Percy Jackson and The Avenger...

By SMR_1114

290K 5.7K 1.2K

After the Giant War, Percy felt the need to escape the mythical world and try to live as something else. With... More

note 5
note 6
Note 2
Note 3
Note 4
Christmas Special
Christmas special part 2
Christmas special 3
Christmas special part 4
a note from SMR


23.9K 466 11
By SMR_1114

Percy pov

The death of Coulson is just like after the war.
Losing your friends and your love ones.
Broken, shattered, and lost,
Are the best words that describe me about his death and the war.

I tried to be normal again but its too much, I couldn't handle the pain.
The pain that make me go emotionless.

I treated him like my father,
A father who truly cared for me.
He asks how my missions go,
Asks about my favorites and all that.

But now I don't know, if I can go back being happy-go-lucky
Or even to be-


I looked up to see Natasha staring at me with a sad look.

"I know that it's hard to accept his death Percy but it already happened. I'm sorry." she said with a sad tone

"It's okay it's not your fault that he died." I tried to reassured her but it looks like I tried it to myself

"look I have to go Natasha." I said without breaking down

I went back to my training without looking back to Natasha.

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