Chapter 8

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James went straight into the house and slumped himself on the couch in the living room. He couldn't stop thinking about how smooth her skin was against his palms just minutes ago.

He must be crazy. It was just Diana, a princess-wannabe who was too ordinary for his taste. She wasn't like some stunning girls that he used to date back in London. She was just the plain Diana who he found very annoying with a lack of manners. Who burped louder than a man and used a bowl for any kind of food. An ordinary girl who couldn't differentiate between a salad fork and a dinner fork, not mentioning as stubborn as a mule. But somehow her incompetency enticed him.

James sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose. He couldn't believe that his mind was all about her lately.

He turned his head toward the swimming pool and watched Diana doing a few laps with satisfaction, at least she was fitter now. He trained her well. She looked healthier and had more energy. Her skin was glowing and her face was bright and fresh. It was amazing of how the humble lettuce, lean meat, and routine exercise could do to a girl.

He couldn't thank his personal assistant enough, Cloe back in London who was ready for his call twenty-four-seven. He couldn't take credit of Diana's transformation. All her clothing, her shoes, her hair style, her diet, even making her follow her schedules and private courses that she had to take to fast-track her way to the Wellesley's standard, everything that he did for her was because he'd been bothering Cloe like crazy.

He pulled out his mobile phone and dialled her number, suddenly he felt like he owed his assistant a big time.

"Hello Cloe." He spoke.

"Yes Boss, what's up? What do you need? Did you get my email about the fashion magazine that you should look at?" Cloe's cheerfulness made him smile.

"Yeah got it, thank you. I just want to report to you that your advice about the bikini was spot on. She looks great in it. So, thank you."

"Told you so. She's pretty Boss and she's got a killer body. You're very lucky."

James laughed softly, "I guess I am."

"Have you told her yet?"

"No. I don't want to distract her. She's got too much on her plate right now. I don't want her to throw a tantrum if she knows she is engaged to me."

"I bet she would be over the moon to be engaged to a hunk like you Boss." Cloe teased.

"Not this one Cloe, not this one. I think she hates me."

"What do you think she would do?" Cloe curiously asked. James told her a lot about this particular Princess. About how unpredictable she could be, about how careless and silly she acted everyday, but also about how beautiful her heart was.

"I have no idea, she could just stay silent or she could throw me in the pool with bricks chained to my leg. You'll never know. She's special."

"Seems that you have already fallen for her Boss." Cloe chuckled.

"Very funny Cloe, very funny. We both know she's not my type." James shook his head.

"You never know Boss. Never say never."

"Yeah yeah... "

"How are the private courses going?"

"She's doing well. She threw some tantrums for the table manner I tell you. But she nailed the rest of the courses! "By the way, about the building. Have you found anything?"

"Got it boss, it will cost you around ten million though. I'll send you the details and some photos. You know property price there are crazy... "

"That's alright. When is it going to be ready? I need you to give it straight to the Little Home Foundation. "

"It will be ready in a month, a month and a half."

"Good. What about the management?"

"All set Boss. They will be in contact with you as soon as the paperwork is done. By the way Boss, Amanda was asking about you."

"Shit!" James cursed.

"I don't know how long I could keep her in the dark Boss."

"I am sorry Cloe but you can't tell her about my whereabout. I don't want any more trouble."


"Thanks Cloe, bye for now."

"Bye Boss."

James pushed his phone back into his trousers pocket and placed his head on the backrest. Staring at the ceiling he thought about what Cloe just said.

Amanda, that bitch.....

He named her 'the fake Wellesley'. She was nobody's daughter until Edward's sister married her father. Now she acted like she was the most important girl in the planet and lived in a lavish life.

He was fully aware of how Amanda tried to seduce him and he knew perfectly well that she was only after his money and his fame, nothing else.

Compared to Diana, Amanda would look like a worthless, heartless fortune hunter.


He smiled imagining if those two girls met. He would put all his fortune on Diana. Not that she was as fierce as a Pit Bull, but also because she had turned into a lady, and she was smart, way smarter than Amanda. And surprisingly she was a very kind-hearted girl.

She was perfect in his eyes.

James was stunned with his own train of thought, had he really fallen for Diana?


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