Mixed Up Life (Mixed Up Seri...

By gabbilove

251K 7.2K 204

Ariabelle Benson is the stepsister of the notorious Mafia leader Marco Mortellaro. She seems to be have a pre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Mathis
Chapter 18
Chapter 19-Mathis
Chapter 20-Mathis
Chapter 21-Blade
Chapter 22 Blade
Chapter 23

Chapter 3

12K 349 3
By gabbilove

I angrily threw my things into the suitcase and walked out of my suite slamming the door in the process. Saying I was anger, was an understatement I was fucking pissed. I stepped into the elevator when it arrived at my room, dropping a young couple off. I looked at the young couple, and I was wishing I had met someone I loved instead of getting married to a brute. The elevator took a couple of minutes to get down to the lobby, I knew my driver would be there waiting to take me back to the airport, but I doubt I would be able to slip past Mathis and Killer, and whoever is waiting down in the lobby. Even with the skills I was taught in the mafia.

When the elevator dinged and opened up to the lobby, I saw the front desk manager and security guards trying to get Mathis and Killer's entourage out of the lobby. I held in my laugh and walked to the manager. "Is there a problem?" I asked professionally with my eyebrows raised.

"Ms. B-Be-Ben-Benson." The front desk manager stuttered out when he saw me, his face going pale white.

Mathis was looking at me with raised eyebrows. "Yes that is me. Now is there a problem?" I asked while my voice grew hard and cold. I had the entourages attention, they were all looking me up and down while smirking at the manager.

"Well?" I asked impatiently, "you know I would love an answer, I got something to attend and I would hate to be late." I lied straight through my teeth.

"Well Ms.Benson, these men are scaring away our guest and we've had several complaints about their vest, we simply asked them to take the vest off or leave." One of the security guards answered for the still frozen front desk manager.

I looked at the three of them then turned towards Mathis, Killer, and their little groups. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the front desk manager. "When I ask you a question I want you to answer, got it?" I asked.

The front desk manager nodded and gulped. "Yes, of course Ms.Benson."

I could tell Mathis was getting annoyed at them for calling me by my maiden name and not his last name, but really they didn't know about his last name and knew me and my family, and how we are when we are pissed. I could tell the front desk manager was remembering Marco and the fit he through when one of the bellhop was hitting on me. I don't think that bellhop was able to get another job after Marco or another job in the hospitality business again. To say the my family was scary when something upsets us was another understatement.

"Now I want the three of you to know something very important." I looked at the front desk manager and the two security guards. "These men behind me," pointing to Mathis and the others "are my guest and if you want to keep your jobs, I suggest you go back to whatever the hell it is that you were doing before coming up to them. And if you don't...well I sure you remember the employee that didn't listen to me and what happened to him." My voice going very cold at this point.

The front desk manager nodded his head, his face going even more paler if that was possible, the security guards stiffly nodded their heads while they started to look sick at the thought. Very happy at this point I looked at the manager and said in a nice voice, "Great. Now I would like to see the actual manager of the hotel, I would like to check out of my suite."

"Of course Ms.Benson." The hotel manager said walking at of his office and over to the front desk with me behind him. He proceed to check me out, when he was done he looked at me. "Have a nice day Ms.Benson and I am terrible sorry about the inconvenience. Please relay to your father that we are very sorry to you and your guests that, that happened. We does so love having your family join us, especially I love your family being here. And if this has caused you to be late, I'm very sorry and I could assure you that those employees will be taken care of."

I nodded my head and smiled at the manager, he was a sweet elderly guy, all the times coming here and he's sort of like family. "Yes of course Mr.Brantley, I'll let my father know once I arrive home. I'm running late as it is, I was supposed to only be in town for a couple of hours. Now let's hope this inconvenience didn't make me late for my plane home or my father would be calling about this."

"Of course Ms.Benson." Mr.Brantley said nodding his head. "That would be bad, very bad. Now your driver is waiting out front for you. Please do be safe on your way home."

I nodded my head and walked back to Mathis and his little group of outlaws. I could tell they all looked so shocked at what had happened, and well Mathis looked proud. I rolled my eyes and walked away from them without saying a word. I could hear them walking behind me and softly talking about what had just transpired, I smirked and exited the door. I knew that they didn't expect that, but dealing with all that bullshit gave me a headache. When my driver saw me he immediately opened the backseat door and took my bag and placed it in the trunk. Mathis raised his eyebrows when he saw me enter the car and not on the back of his bike like he told me. I wasn't just going to obey his every word. I'm keeping him on his toes, it's what every wife should do, especially the wife of a biker.

"What are you doing?" Mathis asked when he got near the car.

"I"m getting in the car, don't worry I'll tell the driver that there has been a change of plans and to follow you, and not go to the airport." I told him while my lips formed a smirk.

"Fine, but if the car doesn't follow us exactly, I'm pulling the car over and placing your ass on the bike of my bike." he succeeded.

"Brute." I mumbled underneath my breathe.

"What did you say?" he asked turning back towards me.

"Nothing." was all I said to him. I gestured for him to close the door.

When he started to close the door, I heard one of the other bikers say 'she's got a driver? How rich is this chick and why does Grim get her?' I laughed when I heard a smack and an 'ow.' Maybe living with a biker could be fun, maybe even more fun than the mafia. In MC's they aren't so uptight like the mafia is.  But how do I break this to my mother? That would be a hard part. Even harder part would be when Marco returns home from Italy and finds out about the deal gone bad, or even the tape Luca made. Now that would be bad, very very bad, bad like a full out war between the mafia families bad. I shivered at that thought; I pray that, that doesn't not happened.  Mathis and Killer started up their bikes as did the other bikers, my driver started the car and looked at me.

"Follow them and do not stray far." I told him stressing the words do not.

The driver nodded and we were off. I don't know how I should feel about this new life of mine. I've mainly been anger about it, at him. It's been hard to process, especially with Killer looking like mine and Gabe's birth father. How was I going to be able to look Killer and our father in the eyes and act normal. I don't think I could do it. There probably be members there that would remember me, or well the child version of me anyways. Let's just hope nobody puts the pieces together. I'm certainly not ready to deal with any of this. I need to talk to someone, but who? I'm completely lost in this world of bikers, I don't even have a friend in this lifestyle to turn to and ask for advice. I shook my head and started to get angry again. What the hell am I thinking, I'm the stepsister of Marco Mortellaro the notorious, emotionless, and cold-hearted mafia leader. I don't need to be having my own pity party about something I had no control over.

When I saw Luca I'm going to kill his stupid ass. I will have my revenge on that slimy bastard, not only for the scars on my back but for injecting me with some unknown serum that made me get married. I'm going to show these bikers what happens when mafia women don't get their way. I wanted an annulment and this stupid biker brute wouldn't even give me it. Now how am I supposed to go after Luca? I sure as hell won't call Marco, this is my revenge and not his, if Marco knows about what happened he'll kill Luca, not that that isn't a bad thing, but I want to be the last face he sees before I put a bullet through his small head.

I looked out the window to see those stupid bikers all around the car. Was Mathis afraid that I would actually go to the airport? No, I made up my mind when I walked towards Mathis in the hotel lobby that I was going to shake up his world, and I intend to do just that. Maybe Killer found out why we have some resemblances. If he figured that out already then I'm screwed, he might as well tell the father. I'm sure he would love that, his little girl, his daughter, the one of the two children of his that he abandoned married to one of the MC's members. I would love to see his face when he figures that part out, I'd laugh till I'd pass out. Then a thought came to my head; if Killer does tell him and he remembers the name then game over for me, for Gabriel, and more importantly for my mother. The life she made for herself and for Gabriel and I would come crashing down. And I couldn't do that to my mother, she sacrificed a lot of things for herself just so Gabriel and I didn't go to bed on an empty stomach.

I remember the first time I met Alanzo, I was thirteen years old and with my mother the night they meet.I was with my mother at the hospital she was working at. My mother was working as a nurse when Marco brought Alanzo in for a stab wound. Of course being the curious preteen that I was I followed my mother's every move when it came to Alanzo, because I remember my dad coming home with marks like this and my mother patching him up, then slapping him on the back of his head. Seeing as how she was a biker's wife, she knew that questions would be asked when the doctor saw the stab wound. My mother brought Alanzo into a private room and started to stitch him up while Marco was outside keeping watch, while I was inside watching her stitch the wound up.

    I guess Alanzo felt my eyes on him, because he looked down at me and gave me a smile. I ran quickly out of the room and to the nurses station to grab something given to me by Nurse Anna. I ran back to the room and saw my mom was done stitching him up, Marco was in the room listening to my mother about how to keep it clean. They stopped talking when I came into the room. Now being thirteen and scared of people leaving because of my father, I slowly walked to Alanzo looking back at my mother and Marco. Marco had a scowl on his face and my mother was giving a hesitate but encouraging smile, I stopped in front of Alanzo and slowly pulled out the sucker and gave it to him.

I can still remember what I said to him, 'here mister my mom and the other nurses always gives me and my brother a sucker when we're hurt, I don't need it, but you look like you need it.' He took the sucker from me and slowly stood up, boy did he look like a giant to my thirteen year old frame. He bent down to my level and said, 'Thank you sweetheart, you're mother did a good job on my wound and you did a good job too giving me something sweet.' He gave me a short hug, he then looked back at me then my mom and then back at me and said something else, 'Your mom ever deal with bad people before?' I nodded my head and answered, 'daddy was a biker before he upped and left us. Mama works a lot so Gabe and I can have food.'

He nodded his left and gave mom money, he looked down at me and my mother understood what that meant, because she took the money and said 'thank you.' Over the next few weeks Alanzo came around asking mama out, taking us out to dinner and movies. Gabe and I slowly became used to him and Marco coming over, Marco was also becoming slowly used to coming over to hang out with Gabe and I. Gabe was already in a gang, so he could help mama, I knew she didn't like that but couldn't do anything about it. Marco was like another brother to me, I loved it sometimes but he scared away some boys that I had liked. One night my mother told Gabe and I to get dressed in our best clothes that she had laid out for us, we were confused but did what we were told. Mama picked out a beautiful red dress that I knew I didn't have in my closet before. It came down to my knees and fit me perfectly, when I walked out of my room Gabriel was waiting for me. He had on a red button up dress top and black dress pant, when we went downstairs, we saw that Alanzo and Marco was waiting for us. I ran right into Alanzo's arms, his height didn't matter to me anymore.

I saw Alanzo kiss mom, I wondered when that happened, but I didn't mind. I was happy for my mom, Alanzo opened the front door and ushered us into the car, so we wouldn't be late for dinner. I had a great time at dinner, but something happened that not even Marco expected, Alanzo had dropped to one knee and asked my mother the marry him, so he could claim her and Gabe and I as his own. My mother started to cry and said yes to Alanzo.

While I was remembering the past I noticed that the car had come to a stop and was outside a gate. Must be the club's compound, boy these peoples are going to get the shock of there life when they find out who I am. The gate opened at the bikes rolled in with my car behind them. I looked out the windows and saw the car getting started at, thank god for tinted windows. The bikes cut off and the car cut off as well, the driver looked back at me and I nodded my head. He slowly opened his door and walked over to my door with Mathis watching him, when the driver opened my door Mathis was there in front of me. He helped me out of the car and wrapped his arm around my waist in front of everybody, he whispered in my ear, "Welcome to The Devil's Motorcycle Club."

I looked around the club and saw a familiar face in the crowd, my father.

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