I'm Slowly Drowning {An Andy...

By OldStories

119K 3.4K 1.3K

Alexandra is a lonely, 18-year old, Danish girl. But when she buys a ticket to a Black Veil Brides concert a... More

This is New Year's Day - so rise from the ashes
Welcome home tonight
In time
You talk the talk but do you walk the walk?
A Land Where Chaos Reins
We'll brave this storm
In a world of fools
An Illusion You Hide Behind
I've Given You My Heart To Break
I'm Broken, The Wretched And Divine
In This Temporary Love
I'm Just A Man
Won't Let You Suffocate Me
I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream
Stronger Than Before
This Is A Rebel Love Song
I Can't Go Without Your Love
I Will Always Be There
Partners In Crime
Love Isn't Always Fair
I Said I Love You As I Left You
Sequel; Let's Start Over

A Feeling That's Worth Fighting For

3.8K 114 27
By OldStories

"Lex?" Andy asked walking into the living room where I sat, answering one of my mom's texts.

"Yeah?" I looked back at him, he'd been on his phone with his mom a minute ago, that's why he was alone in the room.

"My parents asked us to come over for dinner" he said and messed with his hair. They what? Was I ready to meet his parents? I mean, I'd been tweeting a bit with them and Andy had told me about them, but was I ready to meet them?

"That sounds nice" I said, faking a smile while my mind still had an argument with itself.

"We only have to if you want to" Andy said and sat down next to me in the couch, did I want to?

"I want to though" I said with a smile, no I didn't, why did I say that?!

"Great!" Andy laughed and kissed my cheek, "we should probably drive in two hours or so"

"K, I'll take a quick shower then" I smiled and got up walking into the bedroom, did I really want to meet his parents? I'd leave soon, wouldn't this just make anything worse?

Andy's POV                                                                                             

"Okay, I'll ask her" I answered my mom with a smile which she wasn't able to see of cause.

"Okay, we'd love to meet her" she responded and I couldn't help but smile again, everything that had anything to do with Lex in any possible way made me smile, I loved her so much, it was indescribable, really.

"I'm glad 'bout that, mom" I answered "I'll see you later"

"Yeah, I love you honey, see you"

"Love you too mom, bye" I hung up and thought about how to ask Lex, she'd probably be really nervous about it and I wouldn't force her if she wasn't ready.

"Lex?" I asked as I walked out if the door and over to her at the couch.

"Yeah?" She responded, turning her head to look at my behind herself, god those pale green eyes, she was so beautiful, but somehow she failed to see that herself.

"My parents asked us to come over for dinner" I told her, messing with my hair.

"That sounds nice" she said with a smile, the smile didn't seem truthful tho.

"We only have to if you want to" I said and sat down next to her.

"I want to though" I lid up in a smile again.

"Great!" I said with a laugh and kissed her cheek, "we should probably drive in two hours or so" I continued.

"K, I'll take a quick shower then" she smiled and rather quickly got up from the couch and into our room.

It seemed like something was bugging her, she often spaced out and seemed sad about something, but I didn't get what, she mentioned time a lot, but she'd figured out that I wanted her to stay? Hadn't she? Maybe I did something wrong, maybe she felt like I forced her to sleep with me but I didn't, did I? Gah, I really didn't want this to go wrong, maybe I should've just told my mom that we couldn't make it today that would've been so much easier.

I didn't realize for how long I'd been caught in my own world of worried thoughts, before Lex pressed her still damp lips against my neck.

"That was a quick shower" I laughed and turned around, connecting our lips for a second.

"No it wasn't" she laughed, "you were just spacing out for a long time" she connected our lips again and I smiled trough the kiss, taking my hand up to stroke her cheek.

"I love you" I mumbled, it gave her that sparkle in her eyes, her eyes spoke everything she felt and they had this spark to them whenever I told her that I loved her.

"I love you too" she whispered back.

"We have to get ready though" I laughed and she smiled, she seemed more sure about herself and meeting my parents now than she did before.

"We do... I'm scared that they won't like me" she admitted and stood up, wrapping the towel she wore around her body, tighter around herself.

"They'll love you, just like I do" I laughed and got up from the couch.

I grabbed a quick shower and as I got back again, she'd changed into black ripped skinny jeans and a simple black tank top with a ripped vest over it and was working on getting her hair puffy like she wanted it.

I changed to some of my skinny jeans as well, also ripped like hers and a ripped kiss T-shirt, I also put on some different bracelets and belts and put in an earring, puffing my hair up and putting on a thin layer of eyeliner.

"Okay, I'm ready" Lex said after doing her makeup and putting on her rings, bracelets, necklace and earrings.

"You look amazing, babe" I told her and pecked her lips quickly, grabbing her hand, "lets go!"

We got down to the parking lot and into my car, I started it easily and drive off, Lex seemed nervous so I grabbed her hand and squeezed it lightly, before focusing on the road again.

Alex's POV

I felt like I couldn't move when Andy drove the car down a driveway and held still after a short time, oh god, I wasn't ready for this.

"Are you ready, princess?" Andy asked me, and I couldn't do anything else than nod silently.

"Don't worry, they won't bite" he joked and leant over to press his lips against mine, making me relax a bit and respond the kiss, I could do this, I was strong.

Andy chuckled and pulled back again, opening his door and jumping out of the car, running around it to grab my hand as I opened my own door and got out.

We walked up to the door hand in hand and for a second, I felt like panicking again, but Andy smiled at me and squeezed my hand, mouthing a 'don’t worry' just as the door opened.

Andy's mom smiled at us and it was easy to see where he'd gotten his face from, almost everything from the nose to the cheekbones. She was a bit shorter than me and with red hair and glasses.

"Come in" she laughed and Andy squeezed my hand again pulling me with him inside. He let go of my hand and hugged his mom, while I just felt really awkward.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you!" She said, suddenly standing in front of me, or actually it wasn't suddenly, I'd just been spacing out, "I'm Amy, Andy's mom" she smiled at me.

"H-hi" I stuttered, feeling really stupid, "sorry, I'm just a bit nervous I guess" I laughed awkwardly, "it's nice to meet you, I'm Alexandra, but call me Alex." I suddenly found my way of speak again, luckily.

Amy shocked me by pulling me into a hug, and kissing my cheek lightly.

"Get your jacket off and then we can eat" she smiled again, she seemed really nice, dressed in a BVB T-shirt and everything.

She left us again to go check on some of the food while I took of my jacket and looked nervously at Andy, unsure about where to hang it.

"Here, I'll take it" he laughed and took my jacket as I handed it to him, before he hung it where it was supposed to go.

"My mom likes you already" he whispered and grabbed my hand again, "wanna meet my dad?" I nod awkwardly and squeezed his hand.

Andy showed me into what I suppose was the living room and trough it into the dining room/kitchen where his mom stood, she was making salad from what I could see.

That's when a huge man came through the other door in the room, calling him huge wasn't meant badly, it just meant that he was about Andy's height and strongly built, he didn't look that much as Andy but it was still easy to see that it was his father, just like Amy, he was also wearing BVB-merch.

"Hi dad" Andy laughed as his dad came over to us and pulled his son into a bear-hug, giving me one afterwards.

"You're a lucky guy, son" he chuckled at Andy, "getting a girl like her" I blushed at that while Andy laughed.

"Oh I know that" he smiled.

"I'm Chris btw" Chris turned to me and held out his hand for me to shake it.

"I'm Alex-andra, I'm glad to meet you" I said with a smile, still with my heart beating like... I don't know anything that beats fast at the moment. "I'm glad to meet both of you, actually" I said and smiled at Amy also, I got how Andy was so nice, with parents like these two.

"Well, dinners ready now so if you just sit down" Amy said from the kitchen, walking over to the already filled table and putting down the salad.

Andy grabbed my hand again and we sat down next to each other while Amy sat across from me and Chris across from Andy, god I was so nervous, looking at all this food, I couldn't possibly eat anything, but I'd have to, or I would seem unfriendly.

"Andy told me about your allergy, so I've made sure not to get any peanuts in the food" Amy told me with a smile and I thanked her shyly.

I took a small potion, and Andy's parents asked all kind of questions while we were eating, first of all, my birthday, interests, family and such and I awkwardly told them about my crazy dad with the bad English and my always caring mom, my interest in music, avoiding school a bit, and then Andy mentioned my love for both Batman and Disney. We told them about the tour, and a bit about Jamie and Max quickly and other things that had happened to us. I actually found myself rather quickly calming down and feeling secure with his family, his parents was really open and nice people, I'm glad that I met them.

We stayed till around 10 pm before we had to drive home again. Both of Andy's parents hugged me goodbye as well as they hugged him and we ran through the rain, jumping into the car as fast as possible.

"I told you that they'd love you" Andy said as he turned on the car and backed out of the driveway.

"They're really nice, I like them" I responded with a smile "and they wasn't awkward like my parents would be" I laughed.

"I found your mom's comment and worry for you really funny and sweet on the other hand" Andy told me and again, I wondered about what she'd told him.

"It's still awkward" I mumbled and Andy laughed.

After driving for some time, singing along to the radio, we pulled in at the parking lot and Andy stopped the car.

"I'm not even tired" I laughed as we locked the door to the apartment behind ourselves and took off our jackets and shoes.

"Me either, but I have to be at the studio tomorrow rather early, we only have three days to the small concert so we have to fix the last mistakes." Andy said as we walked in, finding the living room empty, just like I'd expected, since I knew that Max was at Shane's and Jamie was at Ashley's, they'd texted me earlier.

"We should probably go to sleep then" I smiled and wrapped my arms around Andy's neck, connecting our lips, and enjoying the feeling of his lips against mine. Andy wrapped his arms around my waist as well and responded the kiss, deepening it.

We made our way to the bedroom where we fell down on the bed with a laugh and Andy hovered over me, connecting our lips again after we broke apart. This reminded me of the first night in the apartment where Max walked in on us, and I smiled in the kiss. Andy pulled my tank top off me after I'd removed the vest myself.

"I love you" I whispered as we broke apart for a second, before he reconnected our lips again, with a hungry kiss.

I didn’t think this before long after as my mind calmed down; 8 days.


At the moment, I've no idea about where this is going, but I have a plan about where to end it soooo, yeah -.- 

Sorry for the bad chapter o.o

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