Miss Ana's Butler #SYT...

By SherlySusan

261K 10.7K 347

Diana Wellesley, the only hair of a powerful family that could make the rich society shaken like a leaf isn’t... More

Part 1
Part 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Note from Author
Short story - Raymond Wood

Chapter 5

10.9K 429 19
By SherlySusan

The makeover had started

Everything actually went from bad to bearable, maybe because they got used to each other now and they maneuvered around each other comfortably.

Diana thought James would be better after that small talk over her fortune the other day but she was wrong. He was back to normal, his normal, which was rude, mean, and full of sarcasm. And his obsession to make her a princess with a healthier lifestyle was beyond ordinary.

"Miss Ana, wake up." His hand touching her bare shoulder pushed her to open her eyes.

"Why is your hand so cold?" She glared at him, sat up lazily and did her usual stretch out. This time James knew what to do, he went straight to her wardrobe to prepare her outfit without even taking a glance at the usual seductive scene that she put up on show every morning. That painful sweet-sexy-nightie-payback was still happening and it was kind of their routine now.

"What do you want for breakfast Miss Ana?" he asked behind the wardrobe door.

"I want fruit loops."

"No! Too sweet." He replied.

"I don't care." She chased him into the walk-in wardrobe, leaned herself on the door frame and crossed her arms, one of her spaghetti strap fell off her shoulder exposing the top side of her right boob.

James stopped what he was doing, slowly he walked closer to her and lifted his hand toward her arm, he pinched the strap carefully and lifted it up to place it back over her shoulder without touching her skin. "I will not feed you something unhealthy Miss Ana." He stared into her brown eyes intently.

"Why not?"

"Because you need to stay fit and healthy, so you can take care of that billion dollars and those poor people you're worrying about. And talking about being fit, I will convert one of the rooms downstairs into a gym."

Diana groaned, "I am fine, I don't need exercise. I am not fat."

"It's not about you getting fat. As long as you're fit, I don't even care that you're fat."

"Bulls, you all men only want skinny women."

"Maybe... But who cares about what they want. The most important thing is about what you want." He tried to rebuild her from scratch, planting some seeds of confidence within her. He noticed that deep down inside she wasn't really believing in herself, that she always reacted to any insult he gave her and it wasn't a good sign. A Wellesley lady was supposed to be calm but strong, courageous and confident as fuck but seemed that she didn't grasp his intention.

"I want fruit loops... " she answered meekly.

James sighed, it would be a long long way for her to improve, he thought. "No! I've been watching you eating for the last few days and keeping a diary, all I can see is junk food. From now on you only eat what I prepare for you. No more take away."

"But... "

"You have no idea what those junk food do to you. I bet you can't outrun me right now." He challenged.

She snorted, "Oh sure I can."

"Do you want to bet?"

"What's the bet, Mr Butler?" Diana grinned, she loved challenges and she knew she could win easily, judging at how big he was, she didn't think he could move as fast as her.

"You win, I will let you eat junk food for a week, you lose, you wake up early and go jogging with me." He said, pushing his glasses up.

"Make it forever junk food."

"Fine, forever."

"Name a place and time."

"What about now? We have plenty of time. You have the shortest time for shower anyway."

"Another insult? What about adding the bet, if I win, you don't get to mock me."


"Okay, let me get change."

"Oh you don't have to change Miss Ana, you look fine with this nightie." He run his index finger along the strap gently and his face grinning.

"Get out you, Pervert! Meet me outside in five minute." Diana growled, she sure would beat him and stopped him from being so rude to her.

She'd never thought of a butler could be dare enough to flirt with her, but what did she know about butlers anyway. He was her first one. Probably that was what a butler supposed to do to his female boss? Flirt?

She shuddered of the dirty thought that suddenly parked in her mind. Not that she mind though.

"Ew... " She quickly shook away the ideas. It was impossible for her to like him, there was no way she could be with him although she must admit that he was kind of hot but he was too goddamn annoying.

Only a week with him and every day he managed to drive her nuts in so many levels. Something small that would bother her a lot but not big enough to make her wanted to tell her dad to kick his butt.

He made her coffee too bitter two days ago. Then yesterday he put too much chilli in her curry. Every day he nagged at her to eat lots and lots of lettuce that she thought she would turn into a goat soon.

Last night he whispered in her ear that she shouldn't sit like a truck driver when she watched TV. Then he refused to give her snacks just because it was ten past seven in the evening and according to him, the latest snacking time was seven. The worst was he cleaned up the pantry and threw away her favourite potato chips together with her bags and bags of lollies.

He sure drove her nuts and maybe if she won this race, she could put a stop to this madness and got some respect from him like she deserved.

Five minutes later she showed up in front of the mansion in shorts and a tank top.

"Good morning Nana. What are you doing here?" Diana hugged her tiny grandma that seemed to be interested in their bet.

"James said you will cheat so I am here to make sure you won't." she replied.

"I have never cheated!"

"Oh sure... " She laughed.

"Nana, you should be on my side."

"After you've been cheating on me on Monopoly for fifteen years? I am on James' side today Sweetie." She looked overly happy, her petite fragile body bounced in excitement.

Diana rolled her eyes, her Nana could be cheeky sometimes. "Are you going to run with that outfit?" she sifted her attention back to her butler. He was still in his uniform complete with his suit.

"Yes," he loosen up his tie, then took off his suit and placed it carefully on Nana's hand. "Please take care of this Mrs Sullivan, I won't be long." He winked.

"Anything for you handsome." Nana grinned and folded his suit in her arm.

"Nana!!!!" Diana yelled at her grandma. "Okay James, tell me what to do."

"See that tree over there? If you can beat me, you win." He rolled up his sleeves to his elbows and pointed to a big tree about two hundred meters away from them.

"That tree? Okay. Nana please count." Diana took her stance.

"No Dear, you run, James will give you a few seconds ahead."


Nana and James nodded in unison. His smug face was smiling and he stood so casually with his hands on his hips.

"Fine!" annoyed, she said before taking her start.

She ran as fast as she could and she was confident that she would reach the tree in no time when she felt something was bothering her. She felt her calf muscle started to knot and sent her to panic.


Not now!

Ouch, another one on her upper thigh.

She used to be in a soccer club when she was in high school but not anymore, not for a long time and her body wasn't as strong as before. Her legs gave her cramps and her breathing was heavier by the second she moved.

She couldn't believe it! Pathetic! Cursing repeatedly she slowed her run and ended up stopping altogether. She blamed her office work, all day sitting on her butts, of course her legs would be weaker, no actually her whole body would be weaker. No rocket science about that!

She heard steps behind her, sure it was James caught up with her and she already heard him laugh.

"What's the matter Miss Ana? Running out of breath?"

"I got cramps... " She fell on the road and held her upper thigh tightly.

James squatted beside her but instead of helping, he mocked her one more time, "see this is what I am talking about. Too much junk food and soft drink."

"Shut up and help me." She went to a total panic. She didn't know where to touch, two cramps spots at once was really something!

"Are you admitting defeat?"

"Fuck no!"

"Miss Ana, don't swear please." He told her calmly while kept watching her suffer without offering any help.

He could be mean and continued watching if he wanted to, but seeing her face melted his heart. He lowered his knees on the ground, pulled her cramped leg and places it on his thigh.

"Relax......" he ordered and his skilful thumbs massaging the spots, he knew exactly where to press.

"Aw... "

"Ssshhh..... relax...." He said again, his calming voice eased Diana a bit. Slowly her knotted muscles loosened up and the pain went away.

He then raised her leg and brought it up over his shoulder then he moved forward to stretch her thigh muscles. "Are you alright?"

She nodded.

After a moment James released her leg and stood up before extending his hand to help her up.

"Thanks." She took it reluctantly.

"So, Miss Ana. What is it going to be? Jogging with me tomorrow?"

"No... "

"You are not going to cheat are you?"

"I don't like running."

"No excuse." He shook his head.

Diana snorted, slowly she took limping steps back to the house.

"Can you walk? Let me carry you." He took her arm, looped it over his neck, then he bent down to lift her body across his shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down." She yelled.

But he ignored her and kept walking till they reached the door.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" Nana greeted her when they entered the house, she was already sitting around the kitchen's bench with Janice the cook who held a giggle watching her hanging upside down on James' shoulder.

"Princess got cramps." James explained.

"Nana, you didn't even check on me." Diana grumbled, "Can you tell this lunatic to put me down? That's not how you carry a princess you prick!" she swang her legs slightly.

"James, can you put the princess down please?" Nana asked James sweetly and he obeyed in a heartbeat.

"Why can't you just do what I ask? You work for me after all." Diana looked up at him with her reddened face after being carried upside down for a few minutes.

"Go for a shower Miss Ana, your breakfast will be ready soon." He ignored her scowl and walked straight to the kitchen.

"I swear to god Nana, I am going to make him bleed one day."

"I want to see you try Miss Ana. Now have a shower, you have fifteen minutes to get ready." James yelled from the kitchen.

Diana kicked a dining chair before she went back to her bedroom.

"Oh that temper... " Nana shook her head.

James cringed inwardly. Dealing with this particular princess definitely wasn't his forte. True they'd start to learn and adjust toward each other. He was softened to her and sometimes she did it too but it wasn't a guarantee that she wouldn't throw her tantrum the next minute.


Another morning, another struggle...

"Miss Ana, wake up... " James gathered the curtains and hooked them to the side of the window. The gentle warm morning sun immediately filled up her spacious Victorian style bedroom and made her pull her blanket over her head to protect her eyes, "I'll start tomorrow." She mumbled.

"No. You start today!" he pulled her blanket down but she held it tight.

"Miss Ana... " Came his warning tone and she knew that he was about to do something annoying. But she couldn't open her eyes. She slept late last night because she couldn't stop watching cat videos on YouTube and now she struggled to wake up.

"Okay, don't blame me on this... " He sighed.

Diana felt her mattress moved. James clearly climbed on it. Second later he scooped her body in his arms, still tangled in her own blanket, she got pulled away from her warm bed. "James!" she yelled angrily when she realized that her laces covered butt were exposed to the world.

"So, do you want to get change or should I take you straight downstairs and you can jog in this nightie?"

"Put me down!!!"

"Alright... " James walked to her bathroom and lowered her down. "Get changed, I'll be downstairs."

"I HATE YOU." She screamed from the bathroom and he chuckled away. She swore she would do something about his lack of respect toward her.

Ten minutes later James was jogging with Diana on his side pouting like a duckling. "Feeling better?" he asked when he saw her face started to blush from the morning sun and her eyes weren't that red anymore. She looked too cute to ignore.

"Nope." She lied.

"Well, get used to it." He commented slightly and jogged faster. Diana struggled to follow but she wouldn't lose face again today, she promised.

"I have a schedule for you Miss Ana." He talked again.

"What schedule? It's Saturday James. Leave me alone."

"Nope can't do. I've already booked some appointments. The girls will be here at ten."

"What appointments? What girls?"

He pulled out a piece of paper from his shorts and read it, "Ten o'clock, haircut. Next, manicure pedicure then you will have lunch. After that full body wax... "

"What?!" she stopped running and placed her hands on her hips, "Full body wax?!"

He was skipping next to her. "Full body wax, you know when you... "

"Yes yes I know what it is and no way!"

"Yes way. Come on run."

"I am not doing full body wax."

"Miss Ana... " He stepped closer and took her hand in his, "your eyebrows, they need reshaping, and... " He tilted her chin up, lowered his face to hers as if he wanted to kiss her.

"James... what are you doing?" she froze.

"... And your moustache... " he sighed disapprovingly.

She shoved his chest away, horrified. "I don't have a moustache!"

He nodded. "yes you do, a little and almost invisible but yes you do have moustache... And on summer time, when you wear bikini... " His eyes travelled down and stopped right under her stomach.

"AAARRGGHHHH......." She was totally humiliated.

She went to do bikini wax a while ago and she knew she should do it soon but she kept delaying it. Did he saw it? It couldn't be. She hadn't worn a bikini since he arrived.

"I am going home." She sulked, more embarrassed than angry.

James followed her biting his lower lip so his laughter wouldn't explode. He was just teasing her but he knew he had pressed the right button. Talking about payback, bring it on Princess. He grinned.


Diana was beyond exhausted.

Her work, her private lessons, her assignments, she could handle them with grace but her demanding butler made a different story. She felt like he ran her life.

She wasn't a morning person to begin with and now she had to get up early to get fit with him. Her body was aching all over the place for weeks and when her body finally got used to it and she was no longer in pain she thought her misery was finally over but of course she was wrong. This morning he dragged her straight to the gym room downstairs.

"What is this?" Diana pinched a pair of boxing gloves with her hand grumpily. James had annoyed the hell out of her for days and she wasn't in the mood to talk to him. Sometimes she wondered that he was born with horns on his head that made him so evil.

"I'll teach you boxing and a bit of self-defence." He replied flatly.


"Just in case you get mugged on the street."

Diana cringed, "you know, I will just give them my bag." She shrugged, clearly uninterested with his new training session. He'd been pushing her to the limit with his crazy cardio and weightlifting training and now boxing? Give me a break, she grumbled inwardly.

"Oh really? What if someone did this to you?" James circled her until he stood behind her then he grabbed her chest from behind, obviously avoiding her breasts. He then pulled her closer and blew his warm breath around her neck.

Diana shivered. She experienced closeness between them and this was one of it, but the way he blew his breath to her made her feel uncomfortable. It wasn't teasing, it was something else.

"Ew...... James!" she pulled herself away from him but he reached for her hand and held it tight.

He waited for a bit to give her a chance to protest or maybe giving him some more new curse words that she always managed to verbalized confidently.

"What are you going to do Miss Ana?" he whispered in her ear and Diana froze. She was really uncomfortable right now and, oh my god, the way he breathed on her neck, he could easily kiss her or lick her or......

Diana's face turned pale, she suddenly screamed on the top of her lungs and wiggled her body like crazy trying to get away from him but James tightened his grip even more. She was locked inside his arms.

She was getting weaker and weaker by the amount of energy that she used before. Her kicking and screaming was useless. James clearly was stronger than she was.

Her struggle finally followed by menacing curses. He knew she was really mad this time but he didn't let her go.

James was grinning behind her, enjoying her tantrum. This was the first time he was able to do what he wanted, restraining her and making her helpless. This was one of his revenge for her impossible attitudes for the last few weeks. He was already thinking about what to do next to shut her up, maybe tied her up on one of the patio's posts for an hour or two?

But he soon released her hand when he saw six maids plastered their faces on the windows curious about what was going on inside the gym. Clearly Diana was too loud for her own good.

Diana felt his hands loosen up so she quickly used the chance to get away from him. As soon as she got her hand back, she pushed herself forward, turned around and kneed him on the crotch.

Six faces cringed and James fell on the floor curling.

"Miss Ana... Why... "


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