Carry on my wayward son

By emmadim94

41.6K 571 72

The childhood memories of Sam and Dean during John's absence and his ways through the boys. More

What now?
Payback is a bitch
Everything has a price
The show must go on
Flagstaff part 1
Flagstaff part 2
Flagstaff part 3
Flagstaff part 4
Hope for Delinquents
Lovely lessons #not
The principal

Teenage rebellion

5.5K 46 2
By emmadim94

Hey everyone!! That's my first attempt so be gentle.

*warning* contains spanking and physical abuse of teenagers*

I chose to elaborate the life of the Winchester family while they were still teenagers and after the incident of Sam leaving to go to Stanford. John is kind of severe with the boys . It's just my opinion of how John would be.
Dean is around 20 years old and Sam is 16.

"Sooo I'll be back in 3 days exactly. Lock the doors, put the salt... And what's the most important thing???" Asked John.
"I know, I know. Take care of Sammy" Dean said rolling his eyes.
" Don't you roll your eyes on me boy"
"Sorry dad. It's just that sometimes I need some alone time. "
" I know you struggle a lot lately, but you need to understand that family is above all. Don't leave him alone or there will be consequences."
Dean swallowed hard and with his head low he replied " yes sir."
"Where is Sam?" Asked John.
"Upstairs studying" Dean said.
"Sammy get down here. I'm leaving"
Footsteps heard coming down the stairs. " what is it?" Asked Sam.
" I'm leaving for a hunt. I'll be back in 3 days."
" What?? Again?? You just came back" Sam said angrily.
" you know I don't have a choice. After all when I return we're leaving this place." John replied.
"What??? Are you serious?? It's our first proper home for months!!" Sam said.
" Now it's really NOT the time for your arguing." John looked at him sternly. "I suggest you get your butt upstairs and continue studying. While I'm gone Dean lays the law here. You'll listen to him. You will not go out without his permission. "
" yeah yeah. I know the drill". Sam said sarcastically.
" I'd watch my tone if i were you son. I don't have time to deal with you now."
" C'mon Sammy. Go upstairs. I'll catch with you in a sec" Dean intervened.
" Fine!" Sam said and he walked upstairs.
When they heard his door shut loudly they both sighed.
" Bye dad. See you soon. Take care" Dean said.
"Bye Dean. Don't forget the rules" John repeated as he closed the door behind him.
Dean waited to hear the sound of the track engine leaving. After John was definitely gone he walked upstairs to the room he shared with Sam. He found him laying in the bed miserably pretending to read.
" Hey Sammy don't pout. Don't act like a kid. You know it's just the way he is."
" No Dean. I don't act like one. He treats me like a kid!! I'm sick of it. He can't just lay orders like we are his soldiers. I thought that we were a family."
"Don't be melodramatic. We are a family. " Dean replied.
" Families talk. Families discuss their matters. He just says something and expects to be obeyed." Sam said angrily.
" it's just his way. He's not gonna change. So just bear with it." Dean sighed.
" well, I won't!! I'm gonna be out of here soon." Sam said sternly.
Dean stood up tiredly. " You know that's not gonna happen. Stanford is a long dream. He's not gonna allow it so stop thinking about it."
Sam just stood up angrily " No one is gonna make me do something I don't want to" and he run out of the house on the backyard.
After 5 long minutes Dean stood up and went downstairs. He was starving. He made a quick spaghetti and went out to call Sam. He found him sitting on the back of the Impala. He sat next to him. " Look Sammy, I know it's difficult for you now, but I promise everything will get better in time."
" Dean I just want to be normal. With standard friends, a home and maybe a girlfriend...???" Sam said
"Haha I knew it. Who is she??" Dean said.
" C'mon Dean. I'm serious. I don't wanna move around like a homeless person, trying to blend in every single time. Why can't I just have the life I want??"
Dean didn't know what to say. He knew Sammy was right. He wanted him to be normal.
Dean slowly stood up taking Sam with him.
" Everything is going to be fine. I'll always be here for you. Bitch!!"
"Jerk!!" Sam said and they both went inside to grab a bite.

Soooo that was the first chapter. Hope you liked it. Leave me some comments.... Thanks!! ;)

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