, wanna go get ice cream later?" You asked.

"Sorry, I can't, I promised Milly I'd take her somewhere tonight." He said, focusing on his computer gaming, not looking at you.

"Omg. That's so cute! I wish you luck on your date!" You squealed. 'Wow, I never thought Lucifer would be the romantic type...'

He turned around and smiled at you. "Thanks."

(Le Time Skip)

You walked into the apartment and took off your shoes since you were finally home from work. "Hey Lucifer, wanna play some-" you stopped, seeing that Lucifer and Milly were laughing together as he thought her how to play Final Fantasy."

You smiled at them, feeling a small thud inside of you. You sighed and ignored it, walking out to leave them alone. 'I guess I'll just go then...' You thought.

(Le Time Skip)

"Hey guys." You greeted. "Where's Lucifer?"

"He's out with Milly." Ashiya said.

Your smile faded. "Oh... cool. I'm happy for them." You said. He promised he'd be here to wait for minecraft to download so you two could play together. You'd been wanting to play it for months. You two had been begging Ashiya to let you guys buy minecraft, and you two were finally able to get it. 'I-I guess I'll just wait and ask him if we can play tomorrow...'

(Le Time Skip)

Lucifer and Milly had been together for one month, and now it was finally time for the dance the land lady had mentioned.

"Hey Luci- Woah..." You said as you looked over to Lucifer who was dressed in a black suit with a purple tie. His hair was combed out of his face and held a batch of roses.

"What's with the fancy get up?" You laughed. You had to admit, he looked pretty handsome.

He sighed, staring off into space. "It's for Milly. We're finally going to the dance together and I wanted to look perfect for her. She's just... wow."

You felt your eye twitch for some reason and the small thud inside you grew bigger. "O-oh. Well... h-have a nice time..." You said, trying to get it together.

As soon as Lucifer left, you were all alone in the apartment. You felt a single tear drop onto your cheek as you sat there, thinking things through. "I'm happy for them... right? Why am I acting so sad all of a sudden? What's wrong with me?" You ran your fingers through your hair and sighed.

You curled up on the floor with your blanket and pillow. "I'll just get some sleep. Maybe this feeling will go away in the morning." You said as you drifted to sleep.


You woke up on a soft bed. You fluttered your eyes open and realized you were... in room back in Ente Isla? You sighed and got up, stretching out your wings.

You walked over to your mirror and saw, you... only it wasn't you. You looked down at yourself and saw you had shorts and a tank top. You then looked up at the mirror, seeing you... but in a beautiful red and black dress.

"Who are you?" You asked, looking at the strange version of you.

"You know who I am... But do you know who you are?" " The girl asked. You tilted your head in confusion, wondering why this was all happening.

"I'm... I'm me." You said, confused at what type of riddle this was.

"Though, If you don't know who I am... you won't know who you are." The girl smirked. "Who am I?"

"Your... me... right?"

"Just because it's right, doesn't mean it's not wrong. You really don't know who I am, do you?" She asked. "I've always been asking you for one thing... yet you never give it to me, because you don't realize what you really want."

"Wait, what?"

"Weather you know it or not, it'll always be there." The girl said, slowly fading away. "I'll always be here."

You ran up to the glass, placing your hands on it. "Wait! I still don't understand! What don't I know? Don't go yet! I'm so... confused." You whispered, dropping onto your knee's.

Just then, music started playing. You jumped back from the mirror, watching as an image appeared.

🎶I Don't know who you are to me, I don't know who you were...🎶
🎶You were my every moment... my every minute...🎶

Just then, and image of you and Lucifer when you two were little showed in the screen. You two were playing tag, pretending to kill eachother. You softly smiled at the memory.

🎶I Don't know what kind of pain this is, don't understand the torment it is..🎶
🎶Why can't I breathe? Why are my eyes full of tears?🎶

An image then showed of Lucifer with an arrow in his chest when you two were 14. He had almost died and for once you had cried for him. Though, you kept the pain inside and held it all in to save his life.

🎶I believe we had a friendship, Nothing more than just a friendship🎶
🎶So what kind of pain is this? Why does my heart feel broken?🎶

The mirror then showed many images of you two flashing back and forth before it stopped at one... It was the image of when Lucifer had first met Milly and you were standing there on the sidelines. You had finally noticed something... you had kept a smile on... but your eyes looked so... sad. That's when it all hit you.

🎶You're heart knew what you didn't, how could you not know the truth?🎶
🎶The lonely now that takes the soul, the fights and all the fun with you...🎶
🎶How could could this be real when all you felt was deep inside🎶
🎶Your heart had kept the secret love, the love you meant to hide...🎶

You had finally realized it... the thing you hadn't realized for so long.

"I'm in-


You shot up from the floor, breathing heavily. "I... I..." You grabbed your head in pain. "N-no. This isn't right. Something's wrong. I... I can't remember what it is though..."

"Woah. What happened?" Maou asked, watching as you freaked out.


"Calm down y/n. Wouldn't want the land lady to come again."

You sighed, you couldn't even comprehend how much the dream was bothering you. Especially the fact that you can't remember what any of it was about, but you knew it was something important...

You shrugged it off for now and decided to change the subject. "So... where's Lucifer." You asked, turning to face Maou.

"He's at the park with Milly."

"Oh..." You sighed. "I've never seen Lucifer like this. So... taken up by someone. So... oblivious to everything else..." You said, looking down sadly.

Maou sighed. "Y/n, Lucifer's always been like this. Except that "someone" was you."

You looked back up at Maou, eyes widened.

"It's true Miss Y/n. Lucifer hasn't changed a bit. Maybe it's just you that has changed."

You blinked. 'Wait... but...' You sighed in your head. 'This is so confusing...'

(Le Time Skip)

You decided to take a walk to clear your thoughts. Nothing felt right anymore. Yet, you couldn't find anything wrong either.

You glanced to your left, spotting Lucifer and Milly sitting on a bench laughing together. Lucifer then placed his hand on her cheek, leaning in. Your heart beat faster and faster as you watched the scene. As soon as their lips touched... you felt something snap inside you.

The world started spinning... You felt like a million knifes had just stabbed you in the heart. Nothing felt more wrong than watching that moment. Black spots filled your eyes. You could hear voices inside your head all around you...

'YOU two do look a lot like a couple...'

'Lucifer's always been like that... Except YOU used to be that "someone"...'

'If you don't know who I am... You can't know who YOU are...

'...I'm in...'

'I'm in love with Lucifer...'


The last thing you heard was your heard your name being called...

before everything turned black.

To Be Continued...

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