I'm Slowly Drowning {An Andy...

Autorstwa OldStories

119K 3.4K 1.3K

Alexandra is a lonely, 18-year old, Danish girl. But when she buys a ticket to a Black Veil Brides concert a... Więcej

This is New Year's Day - so rise from the ashes
Welcome home tonight
In time
You talk the talk but do you walk the walk?
A Land Where Chaos Reins
We'll brave this storm
In a world of fools
An Illusion You Hide Behind
I've Given You My Heart To Break
I'm Broken, The Wretched And Divine
In This Temporary Love
I'm Just A Man
Won't Let You Suffocate Me
I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream
This Is A Rebel Love Song
I Can't Go Without Your Love
A Feeling That's Worth Fighting For
I Will Always Be There
Partners In Crime
Love Isn't Always Fair
I Said I Love You As I Left You
Sequel; Let's Start Over

Stronger Than Before

4.6K 123 82
Autorstwa OldStories

Accidentially posted the next chap before this, sorry! I'll fix it right away so they're in the right order! (next chap is This Is A Rebel Love Song btw)


Another week passes by, and I felt like time flew by far too quickly, the guys would start recording their new album the next day, meaning that we wouldn't get so much time with them as we did before. Yesterday, I'd bought a bass that I already loved so much and I'd already spend hours, just jamming randomly on it. I'd just finished my conversation with Jinxx who trusted me with the information about how he planned on proposing to Sammie tonight, I was so happy for them. Also, that solved the mystery about what him and Jake had been doing the day we were at the mall in London, they'd been out to look at rings.

"Hey Alex, you wanna go watch a movie or something?" Max asked, walking into my room like he owned it all, I was fascinated about the fact that he didn't learn anything since last time he walked in on Andy and I having a Funtime. "I'm so bored and it's far too hot outside" he whined as I placed my new baby next to myself on the bed.

"Sure, let’s go watch a movie to kill some time, Andy is working on some last minute lyrics anyway" I smiled and got up, he was right about it being hot outside, I was currently running around in some black shorts and the batman tank top I'd bought in Hottopic, and I still felt like I was dying.

"Yay! I'm gonna go ask if Jamie want to join us!" He smiled and ran out of my room again, while I got up and found my sandals and grabbed the leatherjacket I'd currently gotten my hands on.

Jamie had improved and nothing bad had happened to me the last week so as it looked at the moment, everything was pretty bright and happy.

I walked out in the living room to find Max and Jamie standing there, waiting on me, I send them a smile as we walked out the door and Max locked after us before we headed towards the cinema.

We chose a movie and bought our snacks, me just getting a small popcorn and coke, the cinema smelled a bit of peanuts but that's usual for cinemas, I should know since I have a really terrible allergy for those damn nuts and if I didn't look out, then it could be really deadly. The other ones knew that of cause and everything with just the slightest chance of consisting peanuts was banned from the apartments, busses etc.

Somewhat midways in the movie, the smell became more intense though, and I instantly started to feel bad, I really didn't like the smell of it and even my popcorn a started to taste of it, even though I figured that it was just something mental, I still didn't eat more if them.

After about ten minutes, my nose started to run and my hands started to scratch, as I felt my heartbeat raise a bit, that's when the first cramps started and I suddenly bend over and vomited all over the floor, feeling incredibly disgusting.

I felt someone touch my shoulder and after that everything went dizzy as the cramps got worse.

Jamie's POV

Okay, I sneaked a simple peanut into her popcorn, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this, I only thought that it would give her a rash in her face or something like that, and that it might make Andy leave her, I was such an idiot, I didn't want her to die...

Right now she was resting at the hospital, she survived it but only because Max knew what to do and pulled out a big scary looking needle with something to cure her in it and hammered it violently into her leg, while I called the ambulance, she wasn't awake yet and we wasn't allowed to see her yet.

I let out a sigh and massaged my temples lightly, god how I hated myself, I didn't even deserve Andy, he didn't love me and actually, I didn't love him, I just needed him. I was such an idiot! I should really just tell everybody what was going on instead of playing sneaky and now nearly killed a girl that I actually really liked as a person, and if it wasn't for Andy, I could've seen myself become friends with her.

Max was actually crying next to me and I felt like such a devil, this wasn't worth my goal anymore, I'd tell them everything when Alex got better again.

I sighed again just as Andy burst into the room and ran over to us, he looked so worried and the wave of guilt hit me again, I'm such an awful human being.

"How is she?" He asked, breathing heavily, indicating that he'd been running.

"She's out of danger now, but we can't see her before she wake up, her body is worn out after the cramps" I answered and Andy sighed and sat down next to my where he buried his head in his palms and massaged his temples.

Everything grew quiet after that, and we just sat there for over an hour, getting some glares and confused gazes from strangers passing by.

Andy's POV

I'd nothing else than just finished the lyrics for Rebel Love Song when my phone rang and surprisingly, it was Jamie.

"Andy" she said as I picked up, she sounded really worried and on the edge of crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked slightly worried.

"It's Alex, she-" I didn't hear anymore after Alex, I just got this really horrible feeling in my chest as I jumped up and ran towards the door, picking up my keys and pulling my boots on meanwhile.

"Tell me again, I didn't get anything after Alex" I said as I jumped into my car and shoved the keys in, starting it up as quick as possible.

"She had an attack after contact with peanuts and at the moment she's passed out, we got her to the hospital and Max was quick with the medicine but she's still not completely free to go." She said, rushing it so it was nearly impossible to understand, I caught it all though and backed out of the parking lot.

"I'm on my way" was all I said before I hung up and drove to the hospital as fast as the law allowed me to.

As I got there, I parked my car quickly and stormed out of it, running to the hospital and asking the receptionist about where to go to get to the right department before I stormed towards the department and quickly found myself in a waiting area where Max and Jamie was sitting on a couch in the furthest corner.

"How is she?" I asked as I got over to them, trying to catch my breath after running.

"She's out of danger now, but we can't see her before she wake up, her body is worn out after the cramps." Jamie answered and I let out a relieved sigh, even though, I couldn't wait to see her again.

Just as everything went so well, this happened, I'd have to contact the others later also, and explain to Ash why I left so suddenly. I let myself drop down on the couch next to Jamie where I buried my head in my hands and massaged my temples, god, I was so worried about her.

We sat there in an uncomfortable silence for I don't know how long until a nurse walked into the waiting area and over to us.

"You were with Alexandra Collin right?" She asked and I instantly jumped up from the chair.

"Yes, we are" Jamie responded as the other two got up also.

"Good, she's awake now, but she's really tired and her body and mind need to rest so she'll only be allowed to see one or two at once, then you must shift, who's going first? I'll lead the way." She said again.

"Andy should go first" Max said and Jamie nod "she's your girlfriend."

"Okay then, this way, Andy? Was it?" The nurse said and started walking down a hallway, with me following close behind.

"Yes, Andy Biersack."

"Oh, my son's a huge fan of yours then" the nurse smiled and stopped in front of a door, "if you'll wait here for a second, then I'll tell Alexandra that she have visitors.

"Thank you so much" I responded as she opened the door slightly and walked in, closing it after herself, she was really nice.

The door opened again and the nurse smiled at me before she let me in and left the room herself.

I ran over to Lex bed and squeezed her hand, she looked tired but still smiled at me.

"Hey baby, how are you?" I whispered.

"Better now" she whispered back and squeezed my hand back, "I don't know how there could end peanuts up in my popcorn, it doesn't make any sense" she sighed.

"You shouldn't worry about that now, Princess" I said with a smile "you should just relax, then we can think tomorrow, k?"

"Okay, thanks" she mumbled.

"Max and Jamie want to see you as well and I have to finish at the studio, but I'll be here when they release you tonight" I told her and she nodded tiredly, I bend down and pressed my lips softly against hers.

"Love you" she said and I smiled.

"I love you too, see you later." I told her as I left the room again, I just wanted to stay in there with her though, but I had to head back to the studio to catch up with the lyrics before we started recording tomorrow.

I trusted that I could leave Lex in the nice nurse's hands for the afternoon.

It took me twice as long to get back to the studio than it did to get to the hospital.

"Where did you disappear to? I spend over an hour searching for you and you didn't answer your phone" Ashley said as I walked into the room I'd rushed out of a few hours ago.

"Sorry Ash, but Lex was I trouble and I forgot my phone in my car" I said and smiled at him, sitting down and grappling the notebooks to look trough what I'd wrote earlier.

"What do you mean with 'trouble'?" Ash asked, clearly with perverted thoughts.

"I mean that she's in the hospital and she have to rest before she can be released tonight, after getting to close to peanuts earlier and going into cramps and such" I said with a sigh, trying to get my thoughts away from it by looking at the lyrics.

"Oh" he mumbled and grew quiet after that.

We spend the rest of the afternoon, working the last lyrics over before we head home, or Ashley headed to his new apartment while I went to pick up Lex and get her to the apartment, I'd been staying with her the last week while I tried to find a new place to live since I couldn't work with my current situation anymore.

Alex's POV

Jamie and Max left me about two hours ago, since I needed to relax, the fun thing was how nice Jamie was, she smiled truly at me for the first time and joined in on Max and mine conversation instead of spacing out or glaring at me as usual.

I didn't feel tired even though the doctors told me to rest, all I felt was the urge to get out of here and cuddle up to Andy in the bed when I got to the apartment I already saw as a second home, meaning that I was comfortable there, and it usually took me months to feel comfortable with things, both this place, the guys and most of all Andy had turned out to be an exception from my usual life though.

I heard some mumbles outside before the door was opened and the nice nurse, Clarissa, walked in, followed by Andy.

I lid up in a smile when Andy's and mine eyes met and I crawled up in a sitting position, folding my legs under myself so that I was sitting cross legged. Andy sat down on the bed next to me and I threw my arms around his neck instantly and nuzzled my head into the crotch of his neck while Clarissa took out my drop and fixed the last few things before I was allowed to get out of the hospital.

"I've missed you, Lion" I mumbled and kissed his neck, I didn't really know why I was acting like that at the moment, but I never wanted to let go of him again, I'd been so scared when the cramps set in and my mind just went black back then, except for one thing, Andy, I could feel Andy there all the time, even when he wasn't there.

"I've missed you too" he laughed and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me lightly, "let's get you out of here shall we?"

I nod and got out of the bed, a bit dizzy first but Clarissa was quickly and supported me before I fell.

"Careful Hun, your body need time to get completely on top again." She laughed and I nodded, waiting for Andy to get up from the bed and help me keep balance by holding my arm.

"Thanks Clarissa, you've really helped me" I said with a smile, as Andy pulled out a piece of paper and wrote his autograph on it together with a short message before he handed it to Clarissa.

"You told me that your son was a fan of ours right, we're having a small concert to kick of the new album in two and a half week, if he'd like to come, he'd be welcome" he smiled at her, and she lid up in a huge smile, she'd told me about how hard it was to raise a teenage-boy as a single mom and how she'd do anything for her son so this must've truly made her happy, even happier that Andy imagined it would.

"You can give him my phone-number" I said and wrote it down on another piece of paper, "Then we can invite him"

"Thank you so much, you didn't need to do this though" she laughed.

"But wake wanted to" Andy smiled and placed his arm around my shoulder hugging me into him, I giggled and blushed slightly as Clarissa smiled at us.

"Then I'm truly grateful" she said and shone a smile at us.

Short after, I got changed back into my own clothes where after Andy and I left the hospital.

Max and Jamie more or less attacked me when I got home and about an hour later, the guys came over, Jinxx and Sammi was even more lovey-dovey than usual, bet when I noticed the ring on Sammi's finger, I couldn't help but squeal a bit and hug each of them.

We spend the rest of the evening squeezed together in the living room, watching some movies and eating pizza before people took home to their respective houses or rooms. Another day I ended cuddled up to Andy in the bed while he had his arms wrapped protectively around my waist.

I soon had to start a countdown to the end of my world anyways, so why not start it today? 20 days.

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