Chapter 16

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Raining, no thunderstorm.....

James was thankful that he got home before it had started, he ran upstairs to check on Diana, he thought that Diana went straight home after leaving him in the party but she wasn't in her bed when he got there.

It was one in the morning and everyone had gone to bed already so he checked the kitchen, living room, dining room, even the gym and the swimming pool just in case she sat there in the dark sulking.

He couldn't believe that he kissed her after all. His intention to reveal himself had failed miserably. It wasn't because he wasn't thorough with his plan, it was because she was too unpredictable.

He sat quietly on his bed waiting. He was out of his Spiderman costume once she left and already deposited the costume safely into a hidden compartment just under his wardrobe together with his passport and other things that were related to Nicholas' identity. The two things that he carried and guarded with his life were his driver's licence and his bank card. He knew that Diana liked to snoop around, he had to be extra careful with this or she would tear him limb to limb when she found out.

Sighing heavily he reached his phone and dialled her number to find out where she was. He suspected that she must be at Patrick's place, sulking. The thought upset him.


He punched his pillow. How could she be that messy? She was clearly a cheater. She had a boyfriend and she still kissed another man and after that she went to her boyfriend's place to kiss him. What the hell! He grunted.

Her phone was off.

Maybe she switched it off or maybe the thunderstorm disturbed the signal. He cringed when the sky roared once more.

James slammed himself on the bed and cursed.

One girl!

Just one girl that he couldn't handle. Just one girl had tormented him and drove him mad on a daily basis. And that girl kissed him like he had never been kissed before...

He closed his eyes, retrieving the memory of that moment when their lips met. Only god knew what was happening inside his mind at that time. As if his bitter past with Natalie had been swept clean and Diana had healed all his wounds with only one kiss.

He thought he loved her from weeks ago but tonight was different, tonight was reassurance, tonight was the time he finally admitted that he wouldn't be able to live without her anymore. He was helplessly, crazily in love with her and he didn't mind sharing her with another man.


He looked at his desk clock, an hour had passed. He was sure that Diana finally spent the night at Patrick's place but since she didn't send any text to him telling him her whereabouts was worrying him.

Again, he tried to call her phone and again it went straight to her voice mail.

Sighing in defeat he dialled Patrick number.

James didn't want to talk to Patrick right now but he was his only hope. His hesitation turned into anger when Patrick replied and said that he had lost Diana in the hospital.

James cursed repeatedly while putting on his uniform then his black trench coat. He didn't want to risk himself of getting sick from the cold wet weather outside especially when he had to find and take care of Diana. God knew what happened to her. Seconds later he was in his car driving toward the hospital.

Who would lose someone in the hospital? Was Patrick an idiot? James shook his head angrily.

Patrick had explained that Diana went there after a phone call from Lisa about Leyla's incident with drug. And since then she was nowhere to be seen.

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