Chapter 40

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Marisa could here the shock in Gale's voice. " Marisa is it really you ? Where are you ? What have you been doing ? Are you okay ?" The questions rushed out of his mouth. She had to laugh at his apprehensiveness for her.

"Gale ... Gale calm down. Listen , yes it's really me. I honestly don't know where I am but I am in Vegas . I've been doing Penny's bidding of course but nothing too bad and most of all yes I'm okay... but not for long. There I've answered your questions now tell me ,where is Jude ?"

" He's out right now ... killing off all those vampires that Penny has been making. Most of them haven't done anything too bad, they've just been killing to keep themselves alive ." Gale told her. Marisa listened .

" You need to know that Penny plans to release her last batch of vamps tomorrow when the sunsets. That is when she is going to give the command to kill. It's going to be a total frenzy. I managed to get away but I know she's after me now. I kind of killed someone close to her. " Marisa looked around when she said that just to make sure she was alone. The streets were eerily empty and too dark .

" Gosh why do I have such a crazy sister. I'll tell Jude immediately but Marisa before you go , you have to come here and see Jude. " Gale said. Marisa was fearing these words coming from his mouth. She wasn't sure if she was ready to see Jude after their last encounter but she had to come out and say it , " But Jude hates me ." Gale didn't say anything for a full minute which wasn't settling to Marisa at all. " I knew it , he hates me."

" Okay he doesn't exactly hate you Marisa but since he still thinks that you're on Penny's side he decided that you're the enemy and you have to die as well. Simple as that. "

" Thanks for being so nice to put it so bluntly Gale ." Marisa said sarcastically. She wasn't mad at Jude for thinking the way he did but it kind of hurt to know that he had a hit out on her. Marisa shivered but now from coldness. She looked around to see if someone was there but again there was no one.  "Look Gale I have to go . If you can , could you not tell Jude about this. I don't want him to do anything drastic like come save me. "

" Wait Marisa don't go . You should come to this hotel we're staying at , just so you can be safe when the fight breaks out. " Gale offered. Marisa found herself shaking her head even though he could not see her . She would have took that offer immediately any other time but she didn't want to risk leading Penny directly to her siblings. She just couldn't stand seeing them die , no matter how many times they nearly killed her.

" I'm sorry Gale but remember what I said , don't tell Jude about this but you can tell him that I love him. Just throw it in there if he's feeling down or something. " She said . Her hands were trembling because she didn't want to believe that this could be the last time she saw them . On that thought Marisa hung up the phone before Gale could say anything else. An eerie feeling crept over Marisa again and this time she knew the reason for it. When she turned around ,she was surrounded by bloodthirsty vampires.

On the other side of town Gale Russo hung up the phone he had been recently on. "Damn , she hung up ." He muttered then he looked at the other person in the room. " I'm worried about her man . She may be a vampire now but she's only days old . Penny could have killed her by now but she hasn't . Possibly because she wants to find us." Gale said. The other occupant of the room stepped forward out of the darkness of the shadows in the corner of the room.

" Did you hear what she said ?" Gale asked the person. A nod and then movement across the room. "Don't go after her , she doesn't want you too."

" I heard what she said and I know she loves me , so I'm going ."

" Jude ." Gale shouted as his brother swiftly left the room. He knew that he should have not lied to Marisa but his brother was already there. His brother was in love with her so why stop him ; however he would follow him . Gale ran out of the room after his brother and nearly collided with his little sister. He held onto Lucy and looked down at her. All he had to do was look in her eyes and read her thoughts to know what was wrong. " No." was all that left Gale's mouth. Lucy nodded .

" We have to go. Dad and everyone's already gone to fight. " Lucy said. " Where's Jude ?"

" Gone to get Marisa." Gale answered. Lucy stared at him for a second then she left out of the hotel, Gale following .

None of them were prepared for this but they all should have guessed. No one in stories ever plans to do something evil the day they say they will . That goes to say that Penny had done exactly that : She'd released her newborns . When Gale and Lucy had stepped out of the hotel , the outside was a terror. Red eyed blood feens running around and hurting the innocent humans that were left. Gale looked at Lucy and she understood immediately.

" You go and help dad and the others and I'll grab Saber and we'll handle things here. " Lucy told her elder brother. Gale nodded and was about to leave when Lucy said , " Gale be careful ... all of you." Gale smiled at his little sister . " Don't worry Lucy , you just try not to get yourself killed ."

"Sure now go." Lucy told him . Gale nodded again and he was finally off to find the rest of his family. Lucy went to find Saber as well as knocking out a few ravenous vampires along the way.

On the other hand Marisa was in her on predicament. A load of vampires surrounded her and they didn't look to happy. Marisa slowly backed into the phone booth. She would never be able to escape them even if she used her disappearing act, they would find her , they had her scent. She wouldn't be able to fight them all -and their were a lot of them - either. What was she supposed to do ?

" Listen guys , you don't want to kill me . I've done nothing to you ." Marisa tried to plea with them . One of the vampires towards the front spoke , " We are under strict orders from our master to kill you ." Of course , Penny doesn't like to be disobeyed. Marisa decided to back further into the booth until her back was pressed against the glass . So this is how she'd be killed , by a bunch of crazed vampires . They all came closer, fangs bared . Marisa closed her eyes and waited for the impact or well ... the killing .

Marisa felt cold hands around her neck and she whimpered but then they were gone. Marisa's eyes snapped open and she saw a person that she never expected to see again. Well she saw his back as he decapitated the vampire that was about to kill her. Heck he had decapitated all of the other vamps without a sound."Jude ?" Marisa said breathlessly.

Jude turned around after dropping the body. " Hey ". He looked at her with sad eyes but then he looked down. Marisa felt a surge of emotion coming on that caused tears to prick her eyes. Marisa clamped a hand over her mouth just as Jude opened his arms. Marisa not hesitating ran to him and then kneed him in the stomach. Jude doubled over in pain and fell to the ground. "What the fuck was that for ?"

" I'm sorry. I'm angry because one you came to save me and two I was just making sure you weren't trying to kill me. " Marisa told him. Jude got off the ground and looked at her. " If someone wanted to kill you then maybe they wouldn't have held their arms out for you so they could get a hug."

Marisa smiled. " Sorry I've just been on guard because of ... well you know."

" I do know and I'm sorry I came to save you but it looked like you needed help ." Jude smiled when Marisa rolled her eyes. He took a step forward. " I'm also sorry that I didn't find you sooner. " He took another step forward. " I'm definitely sorry that you had to grow through all of this shit because of me and my family. " Jude took one last step until he was so close to Marisa there chests touched. Marisa looked Jude in his eyes and he looked into hers.

" I'm sorry but I don't except your apology. " Marisa said half-heartedly . Jude had a hand on her cheek and his lips were just an inch from hers. Being this close was doing things to the both of them , to their hearts. Marisa leaned in so that her lips grazed his . " Kiss the hell out of me please ?" she whispered. A small smirk graced Jude's lips before he pulled Marisa close and kissed her roughly. A rough kiss that slowly turned passionate and then to something that neither of them could understand at the moment . They didn't have to pull away for breath but they did . Even though they saw only each other it wasn't hard to hear the screams from far away or miss the littered bodies around them.

Jude smiled. " Now do you except my apology ?". Marisa, at a loss for words only nodded. Jude held out a hand for Marisa to hold onto . " Come on we need to go kick some ass and find Penny " Jude said but when Marisa didn't grab his hand he said " What's wrong ?"

Marisa didn't say anything for a second but then she admitted , "I'm not a vampire anymore " Jude figured this from her smell but he didn't say anthing because he was to caught up in the moment . 

" We'll talk later just hop on my back for now. "

Marisa nodded and went over to him . She hated this but it was essential now so she got on his back and prepared to feel sick when it was over . Surprisingly when Jude began to run she didn't feel sick at all, she felt great.

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