Good Meets Bad

By book_movie_love85_

395K 10.1K 1.3K

Lucy Grant has a bad life. Her mom died 6 months ago and her dad hits her. She also gets bullied at school. S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Not an update but info

Chapter 12

12.3K 342 51
By book_movie_love85_

<Lucy's POV>

We woke up to the alarm. I took a real quick shower and put on my clothes. I was wearing a blue spaghetti strap shirt. I put on some white shorts than threw on a black long sleeved vest. It was see threw all breeze went through it so I wasn't going to get hot or at least I hope. I was also wearing the black and white tennis shoes Austin bought me. I grabbed my bags and everything that I need for the trip and opened the door. Austin was in a towel. He smiled and touched the cut under my eye. I smiled and he walked into the room. I walked downstairs and put my bags by the door. Nobody else is awake because its 5 in the morning. I grabbed some coffee and drank some of it. Austin came down with his bags and placed them by the door like I did. He walked on the kitchen and grabbed himself a cup of coffee. While we were drinking the coffee we were being quiet. After we finished I went to grab my bags to put them in the cat when Austin grabbed mine and his bags.

"I could help you know." I said crossing my arms. He smiled at me.

"I know. I feel like doing it." He said. He closed the trunk and we got in the car. We started driving.

"Come on! Get excited! Were going camping!" Austin yelled. I looked down. The last time I went camping was with my mom and dad. I felt a tear fall down my face.

"Last time you went camping was with your mom and dad right? You were really happy." He said. I nodded.

"Same here." He said. I looked at him and smiled.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what good girl?" Austin asked.

"For being there for me. For making me feel better when you have shit in your life that's pretty bad too. For putting a smile on my face when you can't even put one on yours." I said. He smiled and nodded. He turned to me and stopped the car.

"You do the same thing good girl." I smiled.

"Before I met you well got to know you. I looked in the mirror and didn't at all like what I saw. I saw a douch. Coward. Than you came and helped me realize that I'm more than that. Thank you." He said. I nodded again.

"I know. I'm the best." I said. He laughed.

"Yes you are." He said. We pulled into school and a lot of seniors are here I found Zoe and Piper. Piper was holding someone's hand. I got a better look and realized it was Logan.

"You see them together too right?" Austin asked. I nodded. We both looked at each other.

"Finally!" We yelled. Than we gave each other a questioning look.

"Piper has always liked Logan. She thought he was a dick, but she liked him." I said.

"Logan has always liked Piper. He thought she was a bitch, but he liked her." Austin said. I nodded.

"Strings." I said. We both laughed and got out of the car. He would only let me grab one of my bags. He grabbed his two and I grabbed mine. We started walking when I saw Cindy start walking up to Austin. She kissed him. Than stopped.

"Want to sit by me on the bus?" She asked seductively.

"Didn't I make it clear that we were over." He said. I was standing there being quiet.

"Besides. I have a bus buddy." Austin said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"You do?" Cindy asked.

"You do?" I asked. He looked at me. "You do." I said more sure. She rolled her eyes than flipped me off.

"When's the wedding?" I asked. Austin laughed. We walked to the bus with our bags. We had to have a bag that is separate filled with the stuff we would need on the bus. Me and Austin went to the way back and met up with Piper who was sitting with Logan and Zoe who was sitting with some dude. She smiled at me and wiggled her eyebrows pointing at the dude she was talking to. I laughed. The bus started going are soon as everyone got on the bus.

"So when did this become official and why wasn't I the first to know. I mean you know I'm supposed to know before you even know." I said crossing my arms and and looking at Piper. She laughed.

"It's been official since I got in last night." She said. I nodded and looked at Logan.

"Lucy. I'm so sorry for treating you like shit. I shouldn't have listened to Cindy." Logan said. I nodded.

"Okay." I said.

"And Austin. I'm sorry. Sorry for not being a good friend." Logan said. Austin nodded.

"Okay." He said. I looked at him and smiled. Austin's smile is like.. God. Haha. God. I think I'm high. I looked at Logan.

"You hurt Piper and I'm ripping your balls of and shoving it up your ass." I said. He nodded with wide eyes and Piper, Zoe and Austin all laughed. I stayed dead serious. I saw Zoe and that dude talking.

"Same goes for you buddy." I said to the dude who I now realize is Jonny. Everyone laughed again.

"Same goes for you Austin." Zoe and Piper said. My eyes widen and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Note taken." Austin said. Everyone laughed.

"I just realized if you did do that they would be having sex with themselves." Zoe said. "Going up the butt is not fun." Zoe said. I looked at her.

"What. I'm not a virgin." She said.

"Neither am I." Jonny said.

"Same here." Piper and Logan said.

"Right here." Austin said.

"I'm not a virgin." I said. Everyone looked at me shocked except for Pipes. She knows everything about me.

"Let me guess Jason." Austin said rolling his eyes and shaking his head also plopping back on his seat. I looked at him with confused eyes. Than I looked at everyone else.

"He's jealous." They all mouthed. I shook my head no and looked down at my feet. After about 30 minutes the bus driver turned on the radio and Eye of the Tiger from Survivor was on. I started humming to it.

"You like this song?" Austin asked.

"More like love." I said facing him.

"Yes. Thank you. Finally someone knows good music." He said. I smiled.

"I love all the Rocky movies too. They are freaking amazing!" I said.

"I know right. I like when he's running through the streets and everyone starts following him." Austin said.

"I love the part when he tells his kid that its his fault for living in his dads shadow. It was so inspiring." I said. He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah it was." He said. We started leaning in to kiss each other, but the bus came to a stop all of the sudden and me and Austin hit our heads on the back of Zoe and Tonny's chair. We went back holding our heads laughing. I looked over the seat and saw Zoe and Tonny making out. My eyes widened. I sat black down.

"What?" Austin whispered. I pointed and he looked. His eyes widened and sat back down by me. We both were giggling. I turned to Piper and pointed at Zoe and Tonny. Her and Logan both got up. Their eyes widened and both sat down.

"Oh my god!" Piper whisper yelled. I nodded. I turned to Austin.

"Got any food?" I asked. He nodded and handed my goldfish.

"Snack that smile.. Goldfish!" I said. I said snack that smile lightly than I said goldfish in a deep voice. Austin looked at me and laughed. I smiled. I started eating then when I turned to Piper to ask if she wanted some. She was making out with Logan. He had his hand on her boob.

"Eww. Caca." I said. Austin chuckled. I looked around and saw a lot of people making out. Than something caught my eye. It was Mr. John and Ms. Tina making out.

"Holy fudge cicle Austin you got to see this." I said. He looked over the seat like I was and saw them.

"Doesn't he have a wife?" Austin asked. I nodded.

"Yep." I said popping the p. We both sat back down. I laid my head on Austin's shoulder.

"You do realize we are forever lonley." I said. He nodded and chuckled a little.

"Imma take a nap." I said pulling my small blanket out. I put it on mine and Austins lap. Soon letting the darkness take over.


I woke up to whispering. I kept my eyes closed though. I felt something hard under me though. I heard Piper, Zoe, Logan and Tonny.

"They would make such a cute couple." Zoe said.

"No kidding." Piper added.

"I've been his friend for a while and never saw him as happy as he is with her." I heard Logan say. I smiled in my head and nuzzled closer to Austin. I felt his arms tighten around me. I smiled knowing this trip is going to be one hell of a ride.

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