The Other Side // Z.M.

By AllCanChange

580 16 0

"How are you feeling today, Alexis ?" "Better." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 38

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By AllCanChange

Zayn's mom came to get me just after lunch. She talked with my mother for a little time, while I was making sure I hadn't forget to pack anything. And, when she finally called me, I was more than ready. 

It took us half an hour to pack everything in the back of the car, then we were ready to go. 

My mother was standing on the porch, her arms crossed. No emotions were showing in her face. I was sure she was just glad that I would be staying in England, after all. 

I gave her one last look, before getting on the passenger seat and closing the door. Trisha turned the engines on and back up. That was it. I was leaving. To live with Zayn. 

No need to say that I was fucking freaking out.


"You can go wait for him in his room. He should be home soon."

"Thank you." I told Trisha after dropping the last box on the basement floor. I smiled at her before climbing the stairs real quickly. I went in Zayn's room and took a deep breath. It felt so great to be back in this room. Zayn had painted it once again, and it surely looked great. It was dark, but so beautiful. I was wandering around the room, looking through the window in hopes to see him coming but... Yeah, I had forgot that his window was only showing the back yard. So sad. 

After maybe an other ten minutes, I heard the front door opening. I stopped dead in my track. It was him. I knew it. I heard him talking to his mom, without being able to decipher the words. But it definitely was his voice. My heart warmed up and started to beat so fucking fast when I heard his steps coming upstairs. 

When the door opened, I was still standing in the middle of the room. I looked at him and I felt so much better.

He was in shock, that's for sure. He dropped his bag on the floor, tears filled his eyes. Mines probably were wet too. 

We stood there for a long time, just staring at each other. Trying to convince ourselves that this moment was real. That it wasn't just our imagination playing some sick trick to our minds. 

After a while of just staring in his eyes, he ran up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Mines were around his neck and he was holding me so fucking tight, I felt like I had never been broken. The moment was so perfect. His voice was coming to my ear, saying my name over and over in a soft whispered. I quietly laughed, hiding my tears in the crock of his neck. Yes, I was crying. It was feeling so great to be here with him. 

I don't know how we did it, but we ended up in his bed, just holding each other tight for a whole hour. I had stopped crying for a while by then, but I still didn't wanted to let him go. I was feeling so much better with my face hidden in his uniform's shirt. But, after a while, I needed to see his face. So I backed up a bit, falling directly into his eyes. God damn it, he was so beautiful.

His thumb was gently brushing my cheek, making the last tears disappear. 

"What... What the hell are you doing here ?" He asked and I almost wanted to laugh at how cute he looked with his voice so rough and the swearing. But I didn't. I just smiled.

"Your Mom went to talk to mine. I can stay." I can stay... God, how good does that sound ? Incredibly good, I think. He stayed still, like he was trying to decide if I was saying the truth or not. I moved a bit closer to him, pressing myself against him. "I won't go in France, Zayn. I'm staying here. Your Mom said I can live in the basement."

And, right after those words left my mouth, he started to cry. Happy cries. He held my face between his palms and kissed me. This kiss was unique. So full of love and of "I missed you so much". From time to time, I let a laugh escape my lips. Right before going back to kissing him. It was so great to be here, wrapped in his arms, his scent all over me, his lips on mines. I was perfectly fine with this moment lasting 'till the end of the world. 


As I was slowly waking up, I was remembering the night by pieces. The way Zayn had been so soft and gently with me the whole time. The way we had both been kissing like the world would end any second. The way he held me close to his chest until we both fell asleep... 

It was his lips on my cheek that convinced me to open my eyes. And, when I did, I instantly felt in Zayn's. His big brown eyes were staring right into my mines. My heart started to beat faster and I smiled.

"I love you..." He whispered and my face lightened up even more. I cupped his face between my palms, before reaching for his lips. I had missed this. Waking up to his beautiful face and being able to kiss him without thinking about morning breath. I never cared about his, anyway. 

His fingers were trailing up and down my spin, making me shiver. I scold even closer to him, intertwining our legs. My hands moved to his strong shoulders, his went to my ass. I laughed, which broke the kiss. We were both out of breath and smiling like two fucking cunts. Gently, he pressed his lips on my forehead - oh fucking God, how I loved when he was doing that - before getting up. I did the same a few seconds later, going through his stuff to find something to wear. I took one of his t-shirt and put it on, taking a full breath of his scent. The t-shirt was quite long, reaching the middle of my thigh. It felt great to be wearing this and I was easily able to picture the rest of my life in that moment. 

Us. Me and Zayn. Living together. Making love as we wake up. Going in the kitchen to make some breakfast. Fighting with the food. Ending up eating toast on the couch. Making love once again.

Yeah, I could totally picture that as the rest of my life. 

I fell back into the present as I felt Zayn's hand in mine. He had put some sweatpants on, leaving his chest naked. It took me so much strength not to run my hands up and down his abs.

We went downstairs hand in hand, to find his mom sitting at the kitchen table, with a cup of tea between her hands. She smiled and I turned red. Well... I was next to his half naked son, wearing one of his t-shirt. It's a bit embarrassing, even for me. Zayn pressed my hand a bit more.

"Both of you, sit down." Trisha said and we did so, without a word. I was playing with Zayn's fingers under the table and I saw with the corner of my eyes that it was making him smile. "Now that you are both living under my roof, there's gong to be rules, alright kiddo ?" I nodded, because... Well, I just couldn't argue with her. She was letting me stay with them, there was no way I was arguing with the woman. "The first one is no sleeping in each other's room." Oh shit. Well, there won't be no making love all night long. "I know you probably already did stuff and everything but, as long as you're both going to live here, I don't want it. Understood ?"

I was nodding and smiling to her. That seemed alright. I mean, she was a mom, she wouldn't encourage her son to have sex under her roof. Totally understandable.

"Second, both of you are going to classes." Holy fucking shit. That was maybe the one thing I didn't wanted. I had never been the girl to go to school, I don't even know how to socialize ! Well, except when I'm drunk of high. "Every single one of them. Understood Zayn ? If one of you do, you're going to be in big trouble. Alexis, you'd be going back to your parents' and Zayn.... You'd clean up the house until you'd remember every corner for the rest of your life."

We both nodded. I didn't wanted to go back to school, but if it was the prize to stay with Zayn... I was ready to pay it.

Trisha made us a sign to go, and I did so. I went to grab something to eat, but stopped when I saw that Zayn wasn't following. I turned around to see where the fuck he was, only to see that he was holding his mom in his arms. And that she had tears in her eyes. 

It made me smile.


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