A Sellout's Heart

By holl-ade

60.8K 1.9K 433

| "Sellout Trilogy": Book 1 "I can help him! You just have to trust me." "You can't help him, Erica. Even if... More

1: debut
2: why me?
3: did you google me?
4: ship names :)
5: there is no 'us'
6: goodnight kiss
7: promise me
8: flashback
9: love drunk
11: the truth
12: i am not 'mrs. rollins'
13: summerslam
14: cinder blocks
15: too little, too late
16: "not all of us have a private locker room"
17: who are you?
author's note
author's not (2)
18: enough is enough
thank you

10: sleepover

3.3K 102 41
By holl-ade

Chapter 10: sleepover



I cautiously guided Seth to the medics room as he held on to his bloody nose. Even though I tried to avoid the weird stares, I still got them. I guess if you're secretly dating your older brother's enemy, you're going to attract some attention.

I spotted the medics room and quickly shoved myself and Seth in. Dr. Amann looked up from his desk and gave us a small smile.

"Okay, what happened?" He questioned gesturing to Seth's nose.

"She punched me!" Seth accused, acting like a three year old.

"He told me to!" I shot back crossing my arms and pouting.

Dr. Amann, bless him, rolled his eyes and rubbed his temple. He looked up at me.

"Just like NXT huh?" He said cracking a smile.

"It will never get old." I replied with a grin.

I used to act like this all the time with Dr. Amann in FCW and NXT when I first came here. It all started in FCW when Dean and I would fool around in the ring and eventually punch each other in the face.

"He started it!" I would say.

"What? She's lying!" Dean would protest.

And poor Dr. Amann would rub his temple and moan and groan about our behavior. But Jon and I enjoyed coming to his office to annoy him. And we both knew that Dr. Amann enjoyed our little visits, even if it annoyed the sh*t out of him.

"Please don't tell me you taught Seth to do this." He said standing up.

"Nope." I replied. "That was all him. I just decided to play along."

Seth chuckled and sat up on the bed thingie. All these years of being checked up by medics, I still don't know what that thing is called.

"You gave him a good punch there." Dr. Amann said examining Seth's nose.

"What can I say?" I shrugged.  "Two years in WSU, —which may I add, is a pretty rough business, including tables, ladders and barb wires for both men and women— can change your life."

"It's a good thing I didn't work there." Dr. Amann grimaced.

"Did you get hurt a lot?"Seth asked.

"You have no idea how many scars I have on my body." I chuckled. "But I counted. I have about fifteen battle scars."

"That's sick." Seth stated smiling.

"Bless those doctors." Dr. Amann muttered.

"I'm guessing you got booked well." Seth said. "Matches every night?"

"Yeah, pretty much." I said playing with a cotton ball.

"Alright," Dr. Amann spoke up. "Just keep this ice pack on your nose for the entire night."

"Did she punch me that hard?" Seth asked in disbelief.

"Yep." Dr. Amann replied casually.

I laughed at the look of utter disbelief on Seth's face.

"Also take this antibiotic pill at 3am." He added.

"THREE IN THE MORNING?!" Seth exclaimed.  "I don't wake up that early."

I chuckled and took the plastic containing the pill from Dr. Amann.

"I'll make sure he takes this." I assured.

"You're going to wake me up at three in the morning?" Seth questioned, cocking an eyebrow.

"Sure why not?" I shrugged. I turned to Dr. Amann and gave him a nod.

"Alright, you guys should go now." He said. "Smackdown's going to start soon. And by the looks of it, you two still need to go get dressed."

Seth hopped down from the 'bed'  and stood next to me.

"Thanks Doc." He said.

"No problem." Dr. Amann said opening the door for us.

"Oh and Erica." He added. "Try not to hit people so hard. You almost broke his nose."

Seth's eyes widened and he stared at me in shock.

I giggled."No promises, Doc."

He rolled his eyes and ushered us out. Seth and I walked around the halls in silence. Not the really awkward silence. Just a nice peaceful silence. I looked around to see if anyone was looking at us before grabbing Seth's hand and intertwining our fingers, wrapping my free arm around his.

"I still can't believe a girl almost broke my nose." He said looking down at me, holding his ice pack against his nose.

"I'm not like any other girl." I chuckled.

"That's true." Seth nodded.

We made it to the Divas locker room and stopped, letting go of each other's hands. I stood by the door and leaned against it.

"Well this my stop." I said looking up at Seth.

He pouted and put on a sad face.

"Don't be like that." I said punching his shoulder.

"Dr. Amann said to stop punching people." Seth warned.

"And I told him that I wouldn't promise anything." I shot back. Seth smiled and rolled his eyes.

"I'll see you after Smackdown." I said holding his hand.

"Okay." He agreed, giving my hand a squeeze.

I stood on my toes and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"You missed by a mile!" He laughed.

I giggled as he leaned down and kissed my lips. Seth gently pushed me against the door, deepening the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. The door opened suddenly, making my fall backwards with a yelp.

"Oh my god. Erica are you okay?" Paige said bending over.

"Just peachy." I replied, giving her a thumbs up.

"Oh Seth, you're here." She said smiling at him.

Her smile dropped to a frown. "What happened to your nose?"

"Erica punched him earlier." AJ piped up with a laugh.

"You two got in a fight already?!" Brie exclaimed.

Paige cracked her knuckles and grabbed Seth's shirt.

"We warned you we would break your bones." She hissed.

I jumped to my feet and separated Paige from Seth before she actually breaks his nose.

"Let me go!" Paige screeched. "I told you that I would break his bones!"

"Paige we weren't fighting! " I yelled over her.

"You weren't?" She said her voice softening.

AJ chuckled and helped me with Paige.

"It was just a cover up." AJ explained. "Dean was coming and they had to stall."

"Plus he told me to hit him." I added glancing at Seth. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"So you guys didn't fight?" Paige clarified.

"Yes, Paige." I said chuckling.

Paige sighed and walked over to Seth. She straightened out his shirt and pattern his shoulder.

"Sorry about that Seth." Paige said forcing a smile.

"It's fine." He grinned.

"Now that we forgave each other," Nikki said. "Why were you leaning against the door in the first place?"

Natalya looked from me to Seth and smiled.

"Aww, he was dropping her off! " She squealed. "How sweet!"

Seth and I chuckled nervously.

"Well, I hate to leave, but I have to go get dressed." Seth piped up.

"Bye, Seth!" The girls said in a sing-song voice.

Seth chuckled, planted a kiss on my forehead and left. I sat down next to AJ, taking my gear out.

"Okay you guys were totally making out behind that door weren't you?" AJ whispered to me.

My cheeks heated up as I looked at AJ. She chuckled and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Your secret's safe with me." She assured.

I smiled and went into the bathroom to change. I got out and brushed through my hair. I pulled out my makeup bag and put on some light makeup. I slipped on my glasses and headed out.

"I'll see you girls later!" I called over my shoulder.

I made my way to catering, where Dean said he would be waiting. I kind of felt bad because I made him wait so long. I spotted him alone at a table looking at his phone.

"What took you so long?" Dean asked as I sat down at the table.

"Umm," I started.

Don't lie again, Erica.

I sighed. "I had to take Seth to Dr. Amann. I'm the one who hit him so the least I could do was to help him get that checked out."

Dean cocked an eyebrow and opened his mouth to speak.

I cut him off.  "And before you say anything, we went in and we went out. Nothing happened. I promise."

You just said not to lie! Way to go, Erica.

"Okay, I guess that's fine." He mumbled, looking down. My brother muttered something else under his breath but I could quite catch it.

It sounded something like 'Son of a b*tch.'

I shifted in my seat uneasily and looked down at my hands.

"Do you have a match?" I asked changing the subject.

Dean still didn't look up to meet my eyes. Instead he kept his head low and shook his head to answer my question.

"Do you even trust me?" I blurted out.

Dean still didn't look up.

"You don't trust me.." I mumbled. "Why don't you trust me?"

"Erica," Dean said finally looking up. "It's not that I don't trust you. It's just you being around Seth makes me feel sick inside. You know that I don't trust him and you know how I feel about him."

"Dean, you know I can take care of myself." I stated.

"I know you can, but you always seem to make the wrong decisions."

"Make the wrong decisions.. " I scoffed."Dean, I'm a grown a** woman and I can make my own decisions even if they're wrong."

"Do you even know the meaning of 'wrong'?" Dean shot back, making me roll my eyes.

"And you wonder why I always have these accusations against you." I snapped.

"F*ck off."

I cringed at his sudden coldness. We glared at each other for a few seconds before Dean looked down at his hands.

He remained silent after that.

I huffed and stood up from my seat. There's no point in sitting with Dean if he's going to act like Dean the D*ck.

"I have to go." I mumbled. "AJ and I have a match. I'll see you later."

I left Dean at the table and made my way to Seth's locker room. Mine and Aj's match doesn't start until the middle of the show. I just made that up to leave Dean. I needed to talk to someone who will actually talk  to me.

I looked back at Dean.  He still didn't look up.

I took out my phone and texted Seth.

::Is it okay if I come over to your locker room?::

In a matter of seconds, Seth replied with this text :

'Come on over! No one's here with me so you're safe :) '

I smiled and put my phone away. I made my way to the Divas Locker room for a quick stop. I strolled in, made my way to my suitcase and zipped it open. I pulled out the four Supernatural Pop Vinyl figures and put them in a bag.

I walked to Seth's locker room, making sure people weren't staring. Once I arrived, I looked around and quickly knocked on the door.

Seconds later, Seth opened up and pulled me in, shutting the door behind him.

"Heyo!" I smiled.

"Hiya!" He said returning the smile.

I chuckled and sat down on the couch. Seth joined me, slinging his arm over my shoulder. He switched on the TV and we watched Smackdown together.

"What's the bag for?" Seth asked poking it.

I smiled and gave it to him. Seth pulled out all of the figures and chuckled to himself.

"Woo hoo!" he exclaimed hugging me.

"You're welcome?" I giggled.

"I'll be studying these all night." Seth joked standing up and putting them in his suit case.

"Match tonight?" I asked when Seth came back.

"Sadly, no. How about you?"

I looked down at my ring gear. "I thought it was pretty obvious."

"We'll your gear is somewhat the same as to your regular clothes."

"True." I nodded. "Oh, and you better not go out there."

"Why not?" Seth asked with a slight smirk.

"Because it's awkward and distracting." I shrugged.

"So I'm distracting?"


He smiled. "Okay fine. But no promises."


"Oh and before I forget, stop using Curbstomp. It pisses me off."

"So I piss you off?" I asked a little taken back.

"No, that's not what I meant." He said quickly. "It's just that I don't like how you do it. It's like you do it better than me."

"Well I am better than you." I joked.

"Hey!" Seth smiled. "I could kick your pretty little a** anyday."

"We'll see about that." I grinned.

Seth chuckled and wrapped an arm over my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. I snuggled up against his chest, getting comfortable, and watched the beginning of SmackDown.

They first started showing some clips on Seth and Dean's match at Summerslam. I just can't believe that they got in the business together —along with Roman, kicked a** together, and then got that all taken away with just one chair. Who knew that a chair could do so much damage...And here I am, sitting with the person who betrayed my brother and best friend,  his arm wrapped securely around my waist. Something about this picture gave me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Was I really  making the right choice?

"Do you regret it?" I blurted out suddenly.

"Regret what?"Seth asked turning to me.

"That." I gestured towards the TV screen. "You know, betraying my brother and Roman."


Seth bit down on his lip, looking away for a few moments. I tore my eyes off of him and awkwardly looked around the room. I felt a hand on my shoulder, making my jump slightly. I turned to look at Seth, hoping that he had his answer.

"At times.." He said quietly, barely a whisper.

I nodded and put my hand on top of his. I leaned over and pecked his lips in reassurance. I really didn't want to make this really awkward just because of one question. I laid my head on his shoulder, and we continued to watch SmackDown in silence.


It was almost time for my match with AJ (I think) and I'm pretty sure I fell asleep on Seth's shoulder. First, I hear Michael Cole talking about the WWE Network. And next thing I know, I open my eyes to hear a knocking at the door.

I jumped up from the couch and stared at the jiggling handle bar. Seth got to his feet and looked at me and the door.

"Hide behind the couch." He said unsure. "And, uh, hug your knees and stay quiet."

I gave him a look and he sighed.

"Sorry." Seth said with an apologetic smile. "I wasn't prepared for this."

I nodded in understanding, and hopped behind the he couch and hugged my knees and to my chest. The door opened and I held in my breath. A familiar voice spoke, making my relax a bit.

"Have you seen Erica?" AJ asked worriedly.

I crawled out of the tiny space behind the couch and into view.

"Here I am." I said dusting myself off. "Is it time for our match?"

"No!" AJ said coming over and hugging me.

"Okay why are you hugging me?" I asked.

"We have been looking all over for you two!" AJ exclaimed.

"Why?" Seth questioned.

"Well Dean was looking for you at first, Erica." AJ started. "He said something happened at catering and that he needed to apologize to you. Dean came to us asking if he could talk to you. After we told him that we didn't know where you were, he kind of freaked out. He called you like dozens of times but you didn't pick up."

I snatched my phone out of my pocket and looked at the twenty missed calls, and ten text messages from Jon.


Erica, I'm sorry. Can we talk?

Erica answer your phone.

Look, I know your mad, just please answer your phone.

Okay... Fine. If you won't answer your phone just meet me at catering in 5 min.

You didn't show up at catering... Erica where are you?

Erica are you okay?!

Erica please answer your phone. I'm freaking out! I think I'm gonna piss myself.


Erica, I'm so so so so so sorry. Just please pick up the phone.

I'm sorry. I was just in a bad mood, you know how I am. Just please pick up the phone. You know how much I love you. Please...

"And when you still didn't pick up the phone," AJ began. "We tried calling Seth."

"You didn't tell Dean, right?"  I interrupted.

"About you and Seth?" She shook her head. "I was so close to telling him, but being the good friend I am, I didn't."

I sighed in relief and let AJ continue.

"Anyway, we tried calling Seth but he didn't pick up." As she said this, Seth took out his phone and bit down on his lip.


AJ rolled her eyes, trying to hide the grin.

"That's when Triple H and Stephanie started to freak out. First, they can't find the phyco Diva and now they lost their golden boy."

She continued. "I mean, the girls and I figured that Erica was with you, Seth. But when neither of you picked up....Let's just say we were thinking the worst."

I sighed and looked down at my phone. I can't believe I made my own brother think I was dead. He was worried.

"Where's Dean?" I asked.

"With Paige and Roman at catering. They're trying to calm him down." AJ replied.

I nodded and turned to Seth. "I'll see you later. I'm going to talk to Dean."

Seth nodded."Yeah, I have to go see Stephanie and Hunter."

He planted a kiss on my forehead and walked out. I followed him out the door and we headed in our opposite directions.

AJ followed beside me as we walked to catering.

"How bad was he?" I asked.

"Security almost had to drag him out the building." AJ responded. "He looked horrible."

I nodded and continues walking. Once we made it to catering, I easily spotted Dean with Roman, along with Paige. Dean had his head in his hands while Roman and Paige were patting his back, telling  him some assuring words. I turned to AJ and she nodded in reassurance. I took a deep breath and walked toward them. Roman and Paige looked up and sighed in relief.

"Dean?" I spoke.

My brother looked up and the sight made my heart shatter in millions of pieces. Dean's eyes were bloodshot red. His face was as pale as Paige. His hair was all over the place. And you could still see the dry tears on his face.

My brother was crying. Dean Ambrose hasn't cried in years. And the worst part wad that he was crying for me .

Just looking at my brother made me want to cry myself.

Dean didn't even reply back. He just stood up and engulfed me in a tight and warm embrace. I wrapped my arms around him squeezing him tightly.

"I'm sorry." He whispered shakily.

"I'm sorry too. I'm sorry that I scared you so much." I said rubbing his back.

"I love you, Erica. You know that right?" Dean said sniffing.

I nodded my head and closed my eyes. "I know, Dean. I love you too."


"The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall!" Eden announced.

AJ's music hit and she skipped out onto the stage with her Divas Championship.

"Introducing first, from Union City, New Jersey. She is your Divas Champion, AJ Lee!"

AJ slipped into the ring and held the Championship high in the air. She sat on the middle rope and grinned as her music stopped.

My music played throughout the arena. I walked out with a smirk on my face as the crowd exploded in cheers.

"And her partner from Cincinnati, Ohio. Erica  Ambrose!"

"The two most craziest of Divas are teaming up together?" Byron said.

"That should be their tag team name." Byron continued. "The Crazies."

"I feel bad for the other two Divas who are going to face AJ and Erica tonight." Tom muttered.

"And Byron,  don't say the 'c' word when you're around AJ Lee." Jerry warned.

"It's not like she can hear me anyway." Byron chuckled.

As if on cue, AJ turned her head to look at Saxton, sending him a death glare. I tried to stifle in my laugh as he turned away nervously.

"She can't hear you, huh?" Jerry laughed.

I joined AJ in our corner as we waited for our opponents.

Call to me. Call to me.

I rolled my eyes as Summer Rae danced onto the stage with Layla following in suit. AJ and I exchanged glances as they continued their dancing to the ring.

"Clearly, AJ and Erica are not impressed." Tom chuckled.

AJ set her Championship in our corner and turned to look at me.

"So who are you targeting?" She asked glancing over her shoulder.

Layla was in the ring stretching while Summer was pep talking her.

"I'll take Summer. You okay with Layla?" I said.

AJ nodded. "Perfect."

I slipped out of the ring and stood on the apron. The bell rung and AJ and Layla began to circle each other.

Just then an all too familiar theme song hit.

"What is he doing here?" Jerry pondered.

AJ turned to look at me as I watched Seth Rollins stroll down the ramp with his briefcase.

"Don't mind me!" Seth shouted with a smirk.

As much as I appreciated Seth being out here, it wasn't really necessary. I bit down on my lip as he sent a me a wink. I turned my gaze back to AJ and Layla, pushing Seth to the back of my mind.

"Well it looks like Mr. Money in the Bank, Seth Rollins, will be joining us on commentary." Byron Saxton said.

"Hello, gentlemen." Seth greeted taking a seat.

AJ ran at Layla but she backed up into her corner and tagged in Summer.

"Surprise. Surprise." I muttered.

AJ stared at Summer as she began stretching her legs. Summer began dancing (as usual). While she continued dancing, and while Layla was clapping, AJ snuck back into our corner and held her hand out.

I tagged in and the crowd cheered. Summer ended in her signature split, smiling widely. I rolled my eyes and kicked her in the spine. She yelped in pain and in surprise.

"That's gotta hurt." Seth muttered.

I smiled and did a little curtsy before picking up Summer and throwing her into a turnbuckle. I grabbed onto the ropes and kneed her in the chest with both of knees, pushing her down.

"And double knees to the chest!" Tom said.

"Impressive." Seth commented.

I dragged her out of the corner and covered her.



Kick out.

"And Summer kicks out at two and a half." Jerry said.

I tugged on Summer's leg, pulling her into our corner. AJ tagged herself in as I held Summer's arms back. AJ bounced off against the ropes, about to hit Summer with the Shining Wizard. But at the last second, as her back left the ropes, Layla pulled her hair back, causing AJ to fall backwards.

"And a cheap shot from Layla!" Byron exclaimed.

Seth looked on with a straight face.

I let go of Summer and made my way towards Layla. In fright, she hopped down from the apron, and began running around the ring.

"Are you serious!" I shouted in frustration.

Rolling my eyes, I slid out  of the ring, going the opposite way from Layla. I ran at her but at the last second, Layla hit me with a spinning heel kick. I fell backwards, my head bouncing off the mat with a thud.

The last thing I saw was Seth's face,—eyes filled with concern— before Smackdown went for a break.

After the break.

I was still lying on the ground when I opened my eyes.

How long have I been out?

Is the match still even going on?

That's when reality struck me. 

The match.


Poor AJ. I just passed out without even thinking about her and the match.

"Erica  Ambrose is starting to stir here in front of us." Jerry said.

I pulled myself up from the mat and turned to look in the ring. AJ was all alone, getting a horrible beat down by Summer. Ignoring the splitting pain in my head, I stood up straight, using the apron for support.

"And Erica is back on her feet! " Tom rejoiced.

I limped towards my corner and carefully climbed on to the apron. AJ spotted me and immediately tried fight out of the submission hold that Summer was applying.

"Come on, AJ!" I encouraged,extending my hand out.

AJ finally got out of Summer's hold, adding a kick to the jaw to keep her down.  AJ crawled to our corner and brushed her fingers against mine, but before the ref could call it, Summer dragged AJ away from the corner.

"Come on!" I yelled at the ref.

The ref and I started trading arguments back in forth before I eventually gave up. I turned my back to the ref but was knocked off from the apron.

"And AJ accidentally pushes Erica." Tom said.

I expected to land on the mat again, but somehow I was caught in midair.

Caught in midair?! 

I felt a strong pair of arms hold me once my feet left the apron. I looked up at his chocolate brown eyes and sorta got lost in them.

"What a save from Seth Rollins!" Jerry exclaimed.

AJ gave me a look of pure amusement once I tore my eyes off of Seth. She continued the beat down on Summer, who just recently got tagged in.

Meanwhile, Seth still held on to me securely. He gave me a slight smirk before setting me down gently back on my feet. I stepped away from him, trying to hide my blush. I shook the feeling off as I climbed back on the apron waiting to be tagged in. But I couldn't shake off the feeling that Seth was watching me, and I bet he was.

AJ made it to our corner, tagging me in as Summer made it back to her feet. I hit her with clothesline after clothesline.

"Erica is in fire!" Byron commented.

I swung her into the ropes before hitting Summer with a dropkick, followed by a neckbreaker.

"Let's go!" I yelled making the crowd cheer.

I set her up from Dirty Deeds but out if the corner of my eye, I caught Seth smiling and grinning at me like a mad man. I found it cute that he was trying to distract me but at the same time, it pissed me off.

Okay since he's pissing me off, I'm going to piss him off.

I let go of Summer and the relief look on her face made me chuckle. Instead, I kicked her in the gut causing her to double over.

"It looked like Erica was going for Dirty Deeds, but I think she's going for something else." Tom mentioned.

I bounced off against the ropes and hit a perfect Curbstomp on Summer.

"Curbstomp!" Jerry exclaimed.

"Erica did that on Monday Night RAW!" Byron pointed out.

I didn't get to pin Summer because Layla came flying out of nowhere, hitting me with a thez press. AJ was able to pry Layla off me throwing her over the ropes— the side where Seth was.

Instead of falling to the ground, Seth caught her in midair, smiling down at her. The scene made my blood boil. And this weird feeling in me made me want to slap that stupid smile off his perfect face. Jealousy? Anger?  Either way, there is no way Seth is holding any other woman. Angry, I bounced off the ropes and hit Layla (and Seth) with a baseball slide.

I got out of the ring and got up in Seth's face.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled.

"I'm just helping!" He said raising his voice.

"I don't need your help! This is my match!" I shouted.

"Erica!" AJ yelled at me.

I tore my eyes off of Seth and focused back to the ring. Summer apparently had AJ in some Sharpshooter submission.

"Remember guys, Erica and Summer are still the legal Divas." Tom mentioned.

I climbed in the ring and kicked Summer off of AJ. AJ rolled out of the ring as I kicked Summer in the gut, and positioned her for Dirty Deeds. I planted her face into the canvas and pinned her.




The ref raised mine and AJ's hands up in victory. I pulled AJ aside and hugged her because I was happy that what we won, but also to talk to her.

"I'm sorry my head wasn't all in the match." I whispered.

"It's fine." AJ said pulling back. "We all have those kind of boyfriends."

She glanced over my shoulder and smiled slightly.

"Speaking of, I'll leave you two alone." She grinned.

I whipped my head around to see Seth waiting patiently in the ring with us.

"AJ. No—"

"Bye!" She smiled and skipped off, up the ramp and through the curtain.

I huffed and turned to Seth who had an adorable smile on his face. It took all of me not to smile back.

Stop it, Erica. You're mad at him remember?

I crossed my arms and tapped my foot waiting for him to talk. Instead, Seth placed his briefcase on the top turnbuckle and opened it up.

"What is Seth Rollins doing?" Jerry asked amused.

I frowned as I couldn't get a good look to what was inside his briefcase. My frown dropped immediately once he turned around. The crowd awww'ed in response.

"How sweet!"Byron chuckled.

A smile appeared on my face as Seth held a red rose and a box of Ferrero Roche chocolates in his hand.

Dammit! He brought me my favorite kind of flower and my favorite brand of chocolates! Seth what are you doing to me...

I swear I turned as red as the rose once Seth extended them out to me.

"Consider it as an apology gift." He told me.

"Take it! Take it! Take it!" The crowd yelled.

I slowly took the box of chocolates first and almost didn't hesitate to take the red rose.

"Thank you." I said while awkwardly blushing, holding the gifts in one hand.

I turned to leave but Seth gently grabbed my free hand and pulled me back to him so we were chest to chest. He leaned in and pressed his lips on mine.

Oh god. We're kissing on TV!

I slowly kissed back because I honestly didn't know what to do.

Don't know what to do?  Oh I don't know... WHY DON'T YOU STOP KISSING HIM BEFORE YOU GET INTO TROUBLE.

I didn't pull back. Instead, Seth was suddenly knocked over. I stepped back as I watched my brother punch Seth with lefts and rights.

"And here's big brother Dean!" Tom exclaimed.

"Erica  get out of here!" Dean yelled at me.

I didn't hesitate to leave the ring. When these two are fighting, things could get really ugly. I made my way up the ramp, biting down on my lip as I looked down at the gifts. I couldn't help but smile as I made my way Backstage.


"He totally had his tongue down your throat!" Nikki exclaimed.

The girls decided to sleep over in my hotel room tonight. I have never had a sleep over in my entire life so I have no idea what we had to do. According to Brie and Nikki, we have to talk about Seth and other girlie stuff.

"He did not!" AJ defended. "Trust me, I know when there's tongue when I see it."

"Eww. Okay can we stop talking about this tongue thing?" I piped up.

"Okay." the girls agreed.

"This chocolate is really good." Paige said, mouth full of chocolate.

"Save some for Seth." I said yanking the box out of her hands.

"Hey!" Paige pouted, crossing her arms.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her.

"Let's watch a movie!" Nattie suggested.

"Okay." I said switching on Netflix. "What do you guys want to watch?"

"I wanna watch a horror film." Paige said.

"I need a good scare." Brie said agreeing.

"Why not action?" AJ argued.

"Well, Supernatural is a paranormal and action series." I spoke.

"Let's watch that!" Nikki said.

I grinned and jumped to a random episode.


"NO!! DEAN!" Paige screeched.

"DON'T DIE!!!" Brie and Nikki shouted.

"SAMI NEEDS YOU!!!" AJ cried.

"F*CK YOU HELL HOUNDS!!" Nattie cursed.

"Guys lower your voices!" I warned.

"Why didnt you warn us that it would make us cry!" AJ said wiping her tears.

"I did!" I said wiping my own tears.

Paige shut the TV off and buried her face in her pillow. I looked at the clock and it read 2:55am. I got up and slipped on some flip flops.

"Where are you going?" Nikki asked.

I grabbed the bag that held the pill.

"I have to give this to Seth." I said.

"It's for his nose isn't it?" AJ snickered.

I chuckled and nodded. "Watch over Paige for me while I'm gone. I think she needs help calming down."

"He was too young to die!" Paige cried. "Stupid cross road demon. F*ck you. F*ck the hell hounds."

"We'll make sure she's better when you return." Brie assured with a smile.

"But don't stay the whole night!" Nikki called from the bathroom.

"Bye!" I said. "Bye, Paige!"

"DEAN!!!" Paige sobbed.

I sighed and walked out the door. I made my way to Seth's hotel room. I took out the spare room key he gave me before we left the arena. I unlocked the door and slowly crept inside.

I made my way towards the small kitchenette and found a glass. I filled it up with water. I opened his bedroom door and went in quietly.

The lampshade was on, but Seth was sleeping peacefully with the Vinyl Figures sprawled out on the bed. I smiled and tip toed towards his bed. I sat down, placing the water on the side table, and shook him gently.

"Seth?" I whispered. He snored in response.

I moved a strand of his blonde hair out of his face and kissed his nose. Seth's nose twitched making me giggle like a little girl.

This seemed to wake him up because Seth's eyes started to flutter open.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." I joked.

"What time is it?" He moaned.

"3:00. Come on take your pill." I answered.

"You were serious?" Seth said sitting up.

I smiled and nodded, handing him the pill and glass of water. He took the pill and downed the water down.

"You don't look tired. Byt your eyes are red and puffy. We're you crying? What happened?" Seth said setting the glass down.

"The girls and I were watching an episode of Supernatural. Dean died. That's why we were crying."


I chuckled. "They were all pretty affected. Just not as much as Paige. She's still sobbing right now as we speak."

"You were watching without me?" He said pouting.

"You can come over if you want." I offered. "The more the merrier. Plus I don't think the girls mind."

"I don't know.."

"Come on!" I said putting on a puppy face.

"I cane never say no to you." Seth said cupping my face.

I smiled and grabbed his hand leading him out of the bedroom.

"Can we have more of those chocolates? I think Paige needs them." I said.

"Sure." He replied and went over to the pantry.

Seth opened it up and my mouth dropped. There were like 20 boxes of Ferrero Roche Chocolates. He took three boxes and handed them to me.

"Will this be enough?" Seth asked.

"You bet!" I exclaimed. "I love you even more!"

Seth stared at me, his mouth hung open.

Oh sh*t!!! You idiot!!

"I mean," I stuttered. "I love that you had like 20 boxes of chocolate."

Smooth Erica. Smooth.

I shook my head and grabbed Seth's hand, taking him out of the hotel room. The walk to my room was silent after that. Once we got there, I could still hear Paige's sobs through the door.

"Wow. She is really affected." Seth said breaking the silence.

"I told you." I smiled.

I opened the door and set the keys and chocolates down on the kitchen table. I threw my shoes off and walked into the bedroom. The girls were all huddled up on the bed, patting Paige in the back.

"You said she would be better!" I said.

"We tried!" Nattie said.

"Look, Paige!" AJ said. "Seth and Erica are here!"

Paige looked up at us, her eyes filled with tears.

"Hold on." Seth said leaving the room.

I smiled when he came back a few seconds later with the boxes of chocolate.

"Is that the Ferrero Roche?!" Paige exclaimed wiping her tears away.

"Here you go." Seth said throwing it towards her.

"Forget about Dean!" Paige said hugging the box. "I have chocolate! You're a life saver, Rollins!"

"You're welcome?" He said with a chuckle.

"Let's watch a Supernatural episode that is not sad." Brie suggested.

"Good idea." I agreed and switched to the very first episode.

It was a good thing my bed was king sized or else all of us wouldn't be able to fit in it. I snuggled up close to Seth, laying my head on his chest.

Ten minutes later, my eyelids were beginning to feel heavy and in less than thirty seconds, I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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