Shadows in a Window // Luke H...

By reject1x

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My story is too haunting for most people. That's why I have no one left. As people walk by they do not see th... More

chapter 1 • paralysed
chapter 2 • starbucks
chapter 3 • punished
chapter 4 • breakfast
chapter 5 • bar
chapter 6 • help
chapter 7 • darkness
chapter 8 • safe
chapter 9 • liar
chapter 10 • love
chapter 11 • hoodie
chapter 12 • phone-call
chapter 13 • unpredictable
chapter 14 • drugged
chapter 15 • questioning
chapter 16 • dinner
chapter 17 • shops
chapter 18 • banding
chapter 19 • kiss
chapter 21 • nightmare
chapter 22 • date
chapter 23 • ghost
chapter 24 • taken
chapter 25 • motel
chapter 26 • sirens
chapter 27 • haunting
chapter 28 • surprise

chapter 20 • thank you

2.7K 141 16
By reject1x

"Are you sure you didn't know him?" Luke asks me referring to the guy who ran into me at the shops.

"I've never seen him before." I tell him as he sits down on the bed next to me.

"You sure?"

"Yes I'm a thousand percent sure Luke. Stop worrying." I reply as he lays down and let's out a huff.

"What a long day." I groan as I lay down on my side next to him.

"Look I'm sorry if I freaked you out before when I kissed you." He suddenly speaks up.

"You didn't freak me out." I tell him.

"That's good, because I've been thinking about it all day it's bee..." He says but I cut him off.

"I've been thinking about it too." I smile.

"Really?" He asks me seeming surprised.

"Yeah of course I have. How could I not." I tell him making both of us blush.


"And what?" I question a little confused at what he's asking me.

"Have you worked out how you feel about it?" He asks me nervously.

"Yeah I think so." I reply with a smile.

"So how do you feel?" He asks again as I gather up all the courage I have.

"Like this." I tell him and before I know it my lips are brushing with his.

Then suddenly I press my lips to his and butterflies erupt in my stomach. A smile spread to my lips and I feel his lips do the same.

"Wow." Luke whispers as he pulls back slightly.

Our noses are just touching and it sends tingles through my body as I let another smile spread across my lips.

"I've been waiting forever to say this but Jessy, you're are so incredibly beautiful." He speaks up before resting his hand softly on my cheek and crashing our lips together again.

Suddenly the door flies opens catching us both off guard as we pull away from the kiss earlier than we had both planned.

"Dinner is ready." Liz says as she opens the door and looks over at us.

"Oh... Sorry." She adds as her eyes open wide with shock before she quickly closes the door behind her.

I let out an embarrassed laugh as I look over at Luke who's face is as red as a tomato.

"Now we have to go face my parents at the dinner table." He groans.

"It's not like we were having sex Luke. We just kissed." I point out.

"But still.. It's my parents, they aren't suppose to see that stuff." He says as he buries his face into the pillows.

"You Mum will be way more embarrassed than you... Trust me." I tell him as I snuggle into the pillows and blankets next to Luke.

"I highly doubt that." He replies, embarrassment filling his voice.

The room falls silent for a moment and to my surprise I feel Luke wrap his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him. Butterflies rush through my stomach as my heart pounds in my chest. I think he notices my heart beating because I feel him smile into my neck.

"Thank you Luke."

"For what?"

"For making me feel safe."


Another short chapter, sorry guys. Promise the next one will be way longer but look on the plus side: double update hahaha


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