Jasper's weak spot

By MagiFlower

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When the Cullen's get invited to Denali by Tanya, weird things start to occur... Mainly Jasper's POV. More

JWS Chapter 1
JWS Chapter 2
JWS Chapter 3
JWS Chapter 4
JWS Chapter 5
JWS Chapter 6
JWS Chapter 8
JWS Chapter 9
JWS Chapter 10
JWS Chapter 11
JWS Chapter 12
JWS Chapter 13
JWS Chapter 14
JWS Chapter 15
JWS Chapter 16
JWS Chapter 17

JWS Chapter 7

2.4K 52 23
By MagiFlower

[A/N THAT TOOK AGES. WE KNOOOWS. We had a lack of time, we really did. We ALSO felt like we had a lack of support *pout*. Come on, only 6 votes? You can do better, we know it!]

Chapter 7 - They. Are. Not. Our. Enemy.

Jasper POV

"What the fuck?" I spat, crouched into an attacking position. Felix held his hands up in surrender.

"I' m not here to harm you." He said, his eyes warily.

"Ha, as if!" I laughed humorlessly. "You' ve hurt my family more than enough to prove you're lying." When he opened his mouth to respond I helt up my finger. "No, no, no. no. Just, no. Don't even try." I looked at him trough narrowed eyes. "Whatever the volturi has sent you here for- Spying whatsoever, tell them you didn' t succeed and return to your stinking hole." I just wished he didn't have and answer to that. But of course, he did.

"I'm not here because Aro sent me." His hands were still up, as if he couldn' t close the 10 meters between us within half a second. I was confident my battle skills were slightly better than his, but wih his strength, I wasn' t sure I could handle him. I laughed skeptically again. He sighed dramaticly. "I was afraid this would happen." He mumbled. "What do I need to do for you to trust me, Jasper Whitlock Cullen?" He stared at me trough red eyes.

"I will never trust you." I growled, baring my teeth.

"Take me as a prisoner, then." He bent to his knees and stuck his arms out for me as if I had to cuff them. I gaped at him. What was he trying to do?

"No, Felix." I took off to run back to my waiting wife and Carlisle to discuss our options. But with one sentence he finally managed to get my attention.

"I know who did this to your wife!" He shouted after me. I turned around immediately, my eyes wild. I must've looked quite scary as Felix backed away slightly.

"What do you know!?" I practically spat in his face, my collar in his hand as I pressed him up against an iceberg.

"Well, Aro called us all to come to a meeting..."

~*Felix POV flashback*~

I briefly wondered why Aro'd called for the whole guard to come done to the main room. I was rarely called for anything else than either killing, capturing or hurting. I sighed. I wish I could leave Volterra without risking my life. Carlisle Cullen had survived it - But his family only barely. I sat with the rest of the guard, our three leaders facing us.

"I've called you all, for a special mission." Aro's voice echoed around the big, empty castle. "This time, it is to eliminate Bella Cullen." I gasped as some of the other members started chattering about the news. I abruptly shot u from my chair.

"They haven't done anything wrong, you can' t do that, Aro." I remarked.

"With they you mean the Cullens, I assume?" Aro asked, his voice dripping with acid, now having the attention of the full guard back. "Are you really actually saying, that the Olympic Coven, better known as the Cullen Clan, are not our enemy?" He asked as he walked passed every member to stop in front of me. I gulped. He continued his journey to stop at Dimitri. "Dimitri, are the Cullens our enemy?" He asked with a threatening voice. His eyes darted to me before he answered.


"And why exactly is this?" Aro went on, his eyes getting a weird glint of anger. Dimitri swallowed.

"I don't know, master, why don't you tell me?" He dared to ask. Aro didn't pay attetion to the slight sarcasm in his voice or his disobidience, though. His eyes seemed to be looking somewhere far away.

"The clan of Carlisle Cullen has expended to an abnormal size in the last two years. Abnormal for a normal clan, that is. First Bella gave birth to Renesmee Cullen, to become a vampire herself afterwards. They have formed a friendship with wolves." His face scrunched up in disgust. "And," he began dramaticly, still continuing his walk, "Who knows what else there is to come? Sooner or later Carlisle is going to add animals too his family!" He laughed humourlessly and some of the guard echoed after him.

I had to admit the friendship the Cullens had formed with wolves was beyond me, but Carlisle certainly was not trying to overpower the Volturi anytime soon, and he wasn't planning on either. Bella was Edward's mate, of course she'd have to become a vampire in order for them to be together forever. Renesmee was a pure accident. Aro was going too far if he was hurting a family just because he was hungry for power.

"They. Are. Not. Our. Enemy!" I hissed out every word. Aro's head whipped around to look at me threatingly, but I didn't flinch. I was too pissed to care. I had never particulary liked the Cullens or their way of living. I'd always been on Aro's side whenever we were planning on punishing them for whatever reason, but now I could simply not be on his side. The Cullens loved eachother, and I wasn't going to be part of it when he decided to destroy the bonds they held. No one deserved what Aro was going to give them. No fucking one.

"Felix are you actually saying, you don't agree with your master?" Aro tried once more. But I wouldn't cower away from him. He practically shot me down with his eyes, he was so angry.

"Yes." That spilled the bucket. The usually calm Aro was about to loose it. He clenched his fists and his jaw tensed dangerously. A low growl was forming in his chest. It took a while for everyone to register what was happening. Dimitri pulled me away from the fuming vampire as Caius managed to get Aro in a firm grasp.

"Disagreeing with you is not against the law, Aro." He said firmly to Aro.

"It is against my rules!" Aro spat, struggling against his grip.

"Get a hold of yourself, Aro, relax." Jane said from behind him. Jane had always been fond of me. I returned her smile gratefully.

~*End Flashback*~

"He expelled me from the Volturi." Felix explained to me, his face in his hands. I looked at him in shock.

"But.. they didn't tell what they were planning on doing?" I asked nervously playing with my own fingers. He shook his head. "And.. euhh. you're on our side now?" This was definitely akward.

"Yes. What Aro is doing, is absurd. You haven't done anything wrong, have you?" He looked at me with a sympetathic smile. I could practically feel te honesty vibing from him. "Well, what are you waiting for? I'm dying to meet your family! Gold eyes, a seer, a mindreader. You guys are one awesome family!" He was jumping with excitement. I looked at him ueasily.

"I haven't shared this with anyone.. could you keep your mouth shut?" He nodded, still quite hyper. I swallowed.

"I felt like killing Alice." I blurted out suddenly.


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