
By alexislmh

1.2M 49.3K 3.9K

Once I had my left hand steady I just let myself drop so I was dangling from the balcony bars. I was about to... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 (Final )

Chapter 22

25K 1.1K 56
By alexislmh


     I was so scared for myself, Saber and Marisa. I didn't know what to do and don't have any powers that I know of. My brothers were trying to kill me, I had a guy that I liked who sometimes turned into a cat ready to die with me and a human with a bad attitude at times in a secret compartment. My mind was going haywire and I was a seventeen year old vampire freaking out. I looked over at Saber who was already staring at me.

"It's going to be okay. They won't hurt you." Saber said. He grabbed my hand and held it. I swallowed and closed my eyes. I believed Saber and hoped to god that he was right.

"Okay." I said squeezing his hand. He squeezed back and gave a smile. We both turned away from each other when we saw the door practically go flying across the small attic/library. Jude stepped into the room with a deadly smile on his face.

"I've found them." He yelled back behind him. He turned back to us with that same evil grin on his face. A few seconds later I felt the familiar breeze of my brothers and they closely followed. Jude stepped farther into the small room so the rest of my brothers could come in. They all were wearing the matching grins like someone painted it on they're face permanently along with glowing red eyes. I got my game face on and had to bring out my bitch side that I've learned so well.

" Why the hell are you guys here?" I let go of Saber's hand and crossed my arms over my chest. Jude shrugged and walked over to the bookcase. I grew scared. Gale, Ryan, and Daniel sat on the couch we just got off and Simon remained by the doorway.

"Is there any specific reason to be here. Maybe we just wanted to see our lovely little sister?" Simon said and I rolled my eyes.

"Cut the crap guys. You wouldn't have found this place if it wasn't for Jude snooping and you also have another dear sister by the name of Penny at home. By the way why didn't you bring her?"I asked them, more so searching for answers.

"Fine we'll just cut the crap guys. She wants us to cut the crap. Let me ask you a question why do you think we're here Lucy, to save you, to forgive you, or just to talk to you?" Gale said he looked pissed and like he didn't want to be here. Typical Gale. I smiled at him.

"Obviously you're here to kill me" I said acting as if I didn't care but I did.

"Bingo Lucy. I should give you more credit." Jude put the book down that he had picked of the shelf. I glared at him.
"Shut up." Saber spoke out. All eyes turned on him.
"How rude of you not to introduce your guest Lucy. Who might this be?" Simon had that malicious grin on his face. I swallowed and looked at Saber.

"I'm Saber you don't need to know anything further." Saber spoke for himself. I wanted to tell him to shut up so badly. I heard Ryan yawn.

"I'm really getting bored with this guys. We were sent here and now we need to fulfill our duty." Ryan said. I looked at him and he just grinned.
" Yep can we just kill them already starting with the boy." Simon said. I looked at him and then at Saber. Before I could yell No Saber was on the floor looking lifeless. Daniel was standing over him smiling.

"That felt great." Daniel declared. I closed my eyes and felt a strained tear swell in my left eye. Saber couldn't be dead. No.

"No" I shouted out angry at myself for not saving him and at my idiot brothers.
"Aww look she's angry." Simon said. I opened my eyes and looked at him.
"What about your wife Simon. You loved her and you killed her. I loved him. Why would you do it?" I said furious. The room was silent and then Simon came, took me by the neck and slammed against the wooden walls of the attic. I struggled and grabbed at his wrist but he had a tight grip on me.

"Never speak of her. " He growled out. I grew scared because his whole eye went demonic black. I looked around the room and noticed all of their eyes were the same.

"Listen to me don't do this. I'm sorry but you have to believe me. I didn't kill mom!" Simon squeezed my neck tighter." It was..P..penny" The last words were barely gotten out before I fell into darkness.

Marisa's POV:

I had heard everything and it wasn't pleasant. I wanted to go out so bad but I promised Lucy and Saber I wouldn't but when I heard Lucy scream 'NO' I wanted out but I didn't know how. I felt tears sting my eyes when I heard Lucy's last words and then there was nothing. I heard her body hit the floor.

"Where's the girl?" Jude's voice asked someone.
"In the bookshelf as you suspected." I knew who it was when Gale answered back. "That boy needed to learn to shield his thoughts better. Anyways it's the red book with the golden symbol." Gale finished. I tried not to make a sound and I was getting more and more frightened as the seconds ticked away. No one made a sound and I heard movement in front of my area.
It seemed like an eternity before I saw the door open. I stayed quiet. No, please I felt the tears coming again but god wasn't on my side when Jude's face came down with an evil smirk on it. That scared me but not as much as his pure black eyes.

"Nice to see you again...sweetie" He said right before he dragged me out. "No stop it Jude." I yelled. He just wrapped me in his strong arms.

"It's okay Marisa we're not going to hurt you." he whispered in my ear but the tone of his voice made me not believe him. I looked around the room at Lucy's pale body on the floor, Saber's head twisted..I turned away from that and then I looked at all of the brothers with their all black eyes.

"She smells even better when she's scared Jude." I looked over at Daniel licking his sharp fangs.

"Right you are Daniel. I think I'll have a bite and you guys can finish her off." Jude said. In seconds my back was against the wall and legs wrapped around Jude's waist. I swallowed the invisible lump in my throat. He looked at me with his all black eyes. I had to stall him somehow.

" I never thought we'd be in this position Jude. We haven't even really gotten to know each other." I said seductively. He smirked and leaned in.
"That's really cute Marisa but I'm not stupid. You do smell really good though so I think I'll have that bite now. " He said. Shit, well I tried. He licked my neck and I let out a moan. His arms went around my waist and held me close to him. He nibbled on a certain area and I moaned again growing breathless.

"Please..don't this Jude." I said in between shallow breaths.

"Hey Jude can we switch places." Daniel's voice called out. Even at times like this he was a perve.
" No" Jude growled out."She's mine." Territorial much Jude,I thought. I thought I heard Gale snicker. Jude went back to my neck and then I felt his fangs come onto my neck. They were sharp and just a little more pressure he was going to pierce the skin. I silently prayed for help because I already knew that he and his brothers would kill me once the smell of my blood hit the air.
He applied a little more pressure but then a voice stopped him.

"Stop it Jude." An unfamiliar voice said. I looked over Jude's shoulder to see a guy in hospital gown and his brown hair was all over his head. "Put her down right now Jude."

Jude obeyed and slowly let me to my feet. He turned to face the man and when I looked at all the brothers they didn't have the grins on their faces.

"Dad?" They all said at the same time.

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