Fate (Niall Horan - Completed)

By ihycynthiaa

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She's used to staying at home, studying, reading and writing. He's used to being on tour, girls screaming his... More



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By ihycynthiaa

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It's way too early, I think when my phone starts to ring again. I tried to ignore it but now it's probably the 7th time. I rub my eyes open, put my glasses on and see that it isn't my alarm, but it's my mother calling instead. The woman who gave birth to me and raised me, always has to wake me up way too early, 5.40 to be specific. I could have slept 20 more minutes. She calls again and instead of muting my phone and going back to sleep for 19 minutes, I pick up - because I'm a good child. "Why are you ignoring my calls? Are you okay? Are you depressed again?" Mum immediately asks. Not even a 'good morning', or a simple 'hello' would have been enough.

"I was sleeping." I groan into my Niall pillow. "I'm not the twin that wakes up at 5.30, mum."

"Oh yeah, that's your brother. You wake up at 6, like your father." Mum says and I imagine her rolling her eyes. My family are early risers,except one is partying the night before. "How is London?" she asks.

"I don't know, I haven't had the chance to explore it yet." I explain. "I've been unpacking yesterday and I have work today and now I actually have to get ready so that I can go for a run and shower because I don't want to be smelly at work and then I have to have breakfast and maybe write on something."

"A simple 'I'm quite busy' would have been enough, Olive." mum says. She and Alison are the only people who are allowed to call me Olive.

Ethan and Dad were allowed, until they started calling me Olive Garden.

"I'm quite busy." I say.

"Busy...the 13 year old you who studied hard and was busy trying every instrument or the 16 year old you who was busy with boys?" She asks. My mother knows me well, a bit to well for my liking.

"Both. Busy with school and cute boys are here. I can get busy with one of them too and you'll finally have your grandchildren." I joke.

"Olivia Elisabeth Hemmings! It's not the time for grandchildren." Mum exclaims. She uses my seconds name which she never does except for serious topics. If I had told dad the joke he would have laughed. But mum doesn't understand any fun when it's about having children at an early age. "It's not good." She once said when I asked her why it's such a serious thing for her. "It's a mistake." She said.Fun fact, dad didn't use protection and got mum pregnant when she was18. Maybe that's why it didn't work out between them. My grandmother,mum's mum, would say, "Even if you don't love each other, you stay together because of the kids." Mum obviously ignored her advice.

"School first!" She exclaims.

"Yes mum." I roll my eyes. "I gotta go now. Love ya. Bye." I hangup. I take a deep breath and roll out of bed. In the bathroom, after the usual morning pee, brushing teeth and putting contacts in, I quickly put my hair into a high pony tail and get dressed. Black leggings and a loose white tank top over my white sport bra. Shoes on, earphones plugged into my phone, my apartment key in my phone case and off I go into the outdoors. I put my running playlist on shuffle and start to run. I don't really know where I'm running to but as long as I find back to the students accommodation,I'll be fine. And if I don't find back, I still have a phone and google maps.

As it gets later, more people start to show up on the streets. Some are also jogging, some are just walking but everyone looks at me. I notice how I'm the only girl running. I only saw boys and all of them had buff arms and the hair styled into a quiff.

When I get back to the students accommodation around 7am, it's a lot busier. Even though I thought that everyone would sleep in. I share the elevator with 3 men - all of them sweating. As soon as the doors open, I rush out to get fresh air. Inside my flat, I open up the windows before I take a shower. Then I get ready for the day.

When I sit at my desk with a hot cup of tea, I open my laptop wanting to continue writing on my story but I get distracted. Somehow my fingers type in 'celebrity news' in google and a website pops up. I click on it and scroll down until one article interests me. I stop scrolling when I see 'Niall Horan dating Uni girl'. That's why he's here, I realize and read the article. Apparently Niall is dating someone called Valerie and she's around his age and also goes to the University of London. That's why he's around - because he visits his girlfriend. "Sounds like a good reason." I say to myself and put away my cup that I finished drinking whilst reading. I quickly pack my backpack with everything that I need and then leave my flat again.

On the way to the library I remember that I didn't make my bed and text Ethan, who has spare keys, to make my bed for me. He replayed with "insert eye rolling emoji."

I smirk when I see his text and go into the building. The boss, the head librarian, Mr. James comes up to me as soon as the door closes behind me. "Ms Hemmings?" He asks and reaches his hand out.

"Yes, Hello Mr James." I say and we shake hands. He gives me a quick tour of the library and explains that I only have to put books back that people give back or I have to help someone finding their desired book. "If you need something, I'll be at the entrance or you can ask another librarian. All marked with a nameplate". He says and gives me my nameplate. It says 'Olivia Elisabeth H.' on it. "Have fun and keep quiet." He smiles and points over to a book cart that is full packed. I smile and start to work.

The building has few floors and luckily I only have to work at the first floor. People rush in and out as I put the books back into it's place. I stand near the entrance door when the doors open and slam close. I don't think it's any special and don't even look who just came in. The person that came in, comes over to me and I give it a look. It's to my surprise Niall. He smiles, his cheek bright red and sweat pearls rolling down his forehead. "Olivia?" He seems as surprise to see me as I'm surprise to see him.

"Niall?" I say as he takes the books in my hands off me. He grabs my both wrists with both his hands and pushes me a bit back. He doesn't say anything until we turn to the left. I'm not able to see the entrance doors anymore, neither is Niall and I think that's what he wanted. "Can I hide?" He asks and takes a deep breath.

"What?" I ask confused. "Why?"

"Some girls are following me and I had to run and this was the first building where I knew that the doors are open." He says.

"Sure." I say. "Do whatever you want to do. But keep quiet." I tell him.

"I will." he says smiling. I turn around ready to go back to my book cart, that still has a lot of books on it. "Olivia." Niall says as I take a step forward.

"Yeah?"I ask, not turning around.

"Can I help you?" He asks. Now I turn around to see his blues eyes looking down at me.

"I'm just putting books back, but yes you can help me if you want." I say and walk off. He follows me back to where I left the book cart.

I take the books and put them into it's place while Niall pushes the cart behind me. When we finish, I take the empty book cart to MrJames. "Good job, Olivia." He smiles. "You can rest now. Maybe read or look around. Explore. This is a big building." He tells me.

"Okay." I smile back. I walk back to Niall who sits on a desk with a thick book on his lap. "What are you...?" I ask him.

"Do you think this is the thickest book here?" He asks and looks up to face me.

"Let's find out." I spontaneously decide. Even though we both could read and get a little smarter, we walk around and search for the thickest book. Niall obviously likes my idea. He can't stop smirking.

After we found one huge books about geography that for us looks like it's the biggest, we settle down in the highest floor at the very back of the room on probably the oldest table. "Do you think we're the first one who tried to find the thickest book?" I ask Niall.

"No, I think the world genius record probably tried it before."

"True." I say. "So, Niall... what are you doing around university? Do you think about starting uni?" I ask him.

"No, I'm just visiting a friend." He blushes.

"Girlfriend?"I ask him. He's surprised by how direct I am and his eyes widen.

"Don't tell anyone, okay?" Niall asks and I nod.

"I read about it on the internet though." I tell him.

"That's okay. I told my fans to not believe anything until I confirm it." He smiles proud. So, Olivia Elisabeth H. ... for what does the H stand for?" He asks.

"For my surname, Hemmings." I explain.

"Olivia Elisabeth Hemmings." His smile widens. He licks his upper lip and smirks. I look at the clock that shows that it's 1 pm. I have to work until 5 in the afternoon. I let a groan out and lay my head on the table. "What?" Niall asks.

"four more hours." I tell him and look up. I put my arms on the table, my hands near to me, one over other and rest my chin on them. Niall mimics me and we both giggle.

"I have to go." Niall says after we just looked each other in the eyes for about 2 minutes. "Valerie is free now." He smiles.

"Will I see you around?" I quote him form yesterday.

"Sure." He winks at me and leaves. I watch him walk away and when I can't see him anymore, I get up and decide to do something productive. I go downstairs and ask Mr James if there's work for me. He just points to another book cart and continues reading a book. This time it isn't as full as the first one and I take my time to put the books back. Next time I'll bring my earphones, I think.

At 5 pm I'm finally free. The day wasn't that bad after all. I did my work which I thought would be cooler but at the end is was just a day in a library. I saw Niall again which is a plus.

Back in my flat, I lay in bed. Not even one minutes passed by where I just close my eyes and do nothing because someone knocks on the door. When I open up, it turns out to be Alison who just got done working at Starbucks. "did you see cute guys?" I ask her when I let her in.

"Decent-looking I'd say, but not very cute ones." She says and I nod understanding. "Was it as boring as I told you?" She asks me and I nod. I close the door and we both sit down my bed.

"I saw Niall though." I tell her as we lay down at the same time. "He helped me killing time and then he had to go."

"Why was he there in the first place?" She asks, seeming very excited.

"Fans were following him." I explain. "He had to hide."

"huh." my like coffee smelling friend says. "It's Saturday. School begins on Monday. We should..."

"Go clubbing?" I read her mind. She immediately sits up. "I go tell Ethan." I say and stand up.

"I'm getting ready!" She exclaims. "Be ready at 7 and I'll pick you up." She walks off to the elevator. I knock on Ethan's door and he opens few seconds later.

"We're going clubbing." I tell him.

"Tonight?" He asks and I nod. We haven't been clubbing since June because beginning July I fell back into depression. We had planned on going clubbing because it was fun, especially in Ireland but also in London with Alison, when Ethan and I would visit dad. Ethan and I started going to clubs when we turned 18 in April. Before that, we both didn't drink alcohol and before that we thought that we would forever and always wake up at 5.30 or 6 am in the morning. But going out, drinking, turned off our automatic wake up system that our parents trained us when we younger and once we would actually wake up after 6am.

"Be ready at 7." I tell Ethan and go back to my room. He closes his door at the same time when I close my door.

Sometimes we do stuff or say the same thing or think the same sh*t at the same time because even though we don't look like twins we still act like twins.

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