The Way I Love You

By kate241

9.6M 183K 32K

Paisley Conner has a great life. She has loving parents, caring friends, everything she needs and wants but o... More

The Way I Love You
Chapter 23


292K 5.9K 2.1K
By kate241

*Paisley's POV*

I grumpily picked at my food as I sat at the lunch table with Lela and Seth. They were lost in there own conversation about who knows what, but I couldn't be bothered to listen. The whole day all I have been hearing about is how 'perfect' Perrie is, and its really starting to get on my nerves.

I mean I understand that she's the shiny new toy but can't people have some respect for them selfs and not talk about her like she's some goddess. I said before that it was hard for me to not like her but its slowly becoming easier.

Suddenly I heard two people sit down at our table, looking up to see my two least favorite people, Xander and Perrie. My eyes widened and I noticed that Lela and Seth's conversation had stopped. Perrie, obviously oblivious to the fact that an awkward silence had settled at the table, immediately started up a conversation.

"Hey Paisley. Oh I hope you don't mind Xander and I sitting at your table." She said happily. I put on a fake smile and waved my hand at her.

"Oh no it's fine, I mean you are my cousin right?" I joked towards the end. Perrie laughed slightly before turning towards my friends.

"I don't think we have met before, I'm Perrie." She said as she looked at them. Seth currently had his arm tightly wrapped around Lela and she was leaning into him, making it obvious that they are mates.

They both gave Perrie a smile before Lela spoke up.

"I'm Lela and this is Seth." She said motioning towards Seth. Perrie nodded before asking another question.

"Oh! Are you guys mates?" She asked excitedly. They both smiled and nodded there heads.

"That's so cute." Perrie said with a genuine smile. It was strange that Perrie was sitting with us but even stranger that Xander was. He has a tight bit group of friends, friends all from his pack, and he always stays with them. So at the moment it's feeling pretty weird seeing him over here. I knew the reason that he was though is because of Perrie.

The tables in our cafeteria are round and have a single round bench going all the way around the table so Seth and Lela were seating next to each other with Perrie next to Lela, Xander next to Perrie and me in between Seth and Xander. I didn't feel the least bit comfortable sitting next to Xander and I could feel the hear radiating off of him.

I slightly shifted before stealing a glance at Xander to see that he was already staring at me. I quickly snapped my head back but that didn't stop the blush from rising on my cheeks. I felt more then heard a deep chuckle come from Xander, this of course only made me blush harder.

Seth, Lela and Perrie were all having a conversation about something that I didn't quit know, leaving Xander and I in silence. I was just about to join there conversation when I felt a large hand on the upper part of my thigh. A loud, surprised squeal left my lips and everybody at the table gave me strange looks.

"You okay Paisley?" Lela asked giving me a look. I nodded my head because I didn't exactly trust my voice at the moment. She gave me a suspicious look before returning to the conversation. Pleasurable tingles were coming from the place where Xander's hand was placed on my thigh and my wolf was purring inside of me.

I slowly turned my head towards Xander to see that he had a very large cocky smile on his face. I gave him a very evil glare and when he saw it his smirk only turned into a smile. Seeing his dimples smile made my heart beat faster and I was almost positive that he could hear it.

I gently grabbed his hand and took it off of my thigh, placing it on the bench next to him, only for him to put it right back where it was at. I sighed and tried to remove it again but it didn't work. That's how the rest of my lunch went by, Xander's hand on my thigh and me trying to remove with no luck.


*Xander's POV*

I let out an annoyed sigh as I followed Perrie into the cafeteria. She's starting to get in my nerves because all she ever does is talk, talk, talk. The only reason that I started talking to her is because she was new and looked like she'd fit into our group well, but it turns out she's not even joining my pack.

Perrie turned to me with a questioning look on her face and I realized that she had probably asked me a question.

"Sorry what?" I asked confused. She giggled at my cluelessness.

"I asked where you wanted to sit." She repeated. I looked around the cafeteria and saw that my table of friends were where they usually sat.

"I don't care." I told Perrie expecting her to go sit at that table but no she had other plans.

"Okay good, we can go sit with Paisley and her friends." She said as she started walking towards the table that my beautiful mate sat at. Just hearing her name had a funny feeling erupting in my chest but I would never admit that to anybody. I sighed and followed Perrie over to the table. When we neared them I heard that Seth and Lela were having a conversation while Paisley was picking at her untouched food.

As soon as the three of them heard us sit down there heads snapped towards us and they fell silent.

"Hey Paisley. Oh I hope you don't mind Xander and I sitting at your table." Perrie said cheerfully as she looked towards Paisley.

"Oh no it's fine, I mean you are my cousin right?" Paisley said with an obviously fake smile plastered on her face. I know that Paisley doest like Perrie and its mainly my fault, I do feel bad about that but there's really nothing I can do about it. Perrie turned towards Seth and Lela and introduced herself.

"I don't think we've met before, I'm Perrie." She said. I wasn't interested in there conversation anymore so I turned all of my attention towards Paisley. She was currently listening to Perries conversation with her friends and totally unaware that I was staring at her. Everything about this girl is amazing and I can't help but to stare when I'm around her. I loved the way that her dark black hair fell in loose curls framing her beautiful face and those gorgeous blue eyes of hers, I could get lost in.

I know that's its not fair for me to sit here and think about how amazing she is when I've done nothing except hurt her but there's a reason that I do what I do. I don't flaunt those girls around in front of her to hurt her and I most definitely didn't practically reject her to hurt her, even though that's all I accomplished by it, I do it to protect her. I do it to keep her safe, because if she was with me she wouldn't be safe. There would be so many dangers to her and I just can't risk that.

I suddenly felt a pair of eyes on me and when I looked to my right I saw that Paisley was peeking at me from behind her hair. We made eye contact and she immediately snapped her eyes away from me. A small smile found its way to my lips and it was soon replaced by a cocky smirk when I noticed that she was the color of a tomato. I low chuckle escaped my lips because of how absolutely adorable she is.

Deciding to be a bastard I placed a large hand on her upper thigh. A loud squeal left her lips and the other three people at the table looked at her strangely.

"You okay Paisley? Lela asked. Paisley quickly nodded her head in return. Lela gave Paisley a suspicious look before turning to me and glaring at me. I smirked back and she rolled her eyes, turning away. I knew that Paisley felt the sparks that were running from where my hand was touching her thigh but she, to my disappointment, removed my hand.

I mentally snorted before placing my hand back onto her thigh. She let out a quiet sigh before again removing it. A small smirk made its way onto my face at my new found game and I put my hand back. Much to my entertainment this is how the rest of lunch went by and when the bell rang Paisley was the first one out of her seat.

I watched in amusement as she practically sprinted towards the door. We have gym together next and health after that so I don't know how she thinks she's going to be avoiding me. I slowly walked towards the men's changing room and when I reached it I strolled in like I owned the place.

Our school is an all werewolf school so most of the guys in the class are from my pack, but a few are from Paisleys. I walked towards my assigned locker and saw my best friend, Cole, standing next to it.

"Hey man." I said as I neared him. His head turned towards me and he gave me a grin.

"Hey dude. I saw who you were sitting with at lunch." He said wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at his immature-ness and started to change into my gym clothes.

"Shut up man." I grumbled as I pulled my left shoe on. Besides my parents Cole is the only one who knows that Paisley is my mate, and he's the only one that knows the real reason as to why I haven't accepted her as my mate.

Cole and I walked side by side into the gym to see that most of the class was already there. Our gym teacher blowed the whistle and we all got to doing our warm ups, they aren't that bad but there way more then a human gym teacher would assign for warm ups. Once we finished warm ups we all gathered in a circle around the teacher and waited for instruction.

"Okay class, today we will be running." She stated. There were groans and whining coming from all around the class room but I was okay with it because running calms me. Coach Thomas rolled her eyes before continuing.

"You have to run fifty laps around the gym and when your done you can do what you like but don't leave the gym." She finished and with that she walked towards the bleachers and took a seat. I grinned before turning to Cole to see that he had the same grin on his face.

"I'm gonna beat you!" He said. I smirked and shook my head.

"No your not, I'm gonna beat you!" I said back and with that I took off.

"Cheater!" I heard Cole tell from behind me but I knew that he would be able to catch up. I laughed and sped up when I heard him coming. Cole is my beta so he's not as strong or fast as me but he's pretty close. You see his father was beta to my father so the title was passed on to him.

Cole and I had ran about ten laps and we were booking it around the gym. Cole was only a little ways behind me and I turned my head to look back at him and when I turned back around I saw that I was about to crash into a small girl. My eyes widened but I had no time to stop myself, so instead I securely wrapped my arms around the girl and right before we hit the ground I flipped us around so I took the fall.

I hadn't even realized it but there was pleasurable tingles erupting all over my body so I knew that it could only be one girl. I looked up at the beautiful girl lying on my chest to see that she had a surprised look on her face. Paisley looked down at me and her eyes widened even more.

"What are you doing?" She hissed. I grinned up at her and attempted to shrug my shoulders.

"If I hadn't of grabbed you I would have crashed into you and crushed you." I answered casually. Paisley rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath that I didn't quit catch before looking back to me.

"We'll I'm okay so you can let me up now." She said as she started to push away from my chest. My wolf didn't like that idea because him and I were both enjoying this way to much. A low growl escaped my lips, surprising both me and Paisley. She looked down at me and I could see that her eyes had flecks of emerald green in them and I suspected that those were her wolfs.

Paisley gulped and tore her eyes away from mine.

"Are you going to let me up?" She asked quietly. I didn't answer I simply continued to stare at her luscious pink lips. After realizing that I wasn't going to respond she looked back to me and the second that she did I slowly started moving my lips closer to hers. Her breathing hitched but she wasn't moving away. Our lips were centimeters away from each other and just when I thought she was going to pull away she pressed her lips to mine.

Sparks erupted where our lips touched and I couldn't help but to let out a low growl. Her lips were soft, like rose petals, and the way that they fit against mine was like they were made for me and me only. I could only imagine what we looked like at the moment, Paisley laying on top of me and kissing on the gym floor but I couldn't care less at the moment. I was kissing my mate and that's all that mattered.

But of course all good things have to come to an end. There was suddenly a loud whistle followed by a yelling voice.

"Jackson! Conner! Break it up! This is gym class!" Coach Thomas yelled. Paisley and I were snapped out of our hazes and Paisley was up and off of me faster then you could say 'mate'. I watched as she scurried away, cheeks on fire, towards Lela and a group of girls who were all wide eyed and opened mouthed. I sighed in frustration, a perfect moment ruined.


Hey guys! So I really like this chapter but I have a feeling that most of you won't because most people are saying that Xander is a jerk and stuff like that but just give him a chance, maybe he'll get better *wink.wink* Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and thanks for reading!(:

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