The Other Side of Normal.

By Shea11

630 13 1

Everyone has problems, right? Some people are drug addicts, some people rely on alcohol to take them from thi... More

Chapter 1: Go be in love somewhere else. This is a public school, you nasties.
Chapter 2: At Least he's Hot!
Chapter 3: Who Cares if he Smells like Jesus?!
Chapter 4: 5:30.
Chapter 5: Not All of Us are Obsessed With Purple.
Chapter 6: This boy is going to be the death of me.
Chapter 7: More than meets the eye.
Chapter 8: Ax!
Chapter 9: Getting Out of This Hell Hole.
Chapter 10: Life Has Been None Too Gentle
Chapter 11: Growing Up
Chapter 12: Making Friends
Chapter 13: Rough Morning
Chapter 14: Shit it's too early to be jumped.

Chapter 15: Who Said I Was Functional?

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By Shea11

I walk into my last period, which is A.P. Psychology, and without a doubt my favorite course I've ever taken. I take my seat next to Mr. Snow, my teacher, and he gives me a warm welcome, of which I return. He is a great guy and I've grown very fond of him throughout the year, and it doesn't hurt that Psychology is the area in which I want to pursue a career in...

"Natalie, we have a new student joining the class today, and since you're the best student I have would you mind showing him the ropes?" I'm slightly surprised and nervous when he asks me this because the only new student at the school that I'm aware of is Lucas.

"Of course, Mr. Snow, what is their name?"

"His name is Lucas Brooks, I talked to him after school yesterday, he's a charming boy so it shouldn't be too bad." Snow gives me a genuine little smile and I crack a grin, and just as I'm about to crack a joke, Snow turns to the door way and his welcoming smile grows wider. My nerves skyrocket and I brace myself for the effects he has on me.

I turn and see Lucas leaning against the doorway, a lazy grin on his lips as he stares back at me. My stomach does a little flip as I match his smile and wink at him.

"Lucas, this is Natalie Angelo, you can come sit next to her here and she will walk you through what we do in this class." Snow pats Lucas on the back as he walks past him and takes the seat directly behind me.

Still wearing that lazy grin, Lucas says, "Hi, I'm Lucas, and I have a feeling I'm going to like this class very much." A little laugh escapes my lips and Snow gives him another pat on the shoulder and says, "Smooth, kid."

I reach my hand out to him and he grabs it, but instead of shaking it, which I had intended him to do, he kisses it and I am both flattered and entertained. I give him an amused smile and coyly say, "I'm Natalie and I have a feeling you're a little full of yourself." And with that I pull my hand away and turn back to the front of the class and open my notebook to my most recent notes.

"Definitely going to like it." I hear Lucas whisper to himself but I ignore him, yet I can't stop the small smile from playing on my lips.



I jump as the bell rings, signaling the end of last period, and I hurriedly finish writing the last of the notes before closing my notebook with a satisfying thud and shaking my sore hand. I gather all my things and turn and find myself accidentally bumping into Lucas's large body.

"We've got to stop meeting like this, short stuff." A boyish grin covers his mouth and a luminous glint is aglow in his eyes as he looks down at me.

"Short stuff. Cute. But I've heard it before, you'll have to try harder to impress me." A sly smile makes its way across my lips as I look up into Lucas' dark chocolate eyes. I turn and walk out of the room, heading to my locker.

"Feisty, aren't you? Especially this morning." I laugh a little as I realize Lucas followed me. And I quickly pull out my backpack and needed books before closing it and facing Lucas.

A groan escapes my mouth and I bury my face in my hands. I can feel heat creep up my neck and cheeks, and at this moment I'm thankful that even when I do blush, all you can notice is just a slight tinge of pink. "That was a huge overreaction."

"Well, you had me terrified. I don't think I've ever been that scared before, not even when I walked in on my parents having sex." My eyes fly to his, and guessing by the humored look on his face, my shock must be evident all over my own. I open my mouth to reply, but all that comes out is uncontrollable laughter, wild and carefree.

"No way. That's-" Giggle. "-horrible!" Another giggle. "How old were you?"

"No, honestly this morning I thought I had peed myself. Good thing I didn't because I'm kinda new here if you hadn't noticed, and I really don't need to be known as the kid who pissed himself. Oh, and I was nine, to answer your question." My shock has morphed into something close to admiration, and I'm pleased when he starts to walk next to me as I begin to make my way to Snarkright's.

"Well, I'm impressed. Only a very secure guy would own up to being frightened by me, and because you seem pretty damn functional for being traumatized at so young of an age."

"Who said I was functional?" A crooked smile adorns his face and my heart skips a beat at the breathtaking sight. I quickly look straight forward. Damn this boy is one fineee mamajama...

"Hmm. Playing the dark, mysterious, broken type are we? How many times has that worked for you?" I ask, playfully nudging him with my shoulder and begin the descend the stairs to go to Starkright's class. He follows like a puppy.

"You tell me. Did it work?" The challenge and trace of silliness in his voice makes me look up at him, and the smirk accompanied by his raised eyebrow encourages me to play hard to get. If he wanted to be cocky, I'd give him a taste of his own medicine by playing along with his game.

"You'll have to do better than that to charm me. I'm well cultured on pickup strategies, so I'd say your tactic is zero for one." He nudges me back as his deep rumbling laugh that raises in pitch reverberates around us.

We reach the bottom of the stairs, and I'm filled with slight disappointment because this is where we will have to say our goodbyes, since the door exiting out to the parking lot was straight ahead and my class was to the right.

He must have been thinking the same thing, because suddenly he says, "May I walk you to DT, my lady?" And does a little bow to top it all off.

"My lady? That was a nice touch, but not enough to tempt me." I say with a smirk as I grab his hand and drag him along with me as we travel the short distance to the classroom.

I'm prepared to say bye to Lucas when Snarkright abruptly opens the door to his class and faces us, "Ahh. Ms. Angelo, Mr. Brooks. How nice of you to make it, take a seat."

I stare in confusion at Snarkright. Then Lucas. Then Snarkright. Then Lucas again. Why would Snarkright tell us both to come in and sit down? He hadn't done anything wrong in class today, or he would have been to the office with me. Now that I think about it, he hadn't even said a word today. His hand, still clutched in my own, pulls out of my grasp and finds the small of my back. He gently guides me into the room and steers me to an empty table in the middle of the room.

My mouth is open and gaping when he sits me down then takes the seat next to me, whispering "Close your mouth, you're gonna catch a fly."

I instantly close my mouth and turn to face him head on, accusation in my eyes, "What did you do?"

"I may have called Snarky an asshole and that he takes his frustrations out on his students because he's constantly blue balled because he doesn't get any... ever..." Horror and confusion flash through my eyes as I stare at him. "What? I couldn't let you come here alone, Shorty, no matter how tough you are. Delinquents live here and I wasn't going to let them turn you into one of them... Or worse, hit on you. It's not often a beautiful, classy girl gets a detention. These guys are dogs, If I wasn't here they would all be peeing on you to mark you as their territory."

"So what you're saying is you got a detention... For me?" I ask, admiration seeping into my voice.

"I'd say I'm one for two." Is all he responds with, and the butterflies that had been fluttering about innocently in my stomach turn into wild, chaotic little humming birds zipping about every which way.

"Agreed," is all I can manage to mutter. 

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