How to get an A [TeacherxStud...

By AngieTheTurtle

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How to get an A STEP BY STEP! Step One - Be a stripper ✔ Step Two - Give a hot guy a lap dance ✔ Step Three... More

How to get an A [TeacherxStudent]
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six (Mr. Romano's P.O.V.)
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
I'm sorry.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-Two
Epilouge/Thank You <3

Chapter Thirty-One

1.8K 42 8
By AngieTheTurtle

Miguel's Point of View

I stared outside the window and watched the downy snow fall to the ground. White and pure, just like Suzy's heart.

What the fuck, Romano...

I sighed and looked back at Dante. We had our luggage ready. I called a charity and told them they could take everything in my apartment. Dante's eyes met mine and he sighed.

I looked back outside and leaned on the wall. The look of Suzy's glassy eyes still haunts me. Her hair in a mess, her hazel eyes a sad color, the dim bags under her eyes...

But even she knows that I have to do this. I have to pay the price. Heading to my room, I plopped down on my bed. It saddens me that I'll never be able to hold Suzy anymore.

I was actually thinking about starting a family, though sex never crossed my mind. Sex with no strings attached is alright, but when there's emotion, it's the best.

Suzy doesn't deserve to have someone as cruel as me. Nobody does. I wish I could tell her I lied and everything was a joke.

The sad thing is that it isn't.

I looked around the room, almost laughing when I imagined her standing at my door and watching me clean. The way her eyes dared me to say something to disregard the situation still clouds my eyes.

I sat back and closed my eyes. I leave in two days. I want to see Suzy, but then again, I have to help her forget me. I can't go up to her and give her tips on how to do that...

She's had enough.

Suzy's Point of View

Staring out the window was kind of calming. At first, it lightly snowed. Then it started to heavily fall. Because I don't have a television or radio, I never know how the weather is until I look out the window.

I coughed and felt something weird in my throat. Great, I might catch a cold. Going into the kitchen, I put ramen on the stove and added pepper.

Hopefully this could help.

The next day

Christmas Eve. The snow from yesterday didn't stop yet. There was a couple of inches outside. I couldn't stop staring out the window. There was something in the pit of my stomach that told me Miguel would come back. But I still remember what he told me before he left three nights ago.

"Don't cry, Suzy. I'll see you later, I promise."

He said he'll see me later. So I know I'll have to see him again. He even ended it with a promise.

I went into my living room and sat on the dusty couch. Lately I've been coming here, mainly because Miguel's scent still lingers, but it's slowly fading away.

I never thought he would have this effect on me. I've done so many things to not like him, but it ended up happening. Why must I repeat myself... I looked out the small living room window. It seemed like the snow was finishing since it became thinner and fell slower.

I stared out it for a while and gasped when I saw a plane. Ugh, I need to stop. Miguel leaves tomorrow.

He leaves tomorrow.


I got up and walked to the kitchen. This is all I do, sleep, wake, brush my teeth, living room, kitchen... I put done water on the stove and got a cup from my cabinet. I waited for the water to finish boiling and realized I ran out of sugar.

I guess I'll drink it plain today.

Taking a sip, I frowned and put the cup down. Walking into the bedroom, I put on a pair of sweatpants and slippers. I mean, it's not good for the weather outside, but why not. I took out the rest of my change from the other day.

I grabbed my keys and left. I headed to the supermarket and picked up two boxes of ramen and juice. I groaned when the cashier said I didn't have enough money and I was about to put the juice back when the cashier stopped me.

"It's cool." he said with a smile and winked at me.

He dug into his pocket and pulled out three dollars.

"Thank you." I said with a relieved smile.

"No problem, tax can be annoying at times. By the way, I'm Greg. You're pretty hot. Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked as he handed me the bags.

I used to...

"Nice to meet you, I'm leaving." I replied and left the supermarket, smirking when I heard him mutter an ouch.

I swear, just because guys have a little muscle they think they can get any girl they want. Ridiculous.

The snow stopped and I finally made it home. My toes felt numb and I walked up the stairs. I was hoping I'd see Miguel waiting for me, but there was nobody there.

I stifled a sob and sniffed. I hate being so emotional, like what the fuck is wrong with me?!

Opening my door, I locked it behind me and walked towards the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of berry punch and downed it. I never realized how thirsty I was until I poured my third cup.

In fact, I'm in the mood for rum, but I don't want to end up a mess. With a sigh, I put some ramen on the stove and leaned on the counter.

Feeling the need to use the bathroom, I walked to it. I then realized why I have been so emotional, but it never came with the stomach pains. Groaning, I took a shower.

My heart jumped out of my chest when the smell of something burning wafted around my nose. I jumped out of the shower and opened the door. I ran towards the kitchen and turned the stove off.

Who the fuck burns ramen? I even forgot I had it on high... for almost fifteen minutes. The water boiled out and the ramen was burnt to a crisp. Oh great, a dollar well wasted!

With a groan, I used a rag and held the hot pot, throwing the ramen in the trash and drenched the pot in cold water. The smell brought a terrible memory to surface.

I was eight and was attempting to fry an egg for the first time. Mom and dad weren't home. I took the egg from the fridge and put the frying pan on the stove. Taking the oil, I poured more than half of it into the pot and some of it went over. Then, I turned the stove on. The stove was set on fire and the smell of burning oil met my nose. I coughed and heard the front door close. My mom ran in the kitchen and pushed me out if the way, using the wet rag in the sink to beat the fire. When she was done, she took the same rag and beat me with it. She even tried to choke me with it. When my father came home later that night, he used the same fucking rag and beat me until I fainted from the pain.

And this is why I can't and refuse to learn how to cook. I sighed and rested my arm on the counter. So much fucking bad memories are surfacing and I'm trying so hard to forget.

Then, my doorbell rang. Holy fucking shit, they're home! I felt the tears Tim my eyes and then I paused.


Shaking my head, I walked towards it and looked at the peephole.

Dante...? How the fuck does he know where I live?! Opening the door, he walked past me and looked around. Then, he walked into the living room. Rude... I closed the door and noticed a book in his hand.

I sat down next to him and there was an awkward silence.

"Miguel is very sad." he said in a thick Italian accent, "And he watching rain."

I nodded.

"Me too. I am very sad too."

He sighed and turned to me.

"He very about you. You see him leave?"


Then, he looked into the book, which I realized was an English to Italian translation. After about a minute of flipping through pages, he looked back at me.

"You can?"

"No..." I mumbled.


I but my bottom lip and turned to Dante.

"Why are you here?"

"Italy you come?"

Is he... is he asking me to go to Italy with him?!

"I cannot."

"Miguel love you."

Fuck. A tear slipped from my eye and Dante put his hand on my shoulder. I sniffed and more tears escaped. He motioned me over to me and hugged me. I cried in his chest and he sighed.

"No cry." he mumbled, "You make we sad."

When I was done, I pulled back from him.

"Please leave." I whispered, "Please."

"I do not understand."

"Arrivederci..." I whispered, "Thank you."

He nodded and got up.

"Good bye."

I closed my eyes when I heard the sound of the door slam. He offered me to go with him. Then, I noticed an envelope on the couch. Taking it, I opened it and took out a slip of paper.

A check.

Analyzing it, I gasped when I saw how much it was worth.

One. Million. Dollars.

Are you kidding me...? I put the check back in the envelope and put it under the couch. Getting up, I headed into my room and decided to sleep for the rest of the day.

Miguel's Point of View

Dante knocked on my door and opened it.

"Did you give it to her?" I asked in Italian.

"Yes." he replied with a frown, "Her crying was overwhelming, it saddened me that I couldn't give her comforting words since my English is limited." he replied.

"I can't believe that fucking girl Alda put a hole in the condom." I groaned.

"It's obvious she wants our power."

"She's not having shit. I'm taking the kid and she could fuck off."

"But wouldn't the child need a mother? Suzy can't fit that role."

I stayed quiet and anticipated his next words.

"You shouldn't leave."

"I have to..." I mumbled, "I already called the school and told then I had some important matters to attend to in Italy."

"You know that Dad's pissed, right?"

"Of course I do!" I snarled, "But I don't give a fucking shit."

"You're being childish."

"I don't care..." I mumbled.

There was a silence between us and I sighed.

"The snow stopped."

"I was hoping it would cancel the flight." replied Dante, his arms crossed.

"Isn't she beautiful?" I said with a sigh.

"Her hair is weird."

"You're the one to talk!" I snapped, "Shave your head you bitch."

Dante laughed and ran his fingers through his hair. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"We leave tomorrow morning."

I nodded and sighed.

"You're lucky you two weren't caught. It's illegal."

"I know, but she was willing to take the risk. So was I."

Christmas Day

I looked at my watch. 7:14. Dante fished for a taxi and I looked back at my apartment. The charity workers were already collecting the things. I sighed and looked ahead. A cab finally pulled up in front of us and we went inside.

Dante told him the airport and to step on it. I remember when Suzy said she would help me put up a Christmas tree... it's not really tradition to do that, we never put one up... but I'll start to do it in dedication of her.

I miss her. I wish I could kiss her in the snow and peck her nose. I wish I could touch her hair and tell her she's beautiful. I wish I could do all of those things.

But I wish I could tell her to never forget me.

Because I'm just that selfish.

I rested my head on the window and stared outside. Everything passed in a blur and then we were on a highway. I can only imagine what Suzy is doing right now. Crying, being depressed... not eating.

I wish I could share one last oven warmed pizza with her.

I have so many wishes, but I'll come back one day. Hopefully to her smiling face and arms open to hug me.

About thirty minutes later, we finally reached the airport. We got everything checked and scanned and we sat in the terminal.

"I'm sorry." muttered Dante.


"I shouldn't have come here. I missed you a lot."

I sighed and shook my head.

"Don't apologize."

I felt my heart drop when my flight was mentioned. Then, I gasped.

"Flight 7108 to Milan, Italy has been canceled due to the immense amount of snow."

I looked at Dante with a smile and suddenly...

"Excuse me, I am terribly sorry. Flight. 7109 to Kingston, Jamaica has been canceled. Flight 7108 to Milan, Italy has not been canceled. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

Dante gave me a sad look and I covered my head in my hands. An hour passed and it was time for us to board the plane. Dante and I got everything and showed the lady at the gate our passports.

"Oh. My. God!" she gasped, "Miguel Romano, can I get your autograph?!"

And so it begins...

Suzy's Point of View

His plane should be leaving right about now. I sighed and suddenly everything felt empty. It was very... quiet.

And then, I broke down crying. I miss him so much, I can't believe this. I wish I saw him just to tell him I love him and that I'll anticipate his return.

I can't.

Two weeks later

"Wow, your previous Italian teacher did a good job." said Mr. Giovanni, our new Italian teacher.

"Yeah..." everyone mumbled.

Mr. Giovanni was a man who was about 5'7, slightly balding and had a slight smell of rice. I don't know, he just does.

"Okay everyone, now with the introductions."

He pointed at me and smiled. I have him a flat look and stood up.

"Hi, I'm Suzy." I mumbled and sat down.

"Nice to meet you, Suzy, I'm Mr. Giovanni."

When lunch time came, I wasn't in the mood to eat. Bryce and Cole would send me sad looks but I only ignored them


Three months later, Cole and Bryce decided enough was enough and made me move on. It was hard, but I'm more than sure Miguel moved on. It has been more than three months since Miguel left for Italy. I didn't hear anything from him since.

But, I eventually met someone else.

I was on my way to the local supermarket to get some food one day and happened to catch eyes with a really cute guy. He approached me and we talked a little. He told me that we should hang out sometime. It turns out he goes to my school's rival school. After about a good month, we decided to date. Now I'm at his house and he's teaching me how to play a game called Final Fantasy X.

"It's a really old PS2 game." he said with a smile, "You'll fall in love with the characters. This is one of my favorite fantasy games of all time."

I nodded held the controller. It felt weird in my hands but I eventually got used to it. Before I even realized it, about two hours passed by.

"Wow, this really is addicting." I mumbled.

"Maybe I'll get you into fps games."


"First person shooters."

"What's that?"

He chuckled and sat down on his bed next to me.

"It's like... a war game. You know first person, right?"


"So you see the gun as if you're holding it. I mean, hmm... do you kind of understand?"

"I like that, can I play?"

His face almost lit up and he put in a game called Call of Duty: Black Ops II. After about an hour, I got used to the controls and played campaign mode.

"Brian, come downstairs!"

"I guess your mom's home." I said with a smile.

He pinched my cheek and went downstairs. I paused the game and laid down on his soft bed. I sighed and suddenly felt tired. I heard the door close and the game's music become mute. Then, the bed dipped and I hugged Brian to me.


"Yeah..." I mumbled.

"Annie, you're adorable." he said with a smile.

"You know that you're the only person who ever called me Annie?" I said tiredly.

"I am?"


"Let's make it stay that way."

He lightly kissed me on my lips and rested my head on his chest. I snuggled closer to him and sighed. Then, I fell asleep.

I think I'm happy again.

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