TMNT Hiding Horror (Season 4)

By WhiteSnow116

2K 135 28

Takashi is hiding from his past and disappeared, but Takashi grows stronger every day, making hope seem like... More

The Ship
The New Chain
The Day
Italian Girl
The Saviours
Lonely Room
The Experiment
Drops of Red
The Bright Light
Endless Sand
Always Being Followed
Entering Chaos
Bad Timing
The Sky
Going Back
The Pacific
The Storm
The Welcome Party
The Dead, The Heart Aches


61 4 0
By WhiteSnow116

The lights were out, the air quiet and soothing, but Don could hear everything. Water dripping from the ceiling. The wind whistling in the cracks, the guards breath, their heart, everything.

Don was in the corner, hugging his legs as he lent back and forth.

I remember everything, but I don't feel the same. I always feel cold, and my head feels like an anvil, yet light like a feather.

Don looked to his right, seeing a puddle forming. He crawled to it and looked at himself.

The black was almost everywhere, but his head. The top of his neck has the black separating like vains and closing in to his cheeks, the back of his head, chin and at the ends of his eyes.

His throat felt clogged as his vision blurred.

Don laid his head onto the palm if his hands as he laid down, feeling his frozen tears fell down his cheeks and dropping into the puddle.

'I'm so sorry.'

Don moved his hands and wiped away the tears, keeping his eyes on the his reflection.

I said things, bad things and meant ever word. I still want to kill April, and that makes me a monster. Wanting to kill, treating it like a game. That's what upsets me. Not you, me.

As Don calmed down, he looked at his eyes, trying to find his old self when in an instant, he saw something that flushed out his hope and dragged in fear.

Don stood up and backed away until he hit the wall.

He started to breathe heavier as he starred at the puddle.

No, no, no, no. I'm fine. That's not real, that's not real.

Don said this over again as he rubbed his eyes.

'What did you see?'

My eyes...

Don's hands started to shake.

'Show me.'

My eyes...

Then Don imaged his eyes normal, but it slowly changed. His red-brown eye color turned back as the white turned into a blood red and then his face appeared, showing a smile on his face.

Takashi didn't say another word.

Don tried to make his hands to stop shaking, but it didn't work. So he just slowly sat back down and then fell asleep.


"Shhh, he's waking up."

Don opened his eyes slightly and saw a bright light that burned the soul of his eye.

So he tried to move his hand, but something hot stopped his arm from moving.

"If you are going to cut me open, I would use the sharpest chainsaw you have, but that might not work sense a misale didn't leave a skratch on me."

Then Don heard a loud snap and a female giggle.

"I'm not going to cut you open, that i stupid. I want to know..."

"Why I haven't tried to do this."

As soon as he finished his last few words, blow fire at the light so he could see and went through the metal straps. Then he lent on the wall while crossing his arms and legs.

When Don looked up and saw the woman, he saw that she was wearing a white lab coat with black gloves, her hair was brown and up in a bun. She wore black glasses and had a pencil in her bun. She also wore black slip on shoes and a white t-shirt with black skinny jeans. The last thing Don noticed was that her ID was on her lab coat. It said Lilly Bell Harmonie, age twenty-three, height five four, weight hundred five, 5691.

"Hello Lil', my name is Donatello, I'm twenty years old, my birthday was yesterday,"Don pulled out his hand,"nice to meet you."

Lilly just stood still in shock, so Don crossed his arms again.

"So what now Lilly, or are we pretending to be statues."

Lilly regained her self and did a little cough.

"I'm going to ask you some questions, Donatello."

Don smiled.

"Ask away."

"We're you human?"

Don stopped smiling.

"Why should it matter, I'm going to be gone soon. The true me lost forever."

"What do you mean lost forever?"

Lilly took a step closer to Don.

Can I change into her?


"Let's just say I'll change into a different person."


"So you're saying that your personality will change. Emotional reactions and thoughts."

Lilly took another step closer to Don.

'Yeah, you could change into her.'


"That's a simple way to put it I guess."

"I see."

Ready to hit the lights.

'Let's do this.'

"Can I ask you a question, and be totally be honest to me."

She starred at him for awhile, but eventually noded.

"If you could change something, what would it be?"

At first Lilly seemed shocked at the question he asked, but excepted it.

"To never fall in love."

"Same, it's the reason teens pick the wrong paths. Because they think they love the person but the other person hated you. So you go to their collage or pick the same job, realizing that you screwed up and that you can't turn back."

'What r u...'

Trying to find out her personality and her love life so it will help me get out of her undetected.

'O, cool. But why not turn invisible.'

Because they might have heat signatures and easily find me. I know I can beat them, but they will always find me, I don't want that.


"Please, call me Don."

Lilly smiled.

"Okay Don, I'm surprised you are being so open to me."

Okay, shy, loner, puts herself down.

"From what everyone else says, you are dodgy, making things seem like games, but you aren't. I believe that I'm speaking to the true you."

Open minded, listens to others conversation, believes in others.

Lilly took a step closer, about to say something but Don breathed fire at the lights and cameras and knock out Lilly. Then grabbed Lil' and took her lab coat and ID and changed into her. He quickly slipped on the lab coat and clipped the ID as he hide the real Lilly in the corner that was the most hiden.

"Time to act out my part."

Don started to breathe quicker so he would tire himself out, then ran to the door, slamming it open and running down the hall.

"He excaped, I think he's after me. Someone help me!"

Two guards showed up beside Don.

"Are you okay Lil' Bell?"

"I'm fine, I just need to go home."

One guard carried Lilly as the other one went to a button and pushed it, making the hallways turn red from the flashing lights. But the noise rang in Don's ears, sending pain to his ear drums.

Don't freak out, calm down, calm down.


After what felt like an hour, him and a guard made it to a small Toyota car.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I just felt like..."

"Something hit you hard in the head."

"I guess so."

The guy smiled as Don drove away.

Okay, I bet we are still in California.

'But how are we going to go across the United State while being undetected.'

When Takashi finished his sentence, something jump into the middle of the street.

Don step on the brakes as fast as he could had saw who it was.

"Quick, get out of the car, a monster is after you."


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